#!/bin/bash SetToolPaths() { MPath="./resources/libimobiledevice_" if [[ $OSTYPE == "linux"* ]]; then . /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null platform="linux" platformver="$PRETTY_NAME" MPath+="$platform" bspatch="$(which bspatch)" futurerestore1="sudo LD_PRELOAD=./resources/lib/libcurl.so.3 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib ./resources/tools/futurerestore1_linux" futurerestore2="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib ./resources/tools/futurerestore2_linux" idevicerestore="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib ./resources/tools/idevicerestore_linux" python="$(which python2)" ipwndfu="sudo $python ipwndfu" rmsigchks="sudo $python rmsigchks.py" SimpleHTTPServer="sudo -b $python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80" elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin"* ]]; then platform="macos" platformver="${1:-$(sw_vers -productVersion)}" MPath+="$platform" if [[ -e /usr/local/bin/idevicedate && -e /usr/local/bin/irecovery ]]; then Log "Detected libimobiledevice and libirecovery installed from Homebrew (Intel Mac)" MPath="/usr/local/bin" elif [[ -e /opt/homebrew/bin/idevicedate && -e /opt/homebrew/bin/irecovery ]]; then Log "Detected libimobiledevice and libirecovery installed from Homebrew (Apple Silicon)" MPath="/opt/homebrew/bin" elif [[ -e /opt/local/bin/idevicedate && -e /opt/local/bin/irecovery ]]; then Log "Detected libimobiledevice and libirecovery installed from MacPorts" MPath="/opt/local/bin" fi bspatch="/usr/bin/bspatch" futurerestore1="./resources/tools/futurerestore1_macos" futurerestore2="./resources/tools/futurerestore2_macos" idevicerestore="./resources/tools/idevicerestore_macos" ipwnder32="./resources/tools/ipwnder32_macos" python="/usr/bin/python" ipwndfu="$python ipwndfu" rmsigchks="$python rmsigchks.py" SimpleHTTPServer="$python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80" elif [[ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]]; then platform="win" MPath+="$platform" bspatch="./resources/tools/bspatch_win" futurerestore2="./resources/tools/futurerestore2_win" idevicerestore="./resources/tools/idevicerestore_win" python=/ fi git="$(which git)" ideviceenterrecovery="$MPath/ideviceenterrecovery" ideviceinfo="$MPath/ideviceinfo" iproxy="$MPath/iproxy" ipsw="./tools/ipsw_$platform" irecoverychk="$MPath/irecovery" irecovery="$irecoverychk" [[ $platform == "linux" ]] && irecovery="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib $irecovery" partialzip="./resources/tools/partialzip_$platform" SSH="-F ./resources/ssh_config" SCP="$(which scp) $SSH" SSH="$(which ssh) $SSH" tsschecker="./resources/tools/tsschecker_$platform" Log "Running on platform: $platform ($platformver)" } SaveExternal() { local ExternalURL="https://github.com/$1/$2.git" local External=$2 [[ $2 == "iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys" ]] && External="firmware" cd resources if [[ ! -d $External || ! -d $External/.git ]]; then Log "Downloading $External..." rm -rf $External $git clone $ExternalURL $External fi if [[ ! $(ls $External/*.md) || ! -d $External/.git ]]; then rm -rf $External Error "Downloading/updating $2 failed. Please run the script again" fi cd .. } SaveFile() { curl -L $1 -o $2 local SHA1=$(shasum $2 | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $SHA1 != $3 ]]; then Error "Verifying $2 failed. The downloaded file may be corrupted or incomplete. Please run the script again" \ "SHA1sum mismatch. Expected $3, got $SHA1" fi } SavePkg() { if [[ ! -d ../saved/lib ]]; then Log "Downloading packages..." SaveFile https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/tools/depends2_linux.zip depends_linux.zip 38cf1db21c9aba88f0de95a1a7959ac2ac53c464 mkdir -p ../saved/lib unzip depends_linux.zip -d ../saved/lib fi cp ../saved/lib/* . } InstallDepends() { local libimobiledevice mkdir resources/lib tmp 2>/dev/null cd resources rm -rf firmware ipwndfu lib/* cd ../tmp Log "Installing dependencies..." if [[ $platform == "linux" ]]; then Echo "* iOS-OTA-Downgrader will be installing dependencies from your distribution's package manager" Echo "* Enter root password of your PC when prompted" Input "Press Enter/Return to continue (or press Ctrl+C to cancel)" read -s fi if [[ $ID == "arch" || $ID_LIKE == "arch" || $ID == "artix" ]]; then sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed base-devel bsdiff curl libcurl-compat libpng12 libimobiledevice libzip openssh openssl-1.0 python2 unzip usbutils zenity ln -sf /usr/lib/libcurl.so.3 ../resources/lib/libcurl.so.3 ln -sf /usr/lib/libzip.so.5 ../resources/lib/libzip.so.4 elif [[ ! -z $UBUNTU_CODENAME && $VERSION_ID == "2"* ]] || [[ $VERSION == "11 (bullseye)" || $PRETTY_NAME == "Debian"*"sid" ]]; then [[ ! -z $UBUNTU_CODENAME ]] && sudo add-apt-repository -y universe sudo apt update sudo apt install -y bsdiff curl git libimobiledevice6 openssh-client python2 unzip usbmuxd usbutils zenity SavePkg cp libcrypto.so.1.0.0 libcurl.so.3 libpng12.so.0 libssl.so.1.0.0 ../resources/lib if [[ $VERSION_ID == "20"* ]]; then cp libzip.so.4 ../resources/lib else sudo apt install -y libzip4 fi elif [[ $ID == "fedora" ]] && (( $VERSION_ID >= 33 )); then sudo dnf install -y bsdiff git libimobiledevice libpng12 libzip perl-Digest-SHA python2 zenity SavePkg cp libcrypto.so.1.0.0 libssl.so.1.0.0 ../resources/lib ln -sf /usr/lib64/libzip.so.5 ../resources/lib/libzip.so.4 ln -sf /usr/lib64/libbz2.so.1.* ../resources/lib/libbz2.so.1.0 elif [[ $ID == "opensuse-tumbleweed" || $PRETTY_NAME == "openSUSE Leap 15.3" ]]; then if [[ $ID == "opensuse-tumbleweed" ]]; then libimobiledevice="libimobiledevice-1_0-6" else libimobiledevice="libimobiledevice6" ln -sf /lib64/libreadline.so.7 ../resources/lib/libreadline.so.8 fi sudo zypper -n in bsdiff curl git $libimobiledevice libpng12-0 libopenssl1_0_0 libzip5 python-base zenity ln -sf /usr/lib64/libzip.so.5 ../resources/lib/libzip.so.4 elif [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then xcode-select --install libimobiledevice=("https://github.com/libimobiledevice-win32/imobiledevice-net/releases/download/v1.3.14/libimobiledevice.1.2.1-r1116-osx-x64.zip" "328e809dea350ae68fb644225bbf8469c0f0634b") Echo "* iOS-OTA-Downgrader provides a copy of libimobiledevice and libirecovery by default" Echo "* In case that problems occur, try installing them from Homebrew" Echo "* The script will detect this automatically and will use the Homebrew versions of the tools" Echo "* Install using this command: 'brew install libimobiledevice libirecovery'" elif [[ $platform == "win" ]]; then pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed ca-certificates curl git openssh unzip zip Log "Downloading Windows tools..." SaveFile https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/tools/tools2_win.zip tools_win.zip 1929c04f6f699f5e423bd9ca7ecc855a9b4f8f7c Log "Extracting Windows tools..." unzip -oq tools_win.zip -d ../resources/tools libimobiledevice=("https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/tools/libimobiledevice2_win.zip" "3ed553415cc669b5c467a5f3cd78f692f7149adb") else Error "Distro not detected/supported by the install script." "See the repo README for supported OS versions/distros" fi if [[ $platform == "linux" ]]; then libimobiledevice=("https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/tools/libimobiledevice_linux.zip" "4344b3ca95d7433d5a49dcacc840d47770ba34c4") fi if [[ ! -d ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform && $MPath == "./resources"* ]]; then Log "Downloading libimobiledevice..." SaveFile ${libimobiledevice[0]} libimobiledevice.zip ${libimobiledevice[1]} mkdir ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform Log "Extracting libimobiledevice..." unzip -q libimobiledevice.zip -d ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform chmod +x ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform/* elif [[ $MPath != "./resources"* ]]; then mkdir ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform fi cd .. Log "Install script done! Please run the script again to proceed" if [[ $platform == "win" ]]; then Input "Press Enter/Return to exit." read -s fi exit 0 }