#!/bin/bash JailbreakSet() { Jailbreak=1 JBURL="https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/jailbreak" [[ -z $IPSWCustom ]] && IPSWCustom="${IPSWType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_Custom" if [[ $ProductType == "iPhone4,1" || $ProductType == "iPhone5,2" ]] && [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]]; then Input "Jailbreak Tool Option" Echo "* This option is set to daibutsu by default (1)." Selection=("daibutsu" "EtasonJB") Input "Select your option:" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "EtasonJB" ) break;; * ) JBDaibutsu=1; break;; esac done elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,4" || $ProductType == "iPad2,5" || $ProductType == "iPad2,6" || $ProductType == "iPad2,7" || $ProductType == "iPod5,1" ]] || [[ $ProductType == "iPad3"* && $DeviceProc == 5 ]]; then [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]] && JBDaibutsu=1 fi [[ $platform == "win" ]] && IPSWCustom="${IPSWCustom}JB" if [[ $JBDaibutsu == 1 ]]; then JBName="daibutsu" IPSWCustom="${IPSWCustom}D" elif [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]]; then JBName="EtasonJB" IPSWCustom="${IPSWCustom}E" elif [[ $OSVer == "7.1"* ]]; then JBName="Pangu7" elif [[ $OSVer == "7"* ]]; then JBName="evasi0n7" elif [[ $OSVer == "6.1.3" ]]; then JBName="p0sixspwn" elif [[ $OSVer == "6"* ]]; then JBName="evasi0n" else JBName="unthredeh4il" fi Log "Using $JBName for the jailbreak" } JailbreakOption() { Input "Jailbreak Option" Echo "* When this option is enabled, your device will be jailbroken on restore." if [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,5" || $ProductType == "iPad2,6" || $ProductType == "iPad2,7" ]]; then Echo "* Based on some reported issues, Jailbreak Option might be broken for iPad mini 1 devices." Echo "* I recommend to disable the option for these devices and sideload EtasonJB, HomeDepot, or daibutsu manually." fi Echo "* This option is enabled by default (Y)." read -p "$(Input 'Enable this option? (Y/n):')" Jailbreak if [[ $Jailbreak != 'N' && $Jailbreak != 'n' ]]; then JailbreakSet Log "Jailbreak option enabled." else Log "Jailbreak option disabled by user." fi [[ -z $IPSWCustom ]] && IPSWCustom="${IPSWType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_Custom" if [[ $ProductType == "iPhone3"* ]]; then [[ $Jailbreak == 1 ]] && Custom="Custom" || Custom="CustomN" IPSWCustom="${ProductType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_${Custom}" [[ $OSVer == 4.3* ]] && IPSWCustom="$IPSWCustom-$UniqueChipID" fi echo if [[ $Jailbreak != 1 || $platform == "win" ]]; then [[ $ProductType == "iPhone3"* && $OSVer == "7.1.2" ]] && return fi Input "Memory Option for creating custom IPSW" Echo "* This option makes creating the custom IPSW faster, but it requires at least 8GB of RAM." Echo "* If you do not have enough RAM, disable this option and make sure that you have enough storage space." Echo "* This option is enabled by default (Y)." read -p "$(Input 'Enable this option? (Y/n):')" JBMemory if [[ $JBMemory == 'N' || $JBMemory == 'n' ]]; then Log "Memory option disabled by user." JBMemory= else Log "Memory option enabled." JBMemory="-memory" fi echo } JailbreakFiles() { local JBSHA1L if [[ -e resources/jailbreak/$2 ]]; then Log "Verifying $2..." JBSHA1L=$(shasum resources/jailbreak/$2 | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $JBSHA1L == $3 ]]; then return fi Log "Verifying $2 failed. Deleting existing file for re-download." rm resources/jailbreak/$2 fi cd tmp SaveFile $1 $2 $3 mv $2 ../resources/jailbreak cd .. } IPSWFindVerify() { IPSW="${IPSWType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_Restore" IPSW7="${ProductType}_7.1.2_11D257_Restore" local IPSWDL=$IPSW local OSVerDL=$OSVer local BuildVerDL=$BuildVer if [[ $1 == 712 ]]; then IPSWDL=$IPSW7 OSVerDL="7.1.2" BuildVerDL="11D257" fi if [[ -e "$IPSWCustom.ipsw" ]]; then Log "Found existing Custom IPSW. Skipping $OSVerDL IPSW verification." return fi if [[ ! -e "$IPSW.ipsw" ]]; then Log "iOS $OSVerDL IPSW for $ProductType cannot be found." Echo "* If you already downloaded the IPSW, move/copy it to the directory where the script is located." Echo "* Do NOT rename the IPSW as the script will fail to detect it." Echo "* The script will now proceed to download it for you. If you want to download it yourself, here is the link: $(cat $Firmware/$BuildVerDL/url)" Log "Downloading IPSW... (Press Ctrl+C to cancel)" curl -L $(cat $Firmware/$BuildVerDL/url) -o tmp/$IPSWDL.ipsw mv tmp/$IPSWDL.ipsw . fi Log "Verifying $IPSWDL.ipsw..." IPSWSHA1=$(cat $Firmware/$BuildVerDL/sha1sum) Log "Expected SHA1sum: $IPSWSHA1" IPSWSHA1L=$(shasum $IPSWDL.ipsw | awk '{print $1}') Log "Actual SHA1sum: $IPSWSHA1L" if [[ $IPSWSHA1L != $IPSWSHA1 ]]; then Error "Verifying IPSW failed. Your IPSW may be corrupted or incomplete. Delete/replace the IPSW and run the script again" \ "SHA1sum mismatch. Expected $IPSWSHA1, got $IPSWSHA1L" fi Log "IPSW SHA1sum matches." } IPSWSetExtract() { if [[ -e "$IPSWCustom.ipsw" ]]; then Log "Setting restore IPSW to: $IPSWCustom.ipsw" IPSWRestore="$IPSWCustom" elif [[ -z $IPSWRestore ]]; then Log "Setting restore IPSW to: $IPSW.ipsw" IPSWRestore="$IPSW" fi if [[ $1 == "set" ]]; then return fi Log "Extracting IPSW: $IPSWRestore.ipsw" unzip -oq "$IPSWRestore.ipsw" -d "$IPSWRestore"/ } IPSW32() { local ExtraArgs local JBFiles local JBFiles2 local JBSHA1 BBUpdate="-bbupdate" if [[ -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Log "Found existing Custom IPSW. Skipping IPSW creation." return fi if [[ $JBDaibutsu == 1 ]]; then [[ $platform == "win" ]] && ipsw="${ipsw}2" ExtraArgs+="-daibutsu " echo '#!/bin/bash' > tmp/reboot.sh echo "mount_hfs /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1; mount_hfs /dev/disk0s1s2 /mnt2" >> tmp/reboot.sh echo "nvram -d boot-partition; nvram -d boot-ramdisk" >> tmp/reboot.sh echo "/usr/bin/haxx_overwrite -$HWModel" >> tmp/reboot.sh #JBFiles=("../resources/jailbreak/sshdeb.tar") # uncomment to add openssh to custom ipsw #JailbreakFiles $JBURL/sshdeb.tar 0bffece0f8fd939c479159b57e923dd8c06191d3 # uncomment to add openssh to custom ipsw JBFiles2=("bin.tar" "cydia.tar" "untether.tar") JBSHA1=("98034227c68610f4c7dd48ca9e622314a1e649e7" "2e9e662afe890e50ccf06d05429ca12ce2c0a3a3" "f88ec9a1b3011c4065733249363e9850af5f57c8") mkdir -p tmp/jailbreak for i in {0..2}; do JBURL="https://github.com/LukeZGD/daibutsuCFW/raw/main/build/src/" (( i > 0 )) && JBURL+="daibutsu/${JBFiles2[$i]}" || JBURL+="${JBFiles2[$i]}" JailbreakFiles $JBURL ${JBFiles2[$i]} ${JBSHA1[$i]} cp resources/jailbreak/${JBFiles2[$i]} tmp/jailbreak/ done elif [[ $Jailbreak == 1 ]]; then if [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]]; then JBFiles=("fstab.tar" "etasonJB-untether.tar" "Cydia8.tar") JBSHA1="6459dbcbfe871056e6244d23b33c9b99aaeca970" ExtraArgs+="-s 2305" elif [[ $OSVer == "6.1.3" ]]; then JBFiles=("fstab_rw.tar" "p0sixspwn.tar" "Cydia6.tar") JBSHA1="1d5a351016d2546aa9558bc86ce39186054dc281" ExtraArgs+="-s 1260" fi JailbreakFiles $JBURL/${JBFiles[2]} ${JBFiles[2]} $JBSHA1 for i in {0..2}; do JBFiles[$i]=../resources/jailbreak/${JBFiles[$i]} done fi if [[ $platform == "win" ]]; then BBUpdate= WinBundles="windows/" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,3" ]]; then BBUpdate= [[ $Jailbreak != 1 ]] && IPSWCustom+="N" IPSWCustom+="B" fi if [[ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Log "Preparing custom IPSW..." cd tmp if [[ $JBDaibutsu == 1 ]]; then cp -R ../resources/firmware/${WinBundles}JailbreakBundles FirmwareBundles else cp -R ../resources/firmware/${WinBundles}FirmwareBundles FirmwareBundles fi $ipsw ./../$IPSW.ipsw ./../$IPSWCustom.ipsw $ExtraArgs $BBUpdate $JBMemory ${JBFiles[@]} cd .. fi if [[ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Error "Failed to find custom IPSW. Please run the script again" \ "You may try selecting N for memory option" fi } IPSW4() { local ExtraArgs local IV local JBFiles local JBSHA1 local Key if [[ -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Log "Found existing Custom IPSW. Skipping IPSW creation." return fi if [[ $OSVer == 6.1.3 ]]; then IV=b559a2c7dae9b95643c6610b4cf26dbd Key=3dbe8be17af793b043eed7af865f0b843936659550ad692db96865c00171959f elif [[ $OSVer == 6.1.2 ]]; then IV=c939629e3473fdb67deae0c45582506d Key=cbcd007712618cb6ab3be147f0317e22e7cceadb344e99ea1a076ef235c2c534 elif [[ $OSVer == 6.1 ]]; then IV=4d76b7e25893839cfca478b44ddef3dd Key=891ed50315763dac51434daeb8543b5975a555fb8388cc578d0f421f833da04d elif [[ $OSVer == 6.0.1 ]]; then IV=44ffe675d6f31167369787a17725d06c Key=8d539232c0e906a9f60caa462f189530f745c4abd81a742b4d1ec1cb8b9ca6c3 elif [[ $OSVer == 6.0 ]]; then IV=7891928b9dd0dd919778743a2c8ec6b3 Key=838270f668a05a60ff352d8549c06d2f21c3e4f7617c72a78d82c92a3ad3a045 elif [[ $BuildVer == 9B206 ]]; then IV=b1846de299191186ce3bbb22432eca12 Key=e8e26976984e83f967b16bdb3a65a3ec45003cdf2aaf8d541104c26797484138 elif [[ $BuildVer == 9B208 ]]; then IV=71fe96da25812ff341181ba43546ea4f Key=6377d34deddf26c9b464f927f18b222be75f1b5547e537742e7dfca305660fea elif [[ $OSVer == 5.1 ]]; then IV=b1846de299191186ce3bbb22432eca12 Key=e8e26976984e83f967b16bdb3a65a3ec45003cdf2aaf8d541104c26797484138 elif [[ $OSVer == 5.0.1 ]]; then IV=49eb54980a0024f91b079faf0ee87f67 Key=c3a49f0059075e1453dacec4c3e4d89bd7a433ee19c8d48e4695d89b4c84a373 elif [[ $OSVer == 5.0 ]]; then IV=15dd404efbb24a842d08dcde21e777a0 Key=71614af73814c3a8e6724d592ecfccdbace766dad5eb39b0b8313387e94d2964 elif [[ $OSVer == 4.3.5 ]]; then IV=986032eecd861c37ca2a86b6496a3c0d Key=b4e300c54a9dd2e648ead50794e9bf2205a489c310a1c70a9fae687368229468 ExtraArgs="--logo4 " elif [[ $OSVer == 4.3.3 ]]; then IV=bb3fc29dd226fac56086790060d5c744 Key=c2ead1d3b228a05b665c91b4b1ab54b570a81dffaf06eaf1736767bcb86e50de ExtraArgs="--logo4 --433 " elif [[ $OSVer == 4.3 ]]; then IV=9f11c07bde79bdac4abb3f9707c4b13c Key=0958d70e1a292483d4e32ed1e911d2b16b6260856be67d00a33b6a1801711d32 ExtraArgs="--logo4 --433 " fi if [[ $Jailbreak == 1 ]]; then if [[ $OSVer == 7.1.2 ]]; then JBFiles=(Cydia7.tar panguaxe.tar fstab7.tar) JBSHA1=bba5022d6749097f47da48b7bdeaa3dc67cbf2c4 elif [[ $OSVer == 6.1.3 ]]; then JBFiles=(Cydia6.tar p0sixspwn.tar) JBSHA1=1d5a351016d2546aa9558bc86ce39186054dc281 elif [[ $OSVer == 6.* ]]; then JBFiles=(Cydia6.tar evasi0n6-untether.tar) JBSHA1=1d5a351016d2546aa9558bc86ce39186054dc281 elif [[ $OSVer == 5.* || $OSVer == 4.3* ]]; then JBFiles=(Cydia5.tar unthredeh4il.tar) JBSHA1=f5b5565640f7e31289919c303efe44741e28543a fi [[ $OSVer != 7.1.2 ]] && JBFiles+=(fstab_rw.tar) JailbreakFiles $JBURL/${JBFiles[0]} ${JBFiles[0]} $JBSHA1 for i in {0..2}; do JBFiles[$i]=../resources/jailbreak/${JBFiles[$i]} done fi cd tmp if [[ $OSVer == "7.1.2" && ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Log "Preparing custom IPSW..." cp -rf ../resources/firmware/FirmwareBundles . $ipsw ../$IPSW.ipsw ../$IPSWCustom.ipsw $JBMemory -S 50 ${JBFiles[@]} elif [[ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then echo Input "Verbose Boot Option" Echo "* When enabled, the device will have verbose boot on restore." Echo "* This option is enabled by default (Y)." read -p "$(Input 'Enable this option? (Y/n):')" opt if [[ $opt != 'N' && $opt != 'n' ]]; then ExtraArgs+="-b -v" Log "Verbose boot option enabled." else Log "Verbose boot option disabled by user." fi Log "Preparing custom IPSW with ch3rryflower..." cp -rf ../$cherrymac/FirmwareBundles ../$cherrymac/src . unzip -j ../$IPSW.ipsw Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.${HWModel}ap.production/iBoot* mv iBoot.${HWModel}ap.RELEASE.img3 tmp $xpwntool tmp ibot.dec -iv $IV -k $Key ../$cherry/bin/iBoot32Patcher ibot.dec ibot.pwned --rsa --boot-partition --boot-ramdisk $ExtraArgs $xpwntool ibot.pwned iBoot -t tmp echo "0000010: 6365" | xxd -r - iBoot echo "0000020: 6365" | xxd -r - iBoot $cherrybin ../$IPSW.ipsw ../$IPSWCustom.ipsw $JBMemory -derebusantiquis ../$IPSW7.ipsw iBoot ${JBFiles[@]} fi cd .. if [[ $OSVer == 4.3* ]]; then Log "iOS 4 Fix" # From ios4fix zip -d $IPSWCustom.ipsw Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n90ap.production/manifest cd tmp/src/n90ap/Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n90ap.production unzip -j ../../../../../../$IPSW.ipsw Firmware/all_flash/all_flash*/applelogo* mv -v applelogo-640x960.s5l8930x.img3 applelogo4-640x960.s5l8930x.img3 echo "0000010: 34" | xxd -r - applelogo4-640x960.s5l8930x.img3 echo "0000020: 34" | xxd -r - applelogo4-640x960.s5l8930x.img3 if [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then plutil -extract 'APTicket' xml1 ../../../../../../$SHSH -o 'apticket.plist' cat apticket.plist | sed -ne '//,/<\/data>/p' | sed -e "s///" | sed "s/<\/data>//" | awk '{printf "%s",$0}' | base64 --decode > apticket.der else $xmlstarlet sel -t -m "/plist/dict/key[.='APTicket']" -v "following-sibling::data[1]" ../../../../../../$SHSH > apticket.plist sed -i -e 's/[ \t]*//' apticket.plist cat apticket.plist | base64 --decode > apticket.der fi ../../../../../$xpwntool apticket.der applelogoT-640x960.s5l8930x.img3 -t scab_template.img3 cd ../../.. zip -r0 ../../../$IPSWCustom.ipsw Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n90ap.production/manifest zip -r0 ../../../$IPSWCustom.ipsw Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n90ap.production/applelogo4-640x960.s5l8930x.img3 zip -r0 ../../../$IPSWCustom.ipsw Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n90ap.production/applelogoT-640x960.s5l8930x.img3 cd ../../.. fi if [[ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Error "Failed to find custom IPSW. Please run the script again" \ "You may try selecting N for memory option" fi } IPSW64() { if [[ -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Log "Found existing Custom IPSW. Skipping IPSW creation." return fi Log "Preparing custom IPSW..." $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.im4p $iBSS.im4p resources/patches/$iBSS.patch $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBEC.im4p $iBEC.im4p resources/patches/$iBEC.patch if [[ $ProductType == "iPad4"* ]]; then $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBSSb.im4p $iBSSb.im4p resources/patches/$iBSSb.patch $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBECb.im4p $iBECb.im4p resources/patches/$iBECb.patch mv -f $iBSSb.im4p $iBECb.im4p $IPSW/Firmware/dfu fi mv -f $iBSS.im4p $iBEC.im4p $IPSW/Firmware/dfu cd $IPSW zip -rq0 ../$IPSWCustom.ipsw * cd .. mv $IPSW/ $IPSWCustom/ if [[ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Error "Failed to find custom IPSW. Please run the script again" fi }