
LukeZGD 2023-03-18 13:29:07 +08:00
parent 32a974bea8
commit 5956999820
5 changed files with 142 additions and 43 deletions

@ -2,19 +2,95 @@
- All of the options in this page are applicable for **downgrading to iOS 8.4.1/6.1.3 and/or restoring with SHSH blobs**. - All of the options in this page are applicable for **downgrading to iOS 8.4.1/6.1.3 and/or restoring with SHSH blobs**.
- A6/A6X refers to iPhone 5 and iPad 4. - A6/A6X refers to iPhone 5 and iPad 4.
- A5/A5X refers to iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini 1, and iPod 5th generation. - A5/A5X refers to iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini 1, and iPod 5th generation.
- If the option has `(jailbroken)`, [jailbreak your device first](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Jailbreaking). If not, jailbreaking is not required. - If the option has `jailbroken`, [jailbreak your device first](wiki/Jailbreaking). If not, jailbreaking is not required.
- **You do NOT need blobs for iOS 8.4.1/6.1.3**, the script will get them for you. - **You do NOT need blobs for iOS 8.4.1/6.1.3**, the script will get them for you.
- The restore will ERASE ALL DATA on your iOS device. Backup your data before proceeding. - The restore will ERASE ALL DATA on your iOS device. Backup your data before proceeding.
- Make sure to have at least 10 GB of free space on your PC/Mac. - Make sure to have at least 10 GB of free space on your PC/Mac.
- Linux live USB users of iOS-OTA-Downgrader need to have TWO USB drives: the live USB itself, and the other for storing iOS-OTA-Downgrader and the IPSW files. - Linux live USB users of iOS-OTA-Downgrader need to have TWO USB drives: the live USB itself, and the other for storing iOS-OTA-Downgrader and the IPSW files.
- To be able to use one USB drive only, make sure to enable Persistent Storage for the live USB. - To be able to use one USB drive only, make sure to enable Persistent Storage for the live USB.
- Do not rename the IPSW firmwares from their default names. - Do not rename the IPSW firmwares from their default names.
- If you are on an iOS version that is not 9.3.5, 9.3.6, 10.3.3, or 10.3.4, I recommend [saving onboard blobs first]() before continuing.
--- ---
Please select your operating system and iOS device. Please select your iOS device.
- [macOS/Linux, 32-bit device (jailbroken)](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-32-bit-device-(macOS-Linux,-jailbroken)) <details>
- [Windows, 32-bit device (jailbroken)](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-32-bit-device-(Windows,-jailbroken)) <summary>A5/A5X device, jailbroken</summary>
- [macOS/Linux, A6/A6X device (non-jailbroken)](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-32-bit-device-(macOS-Linux,-PwnedDevice))
- [macOS/Linux, A5/A5X device (non-jailbroken, with Arduino and USB Host Shield)](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Troubleshooting#dfu-advanced-menu-for-32-bit-devices) 1. Open Cydia on your device, and wait for sources to refresh.
- If refreshing takes too long, remove the ultrasn0w repo, force close Cydia, then open Cydia again.
1. When it asks to upgrade, you can choose to not upgrade anything, it is optional.
1. Search for "OpenSSH" and install it.
1. Connect your iOS device to your PC/Mac. Make sure to tap "Trust" in the Trust this Computer prompt.
1. Start the script by running `restore.sh` (`restore.cmd` on Windows)
- If the script fails to detect your device, try proceeding to "A5/A5X device, jailbroken (alternative)"
1. When the main menu shows up, input `1` and press Enter/Return to select Downgrade Device.
1. When prompted, select your options and follow the given instructions to put the device to kDFU mode.
1. After the restore process, your device will be successfully downgraded/restored to your selected target version.
- If you are having trouble placing the device in kDFU mode via SSH, [proceed here for alternatives](wiki/Troubleshooting#dfu-advanced-menu-for-32-bit-devices).
<summary>A5/A5X device, jailbroken (alternative)</summary>
1. Open Cydia on your device, and wait for sources to refresh.
- If refreshing takes too long, remove the ultrasn0w repo, force close Cydia, then open Cydia again.
1. When it asks to upgrade, tap Upgrade Essential.
- If Cydia crashes, open Cydia again.
1. Add this repository: https://lukezgd.github.io/repo/
- Go to Sources, tap Edit at the top right, then tap Add at the top left.
1. Search and install "kDFUApp" and "kDFUApp Bundles" from my repo.
1. Open kDFUApp, toggle all switches, and press "enter kDFU mode."
1. Plug in your device and start the script by running `restore.sh` (`restore.cmd` on Windows)
1. When the main menu shows up, input `1` and press Enter/Return to select Downgrade Device.
1. When prompted, select your options and input `y` when the script asks for kDFU mode.
1. After the restore process, your device will be successfully downgraded/restored to your selected target version.
- If you are having trouble placing the device in kDFU mode via SSH, [proceed here for alternatives](wiki/Troubleshooting#dfu-advanced-menu-for-32-bit-devices).
<summary>A5/A5X device, not jailbroken</summary>
- You need to have an Arduino and USB Host Shield to use checkm8-a5. [Go here for more details.](wiki/Troubleshooting#)
<summary>A6/A6X device, jailbroken</summary>
- If you are using kok3shiX, make sure to turn on **"use legacy patches"** when re-jailbreaking.
1. Open Cydia on your device, and wait for sources to refresh.
- If refreshing takes too long, remove the ultrasn0w repo, force close Cydia, then open Cydia again.
1. When it asks to upgrade, tap Upgrade Essential.
- If Cydia crashes, open Cydia again.
1. Add this repository: https://lukezgd.github.io/repo/
- Go to Sources, tap Edit at the top right, then tap Add at the top left.
1. Search and install "OpenSSH" and "Dropbear."
- Installing Dropbear is required if you are using iOS 10!
- If your device is not on iOS 10, just install OpenSSH.
1. Reboot and re-jailbreak your device.
1. Plug in your device and start the script by running `restore.sh` (`restore.cmd` on Windows)
- If the script fails to detect your device, try to start over from step 1.
- You may also try proceeding to "A6/A6X device, not jailbroken"
1. When the main menu shows up, input `1` and press Enter/Return to select Downgrade Device.
1. When prompted, select your options and follow the given instructions to put the device to kDFU mode.
1. After the restore process, your device will be successfully downgraded/restored to your selected target version.
- If you are having trouble placing the device in kDFU mode via SSH, [proceed here for alternatives](wiki/Troubleshooting#dfu-advanced-menu-for-32-bit-devices).
<summary>A6/A6X device, not jailbroken</summary>
- If you are using kok3shiX, make sure to turn on **"use legacy patches"** when re-jailbreaking.
1. Plug in your device and place your device in DFU mode.
1. Start the script by running `restore.sh` (`restore.cmd` on Windows)
1. When the main menu shows up, input `1` and press Enter/Return to select Downgrade Device.
1. When prompted, select your options and follow the given instructions to put the device to pwnDFU mode.
1. After the restore process, your device will be successfully downgraded/restored to your selected target version.
- If you are having trouble placing the device in pwnDFU mode, [proceed here for alternatives](wiki/Troubleshooting#dfu-advanced-menu-for-32-bit-devices).

@ -3,12 +3,65 @@
--- ---
### Initial setup
iOS-OTA-Downgrader needs initial setup before usage. Please select your operating system.
1. [Download iOS-OTA-Downgrader here](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/releases/tag/latest) and extract the zip archive.
- You may also clone the repo: `git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader.git`
1. Open a Terminal window.
1. Start the script: Go to where the extracted files are located, drag `restore.sh` to the Terminal window, and press Enter/Return.
1. On its first run, it will download and install dependencies. This will take some time depending on your Internet connection. When it's done, proceed to the next section.
1. [Download iOS-OTA-Downgrader here](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/releases/tag/latest) and extract the zip archive.
- You may also clone the repo: `git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader.git`
1. Open a Terminal window.
1. Install bash, libimobiledevice, and libirecovery from [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) or [MacPorts](https://www.macports.org/).
- For Homebrew: `brew install bash libimobiledevice libirecovery`
- For MacPorts: `sudo port install bash libimobiledevice libirecovery`
1. Start the script: Go to where the extracted files are located, drag `restore.sh` to the Terminal window, and press Enter/Return.
1. On its first run, it will download and install dependencies. This will take some time depending on your Internet connection. When it's done, proceed to the next section.
- **I highly recommend Windows users to use iOS-OTA-Downgrader on Linux or macOS instead.**
- You can easily create an Ubuntu live USB with tools like [Rufus](https://rufus.ie/) or [Ventoy](https://www.ventoy.net/).
- Make sure to enable [Persistent Storage](https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/08/rufus-creating-persistent-storage-live.html), or use another USB drive to store iOS-OTA-Downgrader and its files.
1. Install [iTunes 12.6.5](https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/itunes12/091-87819-20180912-69177170-B085-11E8-B6AB-C1D03409AD2A6/iTunes64Setup.exe) or older.
- Make sure to not install the Microsoft Store version of iTunes.
- You may also use [iTunes 12.4.3 for older video cards](https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/itunes12/031-69284-20160802-7E7B2D20-552B-11E6-B2B9-696CECD541CE/iTunes64Setup.exe) instead
- Make sure to install iTunes in the default location in the C: drive.
1. Install [MSYS2](https://www.msys2.org/#installation), follow steps 1 to 4 only. In step 4, untick "Run MSYS2 64-bit now" before clicking Finish.
- Make sure to install MSYS2 in the default location in the C: drive.
1. [Download iOS-OTA-Downgrader here](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/releases/tag/latest) and extract the zip archive.
- You may also clone the repo: `git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader.git`
1. Start the script: Run `restore.cmd`.
- It may only show up as `restore`. If this is the case, run the one with the gears icon. I recommend to [make Windows show file extensions](https://www.howtogeek.com/205086/beginner-how-to-make-windows-show-file-extensions/) to avoid confusion.
1. On its first run, it will download and install dependencies. This will take some time depending on your Internet connection. When it's done, proceed to the next section.
### Usage
Please select your usage. Please select your usage.
- [Downgrade my 32-bit device to iOS 8.4.1/6.1.3.](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-32-bit-device-to-iOS-8.4.1-or-6.1.3) - [Restore my 32-bit device to iOS 8.4.1/6.1.3 or with SHSH blobs.](wiki/Downgrade-my-32-bit-device-to-iOS-8.4.1-or-6.1.3)
- [Downgrade my iPhone 4 to a lower iOS version.](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-iPhone-4-to-a-lower-iOS-version) - [Restore my iPhone 4 GSM to an unsigned iOS version.](wiki/Downgrade-my-iPhone-4-to-a-lower-iOS-version)
- [Restore my iPhone 4 back to iOS 7.1.2.](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-iPhone-4-to-a-lower-iOS-version) - [Restore my iPhone 4 GSM back to iOS 7.1.2.](wiki/Downgrade-my-iPhone-4-to-a-lower-iOS-version)
- [Restore my 32-bit device with saved SHSH blobs.](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-32-bit-device-to-iOS-8.4.1-or-6.1.3) - [Restore my A7 device to iOS 10.3.3.](wiki/Downgrade-my-A7-device-to-iOS-10.3.3)
- [Downgrade my A7 device to iOS 10.3.3.](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Downgrade-my-A7-device-to-iOS-10.3.3) - [Save SHSH blobs of my current iOS version. (32-bit devices only)](wiki/Saving-on-board-SHSH-blobs-of-current-iOS-version-(32-bit-devices))
- [Save SHSH blobs of my current iOS version. (32-bit devices only)](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Saving-on-board-SHSH-blobs-of-current-iOS-version-(32-bit-devices)) - [Save SHSH blobs from Cydia servers. (32-bit devices only)](wiki/Save-SHSH-blobs-from-Cydia-servers)
- [Save SHSH blobs from Cydia servers. (32-bit devices only)](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Save-SHSH-blobs-from-Cydia-servers)

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
## Section 1 - Set up iOS-OTA-Downgrader
1. [Download iOS-OTA-Downgrader here](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/releases/tag/latest) and extract the zip archive.
- You may also clone the repo: `git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader.git`
1. Open a Terminal window.
1. Start the script: Go to where the extracted files are located, drag `restore.sh` to the Terminal window, and press Enter/Return.
1. On its first run, it will download and install dependencies. This will take some time depending on your Internet connection. When it's done, proceed to the next section.

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
## Section 1 - Set up iOS-OTA-Downgrader
1. Install [iTunes 12.6.5](https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/itunes12/091-87819-20180912-69177170-B085-11E8-B6AB-C1D03409AD2A6/iTunes64Setup.exe) or older.
- Make sure to not install the Microsoft Store version of iTunes.
- You may also use [iTunes 12.4.3 for older video cards](https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/itunes12/031-69284-20160802-7E7B2D20-552B-11E6-B2B9-696CECD541CE/iTunes64Setup.exe) instead
- Make sure to install iTunes in the default location in the C: drive.
1. Install [MSYS2](https://www.msys2.org/#installation), follow steps 1 to 4 only. In step 4, untick "Run MSYS2 64-bit now" before clicking Finish.
- Make sure to install MSYS2 in the default location in the C: drive.
1. [Download iOS-OTA-Downgrader here](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/releases/tag/latest) and extract the zip archive.
- You may also clone the repo: `git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader.git`
1. Start the script: Run `restore.cmd`.
- It may only show up as `restore`. If this is the case, run the one with the gears icon. I recommend to [make Windows show file extensions](https://www.howtogeek.com/205086/beginner-how-to-make-windows-show-file-extensions/) to avoid confusion.
1. On its first run, it will download and install dependencies. This will take some time depending on your Internet connection. When it's done, proceed to the next section.

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
## Section 1 - Set up iOS-OTA-Downgrader
1. [Download iOS-OTA-Downgrader here](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/releases/tag/latest) and extract the zip archive.
- You may also clone the repo: `git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader.git`
1. Open a Terminal window.
1. Install bash, libimobiledevice, and libirecovery from [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) or [MacPorts](https://www.macports.org/).
- For Homebrew: `brew install bash libimobiledevice libirecovery`
- For MacPorts: `sudo port install bash libimobiledevice libirecovery`
1. Start the script: Go to where the extracted files are located, drag `restore.sh` to the Terminal window, and press Enter/Return.
1. On its first run, it will download and install dependencies. This will take some time depending on your Internet connection. When it's done, proceed to the next section.