USER_INPUT=$(zenity --forms --title="Authentication Required" --text="Decky Loader detected! $(if$NSL_PLUGIN_EXISTS;thenecho'NSL Plugin also detected and will be updated to the latest version 🚀.';elseecho'But no NSL plugin :(. Would you like to inject it and go to Game Mode?';fi) Please enter your password to proceed:" --separator="|" --add-password="Password")
zenity --error --text="Decky Loader not detected. Please download and install it from their website first and re-run this script to get the NSL Plugin."
rm -rf "$download_dir"
show_message "NSL Plugin detected. Deleting and updating..."
echo"Plugin directory exists. Removing..."
echo"$USER_PASSWORD"| sudo -S rm -rf "$LOCAL_DIR"
show_message "Creating base directory and setting permissions..."