diff --git a/NSLGameScanner.py b/NSLGameScanner.py
index 7f98a27..f2ae73f 100644
--- a/NSLGameScanner.py
+++ b/NSLGameScanner.py
@@ -542,162 +542,12 @@ for custom_website in custom_websites:
 #End of Creating Launcher Shortcuts
-#Custom Shortcut for NSL
-# Define the parameters for the new shortcut
-nslshortcutdirectory = f"\"{logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/NonSteamLaunchers/\""
-nslappname = "NonSteamLaunchers"
-nsllaunchoptions = f"STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=\"{logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/NonSteamLaunchers/\" %command%"
-nslstartingdir = f"\"{logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/NonSteamLaunchers/\""
-print(f"nslshortcutdirectory: {nslshortcutdirectory}")  # Debug print
-print(f"nslappname: {nslappname}")  # Debug print
-print(f"nsllaunchoptions: {nsllaunchoptions}")  # Debug print
-# Check if separate_appids is set to 'false'
-if separate_appids == 'false':
-    print("separate_appids is set to 'false'. Creating new shortcut...")  # Debug print
-    # Call the function to create the new shortcut and store the returned appid
-    appid = create_new_entry(nslshortcutdirectory, nslappname, nsllaunchoptions, nslstartingdir)
-    app_ids[nslappname] = appid
-    print(f"appid: {appid}")  # Debug print
-    print("separate_appids is not set to 'false'. Skipping shortcut creation.")  # Debug print
-# Iterate over each launcher in the app_ids dictionary
-for launcher_name, appid in app_ids.items():
-    print(f"The app ID for {launcher_name} is {appid}")
-# Get the app ID for the first launcher that the user chose to install
-if app_ids:
-    appid = app_ids.get(launcher_name)
-    print(f"App ID for the chosen launcher: {appid}")
-# Create User Friendly Symlinks for the launchers
-# Define the path to the compatdata directory
-compatdata_dir = f'{logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata'
-print(f"Compatdata directory: {compatdata_dir}")
-# Define a dictionary of original folder names
-folder_names = {
-    'Epic Games': 'EpicGamesLauncher',
-    'Gog Galaxy': 'GogGalaxyLauncher',
-    'Ubisoft Connect': 'UplayLauncher',
-    'Battle.net': 'Battle.netLauncher',
-    'EA App': 'TheEAappLauncher',
-    'Amazon Games': 'AmazonGamesLauncher',
-    'itch.io': 'itchioLauncher',
-    'Legacy Games': 'LegacyGamesLauncher',
-    'Humble Bundle': 'HumbleGamesLauncher',
-    'IndieGala Client': 'IndieGalaLauncher',
-    'Rockstar Games Launcher': 'RockstarGamesLauncher',
-    'Glyph': 'GlyphLauncher',
-    'Playstation Plus': 'PlaystationPlusLauncher',
-    'VK Play': 'VKPlayLauncher',
-    'HoYoPlay': 'HoYoPlayLauncher',
-# Iterate over each launcher in the folder_names dictionary
-for launcher_name, folder in folder_names.items():
-    # Define the current path of the folder
-    current_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, folder)
-    print(f"Current path for {launcher_name}: {current_path}")
-    # Check if the folder exists
-    if os.path.exists(current_path):
-        print(f'{launcher_name}: {folder} exists')
-        # Get the app ID for this launcher from the app_id_to_name dictionary
-        appid = app_ids.get(launcher_name)
-        print(f"App ID for {launcher_name}: {appid}")
-        # If appid is not None, proceed with renaming and symlink creation
-        if appid is not None:
-            # Define the new path of the folder
-            new_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, str(appid))
-            print(f"New path for {launcher_name}: {new_path}")
-            # Check if the new path already exists
-            if os.path.exists(new_path):
-                print(f'{new_path} already exists. Skipping renaming and symlinking.')
-            else:
-                # Rename the folder
-                os.rename(current_path, new_path)
-                print(f"Renamed {current_path} to {new_path}")
-                # Define the path of the symbolic link
-                symlink_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, folder)
-                print(f"Symlink path for {launcher_name}: {symlink_path}")
-                # Create a symbolic link to the renamed folder
-                os.symlink(new_path, symlink_path)
-                print(f"Created symlink at {symlink_path} to {new_path}")
-        else:
-            print(f'App ID for {launcher_name} is not available yet.')
-    else:
-        print(f'{launcher_name}: {folder} does not exist')
-# Define the appid for the custom shortcut
-custom_app_id = 4206469918
-print(f"App ID for the custom shortcut: {custom_app_id}")
-# Check if the NonSteamLaunchers folder exists
-non_steam_launchers_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, 'NonSteamLaunchers')
-if os.path.exists(non_steam_launchers_path):
-    print("NonSteamLaunchers already exists at the expected path.")
-    # Define the current path of the NonSteamLaunchers folder
-    current_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, 'NonSteamLaunchers')
-    print(f"Current path for NonSteamLaunchers: {current_path}")
-    # Check if NonSteamLaunchers is already a symbolic link
-    if os.path.islink(current_path):
-        print('NonSteamLaunchers is already a symbolic link')
-        # Check if NonSteamLaunchers is a symlink to an appid folder
-        if os.readlink(current_path) != os.path.join(compatdata_dir, str(custom_app_id)):
-            print('NonSteamLaunchers is symlinked to a different folder')
-            # Remove the existing symbolic link
-            os.unlink(current_path)
-            print(f'Removed existing symlink at {current_path}')
-            # Create a symbolic link to the correct appid folder
-            os.symlink(os.path.join(compatdata_dir, str(custom_app_id)), current_path)
-            print(f'Created new symlink at {current_path} to {os.path.join(compatdata_dir, str(custom_app_id))}')
-        else:
-            print('NonSteamLaunchers is already correctly symlinked')
-    else:
-        print("NonSteamLaunchers is not a symbolic link.")
-        # Check if the current path exists
-        if os.path.exists(current_path):
-            print("NonSteamLaunchers exists at the current path.")
-            # Define the new path of the NonSteamLaunchers folder
-            new_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, str(custom_app_id))
-            print(f"New path for NonSteamLaunchers: {new_path}")
-            # Check if the new path already exists
-            if os.path.exists(new_path):
-                print(f'{new_path} already exists. Skipping renaming and symlinking.')
-            else:
-                # Move the NonSteamLaunchers folder to the new path
-                shutil.move(current_path, new_path)
-                print(f"Moved NonSteamLaunchers folder to {new_path}")
-                # Define the path of the symbolic link
-                symlink_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, 'NonSteamLaunchers')
-                # Create a symbolic link to the renamed NonSteamLaunchers folder
-                os.symlink(new_path, symlink_path)
-                print(f"Created symlink at {symlink_path} to {new_path}")
-        else:
-            print(f"The directory {current_path} does not exist. Skipping.")
-#End of old refactored Code