mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 10:17:42 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import time
import sys
import subprocess
import sqlite3
import csv
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib.parse import quote
@ -375,12 +376,18 @@ def is_match(name1, name2):
# Add or update the proton compatibility settings
def add_compat_tool(app_id, launchoptions):
if 'CompatToolMapping' not in config_data['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']:
config_data['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'] = {}
print(f"CompatToolMapping key not found in config.vdf, creating.")
if 'chrome' in launchoptions:
return False
if 'PROTONPATH' in launchoptions:
print("PROTONPATH found in launch options. Skipping compatibility tool update.")
return False
elif str(app_id) in config_data['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping']:
config_data['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'][str(app_id)]['name'] = f'{compat_tool_name}'
config_data['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'][str(app_id)]['config'] = ''
@ -388,6 +395,10 @@ def add_compat_tool(app_id, launchoptions):
print(f"Updated CompatToolMapping entry for appid: {app_id}")
return compat_tool_name
# Skip if the shortcut has already been processed by UMU
if app_id in umu_processed_shortcuts:
print(f"CompatTool update skipped for {app_id} because it was already processed by UMU.")
return None
config_data['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'][str(app_id)] = {'name': f'{compat_tool_name}', 'config': '', 'priority': '250'}
print(f"Created new CompatToolMapping entry for appid: {app_id}")
return compat_tool_name
@ -407,6 +418,8 @@ def check_if_shortcut_exists(shortcut_id, display_name, exe_path, start_dir, lau
#End of Code
#Start of Refactoring code from the .sh file
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.expanduser(f"{logged_in_home}/Downloads/NonSteamLaunchersInstallation/lib/python{python_version}/site-packages"))
@ -439,6 +452,17 @@ def create_new_entry(shortcutdirectory, appname, launchoptions, startingdir):
exe_path = f"{shortcutdirectory}"
signed_shortcut_id = get_steam_shortcut_id(exe_path, appname)
unsigned_shortcut_id = get_unsigned_shortcut_id(signed_shortcut_id)
# **Intercept and modify the shortcut based on UMU data**
exe_path, startingdir, launchoptions = modify_shortcut_for_umu(appname, exe_path, launchoptions, startingdir)
# Check if the shortcut has already been processed by UMU and skip compat tool if so
if unsigned_shortcut_id in umu_processed_shortcuts:
print(f"Skipping compatibility tool for {appname}, as it has already been processed by UMU.")
compatTool = None # Skip adding compatibility tool
compatTool = add_compat_tool(unsigned_shortcut_id, launchoptions)
# Only store the app ID for specific launchers
if appname in ['Epic Games', 'Gog Galaxy', 'Ubisoft Connect', 'Battle.net', 'EA App', 'Amazon Games', 'itch.io', 'Legacy Games', 'Humble Bundle', 'IndieGala Client', 'Rockstar Games Launcher', 'Glyph', 'Playstation Plus', 'VK Play', 'HoYoPlay', 'Nexon Launcher']:
app_ids[appname] = unsigned_shortcut_id
@ -457,9 +481,7 @@ def create_new_entry(shortcutdirectory, appname, launchoptions, startingdir):
if game_id is not None:
get_sgdb_art(game_id, unsigned_shortcut_id)
# Create a new entry for the Steam shortcut
compatTool= add_compat_tool(unsigned_shortcut_id, launchoptions)
# Create a new entry for the Steam shortcut, only adding the compat tool if it's not processed by UMU
new_entry = {
'appid': str(signed_shortcut_id),
'appname': appname,
@ -481,27 +503,163 @@ def create_new_entry(shortcutdirectory, appname, launchoptions, startingdir):
'0': 'NonSteamLaunchers'
# Create the decky entry, only including the compatTool if not processed by UMU
decky_entry = {
'appname': appname,
'exe': exe_path,
'StartDir': startingdir,
'icon': f"{logged_in_home}/.steam/root/userdata/{steamid3}/config/grid/{get_file_name('icons', unsigned_shortcut_id)}",
'LaunchOptions': launchoptions,
'CompatTool': compatTool,
'CompatTool': compatTool, # This will be None if UMU has processed the shortcut
'WideGrid': grid64,
'Grid': gridp64,
'Hero': hero64,
'Logo': logo64,
# Add the new entry to the shortcuts dictionary and add proton
key = get_next_available_key(shortcuts)
shortcuts['shortcuts'][key] = new_entry
print(f"Added new entry for {appname} to shortcuts.")
new_shortcuts_added = True
# Mark it as processed by UMU (if it wasn't already processed)
if compatTool is not None:
umu_processed_shortcuts[unsigned_shortcut_id] = True
add_compat_tool(unsigned_shortcut_id, launchoptions)
# UMU-related functions
umu_processed_shortcuts = {}
CSV_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Open-Wine-Components/umu-database/main/umu-database.csv"
# Global variable to store CSV data
csv_data = []
def fetch_and_parse_csv():
global csv_data
response = requests.get(CSV_URL)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an HTTPError for bad responses
csv_data = [row for row in csv.DictReader(response.text.splitlines())]
print("Successfully fetched and parsed CSV data.")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error fetching UMU data: {e}")
return csv_data
def list_all_entries():
global csv_data
if not csv_data:
csv_data = fetch_and_parse_csv()
return csv_data
def extract_umu_id_from_launch_options(launchoptions):
if 'STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=' not in launchoptions:
return None
# EA
match = re.search(r'offerIds=(\d+)', launchoptions)
if match:
return match.group(1)
# Amazon
match = re.search(r'(amzn1\.adg\.product\.\S+)', launchoptions)
if match:
return match.group(1).rstrip("'")
# Epic
match = re.search(r'com\.epicgames\.launcher://apps/(\w+)[?&]', launchoptions)
if match:
return match.group(1).lower() if not match.group(1).isdigit() else match.group(1)
# Ubisoft
match = re.search(r'uplay://launch/(\d+)/\d+', launchoptions)
if match:
return match.group(1)
match = re.search(r'/gameId=(\d+)', launchoptions)
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
def extract_base_path(launchoptions):
match = re.search(r'STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="([^"]+)"', launchoptions)
if match:
return match.group(1)
raise ValueError("STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH not found in launch options")
def modify_shortcut_for_umu(appname, exe, launchoptions, startingdir):
# Skip processing if STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH is not present
if 'STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=' not in launchoptions:
print(f"Launch options for {appname} do not contain STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH. Skipping modification.")
return exe, startingdir, launchoptions
codename = extract_umu_id_from_launch_options(launchoptions)
if not codename:
print(f"No codename found in launch options for {appname}. Trying to match appname.")
entries = list_all_entries()
if not entries:
print(f"No entries found in UMU database. Skipping modification for {appname}.")
return exe, startingdir, launchoptions
if not codename:
for entry in entries:
if entry.get('TITLE') and entry['TITLE'].lower() == appname.lower():
codename = entry['CODENAME']
if codename:
for entry in entries:
if entry['CODENAME'] == codename:
umu_id = entry['UMU_ID'].replace("umu-", "") # Remove the "umu-" prefix
base_path = extract_base_path(launchoptions)
new_exe = f'"{logged_in_home}/bin/umu-run" {exe}'
new_start_dir = f'"{logged_in_home}/bin/"'
# Update only the launchoptions part for different game types
updated_launch = launchoptions
if "origin2://game/launch?offerIds=" in launchoptions:
updated_launch = f'origin2://game/launch?offerIds={codename}'
elif "amazon-games://play/amzn1.adg.product." in launchoptions:
updated_launch = f'amazon-games://play/{codename}'
elif "com.epicgames.launcher://apps/" in launchoptions:
updated_launch = f'-com.epicgames.launcher://apps/{codename}?action=launch&silent=true'
elif "uplay://launch/" in launchoptions:
updated_launch = f'uplay://launch/{codename}/0'
elif "/command=runGame /gameId=" in launchoptions:
updated_launch = f'/command=runGame /gameId={codename} /path={launchoptions.split("/path=")[1]}'
new_launch_options = (
f'STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="{base_path}" '
f'WINEPREFIX="{base_path}pfx" '
f'GAMEID="{umu_id}" '
f'PROTONPATH="{logged_in_home}/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/{compat_tool_name}" '
f'%command% {updated_launch}'
umu_processed_shortcuts[umu_id] = True
return new_exe, new_start_dir, new_launch_options
print(f"No UMU entry found for {appname}. Skipping modification.")
return exe, startingdir, launchoptions
Reference in New Issue
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