mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 20:57:11 +01:00
Add files via upload
This commit is contained in:
@ -2204,6 +2204,9 @@ if [[ -f "$epic_games_launcher_path1" ]]; then
epicshortcutdirectory="\"$epic_games_launcher_path1\" -opengl"
epiclaunchoptions="STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=\"${logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/NonSteamLaunchers/\" %command%"
epicstartingdir="\"$(dirname "$epic_games_launcher_path1")\""
echo "export epicshortcutdirectory=$epicshortcutdirectory" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export epiclaunchoptions=$epiclaunchoptions" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export epicstartingdir=$epicstartingdir" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export epic_games_launcher=NonSteamLaunchers" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "Epic Games Launcher found at path 1"
elif [[ -f "$epic_games_launcher_path2" ]]; then
@ -2211,10 +2214,14 @@ elif [[ -f "$epic_games_launcher_path2" ]]; then
epiclaunchoptions="STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=\"${logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/EpicGamesLauncher/\" %command%"
epicstartingdir="\"$(dirname "$epic_games_launcher_path2")\""
echo "export epicshortcutdirectory=$epicshortcutdirectory" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export epiclaunchoptions=$epiclaunchoptions" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export epicstartingdir=$epicstartingdir" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export epic_games_launcher=EpicGamesLauncher" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "Epic Games Launcher found at path 2"
if [[ -f "$gog_galaxy_path1" ]]; then
# Gog Galaxy Launcher is installed at path 1
@ -2651,6 +2658,7 @@ fi
echo "export steamid3=$steamid3" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export logged_in_home=$logged_in_home" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export compat_tool_name=$compat_tool_name" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "export python_version=$python_version" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
# Detach script from Steam process
@ -2672,10 +2680,14 @@ while steam_pid > /dev/null; do sleep 5; done
# Set the path to the configset_controller_neptune.vdf file
controller_config_path="${logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Steam Controller Configs/$steamid3/config/configset_controller_neptune.vdf"
# Check if the configset_controller_neptune.vdf file exists
if [[ -f "$controller_config_path" ]]; then
# Create a backup copy of the configset_controller_neptune.vdf file
cp "$controller_config_path" "$controller_config_path.bak"
echo "export controller_config_path=$controller_config_path" >> ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/env_vars
echo "Controller Config Path Found"
echo "Could not find $controller_config_path"
@ -2683,439 +2695,42 @@ fi
# TODO: relocate to standalone python script
# ! editorconfig will likely break this since bash uses tabs and python needs 4 spaces
# Run the Python script to create a new entry for a Steam shortcut
python3 -c "
import sys
import os
import subprocess
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.expanduser('${logged_in_home}/Downloads/NonSteamLaunchersInstallation/lib/python$python_version/site-packages'))
print(sys.path) # Add this line to print the value of sys.path
import vdf # Updated import
import binascii
import re
import shutil
# Print the path to the file where the vdf module was loaded from
# Load the shortcuts.vdf file
with open('$shortcuts_vdf_path', 'rb') as f:
shortcuts = vdf.binary_load(f)
# Check if the 'shortcuts' key exists in the dictionary
if 'shortcuts' not in shortcuts:
# Create an empty 'shortcuts' entry
shortcuts['shortcuts'] = {}
# Check the format of the 'shortcuts' entry
if isinstance(shortcuts['shortcuts'], dict):
# The 'shortcuts' entry is a dictionary
for key, value in shortcuts['shortcuts'].items():
# Check the type of the value
if not isinstance(value, (str, int, dict)):
# Define the path of the Launchers
epicshortcutdirectory = '$epicshortcutdirectory'
gogshortcutdirectory = '$gogshortcutdirectory'
uplayshortcutdirectory = '$uplayshortcutdirectory'
battlenetshortcutdirectory = '$battlenetshortcutdirectory'
eaappshortcutdirectory = '$eaappshortcutdirectory'
amazonshortcutdirectory = '$amazonshortcutdirectory'
itchioshortcutdirectory = '$itchioshortcutdirectory'
legacyshortcutdirectory = '$legacyshortcutdirectory'
humbleshortcutdirectory = '$humbleshortcutdirectory'
indieshortcutdirectory = '$indieshortcutdirectory'
rockstarshortcutdirectory = '$rockstarshortcutdirectory'
glyphshortcutdirectory = '$glyphshortcutdirectory'
minecraftshortcutdirectory = '$minecraftshortcutdirectory'
psplusshortcutdirectory = '$psplusshortcutdirectory'
vkplayhortcutdirectory = '$vkplayhortcutdirectory'
chromedirectory = '$chromedirectory'
websites_str = '$custom_websites_str'
custom_websites = websites_str.split(', ')
app_ids = []
def get_steam_shortcut_id(exe, appname):
unique_id = ''.join([exe, appname])
id_int = binascii.crc32(str.encode(unique_id)) | 0x80000000
return id_int
app_id_to_name = {}
def create_new_entry(shortcutdirectory, appname, launchoptions, startingdir):
if shortcutdirectory != '' and launchoptions != '':
exe = f'"{shortcutdirectory}"'
appid = get_steam_shortcut_id(exe, appname)
app_id_to_name[appid] = appname
# Create a new entry for the Steam shortcut
new_entry = {
'appid': f'{str(appid)}' if appid is not None else '',
'appname': appname,
'exe': shortcutdirectory,
'StartDir': startingdir,
'icon': f'${logged_in_home}/.steam/root/userdata/$steamid3/config/grid/{str(appid)}-icon.ico',
'ShortcutPath': '',
'LaunchOptions': launchoptions,
'IsHidden': 0,
'AllowDesktopConfig': 1,
'AllowOverlay': 1,
'OpenVR': 0,
'Devkit': 0,
'DevkitGameID': '',
'LastPlayTime': 0,
'tags': {
'0': 'favorite'
# Check if an entry with the same appid and appname already exists
for key in shortcuts['shortcuts'].keys():
if (shortcuts['shortcuts'][key]['appid'] == new_entry['appid'] and
shortcuts['shortcuts'][key]['appname'] == new_entry['appname']):
# A duplicate entry exists, so don't add the new entry
# Add the new entry to the shortcuts dictionary
entry_exists = False
if type(shortcuts['shortcuts']) == list:
for entry in shortcuts['shortcuts']:
entry.setdefault('appname', '')
entry.setdefault('exe', '')
if entry['appname'] == new_entry['appname'] and entry['exe'] == new_entry['exe']:
entry_exists = True
if not entry_exists:
elif type(shortcuts['shortcuts']) == dict:
for key in shortcuts['shortcuts'].keys():
shortcuts['shortcuts'][key].setdefault('appname', '')
shortcuts['shortcuts'][key].setdefault('exe', '')
if shortcuts['shortcuts'][key]['appname'] == new_entry['appname'] and shortcuts['shortcuts'][key]['exe'] == new_entry['exe']:
entry_exists = True
if not entry_exists:
# Check if the shortcuts['shortcuts'] dictionary is empty
if not shortcuts['shortcuts']:
max_key = -1
# Find the highest key value
max_key = max(int(key) for key in shortcuts['shortcuts'].keys())
# Add the new entry with a key value one higher than the current maximum
shortcuts['shortcuts'][str(max_key + 1)] = new_entry
create_new_entry('$epicshortcutdirectory', 'Epic Games', '$epiclaunchoptions', '$epicstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$gogshortcutdirectory', 'Gog Galaxy', '$goglaunchoptions', '$gogstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$uplayshortcutdirectory', 'Ubisoft Connect', '$uplaylaunchoptions', '$uplaystartingdir')
create_new_entry('$battlenetshortcutdirectory', 'Battle.net', '$battlenetlaunchoptions', '$battlenetstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$eaappshortcutdirectory', 'EA App', '$eaapplaunchoptions', '$eaappstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$amazonshortcutdirectory', 'Amazon Games', '$amazonlaunchoptions', '$amazonstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$itchioshortcutdirectory', 'itch.io', '$itchiolaunchoptions', '$itchiostartingdir')
create_new_entry('$legacyshortcutdirectory', 'Legacy Games', '$legacylaunchoptions', '$legacystartingdir')
create_new_entry('$humbleshortcutdirectory', 'Humble Bundle', '$humblelaunchoptions', '$humblestartingdir')
create_new_entry('$indieshortcutdirectory', 'IndieGala Client', '$indielaunchoptions', '$indiestartingdir')
create_new_entry('$rockstarshortcutdirectory', 'Rockstar Games Launcher', '$rockstarlaunchoptions', '$rockstarstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$glyphshortcutdirectory', 'Glyph', '$glyphlaunchoptions', '$glyphstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$minecraftshortcutdirectory', 'Minecraft: Java Edition', '$minecraftlaunchoptions', '$minecraftstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$psplusshortcutdirectory', 'Playstation Plus', '$pspluslaunchoptions', '$psplusstartingdir')
create_new_entry('$vkplayhortcutdirectory', 'VK Play', '$vkplaylaunchoptions', '$vkplaystartingdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Xbox Game Pass', '$xboxchromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'GeForce Now', '$geforcechromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Netflix', '$netlfixchromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Hulu', '$huluchromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Disney+', '$disneychromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Amazon Prime Video', '$amazonchromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Youtube', '$youtubechromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Amazon Luna', '$lunachromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'Twitch', '$twitchchromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', 'movie-web', '$moviewebchromelaunchoptions', '$chrome_startdir')
# Iterate over each custom website
for custom_website in custom_websites:
# Check if the custom website is not an empty string
if custom_website:
# Remove any leading or trailing spaces from the custom website URL
custom_website = custom_website.strip()
# Remove the 'http://' or 'https://' prefix and the 'www.' prefix, if present
clean_website = custom_website.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').replace('www.', '')
# Define a regular expression pattern to extract the game name from the URL
pattern = r'/games/([\w-]+)'
# Use the regular expression to search for the game name in the custom website URL
match = re.search(pattern, custom_website)
# Check if a match was found
if match:
# Extract the game name from the match object
game_name = match.group(1)
# Replace hyphens with spaces
game_name = game_name.replace('-', ' ')
# Capitalize the first letter of each word in the game name
game_name = game_name.title()
# Use the entire URL as the entry name
game_name = clean_website
# Define the launch options for this website
chromelaunch_options = f'run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/chrome --file-forwarding com.google.Chrome @@u @@ --window-size=1280,800 --force-device-scale-factor=1.00 --device-scale-factor=1.00 --kiosk https://{clean_website}/ --chrome-kiosk-type=fullscreen --no-first-run --enable-features=OverlayScrollbar'
# Call the create_new_entry function for this website
create_new_entry('$chromedirectory', game_name, chromelaunch_options, '$chrome_startdir')
print(f'app_id_to_name: {app_id_to_name}')
# Save the updated shortcuts dictionary to the shortcuts.vdf file
with open('$shortcuts_vdf_path', 'wb') as f:
vdf.binary_dump(shortcuts, f)
# Writes to the config.vdf File
excluded_appids = []
streaming_sites = ['Netflix', 'Hulu', 'Disney+', 'Amazon Prime Video', 'Youtube', 'movie-web', 'Amazon Luna', 'Twitch', 'Xbox Game Pass', 'GeForce Now']
for app_id, name in app_id_to_name.items():
if name in streaming_sites:
# Remove the app IDs of the streaming sites from the app_ids list
app_ids = [app_id for app_id in app_ids if app_id_to_name[app_id] not in streaming_sites]
# Remove the app IDs of the streaming sites from the app_id_to_name dictionary
app_id_to_name = {app_id: name for app_id, name in app_id_to_name.items() if name not in streaming_sites}
# Update the config.vdf file
with open('$config_vdf_path', 'r') as f:
config = vdf.load(f)
# Check if the CompatToolMapping key exists
if 'CompatToolMapping' not in config['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']:
# Create the CompatToolMapping key and set its value to an empty dictionary
config['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'] = {}
for app_id in app_ids:
# Check if the app_id is in the list of excluded appids
if app_id not in excluded_appids:
# Update the CompatToolMapping for this app_id
if str(app_id) in config['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping']:
config['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'][str(app_id)]['name'] = '$compat_tool_name'
config['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'][str(app_id)]['config'] = ''
config['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'][str(app_id)]['priority'] = '250'
config['InstallConfigStore']['Software']['Valve']['Steam']['CompatToolMapping'][str(app_id)] = {'name': '$compat_tool_name', 'config': '', 'priority': '250'}
# Save the updated config dictionary to the config.vdf file
with open('$config_vdf_path', 'w') as f:
vdf.dump(config, f)
# Load the configset_controller_neptune.vdf file
with open('$controller_config_path', 'r') as f:
config = vdf.load(f)
# Add new entries for the games
for app_id in app_ids:
config['controller_config'][str(app_id)] = {
'workshop': 'workshop_id'
# Add new entries for the installed launchers and games
config['controller_config']['epic games'] = {
'workshop': '2800178806'
config['controller_config']['gog galaxy'] = {
'workshop': '2877189386'
config['controller_config']['ubisoft connect'] = {
'workshop': '2804140248'
config['controller_config']['amazon games'] = {
'workshop': '2871935783'
config['controller_config']['battlenet'] = {
'workshop': '2887894308'
config['controller_config']['rockstar games launcher'] = {
'workshop': '1892570391'
config['controller_config']['indiegala'] = {
'template': 'controller_neptune_webbrowser.vdf'
config['controller_config']['legacy games'] = {
'template': 'controller_neptune_webbrowser.vdf'
config['controller_config']['ea app'] = {
'workshop': '2899822740'
config['controller_config']['itchio'] = {
'workshop': '2845891813'
config['controller_config']['humble games collection'] = {
'workshop': '2883791560'
config['controller_config']['minecraft java edition'] = {
'workshop': '2980553929'
config['controller_config']['playstation plus'] = {
'workshop': 'controller_neptune_webbrowser.vdf'
config['controller_config']['glyph'] = {
'template': 'controller_neptune_webbrowser.vdf'
config['controller_config']['vk play'] = {
'workshop': '3202642880'
config['controller_config']['amazon prime video'] = {
'workshop': '2970669392'
config['controller_config']['hulu'] = {
'workshop': '2970669392'
config['controller_config']['netflix'] = {
'workshop': '2970669392'
config['controller_config']['disney+'] = {
'workshop': '2970669392'
config['controller_config']['youtube'] = {
'workshop': '2970669392'
config['controller_config']['geforce now'] = {
'template': 'controller_neptune_gamepad+mouse.vdf'
config['controller_config']['amazon luna'] = {
'template': 'controller_neptune_gamepad+mouse.vdf'
config['controller_config']['twitch'] = {
'workshop': '2875543745'
config['controller_config']['movie-web'] = {
'workshop': 'controller_neptune_webbrowser.vdf'
# Save the updated config dictionary to the configset_controller_neptune.vdf file
with open('$controller_config_path', 'w') as f:
vdf.dump(config, f)
# Define the path to the compatdata directory
compatdata_dir = '${logged_in_home}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata'
# Define a dictionary of original folder names
folder_names = {
'Epic Games': 'EpicGamesLauncher',
'Gog Galaxy': 'GogGalaxyLauncher',
'Ubisoft Connect': 'UplayLauncher',
'Battle.net': 'Battle.netLauncher',
'EA App': 'TheEAappLauncher',
'Amazon Games': 'AmazonGamesLauncher',
'itch.io': 'itchioLauncher',
'Legacy Games': 'LegacyGamesLauncher',
'Humble Bundle': 'HumbleGamesLauncher',
'IndieGala Client': 'IndieGalaLauncher',
'Rockstar Games Launcher': 'RockstarGamesLauncher',
'Minecraft: Java Edition': 'MinecraftLauncher',
'Playstation Plus': 'PlaystationPlusLauncher',
'VK Play': 'VKPlayLauncher',
# Iterate over each launcher in the folder_names dictionary
for launcher_name, folder in folder_names.items():
# Define the current path of the folder
current_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, folder)
# Check if the folder exists
if os.path.exists(current_path):
print(f'{launcher_name}: {folder} exists')
# Get the app ID for this launcher from the app_id_to_name dictionary
appid = next(key for key, value in app_id_to_name.items() if value == launcher_name)
# Define the new path of the folder
new_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, str(appid))
# Rename the folder
os.rename(current_path, new_path)
# Define the path of the symbolic link
symlink_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, folder)
# Create a symbolic link to the renamed folder
os.symlink(new_path, symlink_path)
print(f'{launcher_name}: {folder} does not exist')
# Check if the NonSteamLaunchers folder exists
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(compatdata_dir, 'NonSteamLaunchers')):
# Get the first app ID from the app_ids list
first_app_id = app_ids[0]
# Define the current path of the NonSteamLaunchers folder
current_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, 'NonSteamLaunchers')
# Check if NonSteamLaunchers is already a symbolic link
if os.path.islink(current_path):
print('NonSteamLaunchers is already a symbolic link')
# Define the new path of the NonSteamLaunchers folder
new_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, str(first_app_id))
# Move the NonSteamLaunchers folder to the new path
shutil.move(current_path, new_path)
# Define the path of the symbolic link
symlink_path = os.path.join(compatdata_dir, 'NonSteamLaunchers')
# Create a symbolic link to the renamed NonSteamLaunchers folder
os.symlink(new_path, symlink_path)"
# TODO: might be better to relocate temp files to `/tmp` or even use `mktemp -d` since `rm -rf` is potentially dangerous without the `-i` flag
# Delete NonSteamLaunchersInstallation subfolder in Downloads folder
rm -rf "$download_dir"
#rm -rf "$download_dir"
#Setup NSLGameScanner.service
# Define your Python script path
# Define your GitHub link
# Check if the service is already running
service_status=$(systemctl --user is-active nslgamescanner.service)
#service_status=$(systemctl --user is-active nslgamescanner.service)
if [ "$service_status" = "active" ] || [ "$service_status" = "activating" ]
echo "Service is already running or activating. Stopping the service..."
systemctl --user stop nslgamescanner.service
#if [ "$service_status" = "active" ] || [ "$service_status" = "activating" ]
#echo "Service is already running or activating. Stopping the service..."
#systemctl --user stop nslgamescanner.service
echo "Updating Python script from GitHub..."
#echo "Updating Python script from GitHub..."
# Download the Python script from GitHub
curl -o $python_script_path $github_link
#curl -o $python_script_path $github_link
echo "Starting the service..."
#echo "Starting the service..."
# Call your Python script
python3 $python_script_path
Reference in New Issue
Block a user