#!/bin/bash # ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # $USER logged_in_user=$(logname 2>/dev/null || whoami) # $HOME logged_in_home=$(eval echo "~${logged_in_user}") # Function to switch to Game Mode switch_to_game_mode() { echo "Switching to Game Mode..." rm -rf "$download_dir" rm -rf ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/nslgamescanner.service unlink ${logged_in_home}/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/nslgamescanner.service systemctl --user daemon-reload qdbus org.kde.Shutdown /Shutdown org.kde.Shutdown.logout } # Function to display a Zenity message show_message() { zenity --notification --text="$1" --timeout=1 } # Set the remote repository URL REPO_URL="https://github.com/moraroy/NonSteamLaunchersDecky/archive/refs/heads/main.zip" # Set the local directory path LOCAL_DIR="${logged_in_home}/homebrew/plugins/NonSteamLaunchers" # Check if the Decky Loader and NSL Plugin exist DECKY_LOADER_EXISTS=false NSL_PLUGIN_EXISTS=false if [ -d "${logged_in_home}/homebrew/plugins" ]; then DECKY_LOADER_EXISTS=true fi if [ -d "$LOCAL_DIR" ]; then if [ -z "$(ls -A $LOCAL_DIR)" ]; then NSL_PLUGIN_EXISTS=false else NSL_PLUGIN_EXISTS=true fi fi set +x if $DECKY_LOADER_EXISTS; then USER_INPUT=$(zenity --forms --title="Authentication Required" --text="Decky Loader detected! $(if $NSL_PLUGIN_EXISTS; then echo 'NSL Plugin also detected and will be updated to the latest version 🚀.'; else echo 'But no NSL plugin :(. Would you like to inject it and go to Game Mode.'; fi) Please enter your password to proceed:" --separator="|" --add-password="Password") else zenity --error --text="Decky Loader not detected. Please download and install it from their website first and re-run this script to get the NSL Plugin." rm -rf "$download_dir" exit 1 fi USER_PASSWORD=$(echo $USER_INPUT | cut -d'|' -f1) if [ -z "$USER_PASSWORD" ]; then zenity --error --text="No password entered. Exiting." exit 1 fi if $NSL_PLUGIN_EXISTS; then show_message "NSL Plugin detected. Deleting and updating..." echo "Plugin directory exists. Removing..." echo "$USER_PASSWORD" | sudo -S rm -rf "$LOCAL_DIR" fi show_message "Creating base directory and setting permissions..." echo "$USER_PASSWORD" | sudo -S mkdir -p "$LOCAL_DIR" echo "$USER_PASSWORD" | sudo -S chmod -R u+rw "$LOCAL_DIR" echo "$USER_PASSWORD" | sudo -S chown -R $USER:$USER "$LOCAL_DIR" echo "Downloading and extracting the repository..." curl -L "$REPO_URL" -o /tmp/NonSteamLaunchersDecky.zip echo "$USER_PASSWORD" | sudo -S unzip -o /tmp/NonSteamLaunchersDecky.zip -d /tmp/ echo "$USER_PASSWORD" | sudo -S cp -r /tmp/NonSteamLaunchersDecky-main/* "$LOCAL_DIR" echo "$USER_PASSWORD" | sudo -S rm -rf /tmp/NonSteamLaunchersDecky* set -x cd "$LOCAL_DIR" show_message "Plugin installed. Switching to Game Mode..." switch_to_game_mode sudo systemctl restart plugin_loader.service