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Module for deserializing/serializing to and from VDF
__version__ = "3.4"
__author__ = "Rossen Georgiev"
import re
import sys
import struct
from binascii import crc32
from io import BytesIO
from io import StringIO as unicodeIO
from collections.abc import Mapping
from collections import Mapping
# Py2 & Py3 compatibility
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
string_type = str
int_type = int
BOMS = '\ufffe\ufeff'
def strip_bom(line):
return line.lstrip(BOMS)
from StringIO import StringIO as strIO
string_type = basestring
int_type = long
BOMS = '\xef\xbb\xbf\xff\xfe\xfe\xff'
BOMS_UNICODE = '\\ufffe\\ufeff'.decode('unicode-escape')
def strip_bom(line):
return line.lstrip(BOMS if isinstance(line, str) else BOMS_UNICODE)
# string escaping
_unescape_char_map = {
r"\n": "\n",
r"\t": "\t",
r"\v": "\v",
r"\b": "\b",
r"\r": "\r",
r"\f": "\f",
r"\a": "\a",
r"\\": "\\",
r"\?": "?",
r"\"": "\"",
r"\'": "\'",
_escape_char_map = {v: k for k, v in _unescape_char_map.items()}
def _re_escape_match(m):
return _escape_char_map[m.group()]
def _re_unescape_match(m):
return _unescape_char_map[m.group()]
def _escape(text):
return re.sub(r"[\n\t\v\b\r\f\a\\\?\"']", _re_escape_match, text)
def _unescape(text):
return re.sub(r"(\\n|\\t|\\v|\\b|\\r|\\f|\\a|\\\\|\\\?|\\\"|\\')", _re_unescape_match, text)
# parsing and dumping for KV1
def parse(fp, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True, escaped=True):
Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str`` or ``unicode`` instance containing a VDF)
to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if not issubclass(mapper, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected mapper to be subclass of dict, got %s" % type(mapper))
if not hasattr(fp, 'readline'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to be a file-like object supporting line iteration")
stack = [mapper()]
expect_bracket = False
re_keyvalue = re.compile(r'^("(?P<qkey>(?:\\.|[^\\"])*)"|(?P<key>#?[a-z0-9\-\_\\\?$%<>]+))'
r'([ \t]*('
r'|(?P<val>(?:(?<!/)/(?!/)|[a-z0-9\-\_\\\?\*\.$<> ])+)'
r'|(?P<sblock>{[ \t]*)(?P<eblock>})?'
for lineno, line in enumerate(fp, 1):
if lineno == 1:
line = strip_bom(line)
line = line.lstrip()
# skip empty and comment lines
if line == "" or line[0] == '/':
# one level deeper
if line[0] == "{":
expect_bracket = False
if expect_bracket:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: expected openning bracket",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 1, line))
# one level back
if line[0] == "}":
if len(stack) > 1:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: one too many closing parenthasis",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
# parse keyvalue pairs
while True:
match = re_keyvalue.match(line)
if not match:
line += next(fp)
except StopIteration:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: unexpected EOF (open key quote?)",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
key = match.group('key') if match.group('qkey') is None else match.group('qkey')
val = match.group('qval')
if val is None:
val = match.group('val')
if val is not None:
val = val.rstrip()
if val == "":
val = None
if escaped:
key = _unescape(key)
# we have a key with value in parenthesis, so we make a new dict obj (level deeper)
if val is None:
if merge_duplicate_keys and key in stack[-1]:
_m = stack[-1][key]
# we've descended a level deeper, if value is str, we have to overwrite it to mapper
if not isinstance(_m, mapper):
_m = stack[-1][key] = mapper()
_m = mapper()
stack[-1][key] = _m
if match.group('eblock') is None:
# only expect a bracket if it's not already closed or on the same line
if match.group('sblock') is None:
expect_bracket = True
# we've matched a simple keyvalue pair, map it to the last dict obj in the stack
# if the value is line consume one more line and try to match again,
# until we get the KeyValue pair
if match.group('vq_end') is None and match.group('qval') is not None:
line += next(fp)
except StopIteration:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: unexpected EOF (open quote for value?)",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
stack[-1][key] = _unescape(val) if escaped else val
# exit the loop
if len(stack) != 1:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: unclosed parenthasis or quotes (EOF)",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
return stack.pop()
def loads(s, **kwargs):
Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str`` or ``unicode`` instance containing a JSON
document) to a Python object.
if not isinstance(s, string_type):
raise TypeError("Expected s to be a str, got %s" % type(s))
fp = unicodeIO(s)
except TypeError:
fp = strIO(s)
return parse(fp, **kwargs)
def load(fp, **kwargs):
Deserialize ``fp`` (a ``.readline()``-supporting file-like object containing
a JSON document) to a Python object.
return parse(fp, **kwargs)
def dumps(obj, pretty=False, escaped=True):
Serialize ``obj`` to a VDF formatted ``str``.
if not isinstance(obj, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected data to be an instance of``dict``")
if not isinstance(pretty, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected pretty to be of type bool")
if not isinstance(escaped, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected escaped to be of type bool")
return ''.join(_dump_gen(obj, pretty, escaped))
def dump(obj, fp, pretty=False, escaped=True):
Serialize ``obj`` as a VDF formatted stream to ``fp`` (a
``.write()``-supporting file-like object).
if not isinstance(obj, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected data to be an instance of``dict``")
if not hasattr(fp, 'write'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to have write() method")
if not isinstance(pretty, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected pretty to be of type bool")
if not isinstance(escaped, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected escaped to be of type bool")
for chunk in _dump_gen(obj, pretty, escaped):
def _dump_gen(data, pretty=False, escaped=True, level=0):
indent = "\t"
line_indent = ""
if pretty:
line_indent = indent * level
for key, value in data.items():
if escaped and isinstance(key, string_type):
key = _escape(key)
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
yield '%s"%s"\n%s{\n' % (line_indent, key, line_indent)
for chunk in _dump_gen(value, pretty, escaped, level+1):
yield chunk
yield "%s}\n" % line_indent
if escaped and isinstance(value, string_type):
value = _escape(value)
yield '%s"%s" "%s"\n' % (line_indent, key, value)
# binary VDF
class BASE_INT(int_type):
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%d)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self)
class UINT_64(BASE_INT):
class INT_64(BASE_INT):
BIN_NONE = b'\x00'
BIN_STRING = b'\x01'
BIN_INT32 = b'\x02'
BIN_FLOAT32 = b'\x03'
BIN_POINTER = b'\x04'
BIN_COLOR = b'\x06'
BIN_UINT64 = b'\x07'
BIN_END = b'\x08'
BIN_INT64 = b'\x0A'
BIN_END_ALT = b'\x0B'
def binary_loads(b, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True, alt_format=False, raise_on_remaining=True):
Deserialize ``b`` (``bytes`` containing a VDF in "binary form")
to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if not isinstance(b, bytes):
raise TypeError("Expected s to be bytes, got %s" % type(b))
return binary_load(BytesIO(b), mapper, merge_duplicate_keys, alt_format, raise_on_remaining)
def binary_load(fp, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True, alt_format=False, raise_on_remaining=False):
Deserialize ``fp`` (a ``.read()``-supporting file-like object containing
binary VDF) to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if not hasattr(fp, 'read') or not hasattr(fp, 'tell') or not hasattr(fp, 'seek'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to be a file-like object with tell()/seek() and read() returning bytes")
if not issubclass(mapper, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected mapper to be subclass of dict, got %s" % type(mapper))
# helpers
int32 = struct.Struct('<i')
uint64 = struct.Struct('<Q')
int64 = struct.Struct('<q')
float32 = struct.Struct('<f')
def read_string(fp, wide=False):
buf, end = b'', -1
offset = fp.tell()
# locate string end
while end == -1:
chunk = fp.read(64)
if chunk == b'':
raise SyntaxError("Unterminated cstring (offset: %d)" % offset)
buf += chunk
end = buf.find(b'\x00\x00' if wide else b'\x00')
if wide:
end += end % 2
# rewind fp
fp.seek(end - len(buf) + (2 if wide else 1), 1)
# decode string
result = buf[:end]
if wide:
result = result.decode('utf-16')
elif bytes is not str:
result = result.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
result = result.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
return result
stack = [mapper()]
CURRENT_BIN_END = BIN_END if not alt_format else BIN_END_ALT
for t in iter(lambda: fp.read(1), b''):
if len(stack) > 1:
key = read_string(fp)
if t == BIN_NONE:
if merge_duplicate_keys and key in stack[-1]:
_m = stack[-1][key]
_m = mapper()
stack[-1][key] = _m
elif t == BIN_STRING:
stack[-1][key] = read_string(fp)
stack[-1][key] = read_string(fp, wide=True)
val = int32.unpack(fp.read(int32.size))[0]
if t == BIN_POINTER:
val = POINTER(val)
elif t == BIN_COLOR:
val = COLOR(val)
stack[-1][key] = val
elif t == BIN_UINT64:
stack[-1][key] = UINT_64(uint64.unpack(fp.read(int64.size))[0])
elif t == BIN_INT64:
stack[-1][key] = INT_64(int64.unpack(fp.read(int64.size))[0])
elif t == BIN_FLOAT32:
stack[-1][key] = float32.unpack(fp.read(float32.size))[0]
raise SyntaxError("Unknown data type at offset %d: %s" % (fp.tell() - 1, repr(t)))
if len(stack) != 1:
raise SyntaxError("Reached EOF, but Binary VDF is incomplete")
if raise_on_remaining and fp.read(1) != b'':
fp.seek(-1, 1)
raise SyntaxError("Binary VDF ended at offset %d, but there is more data remaining" % (fp.tell() - 1))
return stack.pop()
def binary_dumps(obj, alt_format=False):
Serialize ``obj`` to a binary VDF formatted ``bytes``.
buf = BytesIO()
binary_dump(obj, buf, alt_format)
return buf.getvalue()
def binary_dump(obj, fp, alt_format=False):
Serialize ``obj`` to a binary VDF formatted ``bytes`` and write it to ``fp`` filelike object
if not isinstance(obj, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected obj to be type of Mapping")
if not hasattr(fp, 'write'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to have write() method")
for chunk in _binary_dump_gen(obj, alt_format=alt_format):
def _binary_dump_gen(obj, level=0, alt_format=False):
if level == 0 and len(obj) == 0:
int32 = struct.Struct('<i')
uint64 = struct.Struct('<Q')
int64 = struct.Struct('<q')
float32 = struct.Struct('<f')
for key, value in obj.items():
if isinstance(key, string_type):
key = key.encode('utf-8')
raise TypeError("dict keys must be of type str, got %s" % type(key))
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
yield BIN_NONE + key + BIN_NONE
for chunk in _binary_dump_gen(value, level+1, alt_format=alt_format):
yield chunk
elif isinstance(value, UINT_64):
yield BIN_UINT64 + key + BIN_NONE + uint64.pack(value)
elif isinstance(value, INT_64):
yield BIN_INT64 + key + BIN_NONE + int64.pack(value)
elif isinstance(value, string_type):
value = value.encode('utf-8') + BIN_NONE
value = value.encode('utf-16') + BIN_NONE*2
yield key + BIN_NONE + value
elif isinstance(value, float):
yield BIN_FLOAT32 + key + BIN_NONE + float32.pack(value)
elif isinstance(value, (COLOR, POINTER, int, int_type)):
if isinstance(value, COLOR):
elif isinstance(value, POINTER):
yield BIN_INT32
yield key + BIN_NONE
yield int32.pack(value)
raise TypeError("Unsupported type: %s" % type(value))
yield BIN_END if not alt_format else BIN_END_ALT
def vbkv_loads(s, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True):
Deserialize ``s`` (``bytes`` containing a VBKV to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if s[:4] != b'VBKV':
raise ValueError("Invalid header")
checksum, = struct.unpack('<i', s[4:8])
if checksum != crc32(s[8:]):
raise ValueError("Invalid checksum")
return binary_loads(s[8:], mapper, merge_duplicate_keys, alt_format=True)
def vbkv_dumps(obj):
Serialize ``obj`` to a VBKV formatted ``bytes``.
data = b''.join(_binary_dump_gen(obj, alt_format=True))
checksum = crc32(data)
return b'VBKV' + struct.pack('<i', checksum) + data