136 lines
6.3 KiB
136 lines
6.3 KiB
![]() |
<?php $this->provide('title', $this->t('.title')) ?>
<div style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
<ul class="history-header">
<?php if ($this->type == "all" || $this->type == "posts") : ?>
<li>» <?= $this->linkTo($this->options['show_all_tags'] ? $this->t('.show.all') : $this->t('.show.changed'), array_merge(['#index'], array_merge($this->params()->get(), ['show_all_tags' => $this->options['show_all_tags'] ? 0:1]))) ?></li>
<?php endif ?>
<?php /* If we're searching for a specific object, omit the id/name' column and
show it once at the top. */ ?>
<?php if ($this->options['specific_object'] && $this->changes->any()) : ?>
» <?= $this->t('.for') ?> <?= $this->singularize($this->type) ?>:
$this->options['show_name'] ?
$this->changes[0]->group_by_obj->pretty_name() :
['controller' => strtolower($this->changes[0]->get_group_by_controller()), 'action' => "show", 'id' => $this->changes[0]->group_by_id]
<?php endif ?>
<div style="clear: left;">
<?= $this->imageTag('images/blank.gif', ['id' => 'hover-thumb', 'alt' => '', 'style' => 'position: absolute; display: none; border: 2px solid #000; right: 10%']) ?>
<table width="100%" class="highlightable" id="history">
<?php if ($this->type == "all") : ?>
<th><?= $this->t('.object_type') ?></th>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($this->options['specific_object']) : ?>
<?php elseif ($this->options['show_name']) : ?>
<th><?= $this->capitalize($this->singularize($this->type)) ?></th>
<?php else: ?>
if ($this->type == "all")
echo $this->t('.id');
echo ucfirst($this->singularize($this->type));
<?php endif ?>
<th><?= $this->t('.date') ?></th>
<th><?= $this->t('.user') ?></th>
<th><?= $this->t('.change') ?></th>
<?php foreach ($this->changes as $change) : ?>
<?php $new_user = (time() - strtotime($change->user->created_at) < 60*60*24*3) ?>
<tr class="<?= $this->cycle('even', 'odd') ?>" id="r<?= $change->id ?>">
<?php if ($this->type == "all") : ?>
<td><?= $this->humanize($this->singularize($change->group_by_table)) ?></td>
<?php endif ?>
<td style="background: <?= $this->id_to_color($change->group_by_id) ?>;"></td>
<?php if (!$this->options['specific_object']) : ?>
$classes = ["id"];
if (get_class($change->group_by_obj()) == "Post") {
if ($change->group_by_obj()->status == "deleted")
$classes[] = "deleted";
if ($change->group_by_obj()->is_held)
$classes[] = "held";
<td class="<?= implode(" ", $classes) ?>"><?= $this->linkTo($this->options['show_name'] ? $change->group_by_obj()->pretty_name() : $change->group_by_id, [
'controller' => strtolower($change->get_group_by_controller()),
'action' => $change->get_group_by_action(),
'id' => $change->group_by_id]
) ?></td>
<?php endif ?>
<td><?= date("M d Y, H:i", strtotime($change->created_at)) ?></td>
<td class="author"><?= $this->linkToIf($change->user_id, $change->author(),
['controller' => "user", 'action' => "show", 'id' => $change->user_id],
['class' => "user-" . $change->user_id . ($new_user ? " new-user":"")]
) ?></td>
<td class="change"><?= $this->format_changes($change, $this->options) ?></td>
<?php endforeach ?>
<div class="history-search-row">
<?= $this->formTag("#index", ['method' => 'get'], function(){ ?>
<?= $this->textFieldTag("search", $this->params()->search, ['id' => "search", 'size' => 20]) ?> <?= $this->submitTag($this->t('.search')) ?>
<?php }) ?>
<div class="footer history-footer">
<?= $this->linkToFunction($this->t('.undo'), "History.undo(false)", ['level' => 'member', 'id' => "undo"]) ?> |
<?= $this->linkToFunction($this->t('.redo'), "History.undo(true)", ['level' => 'member', 'id' => "redo"]) ?>
<?php $this->contentFor('subnavbar', function(){ ?>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.type.all'), ['action' => "index"]) ?></li>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.type.posts'), ['action' => "index", 'search' => "type:posts"]) ?></li>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.type.pools'), ['action' => "index", 'search' => "type:pools"]) ?></li>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.type.tags'), ['action' => "index", 'search' => "type:tags"]) ?></li>
<?php }) ?>
<?php $this->contentFor('post_cookie_javascripts', function() { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var thumb = $("hover-thumb");
<?php foreach ($this->changes as $change) : ?>
History.add_change(<?= $change->id ?>, "<?= $change->get_group_by_controller() ?>", <?= $change->group_by_id ?>, [ <?= implode(', ', $change->history_changes->getAttributes('id')) ?> ], '<?= $this->escapeJavascript($change->author()) ?>')
<?php if ($change->group_by_table_class() == "Post") : ?>
Post.register(<?= $this->jsonEscape($change->group_by_obj()->toJson()) ?>)
var hover_row = $("r<?= $change->id ?>");
var container = hover_row.up("TABLE");
Post.init_hover_thumb(hover_row, <?= $change->group_by_id ?>, thumb, container);
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
Post.init_blacklisted({replace: true});
<?php foreach ($this->changes as $change) : ?>
<?php if ($change->group_by_table_class() == "Post") : ?>
if(!Post.is_blacklisted(<?= $change->group_by_obj()->id ?>))
Preload.preload('<?= $this->escapeJavascript($change->group_by_obj()->preview_url()) ?>');
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php }) ?>
<div id="paginator">
<?= $this->willPaginate($this->changes) ?>