844 lines
23 KiB
844 lines
23 KiB
![]() |
// The following are instance methods and variables
var Note = Class.create({
initialize: function(id, is_new, raw_body) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#initialize (id=%d)", id)
this.id = id
this.is_new = is_new
this.document_observers = [];
// Cache the elements
this.elements = {
box: $('note-box-' + this.id),
corner: $('note-corner-' + this.id),
body: $('note-body-' + this.id),
image: $('image')
// Cache the dimensions
this.fullsize = {
left: this.elements.box.offsetLeft,
top: this.elements.box.offsetTop,
width: this.elements.box.clientWidth,
height: this.elements.box.clientHeight
// Store the original values (in case the user clicks Cancel)
this.old = {
raw_body: raw_body,
formatted_body: this.elements.body.innerHTML
for (p in this.fullsize) {
this.old[p] = this.fullsize[p]
// Make the note translucent
if (is_new) {
} else {
if (is_new && raw_body == '') {
this.bodyfit = true
this.elements.body.style.height = "100px"
// Attach the event listeners
this.elements.box.observe("mousedown", this.dragStart.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.elements.box.observe("mouseout", this.bodyHideTimer.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.elements.box.observe("mouseover", this.bodyShow.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.elements.corner.observe("mousedown", this.resizeStart.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.elements.body.observe("mouseover", this.bodyShow.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.elements.body.observe("mouseout", this.bodyHideTimer.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.elements.body.observe("click", this.showEditBox.bindAsEventListener(this))
if (Note.drag_created) {
var t = this,
called = false
B = function(e) {
if (called) {
} else {
called = true
t._resize(e.pageX, e.pageY)
C = function() {
jQuery(document).unbind('mousemove', B)
jQuery(document).bind('mousemove', B)
// Returns the raw text value of this note
textValue: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#textValue (id=%d)", this.id)
return this.old.raw_body.strip()
// Removes the edit box
hideEditBox: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#hideEditBox (id=%d)", this.id)
var editBox = $('edit-box')
if (editBox != null) {
var boxid = editBox.noteid
$("note-save-" + boxid).stopObserving()
$("note-cancel-" + boxid).stopObserving()
$("note-remove-" + boxid).stopObserving()
$("note-history-" + boxid).stopObserving()
// Shows the edit box
showEditBox: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#showEditBox (id=%d)", this.id)
var insertionPosition = Note.getInsertionPosition()
var top = insertionPosition[0]
var left = insertionPosition[1]
var html = ""
html += '<div id="edit-box" style="top: '+top+'px; left: '+left+'px; position: absolute; visibility: visible; z-index: 100; background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 12px;">'
html += '<form onsubmit="return false;" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;">'
html += '<textarea rows="7" id="edit-box-text" style="width: 350px; margin: 2px 2px 12px 2px;">' + this.textValue() + '</textarea>'
html += '<input type="submit" value="Save" name="save" id="note-save-' + this.id + '">'
html += '<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="cancel" id="note-cancel-' + this.id + '">'
html += '<input type="submit" value="Remove" name="remove" id="note-remove-' + this.id + '">'
html += '<input type="submit" value="History" name="history" id="note-history-' + this.id + '">'
// MI: Add Markdown notice.
html += '<br>'
html += '<span style="color:gray;font-size:80%;">Markdown is used for formatting. <a href="/help/notes#markdown">More info</a>'
html += '</form>'
html += '</div>'
$("note-container").insert({bottom: html})
$('edit-box').noteid = this.id
$("edit-box").observe("mousedown", this.editDragStart.bindAsEventListener(this))
$("note-save-" + this.id).observe("click", this.save.bindAsEventListener(this))
$("note-cancel-" + this.id).observe("click", this.cancel.bindAsEventListener(this))
$("note-remove-" + this.id).observe("click", this.remove.bindAsEventListener(this))
$("note-history-" + this.id).observe("click", this.history.bindAsEventListener(this))
Note.active_note = this
// Shows the body text for the note
bodyShow: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#bodyShow (id=%d)", this.id)
if (this.dragging) {
if (this.hideTimer) {
this.hideTimer = null
if (Note.noteShowingBody == this) {
if (Note.noteShowingBody) {
Note.noteShowingBody = this
if (Note.zindex >= 9) {
/* don't use more than 10 layers (+1 for the body, which will always be above all notes) */
Note.zindex = 0
for (var i=0; i< Note.all.length; ++i) {
Note.all[i].elements.box.style.zIndex = 0
this.elements.box.style.zIndex = ++Note.zindex
this.elements.body.style.zIndex = 10
this.elements.body.style.top = 0 + "px"
this.elements.body.style.left = 0 + "px"
var dw = document.documentElement.scrollWidth
this.elements.body.style.visibility = "hidden"
this.elements.body.style.display = "block"
if (!this.bodyfit) {
this.elements.body.style.height = "auto"
this.elements.body.style.minWidth = "140px"
var w = null, h = null, lo = null, hi = null, x = null, last = null
w = this.elements.body.offsetWidth
h = this.elements.body.offsetHeight
if (w/h < 1.6180339887) {
/* for tall notes (lots of text), find more pleasant proportions */
lo = 140, hi = 400
do {
last = w
x = (lo+hi)/2
this.elements.body.style.minWidth = x + "px"
w = this.elements.body.offsetWidth
h = this.elements.body.offsetHeight
if (w/h < 1.6180339887) lo = x
else hi = x
} while ((lo < hi) && (w > last))
} else if (this.elements.body.scrollWidth <= this.elements.body.clientWidth) {
/* for short notes (often a single line), make the box no wider than necessary */
// scroll test necessary for Firefox
lo = 20, hi = w
do {
x = (lo+hi)/2
this.elements.body.style.minWidth = x + "px"
if (this.elements.body.offsetHeight > h) lo = x
else hi = x
} while ((hi - lo) > 4)
if (this.elements.body.offsetHeight > h)
this.elements.body.style.minWidth = hi + "px"
if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
// IE7 adds scrollbars if the box is too small, obscuring the text
if (this.elements.body.offsetHeight < 35) {
this.elements.body.style.minHeight = "35px"
if (this.elements.body.offsetWidth < 47) {
this.elements.body.style.minWidth = "47px"
this.bodyfit = true
this.elements.body.style.top = (this.elements.box.offsetTop + this.elements.box.clientHeight + 5) + "px"
// keep the box within the document's width
var l = 0, e = this.elements.box
do { l += e.offsetLeft } while (e = e.offsetParent)
l += this.elements.body.offsetWidth + 10 - dw
if (l > 0)
this.elements.body.style.left = this.elements.box.offsetLeft - l + "px"
this.elements.body.style.left = this.elements.box.offsetLeft + "px"
this.elements.body.style.visibility = "visible"
// Creates a timer that will hide the body text for the note
bodyHideTimer: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#bodyHideTimer (id=%d)", this.id)
this.hideTimer = setTimeout(this.bodyHide.bindAsEventListener(this), 250)
// Hides the body text for the note
bodyHide: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#bodyHide (id=%d)", this.id)
if (Note.noteShowingBody == this) {
Note.noteShowingBody = null
addDocumentObserver: function(name, func)
document.observe(name, func);
this.document_observers.push([name, func]);
clearDocumentObservers: function(name, handler)
for(var i = 0; i < this.document_observers.length; ++i)
var observer = this.document_observers[i];
document.stopObserving(observer[0], observer[1]);
this.document_observers = [];
// Start dragging the note
dragStart: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#dragStart (id=%d)", this.id)
this.addDocumentObserver("mousemove", this.drag.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.addDocumentObserver("mouseup", this.dragStop.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.addDocumentObserver("selectstart", function() {return false})
this.cursorStartX = e.pointerX()
this.cursorStartY = e.pointerY()
this.boxStartX = this.elements.box.offsetLeft
this.boxStartY = this.elements.box.offsetTop
this.boundsX = new ClipRange(5, this.elements.image.clientWidth - this.elements.box.clientWidth - 5)
this.boundsY = new ClipRange(5, this.elements.image.clientHeight - this.elements.box.clientHeight - 5)
this.dragging = true
// Stop dragging the note
dragStop: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#dragStop (id=%d)", this.id)
this.cursorStartX = null
this.cursorStartY = null
this.boxStartX = null
this.boxStartY = null
this.boundsX = null
this.boundsY = null
this.dragging = false
ratio: function() {
return this.elements.image.width / this.elements.image.getAttribute("large_width")
// var ratio = this.elements.image.width / this.elements.image.getAttribute("large_width")
// if (this.elements.image.scale_factor != null)
// ratio *= this.elements.image.scale_factor;
// return ratio
// Scale the notes for when the image gets resized
adjustScale: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#adjustScale (id=%d)", this.id)
var ratio = this.ratio()
for (p in this.fullsize) {
this.elements.box.style[p] = this.fullsize[p] * ratio + 'px'
// Update the note's position as it gets dragged
drag: function(e) {
var left = this.boxStartX + e.pointerX() - this.cursorStartX
var top = this.boxStartY + e.pointerY() - this.cursorStartY
left = this.boundsX.clip(left)
top = this.boundsY.clip(top)
this.elements.box.style.left = left + 'px'
this.elements.box.style.top = top + 'px'
var ratio = this.ratio()
this.fullsize.left = left / ratio
this.fullsize.top = top / ratio
// Start dragging the edit box
editDragStart: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#editDragStart (id=%d)", this.id)
var node = e.element().nodeName
if (node != 'FORM' && node != 'DIV') {
this.addDocumentObserver("mousemove", this.editDrag.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.addDocumentObserver("mouseup", this.editDragStop.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.addDocumentObserver("selectstart", function() {return false})
this.elements.editBox = $('edit-box');
this.cursorStartX = e.pointerX()
this.cursorStartY = e.pointerY()
this.editStartX = this.elements.editBox.offsetLeft
this.editStartY = this.elements.editBox.offsetTop
this.dragging = true
// Stop dragging the edit box
editDragStop: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#editDragStop (id=%d)", this.id)
this.cursorStartX = null
this.cursorStartY = null
this.editStartX = null
this.editStartY = null
this.dragging = false
// Update the edit box's position as it gets dragged
editDrag: function(e) {
var left = this.editStartX + e.pointerX() - this.cursorStartX
var top = this.editStartY + e.pointerY() - this.cursorStartY
this.elements.editBox.style.left = left + 'px'
this.elements.editBox.style.top = top + 'px'
_resize: function(cursorX, cursorY) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#_resize (id=%d)", this.id)
this.cursorStartX = cursorX
this.cursorStartY = cursorY
this.boxStartWidth = this.elements.box.clientWidth
this.boxStartHeight = this.elements.box.clientHeight
this.boxStartX = this.elements.box.offsetLeft
this.boxStartY = this.elements.box.offsetTop
this.boundsX = new ClipRange(10, this.elements.image.clientWidth - this.boxStartX - 5)
this.boundsY = new ClipRange(10, this.elements.image.clientHeight - this.boxStartY - 5)
this.dragging = true
this.addDocumentObserver("mousemove", this.resize.bindAsEventListener(this))
this.addDocumentObserver("mouseup", this.resizeStop.bindAsEventListener(this))
// Start resizing the note
resizeStart: function(e) {
this._resize(e.pointerX(), e.pointerY())
// Stop resizing teh note
resizeStop: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#resizeStop (id=%d)", this.id)
this.boxCursorStartX = null
this.boxCursorStartY = null
this.boxStartWidth = null
this.boxStartHeight = null
this.boxStartX = null
this.boxStartY = null
this.boundsX = null
this.boundsY = null
this.dragging = false
if (Note.drag_created) {
this.old.width = this.fullsize.width
this.old.height = this.fullsize.height
// Note.toggled_create = false
Note.drag_created = false
// Update the note's dimensions as it gets resized
resize: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#resize (id=%d)", this.id)
var width = this.boxStartWidth + e.pointerX() - this.cursorStartX
var height = this.boxStartHeight + e.pointerY() - this.cursorStartY
width = this.boundsX.clip(width)
height = this.boundsY.clip(height)
this.elements.box.style.width = width + "px"
this.elements.box.style.height = height + "px"
var ratio = this.ratio()
this.fullsize.width = width / ratio
this.fullsize.height = height / ratio
// Save the note to the database
save: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#save (id=%d)", this.id)
var note = this
for (p in this.fullsize) {
this.old[p] = this.fullsize[p]
this.old.raw_body = $('edit-box-text').value
this.old.formatted_body = this.textValue()
// FIXME: this is not quite how the note will look (filtered elems, <tn>...). the user won't input a <script> that only damages him, but it might be nice to "preview" the <tn> here
this.bodyfit = false
var params = {
"id": this.id,
"note[x]": this.old.left,
"note[y]": this.old.top,
"note[width]": this.old.width,
"note[height]": this.old.height,
"note[body]": this.old.raw_body
if (this.is_new) {
params["note[post_id]"] = Note.post_id
notice("Saving note...")
new Ajax.Request('/note/update.json', {
parameters: params,
onComplete: function(resp) {
var resp = resp.responseJSON
if (resp.success) {
notice("Note saved")
var note = Note.find(resp.old_id)
if (resp.old_id < 0) {
note.is_new = false
note.id = resp.new_id
note.elements.box.id = 'note-box-' + note.id
note.elements.body.id = 'note-body-' + note.id
note.elements.corner.id = 'note-corner-' + note.id
note.elements.body.innerHTML = resp.formatted_body
} else {
notice("Error: " + resp.reason)
if (e.stop) e.stop()
// Revert the note to the last saved state
cancel: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#cancel (id=%d)", this.id)
var ratio = this.ratio()
for (p in this.fullsize) {
this.fullsize[p] = this.old[p]
this.elements.box.style[p] = this.fullsize[p] * ratio + 'px'
this.elements.body.innerHTML = this.old.formatted_body
if (e.stop) e.stop()
// Remove all references to the note from the page
removeCleanup: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#removeCleanup (id=%d)", this.id)
var allTemp = []
for (i=0; i<Note.all.length; ++i) {
if (Note.all[i].id != this.id) {
Note.all = allTemp
// Removes a note from the database
remove: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#remove (id=%d)", this.id)
this_note = this
if (this.is_new) {
notice("Note removed")
} else {
notice("Removing note...")
new Ajax.Request('/note/update.json', {
parameters: {
"id": this.id,
"note[is_active]": "0"
onComplete: function(resp) {
var resp = resp.responseJSON
if (resp.success) {
notice("Note removed")
} else {
notice("Error: " + resp.reason)
// Redirect to the note's history
history: function(e) {
if (Note.debug) {
console.debug("Note#history (id=%d)", this.id)
if (this.is_new) {
notice("This note has no history")
} else {
location.href = '/history?search=notes:' + this.id
// The following are class methods and variables
Object.extend(Note, {
zindex: 0,
counter: -1,
all: [],
display: true,
debug: false,
drag_created: false,
create_click_x: 0,
create_click_y: 0,
ctrlEnterSave: function(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode == 13 && ev.ctrlKey)
escapeCancel: function(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode == 27)
bindEditShortcuts: function() {
jQuery(document).bind('keydown', Note.ctrlEnterSave)
jQuery(document).bind('keydown', Note.escapeCancel)
unbindEditShortcuts: function() {
jQuery(document).unbind('keydown', Note.ctrlEnterSave)
jQuery(document).unbind('keydown', Note.escapeCancel)
// Show all notes
show: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
// Hide all notes
hide: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
// Find a note instance based on the id number
find: function(id) {
if (Note.debug) {
for (var i=0; i<Note.all.size(); ++i) {
if (Note.all[i].id == id) {
return Note.all[i]
return null
// Toggle the display of all notes
toggle: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
if (Note.display) {
Note.display = false
} else {
Note.display = true
// Update the text displaying the number of notes a post has
updateNoteCount: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
if (Note.all.length > 0) {
var label = ""
if (Note.all.length == 1)
label = "note"
label = "notes"
$('note-count').innerHTML = "This post has <a href=\"/note/history?post_id=" + Note.post_id + "\">" + Note.all.length + " " + label + "</a>"
} else {
$('note-count').innerHTML = ""
dragCreate: function(e) {
if (Note.debug)
Note.drag_created = true
// Note.toggled_create = true
Note.create_click_x = e.pageX
Note.create_click_y = e.pageY
// Create a new note
create: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
var insertion_position = Note.getInsertionPosition()
var top = insertion_position[0]
var left = insertion_position[1]
var html = '',
size = this.drag_created ? '10' : '150',
id = 'note-box-' + Note.counter;
html += '<div class="note-box unsaved" style="width: '+size+'px; height: '+size+'px; '
html += 'top: ' + top + 'px; '
html += 'left: ' + left + 'px;" '
html += 'id="'+id+'">'
html += '<div class="note-corner" id="note-corner-' + Note.counter + '"></div>'
html += '</div>'
html += '<div class="note-body" title="Click to edit" id="note-body-' + Note.counter + '"></div>'
$("note-container").insert({bottom: html})
var note = new Note(Note.counter, true, "")
Note.counter -= 1
// Find a suitable position to insert new notes
getInsertionPosition: function() {
if (Note.debug) {
if (Note.drag_created) {
var img_width = $("image").width;
var ratio = parseInt(jQuery("#image").attr('large_width')) / img_width;
var offset = jQuery("#image").offset();
var x = Note.create_click_x - offset.left;
var y = Note.create_click_y - offset.top;
var min = Math.ceil(20 / ratio)
x = (x * ratio) - 10
y = (y * ratio) - 10
if (x < min)
x = min
else if (x > (img_width * ratio))
x = (img_width * ratio) - min
var lh = parseInt(jQuery("#image").attr('large_height'))
if (y < min)
y = min
else if (y > (lh * ratio))
y = (lh * ratio) - min
return [y, x]
// We want to show the edit box somewhere on the screen, but not outside the image.
var scroll_x = $("image").cumulativeScrollOffset()[0]
var scroll_y = $("image").cumulativeScrollOffset()[1]
var image_left = $("image").positionedOffset()[0]
var image_top = $("image").positionedOffset()[1]
var image_right = image_left + $("image").width
var image_bottom = image_top + $("image").height
var left = 0
var top = 0
if (scroll_x > image_left) {
left = scroll_x
} else {
left = image_left
if (scroll_y > image_top) {
top = scroll_y
} else {
top = image_top + 20
if (top > image_bottom) {
top = image_top + 20
return [top, left]
toggleCreateNotice: function() {
var e = jQuery('#note_create_notice');
e.is(':visible') ? e.hide() : e.fadeIn(200);