507 lines
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507 lines
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namespace Moebooru\Versioning;
use Moebooru\Versioning\Versioned;
use History;
use HistoryChange;
use PostTagHistory;
use NoteVersion;
class Versioning
static protected $VERSIONED_CLASSES = ['Pool', 'PoolPost', 'Post', 'Tag', 'Note'];
static protected $list = [];
protected $versioned_attributes;
protected $versioning_group_by;
protected $versioning_aux_callback;
protected $versioned_parent;
protected $model_class;
static public function get_versioned_classes()
return self::$VERSIONED_CLASSES;
static public function is_versioned_class($class)
return in_array($class, self::$VERSIONED_CLASSES);
static public function get($className)
if (!isset(self::$list[$className])) {
$v = new self();
$v->model_class = $className;
if (!$v->versioning_group_by) {
self::$list[$className] = $v;
return self::$list[$className];
# Called at the start of each request to reset the history object, so we don't reuse an
# object between requests on the same thread.
static public function init_history()
$_SESSION['versioning_history'] = null;
# Configure the history display.
# :class => Group displayed changes with another class.
# :foreign_key => Key within :class to display.
# :controller, :action => Route for displaying the grouped class.
# versioning_group_by :class => :pool
# versioning_group_by :class => :pool, :foreign_key => :pool_id, :action => "show"
# versioning_group_by :class => :pool, :foreign_key => :pool_id, :controller => Post
public function versioning_group_by(array $options = [])
$calledClass = $this->model_class;
$inflector = \Rails::services()->get('inflector');
$opt = array_merge([
'class' => $calledClass,
'controller' => $calledClass,
'action' => 'show',
], $options);
if (empty($opt['foreign_key'])) {
if ($opt['class'] == $calledClass) {
$opt['foreign_key'] = 'id';
} else {
$opt['foreign_key'] = $inflector->underscore($opt['class']) . '_id';
$this->versioning_group_by = $opt;
return $this;
# Configure a callback to fill in auxilliary history information.
# The callback must return a hash; its contents will be serialized into aux. This
# is used where we need additional data for a particular type of history.
public function versioning_aux_callback($func)
$this->versioning_aux_callback = $func;
public function get_versioning_aux_callback()
return $this->versioning_aux_callback;
public function get_versioned_default($name)
$attrs = $this->get_versioned_attributes();
if (!isset($attrs[$name]) || !array_key_exists('default', $attrs[$name])) {
return [null, false];
return [$attrs[$name]['default'], true];
public function get_versioning_group_by()
return $this->versioning_group_by;
public function get_group_by_class()
$cl = \Rails::services()->get('inflector')->classify($this->versioning_group_by['class']);
return $cl;
public function get_group_by_table_name()
$cn = $this->get_group_by_class();
return $cn::tableName();
public function get_group_by_foreign_key()
return $this->versioning_group_by['foreign_key'];
# Specify a parent table. After a change is undone in this table, the
# parent class will also receive an after_undo message. If multiple
# changes are undone together, changes to parent tables will always
# be undone after changes to child tables.
public function versioned_parent($c, array $options = [])
if (isset($options['foreign_key'])) {
$foreign_key = $options['foreign_key'];
} else {
$foreign_key = \Rails::services()->get('inflector')->underscore($c) . '_id';
$this->versioned_parent = [
'class' => $c,
'foreign_key' => $foreign_key
return $this;
public function get_versioned_parent()
return $this->versioned_parent;
* :default => If a default value is specified, initial changes (created with the
* object) that set the value to the default will not be displayed in the UI.
* This is also used by :allow_reverting_to_default. This value can be set
* to nil, which will match NULL. Be sure at least one property has no default,
* or initial changes will show up as a blank line in the UI.
* :allow_reverting_to_default => By default, initial changes. Fields with
* :allow_reverting_to_default => true can be undone; the default value will
* be treated as the previous value.
public function versioned_attributes(array $attrs)
$fixed = [];
foreach ($attrs as $k => $row) {
if (is_int($k)) {
$fixed[$row] = [];
} else {
$fixed[$k] = $row;
$this->versioned_attributes = $fixed;
return $this;
public function get_versioned_attributes()
return $this->versioned_attributes;
public function get_versioned_attribute_options($field)
$attrs = $this->get_versioned_attributes();
if (array_key_exists($field, $attrs)) {
return $attrs[$field];
# Add default histories for any new versioned properties. Group the new fields
# with existing histories for the same object, if any, so new properties don't
# fill up the history as if they were new properties.
# options:
# :attrs => [:column_name, :column_name2]
# If set, specifies the attributes to import. Otherwise, all versioned attributes
# with no records are imported.
# :allow_missing => true
# If set, don't throw an error if we're trying to import a property that doesn't exist
# in the database. This is used for initial import, where the versioned properties
# in the codebase correspond to columns that will be added and imported in a later
# migration. This is not used for explicit imports done later, because we want to catch
# errors (versioned properties that don't match up with column names).
public function update_versioned_tables($c, array $options = [])
$table_name = $c::tableName();
// p "Updating " . $table_name;
// # Our schema doesn't allow us to apply single ON DELETE constraints, so use
// # a rule to do it. This is Postgresql-specific.
// self::connection()->executeSql("
// CREATE OR REPLACE RULE delete_histories AS ON DELETE TO ${table_name}
// DO (
// DELETE FROM history_changes WHERE remote_id = OLD.id AND table_name = '${table_name}';
// DELETE FROM histories WHERE group_by_id = OLD.id AND group_by_table = '${table_name}';
// );
// ");
$attributes_to_update = [];
if (!empty($options['attrs'])) {
$attrs = $options['attrs'];
# Verify that the attributes we were told to update are actually versioned.
$missing_attributes = array_diff($attrs, array_keys($c::versioning()->get_versioned_attributes()));
// p $c::versioning()->get_versioned_attributes();
if ($missing_attributes) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Tried to add versioned propertes for table \"%s\" that aren't versioned: %s",
$table_name, implode(' ', $missing_attributes)
} else {
$attrs = $c::versioning()->get_versioned_attributes();
foreach ($attrs as $att => $opt) {
# If any histories already exist for this attribute, assume that it's already been updated.
if (HistoryChange::where("table_name = ? AND column_name = ?", $table_name, $att)->first()) {
$attributes_to_update[] = $att;
if (!$attributes_to_update) {
$attributes_to_update = array_filter(array_map(function($att) use ($c, $table_name) {
$column_exists = $c::connection()->selectValue(
"SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = ? AND column_name = ?",
$table_name, $att
if ($column_exists) {
return $att;
} else {
if (empty($options['allow_missing'])) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Expected to add versioned property \"%s\" for table \"%s\", but that column doesn't exist in the database",
$att, $table_name
}, $attributes_to_update));
if (!$attributes_to_update) {
// $c::transaction(function() use ($c, $attributes_to_update, $table_name) {
$current = 1;
$count = $c::connection()->selectValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $c::tableName() . "`");
foreach ($c::order('id')->take() as $item) {
// p $current . '/' . $count;
$group_by_table = $c::versioning()->get_group_by_table_name();
$group_by_id = $item->get_group_by_id();
$history = History::order('id ASC')
->where("group_by_table = ? AND group_by_id = ?", $group_by_table, $group_by_id)
if (!$history) {
$options = [
'group_by_table' => $group_by_table,
'group_by_id' => $group_by_id
if ($c::isAttribute('user_id')) {
$options['user_id'] = $item->user_id;
} else {
$options['user_id'] = 1;
$history = History::create($options);
$to_crate = [];
foreach ($attributes_to_update as $att) {
$value = $item->$att;
$options = [
'column_name' => $att,
'value' => $value,
'table_name' => $table_name,
'remote_id' => $item->id,
'history_id' => $history->id,
$to_create[] = $options;
// $escaped_options = [];
// foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
// if ($value === null) {
// $escaped_options[$key] = 'NULL';
// } else {
// $column = HistoryChange::
// }
// }
$columns = array_keys($to_create[0]);
$values = [];
$marks = [];
foreach ($to_create as $row) {
$outrow = [];
foreach ($columns as $col) {
// $val = $row[$col];
$outrow[] = $row[$col];
$marks[] = '(' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($outrow), '?')) . ')';
$values = array_merge($values, $outrow);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO history_changes (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') VALUES ' . implode(', ', $marks);
// try {
$stmt = $c::connection()->resource()->prepare($sql);
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// vpe($sql, $values);
// }
// });
public function import_post_tag_history()
// $count = self::connection()->selectValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM post_tag_histories");
$current = 1;
foreach (PostTagHistory::order('id ASC')->take() as $tag_history) {
// p $current . '/' . $count;
$prev = $tag_history->previous();
$tags = explode(' ', $tag_history->tags);
$metatags = [];
$tags_tmp = [];
foreach ($tags as $x) {
if (strpos($x, 'rating:') === 0) {
$metatags[] = $x;
} else {
$tags_tmp[] = $x;
$tags = implode(' ', $tags_tmp);
$rating = '';
$prev_rating = '';
foreach ($metatags as $metatag) {
if (preg_match('/^rating:([qse])/', $metatag, $m)) {
$rating = $m[1];
if ($prev) {
$prev_tags = explode(' ', $prev->tags);
$prev_metatags = [];
$prev_tags_tmp = [];
foreach ($prev_tags as $x) {
if (preg_match('/^(?:-pool|pool|rating|parent):/', $x)) {
$prev_metatags[] = $x;
} else {
$prev_tags_tmp[] = $x;
$prev_tags = implode(' ', $prev_tags_tmp);
foreach ($prev_metatags as $metatag) {
if (preg_match('/^rating:([qse])/', $metatag, $m)) {
$prev_rating = $m[1];
$changed = false;
if ($tags != $prev_tags || $rating != $prev_rating) {
$h = History::create([
'group_by_table' => 'posts',
'group_by_id' => $tag_history->post_id,
'user_id' => $tag_history->user_id || $tag_history->post->user_id,
'created_at' => $tag_history->created_at
if ($tags != $prev_tags) {
'history_id' => $h->id,
'table_name' => 'posts',
'remote_id' => $tag_history->post_id,
'column_name' => 'cached_tags',
'value' => $tags,
if ($rating != $prev_rating) {
$c = HistoryChange::create([
'history_id' => $h->id,
'table_name' => 'posts',
'remote_id' => $tag_history->post_id,
'column_name' => 'rating',
'value' => $rating,
public function import_note_history()
$count = NoteVersion::count();
$current = 1;
foreach (NoteVersion::order('id ASC')->take() as $ver) {
// p $current . '/' . $count;
if ($ver->version == 1) {
$prev = null;
} else {
$prev = NoteVersion::where(
"post_id = ? and note_id = ? and version = ?",
$ver->post_id, $ver->note_id, $ver->version - 1
$fields = [];
foreach (['is_active', 'body', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height'] as $field) {
$value = $ver->$field;
if ($prev) {
$prev_value = $prev->$field;
if ($value == $prev_value)
$fields[] = [$field, $value];
# Only create the History if we actually found any changes.
if ($fields) {
$h = History::create([
'group_by_table' => 'posts',
'group_by_id' => $ver->post_id,
'user_id' => $ver->user_id ?: $ver->post->user_id,
'created_at' => $ver->created_at,
'aux' => ['note_body' => $prev ? $prev->body : $ver->body]
foreach ($fields as $f) {
'history_id' => $h->id,
'table_name' => 'notes',
'remote_id' => $ver->note_id,
'column_name' => $f[0],
'value' => $f[1]
# Add base history values for newly-added properties.
# This is only used for importing initial histories. When adding new versioned properties,
# call update_versioned_tables directly with the table and attributes to update.
public function update_all_versioned_tables()
foreach (self::get_versioned_classes() as $cls) {
$this->update_versioned_tables($cls, ['allow_missing' => true]);