2013-10-02 11:14:53 -05:00
namespace Rails\Assets;
use Rails;
use Rails\Assets\Exception as AException;
use Rails\Assets\Server;
use Rails\Assets\File;
class Assets
// static protected $parsers = [];
static protected $instance;
* Name of the YAML file that will store information
* about compiled files.
public $manifestFileName = 'manifest';
* Path where the manifest file will stored.
* No trailing slash.
* Defaults to compile path.
public $manifestFilePath;
protected $prefix;
protected $paths = [];
protected $server;
protected $console;
* File patterns to search and compile files other than .css and .js.
protected $filePatterns = [];
static public function instance()
if (!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new static();
return self::$instance;
// static public function addParsers(array $parsers)
// {
// self::$parsers = array_merge(self::$parsers, $parsers);
// }
// static public function setParsers(array $parsers)
// {
// self::$parsers = $parsers;
// }
// static public function getParsers()
// {
// return self::$parsers;
// }
public function console($message)
if ($this->console) {
public function setConsole(Rails\Console\Console $console)
$this->console = $console;
public function addPaths($paths)
if (!is_array($paths)) {
$paths = [$paths];
$this->paths = array_merge($this->paths, $paths);
* URL for non-static assets.
public function getFileUrl($filename)
if ($file = $this->findFile($filename)) {
return $file->url();
return false;
* Returns not only the URL for the file, but also the URLs
* of the files it requires (if it's a manifest file).
public function getFileUrls($filename)
if ($file = $this->findFile($filename)) {
$parser = new Rails\Assets\Parser\Base($file);
$urls = [];
foreach ($parser->urlPaths() as $url) {
$urls[] = $url . '?body=1';
return $urls;
return false;
public function findFile($filename)
$pinfo = pathinfo($filename);
$extension = $pinfo['extension'];
$dir = $pinfo['dirname'] == '.' ? '' : $pinfo['dirname'] . '/';
$file_relative_path_root = $dir . $pinfo['filename'];
$found = false;
$pattern = $file_relative_path_root . '.' . $extension . '*';
foreach ($this->paths as $assets_root) {
$filePatt = $assets_root . '/' . $pattern;
$files = glob($filePatt);
if ($files) {
$file = new File($extension, $files[0]);
$found = true;
if ($found) {
return $file;
} else {
return false;
public function findCompiledFile($file)
if (!$this->config()->digest) {
return $this->base_path() . ltrim($this->prefix()) . '/' . $file;
} else {
$index = $this->getManifestIndex();
if (isset($index[$file])) {
return $this->base_path() . ltrim($this->prefix()) . '/' . $index[$file];
return false;
* Finds all files named $filename within all assets
* dirs and subdirs.
public function findAllFiles($filename)
$pinfo = pathinfo($filename);
$extension = $pinfo['extension'];
$dir = $pinfo['dirname'] == '.' ? '' : $pinfo['dirname'] . '/';
$file_relative_path_root = $dir . $pinfo['filename'];
$foundFiles = [];
$pattern = $file_relative_path_root . '.' . $extension . '*';
foreach ($this->paths as $assetsRoot) {
$foundFiles = array_merge($foundFiles, Rails\Toolbox\FileTools::searchFile($assetsRoot, $pattern));
return $foundFiles;
* Deletes all compiled files and compiles them again.
public function compileAll()
$manifestNames = $this->config()->precompile;
foreach ($manifestNames as $manifest) {
$ext = pathinfo($manifest, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$paths = $this->findAllFiles($manifest);
foreach ($paths as $path) {
$this->compileFile(new File($ext, $path));
public function addFilePatterns($exts)
$this->filePatterns = array_merge($this->filePatterns, (array)$exts);
protected function compileOtherFiles()
$exts = $this->filePatterns;
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$pattern = '{' . implode(',', $exts) .'}';
2013-10-02 11:14:53 -05:00
$foundFiles = [];
foreach ($this->paths as $assetsRoot) {
$foundFiles = array_merge($foundFiles, Rails\Toolbox\FileTools::searchFile($assetsRoot, $pattern, GLOB_BRACE));
$files = [];
$assetsPath = $this->compilePath() . $this->prefix();
foreach ($foundFiles as $foundFile) {
$file = new File($foundFile);
$contents = file_get_contents($foundFile);
$this->createCompiledFile($assetsPath . '/' . $file->relative_path(), $contents, false);
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if ($this->config()->digest) {
$md5 = md5_file($foundFile);
$relativeDir = $file->relative_dir();
if ($relativeDir) {
$relativeDir .= '/';
$relativePath = $relativeDir . $file->file_root();
$basePath = $this->compilePath() . $this->prefix();
$fileroot = $basePath . '/' . $relativeDir . $file->file_root();
# Delete previous md5 files
$pattern = $fileroot . '-*.' . $ext . '*';
if ($mfiles = glob($pattern)) {
$regexp = '/-' . $md5 . '\.' . $ext . '(\.gz)?$/';
foreach ($mfiles as $mfile) {
if (!preg_match($regexp, $mfile)) {
$this->updateManifestIndex($relativePath . '.' . $ext, $relativePath . '-' . $md5 . '.' . $ext);
$md5File = $file->relative_file_root_path() . '-' . $md5 . '.' . $file->type();
$this->createCompiledFile($assetsPath . '/' . $md5File, $contents, false);
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* Deletes everything inside the compile folder.
public function emptyCompileDir()
$this->console("Deleting compiled assets");
$dir = $this->compilePath() . $this->prefix();
if (is_dir($dir)) {
* Accepts:
* string - a filename (e.g. application.css), or
* File object
* Compiles, minifies and gz-compresses files. Also updates the
* manifest index file.
* Note that files with same name will be deleted.
public function compileFile($filename)
if (!$this->compilePath()) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Missing asset configuration 'compile_path'"
} elseif (!$this->manifestFileName) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Property %s::\$manifestFileName must not be empty", __CLASS__)
if (is_string($filename)) {
$file = $this->findFile($filename);
if (!$file) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Asset file not found: %s", $filename)
} elseif ($filename instanceof File) {
$file = $filename;
} else {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(
"Argument must be string or Rails\Assets\File, %s passed",
$this->console("Compiling file " . $file->full_path());
$basePath = $this->compilePath() . $this->prefix();
$ext = $file->type();
$relativeDir = $file->relative_dir();
if ($relativeDir) {
$relativeDir .= '/';
$fileroot = $basePath . '/' . $relativeDir . $file->file_root();
$compiledFileDir = dirname($fileroot);
if (!is_dir($compiledFileDir)) {
try {
mkdir($compiledFileDir, 0755, true);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Couldn't create dir %s: %s", $compiledFileDir, $e->getMessage())
$parser = new Parser\Base($file);
$fileContents = $parser->parsed_file();
if ($this->config()->compress) {
$fileContents = $this->compressFile($fileContents, $ext);
$compileFiles = [ $fileroot . '.' . $ext ];
if ($this->config()->digest) {
$md5 = md5($fileContents);
$compileFiles[] = $fileroot . '-' . $md5 . '.' . $ext;
foreach ($compileFiles as $compileFile) {
$this->createCompiledFile($compileFile, $fileContents);
$relativePath = $relativeDir . $file->file_root();
if ($this->config()->digest) {
# Delete previous md5 files
$pattern = $fileroot . '-*.' . $ext . '*';
if ($mfiles = glob($pattern)) {
$regexp = '/-' . $md5 . '\.' . $ext . '(\.gz)?$/';
foreach ($mfiles as $mfile) {
if (!preg_match($regexp, $mfile)) {
$this->updateManifestIndex($relativePath . '.' . $ext, $relativePath . '-' . $md5 . '.' . $ext);
return true;
protected function createCompiledFile($compiledFilename, $fileContents, $compress = null)
$dir = dirname($compiledFilename);
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
if (file_put_contents($compiledFilename, $fileContents)) {
$this->console("Created " . $compiledFilename);
} else {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Couldn't write file %s", $compiledFilename)
if (null === $compress) {
$compress = $this->config()->gz_compression;
# Compress files.
if ($compress) {
$gzFile = $compiledFilename . '.gz';
$gzdata = gzencode($fileContents, $this->config()->gz_compression_level);
if (file_put_contents($gzFile, $gzdata)) {
$this->console("Created " . $gzFile);
} else {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Couldn't write file %s", $compiledFilename)
* Path where the folder named after $prefix will
* be created to store compiled assets.
public function compilePath()
return $this->config()->compile_path;
* Gets the contents of the manifest index file.
* @return array
public function getManifestIndex()
$file = $this->manifestIndexFile();
if (is_file($file)) {
$index = Rails\Yaml\Parser::readFile($file);
# Force array.
if (!is_array($index)) {
$index = [];
} else {
$index = [];
return $index;
* Path to the manifest file.
* @return string
public function manifestIndexFile()
$basePath = $this->manifestFilePath ?: $this->config()->compile_path . $this->prefix();
$indexFile = $basePath . '/' . $this->manifestFileName . '.yml';
return $indexFile;
* @param string $file
* @param string $md5File
protected function updateManifestIndex($file, $md5File)
$index = $this->getManifestIndex();
$index[$file] = $md5File;
Rails\Yaml\Parser::writeFile($this->manifestIndexFile(), $index);
public function prefix()
if (!$this->prefix) {
$this->prefix = str_replace('\\', '/', Rails::application()->config()->assets->prefix);
return $this->prefix;
public function public_path()
return Rails::publicPath() . $this->prefix();
public function trim_paths(array $files)
$trimd = [];
foreach ($files as $file) {
foreach ($this->paths as $path) {
if (is_int(strpos($file, $path))) {
$trimd[] = str_replace($path, '', $file);
continue 2;
$trimd[] = $file;
return $trimd;
public function compressFile($contents, $ext)
$key = $ext . '_compressor';
$conf = $this->config()->$key;
if (!$conf) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"No compressor defined for extension $ext"
if ($conf instanceof Closure) {
$compressed = $conf($contents);
} else {
$class = $conf['class_name'];
$method = $conf['method'];
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$static = isset($conf['static']) && $conf['static'];
2013-10-02 11:14:53 -05:00
if (!empty($conf['file'])) {
require_once $conf['file'];
if ($static) {
$compressed = $class::$method($contents);
} else {
$compressor = new $class();
$compressed = $compressor->$method($contents);
return $compressed;
public function config()
return Rails::application()->config()->assets;
public function cache_read($key)
return Rails::cache()->read($key, ['path' => 'rails']);
public function cache_write($key, $contents)
return Rails::cache()->write($key, $contents, ['path' => 'rails']);
public function base_path()
return Rails::application()->router()->basePath();
public function paths()
return $this->paths;
public function server()
if (!$this->server) {
$this->server = new Server;
return $this->server;