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808 lines
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namespace Rails\Routing\Route;
use Excpetion;
use Rails;
use Rails\Routing\UrlToken;
use Rails\Routing\Mapper;
use Rails\Routing\Exception;
use Rails\Toolbox;
class Route
const GLOBBING_REGEXP = '(.*?)';
* URL with variables.
private $_url;
* URL with escaped variables.
private $_escaped_url;
private $_to;
private $_via;
private $_format = 'html';
private $_defaults = array();
$name => array(
'constraint' => $regexp ?: null,
'value' => $value ?: null, // Taken from request url or set by "default"
'default' => $default ?: null,
'is_optional'=> boolean,
'preceded_by'=> . | / | null // This will help when building the route, only for optional vars
private $_vars = array();
private $_optional_groups;
# variables in the order they're defined in the route.
private $_vars_names = array();
* Variable values taken from the request url.
private $_vars_values = array();
* $var_name => $regexp
private $_constraints = array();
private $_as;
private $_subdomain;
private $_paths = [];
// private $_namespaces = [];
private $_modules = [];
private $_controller = '';
private $_action = '';
* Following props serve for Build
private $_optional_parts = array();
* Needed to do a diff after building a route,
* to see which vars were actually used.
private $_used_vars = array();
private $_build_url;
private $_build_params;
$_rails_panel = false,
$_assets_route = false;
public function __construct($url, $to, array $params = array())
foreach ($params as $name => $val) {
$prop = '_' . $name;
if (!property_exists($this, $prop))
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Tried to set invalid property '%s'.", $name)
$this->$prop = $val;
if (!$to && (is_bool(strpos($url, ':controller')) || is_bool(strpos($url, ':action')))) {
$parts = explode('/', $url);
$parts = array_slice($parts, 0, 2);
if (!isset($parts[1]))
$parts[1] = 'index';
$parts[1] = preg_split('/\W/', $parts[1], 2)[0];
$this->_to = implode('#', $parts);
} else
$this->_to = $to;
# Set module.
if ($this->_modules && $this->_to) {
$this->_to = implode(UrlToken::MODULE_SEPARATOR, $this->_modules) . UrlToken::MODULE_SEPARATOR . $this->_to;
if ($this->paths) {
$scope_paths = $this->paths;
$scope_paths = $scope_paths ? implode('/', $scope_paths) : '';
$url && $url = '/' . $url;
$this->_url = $scope_paths . $url;
} else {
$this->_url = $url;
if (!$this->_via) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"The 'via' option can't be empty (to=>%s)",
!is_array($this->_via) && $this->_via = array($this->_via);
public function __get($prop)
$prop_prop = '_' . $prop;
if (!property_exists($this, $prop_prop))
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Property '%s' doesn't exist.", $prop)
return $this->$prop_prop;
public function build()
if (!$this->_escaped_url) {
public function match($url, $via)
if ($base_path = Rails::application()->router()->basePath())
$url = substr($url, strlen($base_path));
if ($this->_is_root())
return $this->_match_root($url);
elseif ($this->rails_admin() && !Rails::application()->validateSafeIps())
return false;
if (!in_array(strtolower($via), $this->_via))
return false;
$url = ltrim($url, '/');
$regex = '/^' . $this->_escaped_url . '$/';
if (!preg_match($regex, $url, $m))
return false;
$var_names = array_keys($this->_vars);
* Add variable values to _var_values and also check if any
* of the matches values is also a property (like :format)
* to set it.
foreach ($m as $k => $value) {
if (isset($this->_vars[$var_names[$k]]['constraint'])) {
if (substr($this->_vars[$var_names[$k]]['constraint'], 0, 1) == '/') {
if (!preg_match($this->_vars[$var_names[$k]]['constraint'], $value)) {
return false;
} else {
if ($value !== (string)$this->_vars[$var_names[$k]]['constraint'])
return false;
# Workaround for action: when "/post/", action will be "" and
# will cause errors; set it to "index".
if ($var_names[$k] == 'action') {
$value === "" && $value = 'index';
$this->_action = $value;
} elseif ($var_names[$k] == 'format') {
$value === '' && $value = 'html';
$this->_format = $value;
$this->_vars[$var_names[$k]]['value'] = $value;
if (!$this->_assets_route) {
if (!$this->_parse_token())
return false;
// elseif (!$this->_path_exists()) {
// throw new \Rails_ActionDispatch_Router_Route_Exception_ControllerFileNotFound();
// throw new Exception\Rails_ActionDispatch_Router_Route_Exception_ControllerFileNotFound();
// }
// vpe($this);
return true;
public function match_with_token($token, array &$params)
if ($token === $this->_to || $token === $this->alias()) {
if ($url = $this->build_url($params, false)) {
return $url;
} elseif ($this->_has_variable_to()) {
$to = '/' . preg_replace('/:\w+/', '(\w+)', $this->_to) . '/';
// $to = '/' . preg_replace('/:\w+/', '(\w+)', preg_quote($this->_to)) . '/';
$type = $this->_parse_variable_to();
// try {
if (preg_match($to, $token, $m)) {
$params[$type] = $m[1];
if ($url = $this->build_url($params, false)) {
return $url;
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// vpe($this);
// }
} elseif (!$this->to) {
list($params['controller'], $params['action']) = explode('#', $token);
if ($url = $this->build_url($params, false)) {
return $url;
return '';
* Builds the URL with params passed and returns it.
* The params must include all variables defined for
* the route, and also must pass the regex validation,
* else an exception will be thrown.
* Any param that is not used by the route will be ignored.
* @return string the bare built url, with NO base_path.
public function build_url(array $params, $raise_e = true)
// if ($this->_to == 'help#:action')
$this->_build_params = $params;
$this->_build_url = $this->_url;
# If main variables aren't present, return.
if (!$this->_check_main_vars()) {
$this->_build_params = array();
$this->_build_url = '';
return false;
if (($groups = $this->_optional_groups) && (array_shift($groups) ?: true) && $groups) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$parsed_group = $this->_check_optional_groups($group);
$this->_build_url = str_replace($group['part'], $parsed_group, $this->_build_url);
# Remove remaining parentheses.
$this->_build_url = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $this->_build_url);
# Set build_params as its keys for later call of remaining_params()
$this->_build_params = array_keys($this->_build_params);
# Add leading slash as routes don't include it.
return '/' . $this->_build_url;
public function build_url_path(array $params)
$build_params = [];
// if (isset($params[0]) && $params[0] instanceof \Rails\ActiveRecord\Base) {
// $model = array_shift($params);
// } else
// $model = false;
$i = 0;
// vpe($params);
// $params = array_values($params);
foreach ($this->_vars as $name => $data) {
// if ($model) {
// $build_params[$name] = $model->$name;
// } else {
// vpe($params, !isset($params[$i]), empty($data['type']));
if (!isset($params[$name]) || empty($data['type']))
// vpe(is_array($params[$name]));
if (is_array($params[$name])) {
$build_params = array_merge($build_params, $params[$i]);
} else {
$build_params[$name] = $params[$name];
// }
// vpe($build_params, $this->_vars);
// vpe($this);
$url = $this->build_url($build_params);
// vpe
// if (!$url) vpe($params, $build_params);
if ($this->_build_params) {
if ($query_params = array_filter(array_intersect_key($build_params, array_fill_keys($this->_build_params, true))))
$url .= '?' . http_build_query($query_params);
return $url;
public function vars()
$vars = array();
foreach ($this->_vars as $name => $params) {
$vars[$name] = $params['value'];
return $vars;
public function remaining_params()
return array_fill_keys($this->_build_params, null);
public function alias()
return $this->_as;
public function to()
return $this->_to;
public function url()
return $this->_url;
public function via()
return $this->_via;
public function namespaces()
return $this->_modules;
public function modules()
return $this->_modules;
public function controller()
return $this->_controller;
public function action()
return $this->_action;
public function rails_admin()
return $this instanceof PanelRoute;
// return $this->_rails_admin;
public function isPanelRoute()
return $this instanceof PanelRoute;
# TODO: Deprecated
public function panel_route()
return $this->isPanelRoute();
public function assets_route()
return $this->_assets_route;
* Builds the internal view path for the route out of
* module, controller and action.
* i.e. route for /post/show/15 would return
* this path: post/show[.$format]
* TODO: add path_names support.
public function path(array $params = array())
$path = [];
if ($this->_modules)
$path = $this->_modules;
$path[] = $this->_controller;
$path[] = isset($params['action']) ? $params['action'] : $this->_action;
$format = isset($params['format']) ? '.' . $params['format'] : '';
return implode('/', $path) . $format;
public function namespace_path()
if ($this->_modules) {
return implode('/', array_map(function($x) { return Rails::services()->get('inflector')->camelize($x); }, $this->_modules));
public function controller_file()
$path = Rails::config()->paths->controllers . '/' . (($namespacedPath = $this->namespace_path()) ? $namespacedPath . '/' : '') . Rails::services()->get('inflector')->camelize($this->controller) . 'Controller.php';
return $path;
* Each namespace can have its own application controller.
* This is called by Rails_Application when checking for the file for ApplicationController;
* If we're in a namespace, the path to the application_controller file changes.
public function namespaced_controller_file()
if (!$this->_modules)
return false;
return Rails::config()->paths->controllers . '/' . $this->namespace_path() . '/application_controller.php';
private function _check_main_vars()
if (($group = $this->_optional_groups) && ($group = array_shift($group))) {
foreach ($group as $mv) {
if (!isset($this->_build_params[$mv])) {
return false;
} else {
$this->_build_url = str_replace($this->_vars[$mv]['type'].$mv, $this->_build_params[$mv], $this->_build_url);
return true;
private function _check_optional_groups($group)
# Used for workaround.
$action = false;
$group_str = $part = $group['part'];
$main_vars = array_shift($group);
if (!$main_vars)
$group_str = '';
foreach ($main_vars as $mv) {
if (!isset($this->_vars[$mv]))
if (!isset($this->_build_params[$mv])) {
$group_str = '';
} else {
# For workaround
if ($mv == 'action')
$action = $this->_build_params['action'];
$group_str = str_replace($this->_vars[$mv]['type'].$mv, $this->_build_params[$mv], $group_str);
if ($group_str) {
foreach ($group as $subgroup) {
$subpart = $subgroup['part'];
$subrpl = $this->_check_optional_groups($subgroup);
# For workaround
if (!$subrpl)
$group_str = str_replace($subpart, $subrpl, $group_str);
* Here comes the workaround. If the group has only one var
* and it's "action" and its value is "index" and there are no
* group memebers left (i.e., this current group is just something with
* 'index', remove it).
if (count($main_vars) == 1 && $main_vars[0] == 'action' && $action == 'index' && !$group) {
$group_str = '';
return $group_str;
private function _match_root($url)
if ($url === $this->_root_url()) {
return true;
return false;
* Doing this because of the options for the
* :format var, such as setting it to true or false.
* By default, it's always added by the end of the
* route as an optional var.
private function _check_format_var()
if ($this->_format !== false && !$this->_is_root() && !preg_match('/(:|\*)format[^\w]?/', $this->_url)) {
if ($this->_format === true)
$this->_url .= '.:format';
$this->_url .= '(.:format)';
private function _escape_url()
$this->_escaped_url = str_replace(array(
), array(
), $this->_url);
$repls = $subjs = array();
foreach ($this->_vars as $name => $var) {
if ($name == 'format')
$repl = '([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5})';
elseif ($var['type'] == '*')
$repl = '(.*?)';
$repl = '([^\/]+?)';
$repls[] = $repl;
$type = $var['type'] == '*' ? '\*' : $var['type'];
$subjs[] = '/' . $type . $name . '/';
$this->_escaped_url = preg_replace($subjs, $repls, $this->_escaped_url);
if (!$this->_assets_route)
$this->_escaped_url .= '\/?';
private function _find_vars($url_part = null)
$vars = array();
if ($url_part === null) {
$url_part = $this->_url;
} else {
$vars['part'] = $url_part;
# Remove parentheses.
$url_part = substr($url_part, 1, -1);
$parts = $this->_extract_groups($url_part);
$url_part = str_replace($parts, '%', $url_part);
if (preg_match_all('/(\*|:)(\w+)/', $url_part, $ms)) {
foreach ($ms[1] as $k => $type) {
$var_name = $ms[2][$k];
# Get constraint from properties.
$constraint = isset($this->_constraints[$var_name]) ? $this->_constraints[$var_name] : null;
# Get default from properties.
$default = isset($this->_defaults[$var_name]) ? $this->_defaults[$var_name] : null;
$this->_vars_names[] = $var_name;
$this->_vars[$var_name] = array(
'type' => $type,
'constraint' => $constraint,
'default' => $default,
'value' => null,
'optional' => false
$vars[] = $ms[2];
} else
$vars[] = [];
foreach ($parts as $subpart) {
if ($c = $this->_find_vars($subpart))
$vars[] = $c;
return $vars;
private function _extract_groups($str)
$parts = array();
while ($part = $this->_extract_group($str)) {
$str = substr($str, strpos($str, $part) + strlen($part));
$parts[] = $part;
return $parts;
private function _extract_group($str)
if (false === ($pos = strpos($str, '(')))
$group = '';
$open = 1;
while ($open > 0) {
$str = substr($str, $pos+1);
$close_pos = strpos($str, ')');
$part = substr($str, 0, $close_pos+1);
if (is_bool(strpos($part, '('))) {
$pos = $close_pos;
$group .= $part;
} else {
$pos = strpos($str, '(');
$group .= substr($str, 0, $pos+1);
return '(' . $group;
* Extracts var names and also replaces them in the regexp with their
* corresponding constraints.
private function _extract_vars()
$this->_optional_groups = $this->_find_vars();
$this->_constraints = [];
* Set index = action by default.
private function _set_default_vars_values()
$default_action = 'index';
if (!$this->_assets_route) {
# Action defaulted to "index" even thought _to said
# otherwise.
if ($this->_to) {
try {
$token = new UrlToken($this->_to);
list($controller, $default_action) = $token->parts();
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (!isset($this->_defaults['action']))
$this->_defaults['action'] = $default_action;
foreach ($this->_defaults as $var => $val) {
if ($var == 'action') {
if ($val == ':action') {
$val = 'index';
$this->_action = $val;
} elseif ($var == 'controller')
$this->_controller = $val;
$this->_vars[$var]['value'] = $val;
if (!isset($this->_vars['format']['value']) || $this->_vars['format']['value'] === '')
$this->_vars['format']['value'] = 'html';
$this->_format = $this->_vars['format']['value'];
$this->_defaults = null;
* Check if the controller actually exists after
* matching the controller and action.
// private function _path_exists()
// {
// if ($this->rails_admin())
// return true;
// return is_file($this->controller_file());
// }
* Parses the "to" property, which is actually a UrlToken.
* This isn't necessary to do if the route is like ':controller/:action'.
private function _parse_token()
if (!$this->_controller || !$this->_action) {
if (!$this->_action && isset($this->_vars['action']))
$this->_action = $this->_vars['action']['value'];
if (!$this->_to) {
if (!isset($this->_vars['controller']) || !isset($this->_vars['action']))
return false;
$this->_controller = $this->_vars['controller']['value'];
$this->_action = $this->_vars['action']['value'];
} else {
$to = $this->_has_variable_to() ? $this->_replace_variable_to($this->_controller, $this->_action) : $this->_to;
try {
$token = new UrlToken($to);
list($this->_controller, $this->_action) = $token->parts();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return true;
private function _is_root()
return $this->_url === $this->_root_url();
private function _root_url()
return Mapper::ROOT_URL;
private function _replace_variable_to($controller, $action)
$parts = explode('#', $this->_to);
empty($parts[1]) && $parts[1] = 'index';
$part = is_int(strpos($parts[0], ':')) ? $parts[0] : $parts[1];
preg_match('/:(\w+)/', $part, $m);
$type = $m[1];
return str_replace(':'.$type, $$type, $this->_to);
* Returns the variable part of the _to attribute.
private function _parse_variable_to()
$parts = explode('#', $this->_to);
empty($parts[1]) && $parts[1] = 'index';
$part = is_int(strpos($parts[0], ':')) ? $parts[0] : $parts[1];
preg_match('/:(\w+)/', $part, $m);
$type = $m[1];
return $type;
private function _set_alias()
if (!$this->_as) {
if ($this->_is_root())
$this->_as = 'root';
elseif ($this->rails_admin() && $this->_rails_panel) {
$this->_as = 'rails_panel';
// elseif ($this->_controller && $this->_action)
// $this->_as = (($namespace = $this->_namespaces) ? implode('_', $namespace) . '_' : '') . $this->_controller . '_' . $this->_action;
private function _has_variable_to()
return is_int(strpos($this->_to, ':'));