2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
< ? php
class SimilarImages
const SEARCH_CACHE_DIR = " /data/search " ;
static public function get_services ( $services = null )
! $services && $services = " local " ;
if ( $services == " all " ) {
$services = array_keys ( CONFIG () -> image_service_list );
} else {
$services = explode ( ',' , $services );
foreach ( array_keys ( $services ) as $i ) {
if ( $services [ $i ] == " local " )
$services [ $i ] = CONFIG () -> local_image_service ;
return $services ;
static public function similar_images ( $options = [])
$errors = [];
$local_service = CONFIG () -> local_image_service ;
$services = $options [ 'services' ];
$services_by_server = [];
foreach ( $services as $service ) {
if ( ! isset ( CONFIG () -> image_service_list [ $service ]) || ! ( $server = CONFIG () -> image_service_list [ $service ])) {
$errors [] = [ 'services' => [ $service ], 'message' => $service . " is an unknown service " ];
continue ;
if ( ! isset ( $services_by_server [ $server ]))
$services_by_server [ $server ] = [];
$services_by_server [ $server ][] = $service ;
if ( ! $services_by_server )
return [ 'posts' => new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection (), 'posts_external' => new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection (), 'similarity' => [], 'services' => [], 'errors' => 'No service selected/no local service' ];
# If the source is a local post, read the preview and send it with the request.
if ( $options [ 'type' ] == 'post' ) {
$source_file = $options [ 'source' ] -> preview_path ();
} elseif ( $options [ 'type' ] == 'file' ) {
$source_file = $options [ 'source' ];
$server_threads = [];
$server_responses = [];
$curl_opts = [
2014-01-27 09:27:46 -05:00
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
CURLOPT_POST => true ,
$mh = curl_multi_init ();
$chk = - 1 ;
foreach ( $services_by_server as $services_list ) {
$chk ++ ;
2014-01-27 09:27:46 -05:00
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
$search_url = null ;
if ( $options [ 'type' ] == 'url' )
$search_url = $options [ 'source' ];
if ( $options [ 'type' ] == 'post' && CONFIG () -> image_service_local_searches_use_urls )
$search_url = $options [ 'source' ][ 'preview_url' ];
$params = [];
2014-01-27 09:27:46 -05:00
if ( $search_url ) {
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
$params [ 'url' ] = $search_url ;
2014-01-27 09:27:46 -05:00
} else {
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
$params [ 'file' ] = '@' . $source_file ;
foreach ( $services_list as $k => $s )
$params [ " service[ $k ] " ] = $s ;
$chn = 'ch' . $chk ;
$$chn = curl_init ( $server );
curl_setopt_array ( $$chn , $curl_opts );
curl_setopt ( $$chn , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $params );
curl_setopt ( $$chn , CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 4 );
curl_setopt ( $$chn , CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , [ 'Host: ' . parse_url ( $server )[ 'host' ]]);
curl_multi_add_handle ( $mh , $$chn );
$ch_count = $chk ;
$active = null ;
do {
$ret = curl_multi_exec ( $mh , $active );
} while ( $ret == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM );
2014-01-27 09:27:46 -05:00
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
while ( $active && $ret == CURLM_OK ) {
2014-01-27 09:27:46 -05:00
if ( curl_multi_select ( $mh ) != - 1 ) {
usleep ( 100 );
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
do {
$mrc = curl_multi_exec ( $mh , $active );
} while ( $mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM );
$posts = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection ();
$posts_external = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection ();
$similarity = [];
$preview_url = " " ;
$next_id = 1 ;
$server_list = array_keys ( $services_by_server );
* Is there a class for PHP that can nicely handle XML ?
$get_attr = function ( $xml , $attr ) {
$obj = $xml -> attributes () -> $attr ;
if ( $obj ) {
$obj = ( array ) $obj ;
return $obj [ 0 ];
return null ;
foreach ( range ( 0 , $ch_count ) as $i ) {
$chn = 'ch' . $i ;
$server = $server_list [ $i ];
$resp = curl_multi_getcontent ( $$chn );
if ( ! $resp ) {
2014-01-27 09:27:46 -05:00
$curl_err = curl_error ( $$chn );
if ( preg_match ( '/^Operation timed out/' , $curl_err )) {
$err_msg = 'timed out' ;
Rails :: log () -> notice (
" [SimilarImages] cURL timed out: " . $curl_err
} else {
$err_msg = 'empty response' ;
Rails :: log () -> warning ( sprintf (
" [SimilarImages] cURL error: (%s) %s " , curl_errno ( $$chn ), $curl_err
$errors [ $server ] = [ 'message' => $err_msg ];
continue ;
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
try {
$doc = new SimpleXMLElement ( $resp );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
ob_start ();
var_dump ( curl_getinfo ( $$chn ));
$info = ob_get_clean ();
Rails :: log () -> error ( " Similar Images Error \n cURL Error: " . curl_error ( $$chn ) . " \n cURL Info: \n " . $info );
Rails :: log () -> exception ( $e );
$errors [ $server ] = [ 'message' => 'parse error' ];
continue ;
if ( $doc -> getName () == 'error' ) {
$errors [ $server ] = [ 'message' => $doc -> message ];
continue ;
} elseif ( $doc -> getName () != 'matches' ) {
$errors [ $server ] = [ 'message' => 'invalid response' ];
continue ;
$threshold = ! empty ( $options [ 'threshold' ]) ? $options [ 'threshold' ] : ( float ) $get_attr ( $doc , 'threshold' );
foreach ( $doc -> match as $element ) {
$sim = ( float ) $get_attr ( $element , 'sim' );
if ( $sim >= $threshold and $sim > 0 ) {
$service = $get_attr ( $element , 'service' );
$image = $element -> post ;
$id = $get_attr ( $image , 'id' );
$md5 = $get_attr ( $image , 'md5' );
if ( $service == $local_service ) {
$post = Post :: where ( 'id = ?' , $id );
if ( $post && is_object ( $options [ 'source' ]) && $post -> id != $options [ 'source' ] -> id ) {
$posts [] = $post ;
$similarity [ spl_object_hash ( $post )] = $sim ;
} elseif ( $service ) {
$post = new ExternalPost ();
$post -> id = ( string ) $next_id ;
$next_id ++ ;
$post -> md5 = $md5 ;
$post -> preview_url = $get_attr ( $element , 'preview' );
if ( $service == 'gelbooru.com' ) # hack
$post -> url = " http:// " . $service . " /index.php?page=post&s=view&id= " . $id ;
elseif ( $service == " e-shuushuu.net " ) # hack
$post -> url = " http:// " . $service . " /image/ " . $id . " / " ;
$post -> url = " http:// " . $service . " /post/show/ " . $id ;
$post -> sample_url = $get_attr ( $image , 'sample_url' ) ? : $post -> url ;
$post -> service = $service ;
$post -> width = $get_attr ( $image , 'width' );
$post -> height = $get_attr ( $image , 'height' );
$post -> tags = $get_attr ( $image , 'tags' ) ? : '' ;
if ( empty ( $options [ 'data_search' ]))
$post -> rating = $get_attr ( $image , 'rating' ) ? : 's' ;
$post -> rating = $get_attr ( $image , 'rating' ) ? : false ;
# Extra attributes.
if ( ! empty ( $options [ 'data_search' ])) {
$post -> original_preview_url = $get_attr ( $image , 'preview_url' );
$post -> id = $get_attr ( $image , 'id' );
$post -> author = $get_attr ( $image , 'author' );
$post -> created_at = $get_attr ( $image , 'created_at' );
$post -> creator_id = $get_attr ( $image , 'creator_id' );
$post -> file_size = $get_attr ( $image , 'file_size' );
$post -> file_url = $get_attr ( $image , 'file_url' );
$post -> score = $get_attr ( $image , 'score' );
$post -> source = $get_attr ( $image , 'source' );
$post -> icon_path = ExternalPost :: get_service_icon ( $service );
if ( preg_match ( '/\.png$/' , $post -> file_url ))
$post -> has_png = true ;
$posts_external [] = $post ;
$similarity [ spl_object_hash ( $post )] = $sim ;
$posts -> sort ( function ( $a , $b ) {
$aid = spl_object_hash ( $a );
$bid = spl_object_hash ( $b );
if ( $similarity [ $aid ] == $similarity [ $bid ])
return 0 ;
elseif ( $similarity [ $aid ] > $similarity [ $bid ])
return 1 ;
return - 1 ;
foreach ( $errors as $server => $error ) {
if ( empty ( $error [ 'services' ]))
$error [ 'services' ] = ! empty ( $services_by_server [ $server ]) ? $services_by_server [ $server ] : $server ;
$ret = [ 'posts' => $posts , 'posts_external' => $posts_external , 'similarity' => $similarity , 'services' => $services , 'errors' => $errors ];
if ( $options [ 'type' ] == 'post' ) {
$ret [ 'source' ] = $options [ 'source' ];
$ret [ 'similarity' ][ spl_object_hash ( $options [ 'source' ])] = 'Original' ;
$ret [ 'search_id' ] = $ret [ 'source' ] -> id ;
} else {
$post = new ExternalPost ();
# $post->md5 = $md5;
$post -> preview_url = $options [ 'source_thumb' ];
if ( ! empty ( $options [ 'full_url' ]))
$post -> url = $options [ 'full_url' ];
elseif ( ! empty ( $options [ 'url' ]))
$post -> url = $options [ 'url' ];
elseif ( ! empty ( $options [ 'source_thumb' ]))
$post -> url = $options [ 'source_thumb' ];
$post -> id = 'source' ;
$post -> rating = 'q' ;
$ret [ 'search_id' ] = 'source' ;
# Don't include the source URL if it's a data: url; it can be very large and isn't useful.
if ( substr ( $post -> url , 0 , 5 ) == " data: " )
$post -> url = " " ;
list ( $source_width , $source_height ) = getimagesize ( $source_file );
# Since we lose access to the original image when we redirect to a saved search,
# the original dimensions can be passed as parameters so we can still display
# the original size. This can also be used by user scripts to include the
# size of the real image when a thumbnail is passed.
$post -> width = ! empty ( $options [ 'width' ]) ? $options [ 'width' ] : $source_width ;
$post -> height = ! empty ( $options [ 'height' ]) ? $options [ 'height' ] : $source_height ;
$ret [ 'external_source' ] = $post ;
$ret [ 'similarity' ][ spl_object_hash ( $post )] = " Original " ;
return $ret ;
# Save a file locally to be searched for. Returns the path to the saved file, and
# the search ID which can be passed to find_saved_search.
# MyImouto: this method receives the file contents, not a path to a file.
static public function save_search ( $file_contents )
$tempfile_path_resize = $tempfile_path = $file_path = null ;
try {
if ( ! is_dir ( self :: search_cache_dir ()))
mkdir ( self :: search_cache_dir ());
while ( true ) {
$tempfile_path = self :: search_cache_dir () . " / " . uniqid ( '' , true ) . " .upload " ;
if ( ! is_file ( $tempfile_path ))
break ;
$fh = fopen ( $tempfile_path , 'a' );
fclose ( $fh );
file_put_contents ( $tempfile_path , $file_contents );
# Use the resizer to validate the file and convert it to a thumbnail-size JPEG.
$imgsize = getimagesize ( $tempfile_path );
$exts = [
false ,
'gif' ,
'jpg' ,
'png' ,
'swf' ,
'psd' ,
'bmp' ,
'tiff' ,
'tiff' ,
'jpc' ,
'jp2' ,
'jpx' ,
'jb2' ,
'swc' ,
'iff' ,
'wbmp' ,
if ( ! $imgsize || ! $imgsize [ 2 ] || ! isset ( $exts [ $imgsize [ 2 ]])) {
throw new Moebooru\Exception\ResizeErrorException ( " Unrecognized image format " );
$ret = [];
$ret [ 'original_width' ] = $imgsize [ 0 ];
$ret [ 'original_height' ] = $imgsize [ 1 ];
$size = Moebooru\Resizer :: reduce_to ([ 'width' => $ret [ 'original_width' ], 'height' => $ret [ 'original_height' ]], [ 'width' => 150 , 'height' => 150 ]);
$ext = $exts [ $imgsize [ 2 ]];
$tempfile_path_resize = $tempfile_path . " .2 " ;
Moebooru\Resizer :: resize ( $ext , $tempfile_path , $tempfile_path_resize , $size , 95 );
rename ( $tempfile_path_resize , $tempfile_path );
$md5 = md5_file ( $tempfile_path );
$id = $md5 . " . " . $ext ;
$file_path = self :: search_cache_dir () . " / " . $id ;
rename ( $tempfile_path , $file_path );
# Finally block
if ( is_dir ( $tempfile_path ))
rmdir ( $tempfile_path );
if ( is_file ( $tempfile_path_resize ))
rmdir ( $tempfile_path_resize );
// chmod($file_path, 0664);
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
# Finally block
if ( is_dir ( $tempfile_path ))
rmdir ( $tempfile_path );
if ( is_file ( $tempfile_path_resize ))
rmdir ( $tempfile_path_resize );
if ( is_dir ( $file_path ))
rmdir ( $file_path );
throw $e ;
finally {
if ( is_dir ( $tempfile_path ))
rmdir ( $tempfile_path );
if ( is_file ( $tempfile_path_resize ))
rmdir ( $tempfile_path_resize );
$ret [ 'file_path' ] = $file_path ;
$ret [ 'search_id' ] = $id ;
return $ret ;
static public function valid_saved_search ( $id )
return ( bool ) preg_match ( '/\A[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}\.[a-z]+\Z/' , $id );
# Find a saved file.
static public function find_saved_search ( $id )
if ( ! self :: valid_saved_search ( $id ))
return ;
$file_path = self :: search_cache_dir () . " / " . $id ;
if ( ! is_file ( $file_path ))
return ;
# Touch the file to delay its deletion.
fopen ( $file_path , 'a' );
return $file_path ;
# Delete old searches.
static public function cull_old_searches ()
$dh = opendir ( self :: search_cache_dir ());
while ( false !== ( $path = readdir ( $dh ))) {
if ( $path == '.' || $path == '..' || ! self :: valid_saved_search ( $path ))
continue ;
$file = self :: search_cache_dir () . '/' . $path ;
$mtime = Rails\Toolbox\FileTools :: modTime ( $file );
$age = time () - $mtime ;
if ( $age > 60 * 60 * 24 )
unlink ( $file );
closedir ( $dh );
static public function search_cache_dir ()
return Rails :: publicPath () . self :: SEARCH_CACHE_DIR ;