This repository has been archived on 2024-10-25. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

124 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<?php $this->provide('title', '/' . str_replace('_', ' ', $this->params()->tags)) ?>
<div id="post-list">
if ($this->tag_suggestions) :
$total = count($this->tag_suggestions);
$count = 0;
<div class="status-notice">
<?= $this->t('.maybe_you_meant') ?>: <?= implode(', ', array_map(function($x)use($total, &$count){
$or = $count == $total && $total > 1 ? 'or ' : '';
return $or.$this->tag_link($x);
}, $this->tag_suggestions)) ?>
unset($total, $count);
2016-09-19 03:31:58 -04:00
<div class="sidebar">
2016-09-15 21:06:13 -04:00
<?php /* <?= $this->partial('search') ?> */ ?>
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<?php if ($this->searching_pool) : ?>
<?= $this->t(['.pool_view_html', 'pool' => $this->linkTo($this->h($this->searching_pool->pretty_name()), array('pool#show', 'id' => $this->searching_pool->id))]) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($this->showing_holds_only) : ?>
<?php if (!$this->posts->blank()) : ?>
<div style="margin-bottom: .5em;">
<?= $this->linkToFunction($this->t('.activate'), "Post.activate_all_posts()") ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div id="held-posts" style="display: none; margin-bottom: .5em;"><?= $this->t(['.held_html', 'count' => $this->contentTag('span', '', ['id' => 'held-posts-count'])]) ?> (<a href="#"><?= $this->t('.held_view') ?></a>).</div>
<?php endif ?>
<?= $this->partial('blacklists') ?>
2016-09-19 03:31:58 -04:00
<?= $this->partial('tags', array('include_tag_hover_highlight' => 'true')) ?>
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<br />
<?php if (CONFIG()->can_show_ad('post#index-sidebar', current_user())) : ?>
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<?= $this->partial('vertical') ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div class="content">
2016-09-19 03:31:58 -04:00
<?php if (!empty($this->ambiguous_tags)) : ?>
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<div class="status-notice">
2014-01-17 08:43:34 -05:00
<?= $this->t('.ambiguous') ?>: <?= implode(', ', array_map(function($x){ return $this->linkTo($this->h($x), ['wiki#show', 'title' => $x]); }, $this->ambiguous_tags)) ?>
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (CONFIG()->can_show_ad('post#index-top', current_user())) : ?>
<?= $this->partial('horizontal', ['position' => 'top']) ?>
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<?php endif ?>
<div id="quick-edit" style="display: none;" class="top-corner-float">
<?= $this->formTag('#update', function(){ ?>
<?= $this->textAreaTag("post[tags]", "", array('size' => '60x2', 'id' => 'post_tags')) ?>
<?= $this->submitTag($this->t('buttons.update')) ?>
<?= $this->tag('input', array('type' => 'button', 'value' => $this->t('buttons.cancel'), 'class' => 'cancel')) ?>
<h4 style="float: right;"><?= $this->t('.edit_tags') ?></h4>
<?php }) ?>
<?= $this->partial("hover") ?>
<?= $this->partial('posts', array('posts' => $this->posts)) ?>
<div id="paginator">
<?= $this->willPaginate($this->posts) ?>
<?php if (CONFIG()->can_show_ad('post#index-bottom', current_user())) : ?>
<?= $this->partial('horizontal', ['position' => 'bottom', 'center' => true]) ?>
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-26 18:06:58 -05:00
<?= $this->contentFor('post_cookie_javascripts', function() { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
post_quick_edit = new PostQuickEdit($("quick-edit"));
PostModeMenu.init(<?= $this->searching_pool && $this->searching_pool->id ?>)
<?php foreach ($this->preload as $post) : ?>
Preload.preload('<?= $post->preview_url() ?>');
<?php endforeach ?>
var held_posts = Cookie.get("held_post_count");
if(held_posts && held_posts > 0)
var e = $("held-posts");
var a = e.down("A");
var cnt = e.down("#held-posts-count");
cnt.update("" + held_posts + " " + (held_posts == 1? "post":"posts"));
a.href = "/post/index?tags=holds%3Aonly%20user%3A" + Cookie.get("login") + "%20limit%3A100";
<?= $this->tag_completion_box('$("post_tags")') ?>
if($("tag-script")) {<?= $this->tag_completion_box('$("tag-script")') ?>}
<?php }) ?>
<?= $this->contentFor('html_header', function() { ?>
<?= $this->auto_discovery_link_tag_with_id('rss', array('post#piclens', 'tags' => $this->params()->tags, 'page' => $this->params()->page), array('id' => 'pl')) ?>
<?= $this->navigation_links($this->posts) ?>
<?php }) ?>
<?= $this->partial('footer') ?>
<?php if ($this->contentFor('subnavbar')) : ?>
<!-- Align the links to the content, not the window. -->
<div style="clear: both;">
<div class="sidebar">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="footer" style="clear: none;">
<ul class="flat-list" id="subnavbar">
<?= $this->content('subnavbar') ?>
<?php $this->clear_content_for('subnavbar') ?>
<?php endif ?>