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225 lines
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namespace Rails\ActionView\Helper\Methods;
use Rails;
use Rails\Routing\UrlToken;
use Rails\ActionController\ActionController;
* $property may be a method by adding () at the end.
* E.g. $this->text_field('artist', 'member_names()');
trait Form
private $default_model;
public function formField($type, $model, $property, array $attrs = array())
return $this->_form_field($type, $model, $property, $attrs);
public function formFor(Rails\ActiveRecord\Base $model, $attrs, \Closure $block = null)
if ($attrs instanceof \Closure) {
$block = $attrs;
$attrs = [];
if (!isset($attrs['html']))
$attrs['html'] = [];
if (!isset($attrs['url'])) {
// if (Rails::config()->ar2) {
$className = get_class($model);
if (($primaryKey = $className::table()->primaryKey()) && $model->getAttribute($primaryKey)) {
$action = 'update';
} else {
$action = 'create';
// } else {
// $action = $model->id ? 'update' : 'create';
// }
$attrs['url'] = ['#' . $action];
} else {
$token = new UrlToken($attrs['url'][0]);
$action = $token->action();
$html_attrs = $attrs['html'];
if (!isset($html_attrs['method'])) {
if ($action == 'create')
$html_attrs['method'] = 'post';
elseif ($action == 'destroy')
$html_attrs['method'] = 'delete';
$html_attrs['method'] = 'put';
# Check special attribute 'multipart'.
if (!empty($html_attrs['multipart'])) {
$html_attrs['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';
if ($html_attrs['method'] != 'post') {
$method = $html_attrs['method'];
$html_attrs['method'] = 'post';
} else {
$method = 'post';
$url_token = new UrlToken($attrs['url'][0]);
if ($url_token->action() == 'create') {
$action_url = Rails::application()->router()->urlFor($url_token->token());
} else {
list($route, $action_url) = Rails::application()->router()->url_helpers()->find_route_for_token($url_token->token(), $model);
$html_attrs['action'] = $action_url;
if ($method != 'post')
echo $this->hiddenFieldTag('_method', $method, ['id' => '']);
$block(new \Rails\ActionView\FormBuilder($this, $model));
return $this->contentTag('form', ob_get_clean(), $html_attrs);
public function textField($model, $property, array $attrs = array())
return $this->_form_field('text', $model, $property, $attrs);
public function hiddenField($model, $property, array $attrs = array())
return $this->_form_field('hidden', $model, $property, $attrs);
public function passwordField($model, $property, array $attrs = array())
return $this->_form_field('password', $model, $property, array_merge($attrs, ['value' => '']));
public function checkBox($model, $property, array $attrs = array(), $checked_value = '1', $unchecked_value = '0')
if ($this->_get_model_property($model, $property))
$attrs['checked'] = 'checked';
$attrs['value'] = $checked_value;
$hidden = $this->tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $model.'['.$property.']', 'value' => $unchecked_value));
$check_box = $this->_form_field('checkbox', $model, $property, $attrs);
return $hidden . "\n" . $check_box;
public function textArea($model, $property, array $attrs = array())
if (isset($attrs['size']) && is_int(strpos($attrs['size'], 'x'))) {
list($attrs['cols'], $attrs['rows']) = explode('x', $attrs['size']);
return $this->_form_field('textarea', $model, $property, $attrs, true);
public function select($model, $property, $options, array $attrs = array())
if (!is_string($options)) {
$value = $this->_get_model_property($model, $property);
$options = $this->optionsForSelect($options, $value);
if (isset($attrs['prompt'])) {
$options = $this->contentTag('option', $attrs['prompt'], ['value' => '', 'allow_blank_attrs' => true]) . "\n" . $options;
$attrs['value'] = $options;
return $this->_form_field('select', $model, $property, $attrs, true);
public function radioButton($model, $property, $tag_value, array $attrs = array())
(string)$this->_get_model_property($model, $property) == (string)$tag_value && $attrs['checked'] = 'checked';
$attrs['value'] = $tag_value;
return $this->_form_field('radio', $model, $property, $attrs);
public function fileField($model, $property, array $attrs = array())
return $this->_form_field('file', $model, $property, $attrs);
public function setDefaultModel(\Rails\ActiveRecord\Base $model)
$this->default_model = $model;
private function _form_field($field_type, $model, $property, array $attrs = array(), $content_tag = false)
$value = array_key_exists('value', $attrs) ? $attrs['value'] : $this->_get_model_property($model, $property);
# Note here that the name tag attribute is forced to be underscored.
$underscoreProperty = preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $property) ?
Rails::services()->get('inflector')->underscore($property) : $property;
$attrs['name'] = $model.'['.$underscoreProperty.']';
if (!isset($attrs['id']))
$attrs['id'] = $model . '_' . $underscoreProperty;
if ($content_tag) {
return $this->contentTag($field_type, $value, $attrs);
} else {
$attrs['type'] = $field_type;
if ($value !== '')
$attrs['value'] = $value;
return $this->tag('input', $attrs);
private function _get_model_property($model, $property)
$value = '';
$mdl = false;
if ($this->default_model) {
$mdl = $this->default_model;
} else {
$vars = Rails::application()->dispatcher()->controller()->vars();
if (!empty($vars->$model)) {
$mdl = $vars->$model;
if ($mdl) {
// if (!Rails::config()->ar2) {
if ($mdl->isAttribute($property)) {
$value = (string)$mdl->$property;
} elseif (($modelProps = get_class_vars(get_class($mdl))) && array_key_exists($property, $modelProps)) {
$value = (string)$mdl->$property;
} else {
# It's assumed this is a method.
$value = (string)$mdl->$property();
// } else {
// /**
// *
// */
// $value = (string)$mdl->$property();
// }
$this->default_model = null;
return $value;