Activated autocompleteName action.

This commit is contained in:
Parziphal 2014-07-14 05:42:20 -05:00
parent 193c5cc514
commit 57a89bc76c

View File

@ -22,15 +22,16 @@ class TagController extends ApplicationController
// # Generates list of tag names matching parameter term.
// # Used by jquery.ui.autocomplete.
// public function autocompleteName()
// {
// $this->tags = Tag.where(['name ILIKE ?', "*#{$this->params()->term}*".to_escaped_for_sql_like]).pluck(:name)
// $this->respondTo(array(
// format.json { $this->render(array('json' => $this->tags })
// ));
// }
# Generates list of tag names matching parameter term.
# Used by jquery.ui.autocomplete.
public function autocompleteName()
$this->tags = Tag::where('name LIKE ?', '%' . $this->params()->term . '%')->pluck('name');
# MI: RoR can respond to requests by reading the "Accept" request header. So even though
# the request URL doesn't have the .json extension, it will respond JSON if the request accepts
# it. But this is not the case here, so this action will always respond JSON.
$this->render(['json' => $this->tags]);
public function summary()