helper('Post'); } protected function filters() { return [ 'before' => [ 'user_can_see_posts' => ['only' => ['zip']], 'member_only' => ['only' => ['destroy', 'update', 'add_post', 'remove_post', 'import', 'zip']], 'post_member_only' => ['only' => ['create']], 'contributor_only' => ['only' => ['copy', 'transfer_metadata']] ] ]; } public function index() { $this->set_title('Pools'); $sql_query = Pool::none()->page($this->page_number())->perPage(CONFIG()->pool_index_default_limit); $order = $this->params()->order ?: 'id'; $search_tokens = array(); if ($this->params()->query) { $this->set_title($this->params()->query . " - Pools"); // $query = array_map(function($v){return addslashes($v);}, explode($this->params()->query); // $query = Tokenize.tokenize_with_quotes($this->params[:query] || "") $query = explode(' ', addslashes($this->params()->query)); foreach ($query as &$token) { if (preg_match('/^(order|limit|posts):(.+)$/', $token, $m)) { if ($m[1] == "order") { $order = $m[2]; } elseif ($m[1] == "limit") { $sql_query->perPage(min((int)$m[2], 100)); } elseif ($m[1] == "posts") { Post::generate_sql_range_helper(Tag::parse_helper($m[2]), "post_count", $sql_query); } } else { // # TODO: removing ^\w- from token. // $token = preg_replace('~[^\w-]~', '', $token); $search_tokens[] = $token; } } } if (!empty($search_tokens)) { // $value_index_query = QueryParser.escape_for_tsquery($search_tokens); $value_index_query = implode('_', $search_tokens); if ($value_index_query) { # If a search keyword contains spaces, then it was quoted in the search query # and we should only match adjacent words. tsquery won't do this for us; we need # to filter results where the words aren't adjacent. # # This has a side-effect: any stopwords, stemming, parsing, etc. rules performed # by to_tsquery won't be done here. We need to perform the same processing as # is used to generate search_index. We don't perform all of the stemming rules, so # although "jump" may match "jumping", "jump beans" won't match "jumping beans" because # we'll filter it out. # # This also doesn't perform tokenization, so some obscure cases won't match perfectly; # for example, "abc def" will match "xxxabc def abc" when it probably shouldn't. Doing # this more correctly requires Postgresql support that doesn't exist right now. foreach ($query as $q) { # Don't do this if there are no spaces in the query, so we don't turn off tsquery # parsing when we don't need to. // if (!strstr($q, ' ')) continue; $sql_query->where("(position(LOWER(?) IN LOWER(REPLACE(name, '_', ' '))) > 0 OR position(LOWER(?) IN LOWER(description)) > 0)", $q, $q); } } } if (empty($order)) $order = empty($search_tokens) ? 'date' : 'name'; switch ($order) { case "name": $sql_query->order("name asc"); break; case "date": $sql_query->order("created_at desc"); case "updated": $sql_query->order("updated_at desc"); break; case "id": $sql_query->order("id desc"); break; default: $sql_query->order("created_at desc"); break; } $this->pools = $sql_query->paginate(); $samples = []; foreach($this->pools as $p) { if (!$post = $p->get_sample()) continue; $p_id = (string)$p->id; $samples[$p_id] = $post; } $this->samples = $samples; $this->respond_to_list('pools'); } public function show() { if (isset($this->params()->samples) && $this->params()->samples == 0) unset($this->params()->samples); $this->pool = Pool::find($this->params()->id); $this->browse_mode = current_user()->pool_browse_mode; // $q = Tag::parse_query(""); $q = []; $q['pool'] = (int)$this->params()->id; $q['show_deleted_only'] = false; if ($this->browse_mode == 1) { $q['limit'] = 1000; $q['order'] = "portrait_pool"; } else { $q['limit'] = 24; } $page = (int)$this->page_number() > 0 ? (int)$this->page_number() : 1; $offset = ($page-1)*$q['limit']; list($sql, $params) = Post::generate_sql($q, array('from_api' => true, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $q['limit'])); $posts = Post::findBySql($sql, $params); $this->posts = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection($posts->members(), ['page' => $page, 'perPage' => $q['limit'], 'offset' => $offset, 'totalRows' => $posts->totalRows()]); $this->set_title($this->pool->pretty_name()); # iTODO: $this->respondTo([ 'html', // 'xml' => function() { // $builder = new Builder_XmlMarkup(['indent' => 2]); // $builder->instruct(); // $xml = $this->pool->to_xml(['builder' => $builder, 'skip_instruct' => true], function() { // $builder->posts(function() use ($builder) { // foreach ($this->posts as $post) // $post->to_xml(['builder' => $builder, 'skip_instruct' => true]); // }) // }); // $this->render(['xml' => $xml]); // }, 'json' => function() { $this->render(['json' => json_encode(array_merge($this->pool->asJson(), ['posts' => $this->posts->asJson()]))]); } ]); } public function update() { $this->pool = Pool::find($this->params()->id); if (!$this->pool->can_be_updated_by(current_user())) { $this->access_denied(); return; } if ($this->request()->isPost()) { $this->pool->updateAttributes($this->params()->pool); $this->respond_to_success("Pool updated", array(array('#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id))); } } public function create() { if ($this->request()->isPost()) { $pool = Pool::create(array_merge($this->params()->pool, array('user_id' => current_user()->id))); if ($pool->errors()->blank()) $this->respond_to_success("Pool created", array(array('#show', 'id' => $pool->id))); else $this->respond_to_error($pool, "#index"); } } public function copy() { $this->old_pool = Pool::find($this->params()->id); $name = $this->params()->name ?: $this->old_pool->name . ' (copy)'; $this->new_pool = new Pool(['user_id' => $this->current_user->id, 'name' => $name, 'description' => $this->old_pool->description]); if ($this->request()->isPost()) { $this->new_pool->save(); if ($this->new_pool->errors()->any()) { $this->respond_to_error($this->new_pool, ['#index']); return; } foreach ($this->old_pool->pool_posts as $pp) { $this->new_pool->add_post($pp->post_id, ['sequence' => $pp->sequence]); } $this->respond_to_success("Pool created", ['#show', 'id' => $this->new_pool->id]); } } public function destroy() { $this->pool = Pool::find($this->params()->id); if ($this->request()->isPost()) { if ($this->pool->can_be_updated_by(current_user())) { $this->pool->destroy(); $this->respond_to_success("Pool deleted", "#index"); } else $this->access_denied(); } } public function addPost() { if ($this->request()->isPost()) { # iMod if ($this->request()->format() == 'json') { try { $pool = Pool::find($this->params()->pool_id); } catch (Rails\ActiveRecord\Exception\RecordNotFoundException $e) { $this->render(['json' => ['reason' => 'Pool not found']]); return; } } else $pool = Pool::find($this->params()->pool_id); $this->session()->last_pool_id = $pool->id; if (isset($this->params()->pool) && !empty($this->params()->pool['sequence'])) $sequence = $this->params()->pool['sequence']; else $sequence = null; try { $pool->add_post($this->params()->post_id, array('sequence' => $sequence, 'user' => current_user())); $this->respond_to_success('Post added', array(array('post#show', 'id' => $this->params()->post_id))); } catch (Pool_PostAlreadyExistsError $e) { $this->respond_to_error("Post already exists", array('post#show', 'id' => $this->params()->post_id), array('status' => 423)); } catch (Pool_AccessDeniedError $e) { $this->access_denied(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->respond_to_error(get_class($e), array('post#show', 'id' => $this->params()->post_id)); } } else { if (current_user()->is_anonymous) $pools = Pool::where("is_active = TRUE AND is_public = TRUE")->order("name")->take(); else $pools = Pool::where("is_active = TRUE AND (is_public = TRUE OR user_id = ?)", current_user()->id)->order("name")->take(); $post = Post::find($this->params()->post_id); } } public function removePost() { $pool = Pool::find($this->params()->pool_id); $post = Post::find($this->params()->post_id); if ($this->request()->isPost()) { try { $pool->remove_post($this->params()->post_id, array('user' => current_user())); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() == 'Access Denied') $this->access_denied(); } $api_data = Post::batch_api_data(array($post)); $this->response()->headers()->add("X-Post-Id", $this->params()->post_id); $this->respond_to_success("Post removed", array('post#show', 'id' => $this->params()->post_id), array('api' => $api_data)); } } public function order() { $this->pool = Pool::find($this->params()->id); if (!$this->pool->can_be_updated_by(current_user())) $this->access_denied(); if ($this->request()->isPost()) { foreach ($this->params()->pool_post_sequence as $i => $seq) PoolPost::update($i, array('sequence' => $seq)); $this->pool->reload(); $this->pool->update_pool_links(); $this->notice("Ordering updated"); $this->redirectTo(array('#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id)); } else $this->pool_posts = $this->pool->pool_posts; } public function select() { if (current_user()->is_anonymous()) $this->pools = Pool::where("is_active = TRUE AND is_public = TRUE")->order("name")->take(); else $this->pools = Pool::where("is_active = TRUE AND (is_public = TRUE OR user_id = ?)", current_user()->id)->order("name")->take(); $options = array('(000) DO NOT ADD' => 0); foreach ($this->pools as $p) { $options[str_replace('_', ' ', $p->name)] = $p->id; } $this->options = $options; $this->last_pool_id = $this->session()->last_pool_id; $this->setLayout(false); } public function zip() { if (!CONFIG()->pool_zips) throw new Rails\ActiveRecord\Exception\RecordNotFoundException(); $pool = Pool::find($this->params()->id); $files = $pool->get_zip_data($this->params()->all()); $zip = new ZipStream($pool->pretty_name() . '.zip'); foreach ($files as $file) { list($path, $filename) = $file; $zip->addLargeFile($path, $filename); } $zip->finalize(); $this->render(['nothing' => true]); } public function transferMetadata() { $this->to = Pool::find($this->params()->to); if (!$this->params()->from) { $this->from = null; return; } $this->from = Pool::find($this->params()->from); $from_posts = $this->from->pool_posts; $to_posts = $this->to->pool_posts; if ($from_posts->size() == $to_posts->size()) { $this->truncated = false; } else { $this->truncated = true; $min_posts = min($from_posts->size(), $to_posts->size()); $from_posts = $from_posts->slice(0, $min_posts); $to_posts = $to_posts->slice(0, $min_posts); } $this->posts = Post::emptyCollection(); foreach ($from_posts as $k => $v) { $data = []; $from = $v->post; $to = $to_posts[$k]->post; $data['from'] = $from; $data['to'] = $to; $from_tags = $from->tags; $to_tags = $to->tags; $tags = $from_tags; if ($from->rating != $to->rating) { $tags[] = 'rating:' . $to->rating; } if ($from->is_shown_in_index != $to->is_shown_in_index) { $tags[] = $from->is_shown_in_index ? 'show' : 'hide'; } if ($from->parent_id != $to->id) { $tags[] = 'child:' . $from->id; } $data['tags'] = implode(' ', $tags); $this->posts[] = $data; } } }