<?php class PoolPost extends Rails\ActiveRecord\Base { use Moebooru\Versioning\VersioningTrait; static public function tableName() { return 'pools_posts'; } static public function init_versioning($v) { $v->versioned_attributes([ 'active' => ['default' => false, 'allow_reverting_to_default' => true], 'sequence' ]) ->versioning_group_by(['class' => 'pool']) ->versioned_parent('pool'); } protected function associations() { return [ 'belongs_to' => [ 'post', 'pool', // => ['touch' => true], 'next_post' => ['class_name' => "Post", 'foreign_key' => "next_post_id"], 'prev_post' => ['class_name' => "Post", 'foreign_key' => "prev_post_id"], ] ]; } /** * MI: Force setting "active" as changed attribute on create * to trigger Versioning on this attribute. */ protected function set_active_changed() { $this->setChangedAttribute('active', 0); } protected function callbacks() { return [ 'before_create' => ['set_active_changed'], # MI 'after_save' => ['expire_cache'] ]; } public function can_change(User $user, $attribute) { return $user->is_member_or_higher() || $this->pool->is_public || $user->has_permission($this->pool); } public function can_change_is_public($user) { return $user->has_permission($pool); # only the owner can change is_public } # This matches Pool.post_pretty_sequence in pool.js. public function pretty_sequence() { if (preg_match('/^\d+/', $this->sequence)) return "#".$this->sequence; else return '"'.$this->sequence.'"'; } # Changing pool orderings affects pool sorting in the index. public function expire_cache() { Moebooru\CacheHelper::expire(); } public function api_attributes() { return [ 'id' => $this->id, 'pool_id' => $this->pool_id, 'post_id' => $this->post_id, 'active' => $this->active, 'sequence' => $this->sequence, 'next_post_id' => $this->next_post_id, 'prev_post_id' => $this->prev_post_id ]; } public function asJson() { return $this->api_attributes(); } /** * Overriding Versioning's delete_history because it's a special case with * pools posts. */ protected function delete_history() { $ids = self::connection()->selectValues("SELECT DISTINCT history_id FROM history_changes WHERE table_name = 'pools_posts' AND remote_id = ?", $this->id); Rails::log('IDS: ', $ids); $sql = "DELETE FROM histories WHERE id IN (?)"; self::connection()->executeSql($sql, $ids); } }