<?php class HistoryChange extends Rails\ActiveRecord\Base { protected $obj; public function options() { $master_class = $this->master_class(); return $master_class::versioning()->get_versioned_attribute_options($this->column_name) ?: []; } public function master_class() { if ($this->table_name == 'pools_posts') $class_name = 'PoolPost'; else $class_name = Rails::services()->get('inflector')->classify($this->table_name); return $class_name; } # Return true if this changes the value to the default value. public function changes_to_default() { if (!$this->has_default()) return false; // $master_class = $this->master_class(); // $column = $master_class::columns return $this->value == $this->get_default(); } public function is_obsolete() { $latest_change = $this->latest(); return $this->value != $latest_change->value; } public function has_default() { return isset($this->options()['default']); } public function get_default() { if ($this->has_default()) { return $this->options()['default']; } } # Return the default value for the field recorded by this change. public function default_history() { if (!$this->has_default()) return null; return new History([ 'table_name' => $this->table_name, 'remote_id' => $this->remote_id, 'column_name' => $this->column_name, 'value' => $this->get_default() ]); } # Return the object this change modifies. public function obj() { if (!$this->obj) { $master_class = $this->master_class(); $this->obj = $master_class::find($this->remote_id); } return $this->obj; } public function latest() { return self::order('id DESC') ->where( "table_name = ? AND remote_id = ? AND column_name = ?", $this->table_name, $this->remote_id, $this->column_name )->first(); } public function next() { return self::order('id ASC') ->where( "table_name = ? AND remote_id = ? AND id > ? AND column_name = ?", $this->table_name, $this->remote_id, $this->id, $this->column_name )->first(); } protected function set_previous() { $obj = self::order('id DESC') ->where( "table_name = ? AND remote_id = ? AND id < ? AND column_name = ?", $this->table_name, $this->remote_id, $this->id, $this->column_name )->first(); if ($obj) { $this->setAssociation('previous', $obj); $this->previous_id = $obj->id; $this->save(); } } protected function associations() { return [ 'belongs_to' => [ 'history', 'previous' => ['class_name' => 'HistoryChange', 'foreign_key' => 'previous_id'] ] ]; } protected function callbacks() { return [ 'after_create' => [ 'set_previous' ] ]; } }