class ForumPost extends Rails\ActiveRecord\Base
    protected function associations()
        return [
            'belongs_to' => [
                'creator' => ['class_name' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => 'creator_id'],
                'updater' => ['class_name' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => 'last_updated_by'],
                'parent'  => ['class_name' => "ForumPost", 'foreign_key' => 'parent_id']
            'has_many' => [
                'children' => [function() { $this->order('id'); }, 'class_name' => "ForumPost", 'foreign_key' => 'parent_id']
    protected function callbacks()
        return [
            'after_create'      => ['initialize_last_updated_by', 'update_parent_on_create'],
            'before_destroy'    => ['update_parent_on_destroy'],
            'before_validation' => ['validate_title', 'validate_lock']
    protected function validations()
        return [
            'body' => [
                'length' => ['minimum' => 1, 'message' => "You need to enter a body"]

    /* LockMethods { */
    static public function lock($id)
        # Run raw SQL to skip the lock check
        self::connection()->executeSql("UPDATE forum_posts SET is_locked = TRUE WHERE id = ?", $id);

    static public function unlock($id)
        # Run raw SQL to skip the lock check
        self::connection()->executeSql("UPDATE forum_posts SET is_locked = FALSE WHERE id = ?", $id);

    public function validate_lock()
        if ($this->root()->is_locked) {
            $this->errors()->add('base', "Thread is locked");
            return false;
        return true;
    /* } StickyMethods { */
    static public function stick($id)
        # Run raw SQL to skip the lock check
        self::connection()->executeSql("UPDATE forum_posts SET is_sticky = TRUE WHERE id = ?", $id);

    static public function unstick($id)
        # Run raw SQL to skip the lock check
        self::connection()->executeSql("UPDATE forum_posts SET is_sticky = FALSE WHERE id = ?", $id);
    /* } ParentMethods { */

    public function update_parent_on_destroy()
        if (!$this->is_parent()) {
            $p = $this->parent;
            $p->updateAttributes(['response_count' => $p->response_count - 1]);

    public function update_parent_on_create()
        if (!$this->is_parent()) {
            $p = $this->parent;
            $p->updateAttributes(['updated_at' => $this->updated_at, 'response_count' => $p->response_count + 1, 'last_updated_by' => $this->creator_id]);

    public function is_parent()
        return !(bool)$this->parent_id;

    public function root()
        if ($this->is_parent()) {
            return $this;
        } else {
            return $this->parent;

    public function root_id()
        if ($this->is_parent()) {
            return $this->id;
        } else {
            return $this->parent_id;
    /* } ApiMethods { */
    public function api_attributes()
        return [
            'body'       => $this->body,
            'creator'    => $this->author(),
            'creator_id' => $this->creator_id,
            'id'         => $this->id,
            'parent_id'  => $this->parent_id,
            'title'      => $this->title,
            'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
            'pages'      => ceil((!$this->response_count ? 1 : $this->response_count) / 30)

    public function asJson(array $params = [])
        return $this->api_attributes();

    public function toXml(array $options = [])
        return parent::toXml(array_merge($options, ['root' => "forum-post", 'attributes' => $this->api_attributes()]));
    /* } */
    static public function updated($user)
        $query = ForumPost::none();
        if (!$user->is_anonymous())
            $query->where("creator_id <> " . $user->id);

        $newest_topic = $query->order("id desc")->limit(1)->select("created_at")->first();
        if (!$newest_topic)
            return false;
        return $newest_topic->created_at > $user->last_forum_topic_read_at;

    public function validate_title()
        if ($this->is_parent()) {
            if (!$this->title || !preg_match('/\S/', $this->title)) {
                $this->errors()->add('title', "missing");
                return false;
        return true;

    public function initialize_last_updated_by()
        if ($this->is_parent()) {
            $this->updateAttribute('last_updated_by', $this->creator_id);

    public function last_updater()
        return $this->updater ? $this->updater->name : CONFIG()->default_guest_name;

    public function author()
        return $this->creator->name;