parseType = $parseType; $this->getFileContents(); if ($this->parseType == self::PARSE_TYPE_NONE) { $this->parsedFile = $this->fileContents; $this->fileContents = null; } else { if ($this->parseType == self::PARSE_TYPE_GET_PATHS) { $this->urlPaths[] = $this->file->url(); } $this->extractDirectives(); $this->executeDirectives(); } return $this; } /** * $path_parts = [0]=>assets_path; [1]=>filename; [2]=>extension; */ public function __construct($file, Base $parentParser = null) { if (!$file instanceof File) { $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $file = new File($extension, $file); } $this->file = $file; if (!isset(self::$_first_parents[$file->extension()])) { self::$_first_parents[$file->extension()] = $this; } $this->parentParser = $parentParser; $this->firstParent()->add_required_file($file); } protected function extractDirectives() { $lines = explode("\n", $this->fileContents); $commentBlock = false; $directivesRegexp = implode('|', [ 'require_self', 'require_directory [.-\w\s\/]+', 'require_tree [.-\w\s\/]+', 'require [.-\w\s\/]+', 'include [.-\w\s\/]+', ]); foreach ($lines as $k => $line) { $line = trim($line); if (!$line) { continue; } $ab = substr($line, 0, 2); $c = substr($line, 2, 1); if ($ab == '/*') { $commentBlock = true; } elseif (!$commentBlock && !preg_match('~^\s*//|/\*~', $line)) { # Not a comment and not in a comment block. # Directives block ended. break; } if (preg_match('~^\W+=\s+?(' . $directivesRegexp . ')~', $line, $m)) { $this->directives[] = array_filter(explode(' ', $m[1])); unset($lines[$k]); } if ($commentBlock && is_int(strpos($line, '*/'))) { $commentBlock = false; } } $this->fileContents = implode("\n", $lines); } protected function executeDirectives() { if ($this->directives) { foreach ($this->directives as $directive) { $command = $directive[0]; if (isset($directive[1])) { $params = $directive[1]; } switch ($command) { case 'require_directory': $this->requireDir($params); break; case 'require_tree': $this->requireTree($params); break; case 'require_self': $this->requireSelf(); break; case 'require': $this->requireFile($params . '.' . $this->file->type()); break; case 'include': $this->includeFile($params . '.' . $this->file->type()); break; default: throw new Exception\RuntimeException( sprintf("Invalid directive in file %s:\n%s", $this->file->full_path(), var_export($directive, true)) ); } } } $this->requireSelf(); $this->parsedFile = implode("\n", $this->parsedFile); } public function urlPaths() { return $this->urlPaths; } protected function requireSelf() { if (!$this->requiredSelf) { $this->requiredSelf = true; $this->parsedFile[] = $this->fileContents; $this->fileContents = null; } } protected function includeFile($filename) { if (!$file = $this->filenameToFile($filename)) { throw new Exception\FileNotFoundException( sprintf( "Included file '%s' not found. Require trace:\n%s", $filename, var_export($this->_parents_trace(), true) ) ); } $parser = new static($file, $this); $parser->parse($this->parseType); if ($this->parseType == Base::PARSE_TYPE_GET_PATHS) { $this->urlPaths = array_merge($this->urlPaths, $parser->urlPaths()); } $this->firstParent()->add_required_file($file); $this->parsedFile[] = $parser->parsed_file(); } protected function requireFile($filename) { if (!$file = $this->filenameToFile($filename)) { throw new Exception\FileNotFoundException( sprintf( "Required file '%s' not found. Require trace:\n%s", $filename, var_export($this->_parents_trace(), true) ) ); } if ($this->firstParent()->file_already_required($file)) { return false; } $this->includeFile($file); } private function filenameToFile($filename) { if (!$filename instanceof File) { $file = Rails::assets()->findFile($filename); if (!$file) { return false; } } else { $file = $filename; } return $file; } protected function requireDir($dir) { $path = $this->file->full_dir() . '/' . $dir; $realPath = realpath($path); if (!$realPath) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( sprintf( "Directory not found: %s", $path ) ); } $files = glob($realPath . '/*.' . $this->file->type() . '*'); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = new File($this->file->type(), $file); $this->requireFile($file); } } protected function requireTree($tree) { $rootDir = $this->file->full_dir(); $path = $rootDir . '/' . $tree; $realPath = realpath($path); if (!$realPath) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( sprintf( "Path to tree not found: %s", $path ) ); } # Require files in root directory. $this->requireDir($tree); # Require files in sub directories. $allDirs = Toolbox\FileTools::listDirs($realPath); foreach ($allDirs as $dir) { $relativeDir = trim(substr($dir, strlen($rootDir)), '/'); $this->requireDir($relativeDir); } } public function parsedFile($implode = true) { return $implode && is_array($this->parsedFile) ? implode(self::EOL, $this->parsedFile) : $this->parsedFile; } public function parsed_file($implode = true) { return $this->parsedFile($implode); } public function parentParser() { return $this->parentParser; } public function add_required_file($file) { $this->_required_files[] = $file->full_file_root_path(); } public function file_already_required($filename) { return in_array($filename->full_file_root_path(), $this->_required_files); } public function required_files() { return $this->_required_files; } public function config() { return Assets::instance()->config(); } protected function getFileContents() { // if ($cached = $this->_cached_other_extension_file()) // return $cached $contents = file_get_contents($this->file->full_path()); if ($this->file->extensions()) { foreach ($this->file->extensions() as $ext) { if ($ext == 'php') { $contents = PHParser::parseContents($contents); } else { $key = $this->file->type() . '_extensions'; $conf = $this->config()->$key->$ext; if (!$conf) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( sprintf( "Unknown parser [ file=>%s, extension=>%s ]", $this->file->full_path(), $ext ) ); } if ($conf instanceof Closure) { $conf($contents); } else { $class = $conf['class_name']; $method = $conf['method']; $static = !empty($conf['static']); if (!empty($conf['file'])) { // vpe(get_include_path()); require_once $conf['file']; } if ($static) { $func = $class . '::' . $method; $contents = $func($contents); } else { $parser = new $class(); $contents = $parser->$method($contents); } } } } } $this->fileContents = $contents; } protected function firstParent() { return self::$_first_parents[$this->file->extension()]; } protected function _parents_trace() { $parent = $this->parentParser; if (!$parent) return [$this->file->full_path()]; $files = [$parent->file->full_path()]; while ($parent) { $parent = $parent->parentParser; $parent && $files[] = $parent->file->full_path(); } return $files; } }