setLocale($locale); else { $this->_locale = $this->config()->default_locale; } $this->_load_rails_locale(); $this->loadLocale(); } public function config() { return Rails::application()->config()->i18n; } public function locale($val = null) { if ($val !== null) { throw new \Exception("Deprecated - use setLocale()"); } else return $this->_locale; } public function setLocale($value) { if (!is_string($value)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Locale value must be a string, %s passed', gettype($value)) ); } elseif ($this->_locale == $value) { return; } $this->_locale = $value; $this->_load_rails_locale($value); $this->loadLocale($value); } public function t($name, array $params = []) { if (is_array($name)) { $params = $name; $name = array_shift($params); } elseif (!is_string($name)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Argument must be either an array or string, %s passed', gettype($params)) ); } if (is_null($tr = $this->_get_translation($this->_locale, $name)) && ($this->_locale != $this->config()->default_locale ? is_null($tr = $this->_get_translation($this->config()->default_locale, $name)) : true)) { return false; } /** * When adding new translations with the same name, since the arrays are * recursively merged, the result will not be a string, but an array. * If this is the case, the latter value will be used. */ if (is_array($tr)) $tr = array_pop($tr); if (is_int(strpos($tr, '%{'))) { foreach ($params as $k => $param) { $tr = str_replace('%{'.$k.'}', $param, $tr); unset($params[$k]); } } if ($params) { call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge(array($tr), $params)); } return $tr; } public function available_locales() { if (!is_array($this->_available_locales)) { $this->_get_available_locales(); } return $this->_available_locales; } public function defaultLocale() { return $this->config()->default_locale; } private function _get_translation($lang, $name) { $tr = null; if (isset($this->_tr[$lang])) { if (is_int(strpos($name, '.'))) { $tr = $this->_tr[$lang]; foreach (explode('.', $name) as $idx) { if (isset($tr[$idx])) { $tr = $tr[$idx]; } else { break; } } if (!is_string($tr)) $tr = null; } else { if (isset($this->_tr[$lang][$name])) $tr = $this->_tr[$lang][$name]; } } return $tr; } private function _get_available_locales() { $dh = opendir($this->config()->path); $this->_available_locales = array(); while (!is_bool($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; $locale = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $this->_available_locales[] = $locale; } closedir($dh); } /** * Loads locale file. * If not a full path (i.e. doesn't start with / or x:), it'd be * taken as relative path to locales path (i.e. config/locales). In this * case, the extension of the file must be omitted. * * $i18n->loadLocale("/home/www/foo/bar/es.yml"); * $i18n->loadLocale("es"); <- loads config/locales/es.php|yml * $i18n->loadLocale("subdir/es"); <- loads config/locales/subdir/es.php|yml * $i18n->loadLocale("/some/path/locales/%locale%.yml"); %locale% will be replaced with current locale */ public function loadLocale($locale = null) { !$locale && $locale = $this->_locale; if (in_array($locale, $this->loaded_locales)) { return; } if (is_int(($pos = strpos($locale, '%locale%')))) { $locale = substr_replace($locale, $this->locale(), $pos, 8); } if (substr($locale, 0, 1) == '/' || substr($locale, 1, 1) == ':') { $file = $locale; } else { $patt = $this->config()->path . '/' . $locale . '.{php,yml}'; $files = glob($patt, GLOB_BRACE); if ($files) { $file = $files[0]; } else { return false; } } $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($ext == 'yml') { $locale_data = Rails\Yaml\Parser::readFile($file); } else { $locale_data = require $file; } $this->_tr = array_merge_recursive($this->_tr, $locale_data); $this->loaded_locales[] = $locale; return true; } private function _load_rails_locale($locale = null) { !func_num_args() && $locale = $this->_locale; $locale = ucfirst(strtolower($locale)); $class_name = 'Rails\I18n\Locales\\' . $locale; if (class_exists($class_name, false)) return; $file = __DIR__ . '/Locales/' . $locale . '.'; $exts = ['php']; foreach ($exts as $ext) { $f = $file.$ext; if (is_file($f)) { require $f; $obj = new $class_name(); $this->_tr = array_merge_recursive($this->_tr, $obj->tr()); break; } } /** * If there's nothing in the array, it means we've just tried to load the default * application locale for Rails that isn't supported. Load english locale instead. */ if (!$this->_tr) $this->_load_rails_locale('en'); } }