value); if ($previous && $previous->value) $old_tags = explode(' ', $previous->value); else $old_tags = []; $latest_tags = explode(' ', $latest->value); return [ 'added_tags' => array_diff($new_tags, $old_tags), 'removed_tags' => array_diff($old_tags, $new_tags), 'unchanged_tags' => array_intersect($new_tags, $old_tags), 'obsolete_added_tags' => array_diff(array_diff($new_tags, $old_tags), $latest_tags), 'obsolete_removed_tags' => array_intersect(array_diff($old_tags, $new_tags), $latest_tags), ]; } public function cached_tags_undo($change, $redo_changes = false) { $current_tags = explode(' ', $this->cached_tags); $prev = $change->previous; if ($redo_changes) { list($change, $prev) = [$prev, $change]; } $changes = self::tag_changes($change, $prev, $change->latest()); $new_tags = array_unique(array_merge(array_diff($current_tags, $changes['added_tags']), $changes['removed_tags'])); $this->setTags(implode(' ', $new_tags)); } public function cached_tags_redo($change) { $this->cached_tags_undo($change, true); } # === Parameters # * :tag:: the tag to search for public function has_tag($tag) { return isset($this->tags[$tag]); } # Returns the tags in a URL suitable string public function tag_title() { return substr(preg_replace('/\W+/', '-', $this->cached_tags), 0, 50); } # Return the tags we display in URLs, page titles, etc. public function title_tags() { return $this->cached_tags; } public function tags() { return $this->getTags(); } public function getTags() { return explode(' ', $this->cached_tags); } # Sets the tags for the post. Does not actually save anything to the database when called. # # === Parameters # * :tags:: a whitespace delimited list of tags public function setTags($tags) { $this->new_tags = array_filter(Tag::scan_tags($tags)); $current_tags = explode(' ', $this->cached_tags); if ($this->new_tags != $current_tags) $this->touch_change_seq(); $this->tags_list = $tags; } # Returns all versioned tags and metatags. public function cached_tags_versioned() { return "rating:" . $this->rating . ' ' . $this->cached_tags; } # Commit metatags; this is done before save, so any changes are stored normally. /** * Moved commit_metatags to be executed before commit_tags to avoid re-saving the * model. This might have Unforeseen Consequences, but nothing detected so far. */ protected function commit_metatags() { foreach ($this->new_tags as $k => $tag) { # Moved this one outside the switch because preg_match # doesn't get along well with switch. if (preg_match('/^source:(.*)/', $tag, $m)) { unset($this->new_tags[$k]); $this->source = $m[1]; continue; } switch ($tag) { case 'hold': $this->is_held = true; unset($this->new_tags[$k]); break; case 'unhold': $this->is_held = false; unset($this->new_tags[$k]); break; case 'show': $this->is_shown_in_index = true; unset($this->new_tags[$k]); break; case 'hide': $this->is_shown_in_index = false; unset($this->new_tags[$k]); break; case '+flag': unset($this->new_tags[$k]); # Permissions for this are checked on commit. $this->metatag_flagged = "moderator flagged"; break; } } } # Commit any tag changes to the database. This is done after save, so any changes # must be made directly to the database. /** * It's strange how actions like changing pool's sequence, that updates the post via * update_batch and sends only one metatag: 'pool:$id:$seq' and doesn't send old_tags, don't * mess up the rest of the tags (because that metatag is discarted, and the post is left without * old_tags or any tag). * So we're gonna do a workaround for that: if the new tags only contain metatags, we won't * take any further action but commit such metatags. * We'll use $had_metatags for that. */ protected function commit_tags() { if ($this->isNewRecord() || !$this->new_tags) return; if ($this->old_tags) { # If someone else committed changes to this post before we did, # then try to merge the tag changes together. $current_tags = explode(' ', $this->cached_tags); $this->old_tags = Tag::scan_tags($this->old_tags); $this->new_tags = array_filter(array_merge(array_diff(array_merge($current_tags, $this->new_tags), $this->old_tags), array_intersect($current_tags, $this->new_tags))); } $this->commit_metatags(); $meta_tags = ['-pool:', 'pool:', 'rating:', 'parent:', 'child:', 'source:']; $ratings = ['q', 's', 'e']; $had_metatags = false; foreach ($this->new_tags as $k => $tag) { # To avoid preg_match. $is_mt = false; foreach ($meta_tags as $mt) { if (strpos($tag, $mt) === 0 || in_array($tag, $ratings)) { $is_mt = true; break; } } if (!$is_mt) continue; $had_metatags = true; unset($this->new_tags[$k]); if (in_array($tag, $ratings)) $tag = 'rating:'.$tag; $subparam = explode(':', $tag, 3); $metatag = array_shift($subparam); $param = array_shift($subparam); $subparam = empty($subparam) ? null : array_shift($subparam); switch($metatag) { case 'rating': # Change rating. This will override rating selected on radio buttons. if (in_array($param, $ratings)) $this->rating = $param; break; case 'pool': try { $name = $param; $seq = $subparam; # Workaround: I don't understand how can the pool be found when finding_by_name # using the id. if (ctype_digit($name)) $pool = Pool::where(['id' => $name])->first(); else $pool = Pool::where(['name' => $name])->first(); # Set :ignore_already_exists, so pool:1:2 can be used to change the sequence number # of a post that already exists in the pool. $options = array('user' => User::where('id = ?', $this->updater_user_id)->first(), 'ignore_already_exists' => true); if ($seq) $options['sequence'] = $seq; if (!$pool and !ctype_digit($name)) $pool = Pool::create(array('name' => $name, 'is_public' => false, 'user_id' => $this->updater_user_id)); if (!$pool || !$pool->can_change(current_user(), null)) continue; $pool->add_post($this->id, $options); } catch(Pool_PostAlreadyExistsError $e) { } catch (Pool_AccessDeniedError $e) { } break; case '-pool': $name = $param; $cmd = $subparam; $pool = Pool::where(['name' => $name])->first(); if (!$pool->can_change(current_user(), null)) break; if ($cmd == "parent") { # If we have a parent, remove ourself from the pool and add our parent in # our place. If we have no parent, do nothing and leave us in the pool. if (!empty($this->parent_id)) { $pool->transfer_post_to_parent($this->id, $this->parent_id); break; } } $pool && $pool->remove_post($id); break; case 'source': $this->source = $param; break; case 'parent': if (is_numeric($param)) { $this->parent_id = (int)$param;; } break; case 'child': unset($this->new_tags[$k]); break; } } if (!$this->new_tags) { if ($had_metatags) return; $this->new_tags[] = "tagme"; } // $this->tags = implode(' ', array_unique(TagImplication::with_implied(TagAlias::to_aliased($this->new_tags)))); $this->new_tags = TagAlias::to_aliased($this->new_tags); $this->new_tags = array_unique(TagImplication::with_implied($this->new_tags)); sort($this->new_tags); // $this->tags = implode(' ', $this->tags()); # TODO: be more selective in deleting from the join table self::connection()->executeSql("DELETE FROM posts_tags WHERE post_id = ?", $this->id); $new_tags_ids = []; $new_tags_names = []; $this->new_tags = array_map(function ($x) use (&$new_tags_ids, &$new_tags_names) { $tag = Tag::find_or_create_by_name($x); if (!in_array($tag->id, $new_tags_ids)) { $new_tags_ids[] = $tag->id; $new_tags_names[] = $tag->name; return $tag; } }, $this->new_tags); unset($new_tags_ids); $this->new_tags = array_filter($this->new_tags); # If any tags are newly active, expire the tag cache. if ($this->new_tags) { $any_new_tags = false; $previous_tags = explode(' ', $this->cached_tags); foreach ($this->new_tags as $tag) { # If this tag is in old_tags, then it's already active and we just removed it # in the above DELETE, so it's not really a newly activated tag. (This isn't # self.old_tags; that's the tags the user saw before he edited, not the data # we're replacing.) if ($tag->post_count == 0 and !in_array($tag->name, $previous_tags)) { $any_new_tags = true; break; } } if ($any_new_tags) { Moebooru\CacheHelper::expire_tag_version(); } } # Sort sort($new_tags_names); sort($this->new_tags); $tag_set = implode(", ", array_map(function($x){return "(".$this->id.", ".$x->id.")";}, $this->new_tags)); $this->cached_tags = implode(' ', $new_tags_names); $sql = "INSERT INTO posts_tags (post_id, tag_id) VALUES " . $tag_set; self::connection()->executeSql($sql); # Store the old cached_tags, so we can expire them. $this->old_cached_tags = $this->cached_tags; // Commenting the following line; it will cause cached_tags to not to be updated. // They're set above. // $this->cached_tags = self::connection()->selectValue("SELECT cached_tags FROM posts WHERE id = " . $this->id); $this->new_tags = null; } protected function save_post_history() { $new_cached_tags = $this->cached_tags_versioned(); if ($this->tag_history->none() or $this->tag_history[0]->tags != $new_cached_tags) { PostTagHistory::create([ 'post_id' => $this->id, 'tags' => $new_cached_tags, 'user_id' => current_user()->id, 'ip_addr' => current_user()->ip_addr ?: "" ]); } } public function tag_names() { return $this->cached_tags; } }