<?php class CommentController extends ApplicationController { protected function init() { $this->helper('Avatar', 'Post'); } protected function filters() { return array( 'before' => [ 'member_only' => ['only' => array('create', 'destroy', 'update')], 'janitor_only' => ['only' => array('moderate')] ] ); } public function edit() { $this->comment = Comment::find($this->params()->id); } public function update() { $comment = Comment::find($this->params()->id); if (current_user()->has_permission($comment)) { $comment->updateAttributes(array_merge($this->params()->comment, ['updater_ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp()])); $this->respond_to_success("Comment updated", '#index'); } else { $this->access_denied(); } } public function destroy() { $comment = Comment::find($this->params()->id); if (current_user()->has_permission($comment)) { $comment->destroy(); $this->respond_to_success("Comment deleted", array('post#show', 'id' => $comment->post_id)); } else { $this->access_denied(); } } public function create() { if (current_user()->is_member_or_lower() && $this->params()->commit == "Post" && Comment::where("user_id = ? AND created_at > ?", current_user()->id, strtotime('-1 hour'))->count() >= CONFIG()->member_comment_limit) { # TODO: move this to the model $this->respond_to_error("Hourly limit exceeded", '#index', array('status' => 421)); return; } $user_id = current_user()->id; $comment = new Comment(array_merge($this->params()->comment, array('ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp(), 'user_id' => $user_id))); if ($this->params()->commit == "Post without bumping") { $comment->do_not_bump_post = true; } if ($comment->save()) { $this->respond_to_success("Comment created", '#index'); } else { $this->respond_to_error($comment, '#index'); } } public function show() { $this->set_title('Comment'); $this->comment = Comment::find($this->params()->id); $this->respond_to_list("comment"); } public function index() { $this->set_title('Comments'); if ($this->request()->format() == "json" || $this->request()->format() == "xml") { $this->comments = Comment::generate_sql($this->params()->all())->order("id DESC")->paginate($this->page_number(), 25); $this->respond_to_list("comments"); } else { $this->posts = Post::where("last_commented_at IS NOT NULL")->order("last_commented_at DESC")->paginate($this->page_number(), 10); $comments = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection(); $this->posts->each(function($post)use($comments){$comments->merge($post->recent_comments());}); $newest_comment = $comments->max(function($a, $b){return $a->created_at > $b->created_at ? $a : $b;}); if (!current_user()->is_anonymous() && $newest_comment && current_user()->last_comment_read_at < $newest_comment->created_at) { current_user()->updateAttribute('last_comment_read_at', $newest_comment->created_at); } $this->posts->deleteIf(function($x){return !$x->can_be_seen_by(current_user(), array('show_deleted' => true));}); } } public function search() { $query = Comment::order('id desc'); $search_query = explode(' ', $this->params()->query); $search_terms = array(); $user_search = false; foreach ($search_query as $s) { if (!$s) { continue; } if (!$user_search && strpos($s, 'user:') === 0 && strlen($s) > 5) { list($search_type, $param) = explode(':', $s); if ($user = User::where(['name' => $param])->first()) { $query->where('user_id = ?', $user->id); $user_search = true; } continue; } $search_terms[] = $s; } if ($search_terms) { $query->where('body LIKE ?', '%' . implode('%', $search_terms) . '%'); } elseif (!$user_search) { $query->where('false'); } $this->comments = $query->paginate($this->page_number(), 30); $this->respond_to_list("comments"); } public function moderate() { $this->set_title('Moderate Comments'); if ($this->request()->isPost()) { $ids = array_keys($this->params()->c); $coms = Comment::where("id IN (?)", $ids)->take(); if ($this->params()->commit == "Delete") { $coms->each('destroy'); } elseif ($this->params()->commit == "Approve") { $coms->each('updateAttribute', array('is_spam', false)); } $this->redirectTo('#moderate'); } else { $this->comments = Comment::where("is_spam = TRUE")->order("id DESC")->take(); } } public function markAsSpam() { $this->comment = Comment::find($this->params()->id); $this->comment->updateAttributes(array('is_spam' => true)); $this->respond_to_success("Comment marked as spam", '#index'); } }