var DANBOORU_VERSION = { major: 1, minor: 13, build: 0 } /* If initial is true, this is a notice set by the notice cookie and not a * realtime notice from user interaction. */ function notice(msg, initial) { /* If this is an initial notice, and this screen has a dedicated notice * container other than the floating notice, use that and don't disappear * it. */ if(initial) { var static_notice = $("static_notice"); if(static_notice) { static_notice.update(msg);; return; } } start_notice_timer(); $('notice').update(msg); $('notice-container').show(); } function number_to_human_size(size, precision) { if(precision == null) precision = 1; size = Number(size); if(size.toFixed(0) == 1) text = "1 Byte"; else if(size < 1024) text = size.toFixed(0) + " Bytes"; else if(size < 1024*1024) text = (size / 1024).toFixed(precision) + " KB"; else if(size < 1024*1024*1024) text = (size / (1024*1024)).toFixed(precision) + " MB"; else if(size < 1024*1024*1024*1024) text = (size / (1024*1024*1024)).toFixed(precision) + " GB"; else text = (size / (1024*1024*1024*1024)).toFixed(precision) + " TB"; text = text.gsub(/([0-9]\.\d*?)0+ /, '#{1} ' ).gsub(/\. /,' '); return text; } function time_ago_in_words(from_time, to_time) { if(to_time == null) to_time = new Date(); var from_time = from_time.valueOf(); var to_time = to_time.valueOf(); distance_in_seconds = Math.abs((to_time - from_time)/1000).round(); distance_in_minutes = (distance_in_seconds/60).round(); if(distance_in_minutes <= 1) return "1 minute"; if(distance_in_minutes <= 44) return distance_in_minutes + " minutes"; if(distance_in_minutes <= 89) return "1 hour"; if(distance_in_minutes <= 1439) { var hours = distance_in_minutes / 60; hours = (hours - 0.5).round(); // round down return hours + " hours"; } if(distance_in_minutes <= 2879) return "1 day"; if(distance_in_minutes <= 43199) { var days = distance_in_minutes / 1440; days = (days - 0.5).round(); // round down return days + " days"; } if(distance_in_minutes <= 86399) return "1 month"; if(distance_in_minutes <= 525959) { var months = distance_in_minutes / 43200; months = (months - 0.5).round(); // round down return months + " months"; } var years = (distance_in_minutes / 525960).toFixed(1); return years + " years"; } scale = function(x, l1, h1, l2, h2) { return ((x - l1) * (h2 - l2) / (h1 - l1) + l2); } clamp = function(n, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(n, max), min); } var ClearNoticeTimer; function start_notice_timer() { if(ClearNoticeTimer) window.clearTimeout(ClearNoticeTimer); ClearNoticeTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { $('notice-container').hide(); }, 5000); } var ClipRange = Class.create({ initialize: function(min, max) { if (min > max) { throw "paramError" } this.min = min this.max = max }, clip: function(x) { if (x < this.min) { return this.min } if (x > this.max) { return this.max } return x } }) Object.extend(Element, { appendChildBase: Element.appendChild, appendChild: function(e) { this.appendChildBase(e) return e } }); Object.extend(Element.Methods, { showBase:, show: function(element, visible) { if (visible || visible == null) return $(element).showBase(); else return $(element).hide(); }, setClassName: function(element, className, enabled) { if(enabled) return $(element).addClassName(className); else return $(element).removeClassName(className); }, pickClassName: function(element, classNameEnabled, classNameDisabled, enabled) { $(element).setClassName(classNameEnabled, enabled); $(element).setClassName(classNameDisabled, !enabled); }, isParentNode: function(element, parentNode) { while(element) { if(element == parentNode) return true; element = element.parentNode; } return false; }, setTextContent: function(element, text) { if(element.innerText != null) element.innerText = text; else element.textContent = text; return element; }, recursivelyVisible: function(element) { while(element != document.documentElement) { if(!element.visible()) return false; element = element.parentNode; } return true; } }); Element.addMethods() var KeysDown = new Hash(); /* Many browsers eat keyup events if focus is lost while the button * is pressed. */ document.observe("blur", function(e) { KeysDown = new Hash(); }) function OnKeyCharCode(key, f, element) { if(window.opera) return; if(!element) element = document; element.observe("keyup", function(e) { if (e.keyCode != key) return; KeysDown.set(KeysDown[e.keyCode], false); }); element.observe("keypress", function(e) { if (e.charCode != key) return; if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) return; if(KeysDown.get(KeysDown[e.keyCode])) return; KeysDown.set(KeysDown[e.keyCode], true); var target =; if(target.tagName == "INPUT" || target.tagName == "TEXTAREA") return; f(e); e.stop(); e.preventDefault(); }); } function OnKey(key, options, press, release) { if(!options) options = {}; var element = options["Element"] if(!element) element = document; if(element == document && window.opera && !options.AlwaysAllowOpera) return; element.observe("keyup", function(e) { if (e.keyCode != key) return; KeysDown[e.keyCode] = false if(release) release(e); }); element.observe("keydown", function(e) { if (e.keyCode != key) return; if (e.metaKey) return; if (e.shiftKey != !!options.shiftKey) return; if (e.altKey != !!options.altKey) return; if (e.ctrlKey != !!options.ctrlKey) return; if (!options.allowRepeat && KeysDown[e.keyCode]) return; KeysDown[e.keyCode] = true var target =; if(!options.AllowTextAreaFields && target.tagName == "TEXTAREA") return; if(!options.AllowInputFields && target.tagName == "INPUT") return; if(press && !press(e)) return; e.stop(); e.preventDefault(); }); } function InitTextAreas() { $$("TEXTAREA").each(function(elem) { var form = elem.up("FORM"); if(!form) return; if(elem.set_login_handler) return; elem.set_login_handler = true; OnKey(13, { ctrlKey: true, AllowInputFields: true, AllowTextAreaFields: true, Element: elem}, function(f) { $(form).simulate_submit(); }); }); } function InitAdvancedEditing() { if(Cookie.get("show_advanced_editing") != "1") return; $(document.documentElement).removeClassName("hide-advanced-editing"); } /* When we resume a user submit after logging in, we want to run submit events, as * if the submit had happened normally again, but submit() doesn't do this. Run * a submit event manually. */ Element.addMethods("FORM", { simulate_submit: function(form) { form = $(form); if(document.createEvent) { var e = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); e.initEvent("submit", true, true); form.dispatchEvent(e); if(!e.stopped) form.submit(); } else { if(form.fireEvent("onsubmit")) form.submit(); } } }); Element.addMethods({ simulate_anchor_click: function(a, ev) { a = $(a); if(document.dispatchEvent) { if(a.dispatchEvent(ev) && !ev.stopped) window.location.href = a.href; } else { if(a.fireEvent("onclick", ev)) window.location.href = a.href; } } }); clone_event = function(orig) { if(document.dispatchEvent) { var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); e.initMouseEvent(orig.type, orig.canBubble, orig.cancelable, orig.view, orig.detail, orig.screenX, orig.screenY, orig.clientX, orig.clientY, orig.ctrlKey, orig.altKey, orig.shiftKey, orig.metaKey, orig.button, orig.relatedTarget); return Event.extend(e); } else { var e = document.createEventObject(orig); return Event.extend(e); } } Object.extend(String.prototype, { subst: function(subs) { var text = this; for(var s in subs) { var r = new RegExp("\\${" + s + "}", "g"); var to = subs[s]; if(to == null) to = ""; text = text.replace(r, to); } return text; }, createElement: function() { var container = document.createElement("div"); container.innerHTML = this; return container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } }); function createElement(type, className, html) { var element = $(document.createElement(type)); element.className = className; element.innerHTML = html; return element; } /* Prototype calls onSuccess instead of onFailure when the user cancelled the AJAX * request. Fix that with a monkey patch, so we don't have to track changes inside * prototype.js. */ Ajax.Request.prototype.successBase = Ajax.Request.prototype.success; Ajax.Request.prototype.success = function() { try { if(this.transport.getAllResponseHeaders() == null) return false; } catch (e) { /* FF throws an exception if we call getAllResponseHeaders on a cancelled request. */ return false; } return this.successBase(); } /* Work around a Prototype bug; it discards exceptions instead of letting them fall back * to the browser where they'll be logged. */ Ajax.Responders.register({ onException: function(request, exception) { /* Report the error here; don't wait for onerror to get it, since the exception * isn't passed to it so the stack trace is lost. */ var data = ""; if(request.url) data += "AJAX URL: " + request.url + "\n"; try { var params = request.parameters; for(key in params) { var text = params[key]; var length = text.length; if(text.length > 1024) text = text.slice(0, 1024) + "..."; data += "Parameter (" + length + "): " + key + "=" + text + "\n"; } } catch(e) { data += "Couldn't get response parameters: " + e + "\n"; } try { var text = request.transport.responseText; var length = text.length; if(text.length > 1024) text = text.slice(0, 1024) + "..."; data += "Response (" + length + "): ->" + text + "<-\n"; } catch(e) { data += "Couldn't get response text: " + e + "\n"; } ReportError(null, null, null, exception, data); (function() { throw exception; }).defer(); } }); /* * In Firefox, exceptions thrown from event handlers tend to get lost. Sometimes they * trigger window.onerror, but not reliably. Catch exceptions out of event handlers and * throw them from a deferred context, so they'll make it up to the browser to be * logged. * * This depends on bindAsEventListener actually only being used for event listeners, * since it eats exceptions. * * Only do this in Firefox; not all browsers preserve the call stack in the exception, * so this can lose information if used when it's not needed. */ if(Prototype.Browser.Gecko) Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function() { var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); return function(event) { try { return __method.apply(object, [event || window.event].concat(args)); } catch(exception) { (function() { throw exception; }).defer(); } } } window.onerror = function(error, file, line) { ReportError(error, file, line, null); } /* * Return the values of list starting at idx and moving outwards. * * sort_array_by_distance([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 5) * [5,4,6,3,7,2,8,1,9,0] */ sort_array_by_distance = function(list, idx) { var ret = []; ret.push(list[idx]); for(var distance = 1; ; ++distance) { var length = ret.length; if(idx-distance >= 0) ret.push(list[idx-distance]); if(idx+distance < list.length) ret.push(list[idx+distance]); if(length == ret.length) break; } return ret; } /* Return the squared distance between two points. */ distance_squared = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2); } /* Return the size of the window. */ getWindowSize = function() { var size = {}; if(window.innerWidth != null) { size.width = window.innerWidth; size.height = window.innerHeight; } else { /* IE: */ size.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; size.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } return size; } /* If 2d canvases are supported, return one. Otherwise, return null. */ create_canvas_2d = function() { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); if(canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d")) return canvas; return null; } Prototype.Browser.AndroidWebKit = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") != -1); /* Some UI simply doesn't make sense on a touchscreen, and may need to be disabled or changed. * It'd be nice if this could be done generically, but this is the best available so far ... */ Prototype.BrowserFeatures.Touchscreen = (function() { /* iOS WebKit has window.Touch, a constructor for Touch events. */ if(window.Touch) return true; // Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; sdk Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1 if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile Safari/") != -1) return true; // Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8C134 if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile/") != -1) return true; return false; })(); /* MI: Using this method to detect if working on mobile browser, * instead of using Prototype.BrowserFeatures.Touchscreen, because * desktop Webkit browsers have window.Touch. * This may not be the best method though. */ Prototype.BrowserIsMobile = (function() { var agent = navigator.userAgent; return !!(agent.match(/Android/i) || agent.match(/BlackBerry/i) || agent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i) || agent.match(/Opera Mini/i) || agent.match(/IEMobile/i)); })(); /* When element is dragged, the document moves around it. If scroll_element is true, the * element should be positioned (eg. position: absolute), and the element itself will be * scrolled. */ DragElement = function(element, options) { $(document.body).addClassName("not-dragging"); this.options = options || {}; if (!this.options.condition) this.options.condition = function() { return true } if(this.options.snap_pixels == null) this.options.snap_pixels = 10; this.ignore_mouse_events_until = null; this.mousemove_event = this.mousemove_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.mousedown_event = this.mousedown_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.dragstart_event = this.dragstart_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.mouseup_event = this.mouseup_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.click_event = this.click_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.selectstart_event = this.selectstart_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.touchmove_event = this.touchmove_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.touchstart_event = this.touchstart_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.touchend_event = this.touchend_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.move_timer_update = this.move_timer_update.bind(this); this.element = element; this.dragging = false; this.drag_handlers = []; this.handlers = []; /* * Starting drag on mousedown works in most browsers, but has an annoying side- * effect: we need to stop the event to prevent any browser drag operations from * happening, and that'll also prevent clicking the element from focusing the * window. Stop the actual drag in dragstart. We won't get mousedown in * Opera, but we don't need to stop it there either. * * Sometimes drag events can leak through, and attributes like -moz-user-select may * be needed to prevent it. */ if(!options.no_mouse) { this.handlers.push(element.on("mousedown", this.mousedown_event)); this.handlers.push(element.on("dragstart", this.dragstart_event)); } if(!options.no_touch) { this.handlers.push(element.on("touchstart", this.touchstart_event)); this.handlers.push(element.on("touchmove", this.touchmove_event)); } /* * We may or may not get a click event after mouseup. This is a pain: if we get a * click event, we need to cancel it if we dragged, but we may not get a click event * at all; detecting whether a click event came from the drag or not is difficult. * Cancelling mouseup has no effect. FF, IE7 and Opera still send the click event * if their dragstart or mousedown event is cancelled; WebKit doesn't. */ if(!Prototype.Browser.WebKit) this.handlers.push(element.on("click", this.click_event)); } DragElement.prototype.destroy = function() { this.stop_dragging(null, true); this.handlers.each(function(h) { h.stop(); }); this.handlers = []; } DragElement.prototype.move_timer_update = function() { this.move_timer = null; if(!this.options.ondrag) return; if(this.last_event_params == null) return; var last_event_params = this.last_event_params; this.last_event_params = null; var x = last_event_params.x; var y = last_event_params.y; var anchored_x = x - this.anchor_x; var anchored_y = y - this.anchor_y; var relative_x = x - this.last_x; var relative_y = y - this.last_y; this.last_x = x; this.last_y = y; if(this.options.ondrag) this.options.ondrag({ dragger: this, x: x, y: y, aX: anchored_x, aY: anchored_y, dX: relative_x, dY: relative_y, latest_event: last_event_params.event }); } DragElement.prototype.mousemove_event = function(event) { event.stop(); var scrollLeft = (window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft); var scrollTop = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); var x = event.pointerX() - scrollLeft; var y = event.pointerY() - scrollTop; this.handle_move_event(event, x, y); } DragElement.prototype.touchmove_event = function(event) { /* Ignore touches other than the one we started with. */ var touch = null; for(var i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; ++i) { var t = event.changedTouches[i]; if(t.identifier == this.dragging_touch_identifier) { touch = t; break; } } if(touch == null) return; event.preventDefault(); /* If a touch drags over the bottom navigation bar in Safari and is released while outside of * the viewport, the touchend event is never sent. Work around this by cancelling the drag * if we get too close to the end. Don't do this if we're in standalone (web app) mode, since * there's no navigation bar. */ if(!window.navigator.standalone && touch.pageY > window.innerHeight-10) { debug("Dragged off the bottom"); this.stop_dragging(event, true); return; } var x = touch.pageX; var y = touch.pageY; this.handle_move_event(event, x, y); } DragElement.prototype.handle_move_event = function(event, x, y) { if(!this.dragging) return; if(!this.dragged) { var distance = Math.pow(x - this.anchor_x, 2) + Math.pow(y - this.anchor_y, 2); var snap_pixels = this.options.snap_pixels; snap_pixels *= snap_pixels; if(distance < snap_pixels) // 10 pixels return; } if(!this.dragged) { if(this.options.onstartdrag) { /* Call the onstartdrag callback. If it returns true, cancel the drag. */ if(this.options.onstartdrag({ handler: this, latest_event: event })) { this.dragging = false; return; } } this.dragged = true; $(document.body).addClassName(this.overriden_drag_class || "dragging"); $(document.body).removeClassName("not-dragging"); } this.last_event_params = { x: x, y: y, event: event }; if(this.dragging_by_touch && Prototype.Browser.AndroidWebKit) { /* Touch events on Android tend to queue up when they come in faster than we * can process. Set a timer, so we discard multiple events in quick succession. */ if(this.move_timer == null) this.move_timer = window.setTimeout(this.move_timer_update, 10); } else { this.move_timer_update(); } } DragElement.prototype.mousedown_event = function(event) { if(!event.isLeftClick()) return; /* Check if we're temporarily ignoring mouse events. */ if(this.ignore_mouse_events_until != null) { var now = (new Date()).valueOf(); if(now < this.ignore_mouse_events_until) return; this.ignore_mouse_events_until = null; } var scrollLeft = (window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft); var scrollTop = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); var x = event.pointerX() - scrollLeft; var y = event.pointerY() - scrollTop; this.start_dragging(event, false, x, y, 0); } DragElement.prototype.touchstart_event = function(event) { /* If we have multiple touches, find the first one that actually refers to us. */ var touch = null; for(var i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; ++i) { var t = event.changedTouches[i]; if(! continue; touch = t; break; } if(touch == null) return; var x = touch.pageX; var y = touch.pageY; this.start_dragging(event, true, x, y, touch.identifier); } DragElement.prototype.start_dragging = function(event, touch, x, y, touch_identifier) { if(this.dragging_touch_identifier != null || (this.options.condition && this.options.condition() === false)) return; /* If we've been started with a touch event, only listen for touch events. If we've * been started with a mouse event, only listen for mouse events. We may receive * both sets of events, and the anchor coordinates for the two may not be compatible. */ this.drag_handlers.push(document.on("selectstart", this.selectstart_event)); this.drag_handlers.push(Element.on(window, "pagehide", this.pagehide_event.bindAsEventListener(this))); if(touch) { this.drag_handlers.push(document.on("touchend", this.touchend_event)); this.drag_handlers.push(document.on("touchcancel", this.touchend_event)); this.drag_handlers.push(document.on("touchmove", this.touchmove_event)); } else { this.drag_handlers.push(document.on("mouseup", this.mouseup_event)); this.drag_handlers.push(document.on("mousemove", this.mousemove_event)); } this.dragging = true; this.dragged = false; this.dragging_by_touch = touch; this.dragging_touch_identifier = touch_identifier; this.anchor_x = x; this.anchor_y = y; this.last_x = this.anchor_x; this.last_y = this.anchor_y; if(this.options.ondown) this.options.ondown({ dragger: this, x: x, y: y, latest_event: event }); } DragElement.prototype.pagehide_event = function(event) { this.stop_dragging(event, true); } DragElement.prototype.touchend_event = function(event) { /* If our touch was released, stop the drag. */ for(var i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; ++i) { var t = event.changedTouches[i]; if(t.identifier == this.dragging_touch_identifier) { this.stop_dragging(event, event.type == "touchcancel"); /* * Work around a bug on iPhone. The mousedown and mouseup events are sent after * the touch is released, instead of when they should be (immediately following * touchstart and touchend). This means we'll process each touch as a touch, * then immediately after as a mouse press, and fire ondown/onup events for each. * * We can't simply ignore mouse presses if touch events are supported; some devices * will support both touches and mice and both types of events will always need to * be handled. * * After a touch is released, ignore all mouse presses for a little while. It's * unlikely that the user will touch an element, then immediately click it. */ this.ignore_mouse_events_until = (new Date()).valueOf() + 500; return; } } } DragElement.prototype.mouseup_event = function(event) { if(!event.isLeftClick()) return; this.stop_dragging(event, false); } /* If cancelling is true, we're stopping for a reason other than an explicit mouse/touch * release. */ DragElement.prototype.stop_dragging = function(event, cancelling) { if(this.dragging) { this.dragging = false; $(document.body).removeClassName(this.overriden_drag_class || "dragging"); $(document.body).addClassName("not-dragging"); if(this.options.onenddrag) this.options.onenddrag(this); } this.drag_handlers.each(function(h) { h.stop(); }); this.drag_handlers = []; this.dragging_touch_identifier = null; if(this.options.onup) this.options.onup({ dragger: this, latest_event: event, cancelling: cancelling }); } DragElement.prototype.click_event = function(event) { /* If this click was part of a drag, cancel the click. */ if(this.dragged) event.stop(); this.dragged = false; } DragElement.prototype.dragstart_event = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); } DragElement.prototype.selectstart_event = function(event) { /* We need to stop selectstart to prevent drag selection in Chrome. However, we need * to work around a bug: if we stop the event of an INPUT element, it'll prevent focusing * on that element entirely. We shouldn't prevent selecting the text in the input box, * either. */ if( != "INPUT") event.stop(); } /* When element is dragged, the document moves around it. If scroll_element is true, the * element should be positioned (eg. position: absolute), and the element itself will be * scrolled. */ WindowDragElement = function(element, extra_opts) { this.element = element; /* MI: Changed the way startdrag is called so * additional onstartdrag callbacks can be passed. */ var startdrag = this.startdrag.bind(this); var extra_startdrag = extra_opts.startdrag || false; this.dragger = new DragElement(element, jQuery.extend({}, extra_opts || {}, { no_touch: true, ondrag: this.ondrag.bind(this), onstartdrag: function() { startdrag(); if (extra_startdrag) extra_startdrag(); }, })); } WindowDragElement.prototype.startdrag = function() { this.scroll_anchor_x = (window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft); this.scroll_anchor_y = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); } WindowDragElement.prototype.ondrag = function(e) { var scrollLeft = this.scroll_anchor_x - e.aX; var scrollTop = this.scroll_anchor_y - e.aY; scrollTo(scrollLeft, scrollTop); } /* element should be positioned (eg. position: absolute). When the element is dragged, * scroll it around. */ WindowDragElementAbsolute = function(element, ondrag_callback) { this.element = element; this.ondrag_callback = ondrag_callback; this.disabled = false; this.dragger = new DragElement(element, { ondrag: this.ondrag.bind(this), onstartdrag: this.startdrag.bind(this) }); } WindowDragElementAbsolute.prototype.set_disabled = function(b) { this.disabled = b; } WindowDragElementAbsolute.prototype.startdrag = function() { if(this.disabled) return true; /* cancel */ this.scroll_anchor_x = this.element.offsetLeft; this.scroll_anchor_y = this.element.offsetTop; return false; } WindowDragElementAbsolute.prototype.ondrag = function(e) { var scrollLeft = this.scroll_anchor_x + e.aX; var scrollTop = this.scroll_anchor_y + e.aY; /* Don't allow dragging the image off the screen; there'll be no way to * get it back. */ var window_size = getWindowSize(); var min_visible = Math.min(100, this.element.offsetWidth); scrollLeft = Math.max(scrollLeft, min_visible - this.element.offsetWidth); scrollLeft = Math.min(scrollLeft, window_size.width - min_visible); var min_visible = Math.min(100, this.element.offsetHeight); scrollTop = Math.max(scrollTop, min_visible - this.element.offsetHeight); scrollTop = Math.min(scrollTop, window_size.height - min_visible); this.element.setStyle({left: scrollLeft + "px", top: scrollTop + "px"}); if(this.ondrag_callback) this.ondrag_callback(); } WindowDragElementAbsolute.prototype.destroy = function() { this.dragger.destroy(); } /* Track the focused element, and store it in document.focusedElement.. */ function TrackFocus() { document.focusedElement = null; if(document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("focus", function(e) { document.focusedElement =; }.bindAsEventListener(this), true); } document.observe("focusin", function(event) { document.focusedElement = event.srcElement; }.bindAsEventListener(this)); } function FormatError(message, file, line, exc, info) { var report = ""; report += "Error: " + message + "\n"; if(info != null) report += info; report += "UA: " + window.navigator.userAgent + "\n"; report += "URL: " + window.location.href + "\n"; var cookies = document.cookie; cookies = cookies.replace(/(pass_hash)=[0-9a-f]{40}/, "$1=(removed)"); try { report += "Cookies: " + decodeURIComponent(cookies) + "\n"; } catch(e) { report += "Cookies (couldn't decode): " + cookies + "\n"; } if("localStorage" in window) { /* FF's localStorage is broken; we can't iterate over it. Name the keys we use explicitly. */ var keys = []; try { for(key in localStorage) keys.push(keys); } catch(e) { keys = ["sample_urls", "sample_url_fifo", "tag_data", "tag_data_version", "recent_tags", "tag_data_format"]; } for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; try { if(!(key in localStorage)) continue; var data = localStorage[key]; var length = data.length; if(data.length > 512) data = data.slice(0, 512); report += "localStorage." + key + " (size: " + length + "): " + data + "\n"; } catch(e) { report += "(ignored errors retrieving localStorage for " + key + ": " + e + ")\n"; } } } if(exc && exc.stack) report += "\n" + exc.stack + "\n"; if(file) { report += "File: " + file; if(line != null) report += " line " + line + "\n"; } return report; } var reported_error = false; function ReportError(message, file, line, exc, info) { if(navigator.userAgent.match(/.*MSIE [67]/)) return; /* Only attempt to report an error once per page load. */ if(reported_error) return; reported_error = true; /* Only report an error at most once per hour. */ if(document.cookie.indexOf("reported_error=1") != -1) return; var expiration = new Date(); expiration.setTime(expiration.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = "reported_error=1; path=/; expires=" + expiration.toGMTString(); var report = FormatError(exc? exc.message:message, file, line, exc, info); try { new Ajax.Request("/user/error.json", { parameters: { report: report } }); } catch(e) { alert("Error: " + e); } } function LocalStorageDisabled() { if(!("localStorage" in window)) return "unsupported"; var cleared_storage = false; while(1) { try { /* We can't just access a property to test it; that detects it being disabled in FF, but * not in Chrome. */ localStorage.x = 1; if(localStorage.x != 1) throw "disabled"; delete localStorage.x; return null; } catch(e) { /* If local storage is full, we may not be able to even run this test. If that ever happens * something is wrong, so after a failure clear localStorage once and try again. This call * may fail, too; ignore that and we'll catch the problem on the next try. */ if(!cleared_storage) { cleared_storage = true; try { localStorage.clear(); } catch(e) { } continue; } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko/") != -1) { // If the user or an extension toggles about:config, this happens: if(e.message.indexOf("Security error") != -1) return "ff-disabled"; } /* Chrome unhelpfully reports QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR if local storage is disabled, which * means we can't easily detect it being disabled and show a tip to the user. */ return "error"; } } } /* Chrome 10/WebKit braindamage; stop breaking things intentionally just to create * busywork for everyone else: */ if(!("URL" in window) && "webkitURL" in window) window.URL = window.webkitURL; /* For Chrome 9: */ if("createObjectURL" in window && !("URL" in window)) { window.URL = { createObjectURL: function(blob) { return window.createObjectURL(blob); }, revokeObjectURL: function(url) { window.revokeObjectURL(url); } } } /* Allow CSS styles for WebKit. */ if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") != -1) document.documentElement.className += " webkit";