<?php class History extends Rails\ActiveRecord\Base { public function aux() { if (!$this->aux_as_json) { return []; } return json_decode($this->aux_as_json); } public function setAux($o) { if (!$o) { $this->aux_as_json = null; } else { $this->aux_as_json = json_encode($o); } } public function group_by_table_class() { return Rails::services()->get('inflector')->classify($this->group_by_table); } public function get_group_by_controller() { $class_name = $this->group_by_table_class(); return $class_name::versioning()->get_versioning_group_by()['controller']; } public function get_group_by_action() { $class_name = $this->group_by_table_class(); return $class_name::versioning()->get_versioning_group_by()['action']; } public function group_by_obj() { $class_name = $this->group_by_table_class(); return $class_name::find($this->group_by_id); } public function user() { return User::find($this->user_id); } public function author() { return User::find($this->user_id)->name; } # Undo all changes in the array changes. static public function undo($changes, $user, $redo_change = false, array &$errors) { # Save parent objects after child objects, so changes to the children are # committed when we save the parents. $objects = new ArrayObject(); foreach ($changes as $change) { # If we have no previous change, this was the first change to this property # and we have no default, so this change can't be undone. $previous_change = $change->previous; if (!$previous_change && empty($change->options()['allow_reverting_to_default'])) { continue; } if (!$user->can_change($change->obj(), $change->column_name)) { $errors[spl_object_hash($change)] = 'denied'; continue; } # Add this node and its parent objects to objects. $node = self::cache_object_recurse($objects, $change->table_name, $change->remote_id, $change->obj()); if (!isset($node['changes'])) { $node['changes'] = []; } $node['changes'][] = $change; } if (empty($objects['objects'])) { return; } # objects contains one or more trees of objects. Flatten this to an ordered # list, so we can always save child nodes before parent nodes. $done = new ArrayObject(); $stack = new ArrayObject(); foreach ($objects['objects'] as $table_name => $rhs) { foreach ($rhs as $id => $node) { # Start adding from the node at the top of the tree. while (!empty($node['parent'])) { $node = $node['parent']; } self::stack_object_recurse($node, $stack, $done); } } $stack = $stack->getArrayCopy(); foreach (array_reverse($stack) as $node) { $object = $node['o']; $object->runCallbacks('undo', function() use ($node, $redo_change, $object) { $changes = !empty($node['changes']) ? $node['changes'] : []; if ($changes) { foreach ($changes as $change) { if ($redo_change) { $redo_func = $change->column_name . '_redo'; if (method_exists($object, $redo_func)) { $object->$redo_func($change); } else { $object->{$change->column_name} = $change->value; } } else { $undo_func = $change->column_name . '_undo'; if (method_exists($object, $undo_func)) { $object->$undo_func($change); } else { if ($change->previous) { $previous = $change->previous->value; } else { $previous = $change->options()['default']; # when :allow_reverting_to_default } $object->{$change->column_name} = $previous; } } } } }); $object->save(); } } static public function generate_sql($options = []) { $sql = self::none(); if (isset($options['remote_id'])) $sql->where("histories.remote_id = ?", $options['remote_id']); if (isset($options['remote_id'])) $sql->where("histories.user_id = ?", $options['user_id']); if (isset($options['user_name'])) { $sql->joins("JOIN users ON users.id = histories.user_id") ->where("users.name = ?", $options['user_name']); } return $sql; } # Find and return the node for table_name/id in objects. If the node doesn't # exist, create it and point it at object. static protected function cache_object($objects, $table_name, $id, $object) { if (empty($objects['objects'])) $objects['objects'] = []; if (empty($objects['objects'][$table_name])) $objects['objects'][$table_name] = []; if (empty($objects['objects'][$table_name][$id])) $objects['objects'][$table_name][$id] = new ArrayObject([ 'o' => $object ]); return $objects['objects'][$table_name][$id]; } # Find and return the node for table_name/id in objects. Recursively create # nodes for parent objects. static protected function cache_object_recurse($objects, $table_name, $id, $object) { $node = self::cache_object($objects, $table_name, $id, $object); # If this class has a master class, register the master object for update callbacks too. $master = $object->versioned_master_object(); if ($master) { $master_node = self::cache_object_recurse($objects, get_class($master), $master->id, $master); if (empty($master_node['children'])) $master_node['children'] = []; $master_node['children'][] = $node; $node['parent'] = $master_node; } return $node; } static protected function stack_object_recurse($node, $stack, $done = []) { $nodeHash = spl_object_hash($node); if (!empty($done[$nodeHash])) return; $done[$nodeHash] = true; $stack[] = $node; if (!empty($node['children'])) { foreach ($node['children'] as $child) { self::stack_object_recurse($child, $stack, $done); } } } protected function associations() { return [ 'belongs_to' => [ 'user' ], 'has_many' => [ 'history_changes' => [function() { $this->order('id'); }] ] ]; } }