<?php class JobTask extends Rails\ActiveRecord\Base { protected $data; static public function execute_once() { foreach (self::where('status = "pending" AND task_type IN (?)', CONFIG()->active_job_tasks)->order("id desc")->take() as $task) { $task->execute(); sleep(1); } } public function pretty_data() { switch ($this->task_type) { case "mass_tag_edit": $start = $this->data["start_tags"]; $result = $this->data["result_tags"]; $user = User::find_name($this->data["updater_id"]); return "start: ".$start.", result: ".$result.", user: ".$user; break; case "approve_tag_alias": $ta = TagAlias::where('id', $this->data->id)->first(); if (!$ta) { Rails::log()->warning(sprintf("Tag alias #%s couldn't be found for job task #%s. Destroying job task.", $this->data->id, $this->id)); $this->destroy(); return "Error - Tag alias doesn't exist"; } return "start: " . $ta->name . ", result: " . $ta->alias_name(); break; case "approve_tag_implication": $ti = TagImplication::where('id', $this->data->id)->first(); if (!$ti) { Rails::log()->warning(sprintf("Tag implication #%s couldn't be found for job task #%s. Destroying job task.", $this->data->id, $this->id)); $this->destroy(); return "Error - Tag implication doesn't exist"; } return "start: " . $ti->predicate->name . ", result: " . $ti->consequent->name; break; case "calculate_tag_subscriptions": return "last run: " . (isset($this->data->last_run) ? $this->data->last_run : 'never'); break; // case "upload_posts_to_mirrors" // ret = "" // if data["post_id"] // ret << "uploading post_id #{data["post_id"]}" // elsif data["left"] // ret << "sleeping" // else // ret << "idle" // end // ret << (" (%i left) " % data["left"]) if data["left"] // ret case "periodic_maintenance": if ($this->status == "processing") return !empty($this->data->step) ? $this->data->step : 'unknown'; elseif ($this->status != "error") { $next_run = (!empty($this->data->next_run) ? strtotime($this->data->next_run) : 0) - time(); $next_run_in_minutes = $next_run / 60; if ($next_run_in_minutes > 0) $eta = "next run in ".round($next_run_in_minutes / 60.0)." hours"; else $eta = "next run imminent"; return "sleeping (".$eta.")"; } break; case "external_data_search": return 'last updated post id: ' . (isset($this->data->last_post_id) ? $this->data->last_post_id : '(none)'); break; case "upload_batch_posts": if ($this->status == "pending") return "idle"; elseif ($this->status == "processing") { $user = User::find_name($this->data->user_id); return "uploading " . $this->data->url . " for " . $user; } break; // case "update_post_frames" // if status == "pending" then // return "idle" // elsif status == "processing" then // return data["status"] // end // end } } public function execute() { if ($this->repeat_count > 0) $count = $this->repeat_count - 1; else $count = $this->repeat_count; Rails::systemExit()->register(function(){ if ($this->status == 'processing') $this->updateAttribute('status', 'pending'); }, 'job_task'); try { $this->updateAttribute('status', "processing"); $task_method = 'execute_'.$this->task_type; $this->$task_method(); if ($count == 0) $this->updateAttribute('status', "finished"); else { // This is necessary due to a bug with Rails that won't clear changed attributes, // so when 'status' is changed back to 'pending', the system will think the attribute // is being reversed to its previous value, and will remove it from the changedAttributes, // array, therefore the new value 'pending' won't be set and will stay as 'processing'. $this->clearChangedAttributes(); $this->updateAttributes(array('status' => "pending", 'repeat_count' => $count)); } } catch (Exception $x) { $text = ""; $text .= "Error executing job: " . $this->task_type . "\n"; $text .= " \n"; $text .= $x->getTraceAsString(); Rails::log()->warning($text); $this->updateAttributes(['status' => "error", 'status_message' => get_class($x) . ': ' . $x->getMessage()]); throw $x; } } public function execute_periodic_maintenance() { if (!empty($this->data->next_run) && $this->data->next_run > time('Y-m-d H:i:s')) return; $this->update_data(array("step" => "recalculating post count")); Post::recalculate_row_count(); $this->update_data(array("step" => "recalculating tag post counts")); Tag::recalculate_post_count(); $this->update_data(array("step" => "purging old tags")); Tag::purge_tags(); $next_run = strtotime('+6 hours'); $this->update_data(array("next_run" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_run), "step" => null)); } public function execute_external_data_search() { # current_user will be needed to save post history. # Set the first admin as current user. User::set_current_user(User::where('level = ?', CONFIG()->user_levels['Admin'])->first()); if (empty($this->data->last_post_id)) $this->data->last_post_id = 0; $post_id = $this->data->last_post_id + 1; $config = array_merge([ 'servers' => [], 'interval' => 3, 'source' => true, 'merge_tags' => true, 'limit' => 100, 'set_rating' => false, 'exclude_tags' => [], 'similarity' => 90 ], CONFIG()->external_data_search_config); $limit = $config['limit']; $interval = $config['interval']; $search_options = [ 'type' => 'post', 'data_search' => true, 'services' => $config['servers'], 'threshold' => $config['similarity'] ]; $post_count = !$limit ? -1 : 0; while ($post_count < $limit) { if (!$post = Post::where('id >= ? AND status != "deleted"', $post_id)->order('id ASC')->first()) { break; } $search_options['source'] = $post; $new_tags = []; $source = null; $external_posts = SimilarImages::similar_images($search_options)['posts_external']; $rating_set = false; foreach ($external_posts as $ep) { if (!$rating_set && $config['set_rating'] && $ep->rating) { $post->rating = $ep->rating; $rating_set = true; } if ($config['source'] && !$source && $ep->source) { $source = $ep->source; } $new_tags = array_merge($new_tags, explode(' ', $ep->tags)); } # Exclude tags. $new_tags = array_diff($new_tags, $config['exclude_tags']); if ($config['merge_tags']) { $new_tags = array_merge($new_tags, $post->tags); } $new_tags = array_filter(array_unique($new_tags)); $post->new_tags = $new_tags; if ($source); { $post->source = $source; } $post->save(); if ($limit) { $post_count++; } $this->update_data(['last_post_id' => $post->id]); $post_id = $post->id + 1; if ($config['interval']) { sleep($config['interval']); } } } public function execute_upload_batch_posts() { $upload = BatchUpload::where("status = 'pending'")->order("id ASC")->first(); if (!$upload) return; $this->updateAttributes(['data' => ['id' => $upload->id, 'user_id' => $upload->user_id, 'url' => $upload->url]]); $upload->run(); } public function execute_approve_tag_alias() { $ta = TagAlias::find($this->data->id); $updater_id = $this->data->updater_id; $updater_ip_addr = $this->data->updater_ip_addr; $ta->approve($updater_id, $updater_ip_addr); } public function execute_approve_tag_implication() { $ti = TagImplication::find($this->data->id); $updater_id = $this->data->updater_id; $updater_ip_addr = $this->data->updater_ip_addr; $ti->approve($updater_id, $updater_ip_addr); } public function execute_calculate_tag_subscriptions() { if (Rails::cache()->read("delay-tag-sub-calc")) { return; } Rails::cache()->write("delay-tag-sub-calc", ['expires_in' => '360 minutes']); TagSubscription::process_all(); $this->updateAttributes(['data' => ['last_run' => date('Y-m-d H:i')]]); } protected function init() { $this->setData($this->data_as_json ? json_decode($this->data_as_json) : new stdClass()); } public function setData($data) { $this->data_as_json = json_encode($data); $this->data = (object)$data; } private function update_data($data) { $data = array_merge((array)$this->data, $data); $this->updateAttributes(array('data' => $data)); } }