<?php class Note extends Rails\ActiveRecord\Base { use Moebooru\Versioning\VersioningTrait; use Rails\ActsAsVersioned\Versioning; static public function init_versioning($v) { $v->versioned_attributes([ 'is_active' => ['default' => true, 'allow_reverting_to_default' => true], 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'body' ]) ->versioning_group_by(['class' => 'Post']) # When any change is made, save the current body to the history record, so we can # display it along with the change to identify what was being changed at the time. # Otherwise, we'd have to look back through history for each change to figure out # what the body was at the time. ->versioning_aux_callback('aux_callback'); } # TODO: move this to a helper public function formatted_body() { $parser = new Michelf\Markdown(); $parser->no_markup = true; $html = $parser->transform($this->body); if (preg_match_all('~(<p><tn>.+?</tn></p>)~s', $html, $ms)) { foreach ($ms[1] as $m) { $html = str_replace( $m, nl2br('<p class="tn">' . substr($m, 10, -12) . '</p>'), $html ); } } return $html; } protected function update_post() { $active_notes = self::connection()->selectValue("SELECT 1 FROM notes WHERE is_active = ? AND post_id = ? LIMIT 1", true, $this->post_id); if ($active_notes) self::connection()->executeSql("UPDATE posts SET last_noted_at = ? WHERE id = ?", $this->updated_at, $this->post_id); else self::connection()->executeSql("UPDATE posts SET last_noted_at = ? WHERE id = ?", null, $this->post_id); } protected function associations() { return [ 'belongs_to' => ['post'] ]; } protected function callbacks() { return [ 'after_save' => [ 'update_post' ] ]; } protected function validations() { return [ 'post_must_not_be_note_locked' ]; } protected function post_must_not_be_note_locked() { if ($this->is_locked()) { $this->errors()->addToBase("Post is note locked"); return false; } } public function is_locked() { if ($this->connection()->selectValue("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND is_note_locked = ?", $this->post_id, true)) return true; else return false; } public function aux_callback() { # If our body has been changed and we have an old one, record it as the body; # otherwise if we're a new note and have no old body, record the current one. return ['note_body' => $this->bodyWas() ?: $this->body]; } protected function actsAsVersionedConfig() { return [ 'table_name' => 'note_versions', 'foreign_key' => 'note_id' ]; } protected function versioningRelation($relation) { return $relation->order("updated_at DESC"); } }