resetConfig($environment); } static public function loader() { return self::$loader; } static public function assets() { if (!self::$assets) { self::$assets = Rails\Assets\Assets::instance(); $prefix = str_replace('\\', '/', self::$config->assets->prefix); $router = self::application()->router(); if (!$router || !$router->route() || !$router->route()->isPanelRoute()) { $basePaths = [ str_replace('\\', '/', Rails::config()->paths->application) . $prefix, str_replace('\\', '/', Rails::root() . '/lib') . $prefix, str_replace('\\', '/', Rails::root() . '/vendor') . $prefix, ]; } $paths = []; foreach ($basePaths as $basePath) { if (!is_dir($basePath)) { continue; } $dir = new DirectoryIterator($basePath); foreach ($dir as $file) { if ($file->isDot() || !$file->isDir()) { continue; } $paths[] = $file->getPathname(); } } $customPaths = Rails::application()->config()->assets->paths->toArray(); $paths = array_merge($paths, $customPaths); self::$assets->addPaths($paths); self::$assets->addFilePatterns(self::config()->assets->patterns->toArray()); } return self::$assets; } static public function cache() { if (!self::$cache) self::$cache = new Rails\Cache\Cache(self::application()->config()->cache_store); return self::$cache; } /** * Returns logger set in config. * If arguments are passed, they will be logged with vars(). */ static public function log() { if (!self::$config->logger) { self::$config->logger = self::defaultLogger(); } elseif (self::$config->logger instanceof \Closure) { $closure = self::$config->logger; self::$config->logger = $closure(); } if (func_num_args()) { return self::$config->logger->vars(func_get_args()); } return self::$config->logger; } static public function env() { return self::$env; } static public function root() { return self::$root; } static public function publicPath() { return self::$publicPath; } static public function path() { return self::$path; } static public function cli() { return self::$cli; } static public function console() { if (!self::$console) { self::$console = new Rails\Console\ApplicationConsole(); } return self::$console; } static public function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errargs) { $errtype = ''; switch ($errno) { case E_WARNING: $class_name = 'Warning'; break; case E_NOTICE: $class_name = 'Notice'; break; case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: $class_name = 'Catchable'; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: $class_name = 'UserNotice'; break; case E_USER_WARNING: $class_name = 'UserWarning'; break; default: /** * When an "Unknown" error is triggered, the Loader isn't invoked for some reason. * Hence the manual requires. */ require_once __DIR__ . '/Exception/ExceptionInterface.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Exception/ExceptionTrait.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Exception/ErrorException.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Exception/PHPError/ExceptionInterface.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Exception/PHPError/Base.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Exception/PHPError/Unknown.php'; $class_name = 'Unknown'; $errtype = '[ErrNo '.$errno.']'; break; } $class = 'Rails\Exception\PHPError\\' . $class_name; if (strpos($errfile, self::$path) === 0) $errfile = 'Rails' . substr($errfile, strlen(self::$path)); $extra_params = ['php_error' => true, 'errno' => $errno, 'errstr' => $errstr, 'errfile' => $errfile, 'errline' => $errline, 'errargs' => $errargs]; if ($errtype) $errtype .= ': '; $e = new $class( sprintf('%s%s ', $errtype, $errstr) ); $e->error_data($extra_params); throw $e; } static public function exceptionHandler($e) { if (self::$cli) { $report = Rails\Exception\Reporting\Reporter::create_report($e); $report = Rails\Exception\Reporting\Reporter::cleanup_report($report); self::console()->terminate($report); } else { self::reportException($e); } } static public function systemExit() { if (!self::$systemExit) { self::$systemExit = new Rails\SystemExit\SystemExit(); } return self::$systemExit; } static public function runSystemExit() { if (self::$systemExit) { self::$systemExit->run(); } } static public function services() { if (!self::$serviceManager) { self::$serviceManager = new Rails\ServiceManager\ServiceManager(); } return self::$serviceManager; } static private function reportException(Exception $e) { Rails\ActionView\ActionView::clean_buffers(); $parmas = []; $params['status'] = $e instanceof Rails\Exception\ExceptionInterface ? $e->status() : 500; $params['report'] = Rails\Exception\Reporting\Reporter::create_report($e, $params); self::log()->message(Rails\Exception\Reporting\Reporter::cleanup_report($params['report'])); if (!self::application() || !self::application()->dispatcher()) { try { if (!self::application()) { self::_early_exception($e, $params['report']); } self::application()->setDispatcher(); } catch (Exception $e) { self::_early_exception($e, $params['report']); } } self::application()->dispatcher()->response()->headers()->status($params['status']); if (self::config()->action_controller->exception_handler && !self::config()->consider_all_requests_local) { try { self::$customExceptionHandlerRan = true; $handler = Rails\ActionController\ActionController::load_exception_handler(self::$config->action_controller->exception_handler, $params['status']); Rails::application()->set_controller($handler); $handler->handleException($e); } catch (Exception $e) { self::_early_exception($e, $params['report']); } } else { $renderer = new Rails\ActionController\Response\Error($e, $params); self::application()->dispatcher()->response()->headers()->contentType('html'); self::application()->dispatcher()->response()->body($renderer->render_view()->get_contents()); } self::application()->dispatcher()->respond(); exit; } static private function _early_exception($e, $html) { self::log()->exception($e); if (Rails::application() && Rails::application()->config()->consider_all_requests_local) { echo $html; } else { echo "An error occured."; } exit; } static private function setRailsConfig() { $paths = array_merge([ get_include_path(), self::$root . '/lib', self::$root . '/vendor', ]); set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths)); # Set loader. require self::$path . '/Loader/Loader.php'; # Guessing ZF2 and Symfony paths // if (self::$zf2Path) { // $zf2Path = self::$zf2Path; // } else { // $zf2Path = realpath(self::$path . '/../../../ZF2/library'); // if (!$zf2Path) { // throw new Rails\Exception\RuntimeException( // sprintf( // "Can't find path to ZF2 library (tried: %s)", // $zf2Path // ) // ); // } // } // if (self::$sfPath) { // $sfPath = self::$sfPath; // } else { // $sfPath = realpath(self::$path . '/../../..'); // if (!$sfPath) { // throw new Rails\Exception\RuntimeException( // sprintf( // "Can't find path to Symfony (tried: %s)", // $sfPath // ) // ); // } // } self::$loader = new Rails\Loader\Loader([ dirname(self::$path), self::$config->paths->models->toString(), self::$config->paths->helpers, self::$config->paths->controllers->toString(), self::$config->paths->mailers->toString(), self::$root . '/lib', self::$root . '/vendor', // $zf2Path, // $sfPath, ]); $autoloadFile = defined("COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD_FILE") ? COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD_FILE : Rails::path() . '/../../../../autoload.php'; self::$loader->setComposerAutoload(require $autoloadFile); // $loader = require $autoloadFile; // vpe($loader->loadClass("Rails\Bootstrap2\Initializer")); spl_autoload_register([Rails::loader(), 'loadClass']); set_exception_handler('Rails::exceptionHandler'); register_shutdown_function('Rails::runSystemExit'); # This will be re-set in Rails_Application, setting also the customized second parameter. set_error_handler('Rails::errorHandler', E_ALL); } static private function defaultConfig() { return require __DIR__ . '/Config/default_config.php'; } static private function defaultLogger() { $logLevel = (string)self::$config->log_level; switch ($logLevel) { case '0': case 'emergency': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::EMERG; break; case '1': case 'alert': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::ALERT; break; case '2': case 'critical': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::CRIT; break; case '3': case 'error': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::ERR; break; case '4': case 'warning': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::WARN; break; case '4': case 'notice': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::NOTICE; break; case '5': case 'info': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::INFO; break; case '6': case 'debug': $level = Zend\Log\Logger::DEBUG; break; default: $level = self::$config->log_level; break; } if (false !== $level && null !== $level) { $filter = new Zend\Log\Filter\Priority($level); $writer->addFilter($filter); } $formatter = new Rails\Log\Formatter\Simple(); $writer = new Zend\Log\Writer\Stream(self::$config->log_file); $writer->setFormatter($formatter); $logger = new Rails\Log\Logger(); $logger->addWriter($writer); return $logger; } }