$appPath, 'views' => $viewsPath, 'config' => new Rails\Paths\Path('config', [self::$root]), 'controllers' => new Rails\Paths\Path('controllers', [$appPath]), 'helpers' => new Rails\Paths\Path('helpers', [$appPath]), 'models' => new Rails\Paths\Path('models', [$appPath]), 'layouts' => new Rails\Paths\Path('layouts', [$viewsPath]), 'mailers' => new Rails\Paths\Path('mailers', [$appPath]), 'log' => new Rails\Paths\Path('log', [self::$root]), ]); $config = new Rails\Config\Config(); $config->paths = $paths; $config->base_path = ''; // must NOT include leading nor trailing slash. /** * If names begin with a letter, the path of the file * will be relative to Rails::root(). */ $config->load_files = []; $config->rails_panel_path = false; // NO leading nor trailing slashes, e.g. "sysadmin", "foo/bar/sysadmin" $config->safe_ips = [ '', '::1' ]; $config->error = [ 'report_types' => E_ALL, 'log' => true, 'log_max_size' => 1024 ]; $config->consider_all_requests_local = !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] === ''; $config->date = [ 'timezone' => null ]; $config->i18n = [ 'path' => Rails::root() . '/config/locales', 'default_locale' => 'en' ]; $config->action_controller = [ 'base' => [ 'default_charset' => 'utf-8' ], 'exception_handler' => false ]; # Temporary flag $config->ar2 = false; $config->active_record = [ 'use_cached_schema' => false, // 'base' => [ // /** // * If true, overloading attributes or associations via __get() won't work // * on models. This is temporary, as now overloading should be don't through __call(). // */ // 'call_only_attr_overload' => false // ] ]; $config->action_view = [ 'layout' => 'application', 'suffix' => 'phtml', 'helpers' => [ // 'will_paginate' => [ // /** // * Sets a default custom renderer class. // * Built-in renderers are Bootstrap and Legacy. // * A custom renderer class can be created, extending // * Rails\ActionView\Helper\WillPaginate\AbstractRenderer. // */ // 'renderer' => 'bootstrap', // 'always_show' => false # Show pagination even if there's only 1 page // ] ] ]; $config->action_mailer = [ /** * Allows "sendmail", "smtp" or "file". * Also allows a Closure that must return a transport * implementing Zend\Mail\Transport\TransportInterface */ 'delivery_method' => 'sendmail', 'smtp_settings' => [ 'address' => '', 'port' => 25, 'domain' => '', 'user_name' => '', 'password' => '', 'authentication' => 'login', 'enable_starttls_auto' => true // Requires openssl PHP extension. ], 'file_settings' => [ /** * Directory where mails will be stored. * * Default directory is created automatically, otherwise * it must already exist. * * Defaults to Rails::root() . /tmp/mail. */ 'location' => null, /** * Any callable argument. * * Defaults to Rails\ActionMailer\ActionMailer::filenameGenerator() */ 'name_generator' => null ], 'default_options' => [], ]; /** * If assets are enabled, this option will make Assets serve static assets from the public folder * or non-static from application's folders. */ $config->serve_static_assets = false; $config->assets = [ 'enabled' => true, /** * In development, files included by manifests are served individually to help debug javascript. * However, including many files can increase the page load times a lot. * With this option, manifest files and their children are concatenated, resulting in 1 file. */ 'concat' => false, /** * Additional [absolute] paths to search assets in. */ 'paths' => [], /** * Defines how an extension is handled. * Pass either an array or a Closure. * * The Closure must expect 1 parameter which are the contents * of the file to be processed. * * Arrays accept 4 parameters: * file: if present, the file will be require()'d * class_name: the name of the class. * method: the name of the method to which the contents of the file * will be passed. * static: if true, the method will be called statically. */ 'css_extensions' => [ 'scss' => [ 'class_name' => 'scssc', 'method' => 'compile', 'static' => false ] ], 'js_extensions' => [ // CoffeeScript ], /** * This is Not zip compression. * This tells Assets to minify files upon compile using the compressors * defined below. */ 'compress' => true, /** * Compressors. * Accepts an array like the one for extensions. */ 'css_compressor' => [ 'class_name' => 'Minifier\Cssmin', 'method' => 'run' ], 'js_compressor' => [ 'class_name' => 'Rails\Assets\Parser\Javascript\ClosureApi\ClosureApi', 'method' => 'minify', 'static' => true ], /** * Create a gzipped version of compiled files. * Uses gzencode() */ 'gz_compression' => true, 'gz_compression_level' => 9, /** * Names of the manifest files that will be compiled upon * Assets::compileAll(). Only names, no paths. */ 'precompile' => [ 'application.js', 'application.css' ], /** * Non js or css files that will be copied to the public assets folder * when compiling. These values will be passed to glob() with GLOB_BRACE. */ 'patterns' => [ '*.gif', '*.png', '*.jpg', '*.jpeg', ], /** * This is used as the URL path to server non-static assets for * development, and is also the name of the folder where assets are * stored. */ 'prefix' => '/assets', /** * Path where the prefix folder will be created, and inside it, compiled * assets will finally be stored. */ 'compile_path' => self::$publicPath, # Generate digests for assets URLs 'digest' => false, # Has no use. 'version' => '1.0' ]; $config->cookies = [ 'expires' => 0, 'path' => null, # Defaults to base_path() . '/', set in Cookies 'domain' => null, 'secure' => false, 'httponly' => false, 'raw' => false ]; $config->eager_load_paths = []; /** * Set's the cache storing class. * * For FileStore * cache_store ( string 'file_store', string $cache_path ) * * For Memcached * cache_store ( string 'memcached' [, mixed $server1 [, mixed $server2 ... ] ] ) * Defaults to host "localhost" and port 11211. * Examples: * Add 1 server with default options. * $config->cache_store = [ 'memcached' ]; * Add 1 server with foobarhost as host and default port. * $config->cache_store = [ 'memcached', 'foobarhost' ]; * Add 2 servers: one with localhost as host with default port, and the other one * with other.server as host and 4456 as port. * $config->cache_store = [ 'memcached', 'localhost', ['other.server', 4456] ]; */ $config->cache_store = ['file_store', Rails::root() . '/tmp/cache']; /** * This is supposed to be used to set a custom logger. * But rather, customize the default logger in Application\Base::init(). */ $config->logger = null; $config->log_file = Rails::root() . '/log/' . Rails::env() . '.log'; /** * Accepts int from 0 to 8. */ $config->log_level = false; return $config;