['blocked_only'] ]; } public function preview() { $this->setLayout(false); } public function showPreviousMessages() { $this->dmails = Dmail::where("(to_id = ? or from_id = ?) and parent_id = ? and id < ?", $this->current_user->id, $this->current_user->id, $this->params()->parent_id, $this->params()->id) ->order("id asc")->take(); $this->setLayout(false); } public function compose() { $this->dmail = new Dmail(); } public function create() { if (Dmail::where('from_id = ? AND created_at > ?', $this->current_user->id, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()-3600))->count() > 10) { $this->notice("You can't send more than 10 dmails per hour."); $this->redirectTo('#inbox'); return; } $dmail = $this->params()->dmail; if (empty($dmail['parent_id'])) $dmail['parent_id'] = null; $this->dmail = Dmail::create(array_merge($dmail, ['from_id' => $this->current_user->id])); if ($this->dmail->errors()->none()) { $this->notice("Message sent to ".$dmail['to_name']); $this->redirectTo("#inbox"); } else { $this->notice("Error: " . $this->dmail->errors()->fullMessages(", ")); $this->render('compose'); } } public function inbox() { $this->dmails = Dmail::where("to_id = ? or from_id = ?", $this->current_user->id, $this->current_user->id)->order("created_at desc")->paginate($this->page_number(), 25); } public function show() { $this->dmail = Dmail::find($this->params()->id); if ($this->dmail->to_id != $this->current_user->id && $this->dmail->from_id != $this->current_user->id) { $this->notice("Access denied"); $this->redirectTo("user#login"); return; } if ($this->dmail->to_id == $this->current_user->id) { $this->dmail->mark_as_read($this->current_user); } } public function confirmMarkAllRead() { } public function markAllRead() { if ($this->params()->commit == "Yes") { foreach (Dmail::where("to_id = ? and has_seen = false", $this->current_user->id)->take() as $dmail) $dmail->updateAttribute('has_seen', true); $this->current_user->updateAttribute('has_mail', false); $this->respond_to_success("All messages marked as read", ['action' => "inbox"]); } else { $this->redirectTo("#inbox"); } } }