InlineImage = { mouse_down: null, zoom_levels: [ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0 ], get_zoom: function(level) { if(level >= 0) return InlineImage.zoom_levels[level]; else return 1 / InlineImage.zoom_levels[-level]; }, register: function(id, data) { var container = $(id); data.html_id = id; container.inline_image = data; /* initted is set to true after the image has been opened and the large images * inside have been created by expand(). */ data.initted = false; data.expanded = false; data.toggled_from = null; data.current = -1; data.zoom_level = 0; { var ui_html = ""; if(data.images.length > 1) { for(var idx = 0; idx < data.images.length; ++idx) { // html_id looks like "inline-123-456". Mark the button for each individual image as "inline-123-456-2". var button_id = data.html_id + "-" + idx; var text = data.images[idx].description.escapeHTML(); if(text == "") text = "#" + (idx + 1); ui_html += "" + text + ""; } } ui_html += "+"; ui_html += "-"; var zoom_id = data.html_id + "-zoom"; ui_html += "100%"; ui_html += "Close"; ui_html += "Image #" + + ""; container.down(".expanded-image-ui").innerHTML = ui_html; } container.down(".inline-thumb").observe("click", function(e) { e.stop(); InlineImage.expand(data.html_id); }); container.observe("dblclick", function(e) { e.stop(); }); var viewer_img = container.down(".main-inline-image"); /* If the expanded image has more than one image to choose from, clicking it will * temporarily show the next image. Only show a pointer cursor if this is available. */ if(data.images.length > 1) viewer_img.addClassName("clickable"); viewer_img.observe("mousedown", function(e) { if(e.button != 0) return; data.toggled_from = data.current; var idx = (data.current + 1) % data.images.length; InlineImage.show_image_no(data.html_id, idx); InlineImage.mouse_down = data; /* We need to stop the event, so dragging the mouse after clicking won't turn it * into a drag in Firefox. If that happens, we won't get the mouseup. */ e.stop(); }); }, init: function() { /* Mouseup events aren't necessarily sent to the same element that received the mousedown, * so we need to track which element received a mousedown and handle mouseup globally. */ document.observe("mouseup", function(e) { if(e.button != 0) return; if(InlineImage.mouse_down == null) return; e.stop(); var data = InlineImage.mouse_down; InlineImage.mouse_down = null; InlineImage.show_image_no(data.html_id, data.toggled_from); data.toggled_from = null; }); }, expand: function(id) { var container = $(id); var data = container.inline_image; data.expanded = true; if(!data.initted) { data.initted = true; var images = data["images"]; var img_html = ""; for(var idx = 0; idx < data.images.length; ++idx) { var image = images[idx]; var width, height, src; if(image["sample_width"]) { src = image["sample_url"]; } else { src = image["file_url"]; } var img_id = data.html_id + "-img-" + idx; img_html += ""; } var viewer_img = container.down(".main-inline-image"); viewer_img.innerHTML = img_html; } container.down(".inline-thumb").hide(); InlineImage.show_image_no(data.html_id, 0); container.down(".expanded-image").show(); // container.down(".expanded-image").scrollIntoView(); }, close: function(id) { var container = $(id); var data = container.inline_image; data.expanded = false; container.down(".expanded-image").hide(); container.down(".inline-thumb").show(); }, show_image_no: function(id, idx) { var container = $(id); var data = container.inline_image; var images = data["images"]; var image = images[idx]; var zoom = InlineImage.get_zoom(data.zoom_level); /* We need to set innerHTML rather than just setting attributes, so the changes happen * atomically. Otherwise, Firefox will apply the width and height changes before source, * and flicker the old image at the new image's dimensions. */ var width, height; if(image["sample_width"]) { width = image["sample_width"] * zoom; height = image["sample_height"] * zoom; } else { width = image["width"] * zoom; height = image["height"] * zoom; } width = width.toFixed(0); height = height.toFixed(0); if(data.current != idx) { var old_img_id = data.html_id + "-img-" + data.current; var old_img = $(old_img_id); if(old_img) old_img.hide(); } var img_id = data.html_id + "-img-" + idx; var img = $(img_id); if(img) { img.width = width; img.height = height;; } if(data.current != idx) { var new_button = $(data.html_id + "-" + idx); if(new_button) new_button.addClassName("selected-image-tab"); var old_button = $(data.html_id + "-" + data.current); if(old_button) old_button.removeClassName("selected-image-tab"); data.current = idx; } }, zoom: function(id, dir) { var container = $(id); var data = container.inline_image; if(dir == 0) data.zoom_level = 0; // reset else data.zoom_level += dir; if(data.zoom_level > InlineImage.zoom_levels.length - 1) data.zoom_level = InlineImage.zoom_levels.length - 1; if(data.zoom_level < -InlineImage.zoom_levels.length + 1) data.zoom_level = -InlineImage.zoom_levels.length + 1; /* Update the zoom level. */ var zoom_id = data.html_id + "-zoom"; var zoom = InlineImage.get_zoom(data.zoom_level) * 100; $(zoom_id).update(zoom.toFixed(0) + "%"); InlineImage.show_image_no(id, data.current); } }