PostModeMenu = { mode: "view", init: function(pool_id) { try { /* This part doesn't work on IE7; for now, let's allow execution to continue so at least some initialization is run */ /* If pool_id isn't null, it's the pool that we're currently searching for. */ this.pool_id = pool_id; var color_element = $("mode-box") this.original_style = { border: color_element.getStyle("border") } if (Cookie.get("mode") == "") { Cookie.put("mode", "view") $("mode").value = "view" } else { $("mode").value = Cookie.get("mode") } } catch (e) {} this.vote_score = Cookie.get("vote") if (this.vote_score == "") { this.vote_score = 1 Cookie.put("vote", this.vote_score) } else { this.vote_score == +this.vote_score } Post.posts.each(function(p) { var post_id = p[0] var post = p[1] var span = $("p" +; if(span == null) return; /* Use post_id here, not post, since the post object can be replaced later after updates. */ span.down("A").observe("click", function(e) {, post_id); }); span.down("A").observe("mousedown", function(e) { PostModeMenu.post_mousedown(e, post_id); }); span.down("A").observe("mouseover", function(e) { PostModeMenu.post_mouseover(e, post_id); }); span.down("A").observe("mouseout", function(e) { PostModeMenu.post_mouseout(e, post_id); }); span.down("A").observe("mouseup", function(e) { PostModeMenu.post_mouseup(e, post_id); }); }); document.observe("mouseup", function(e) { PostModeMenu.post_mouseup(e, null); }); Event.observe(window, "pagehide", function(e) { PostModeMenu.post_end_drag(); }); this.change() }, set_vote: function(score) { this.vote_score = score Cookie.put("vote", this.vote_score) Post.update_vote_widget('vote-menu', this.vote_score); }, get_style_for_mode: function(s) { if (s == "view") { return {background: ""}; } else if (s == "edit") { return {background: "#3A3"} } else if (s == "rating-q") { return {background: "#AAA"} } else if (s == "rating-s") { return {background: "#6F6"} } else if (s == "rating-e") { return {background: "#F66"} } else if (s == "vote") { return {background: "#FAA"} } else if (s == "lock-rating") { return {background: "#AA3"} } else if (s == "lock-note") { return {background: "#3AA"} } else if (s == "approve") { return {background: "#26A"} } else if (s == "flag") { return {background: "#F66"} } else if (s == "add-to-pool") { return {background: "#26A"} } else if (s == "apply-tag-script") { return {background: "#A3A"} } else if (s == "reparent-quick") { return {background: "#CCA"} } else if (s == "remove-from-pool") { return {background: "#CCA"} } else if (s == 'reparent') { return {background: "#0C0"} } else if (s == 'dupe') { return {background: "#0C0"} } else { return {background: "#AFA"} } }, change: function() { if(!$("mode")) return; var s = $F("mode") Cookie.put("mode", s, 7) PostModeMenu.mode = s if (s.value != "edit") { $("quick-edit").hide() } if (s.value != "apply-tag-script") { $("edit-tag-script").hide() Post.reset_tag_script_applied() } if (s == "vote") { Post.update_vote_widget('vote-menu', this.vote_score); $("vote-score").show() } else if (s == "apply-tag-script") { $("edit-tag-script").show() $("edit-tag-script").focus() } }, click: function(event, post_id) { var s = $("mode") if(!s) return; if (s.value == "view") { return true } if (s.value == "edit") {; } else if (s.value == 'vote') {, this.vote_score) } else if (s.value == 'rating-q') { Post.update_batch([{id: post_id, rating: "questionable"}]); } else if (s.value == 'rating-s') { Post.update_batch([{id: post_id, rating: "safe"}]); } else if (s.value == 'rating-e') { Post.update_batch([{id: post_id, rating: "explicit"}]); } else if (s.value == 'reparent') { if(post_id == id) return false;, "parent:" + id) } else if (s.value == 'dupe') { if(post_id == id) return false;, "duplicate parent:" + id) } else if (s.value == 'lock-rating') { Post.update_batch([{id: post_id, is_rating_locked: "1"}]); } else if (s.value == 'lock-note') { Post.update_batch([{id: post_id, is_note_locked: "1"}]); } else if (s.value == 'flag') { Post.flag(post_id) } else if (s.value == "approve") { Post.approve(post_id) } else if (s.value == 'add-to-pool') { Pool.add_post(post_id, 0) } else if (s.value == "remove-from-pool") { Pool.remove_post(post_id, PostModeMenu.pool_id); } else if (s.value == "destroy") { notice("Deleting post"); Post.make_request("/post/destroy.json", {id: post_id, reason: "Via post-mode"}, function() { jQuery('li').remove() notice("Post deleted"); }); } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, dragging_from_post: null, dragging_active: false, dragging_list: null, dragging_hash: null, post_add_to_hovered_list: function(post_id) { var element = element = $$("#p" + post_id + " > .directlink"); if(element.length > 0) { element[0].addClassName("tag-script-applied"); Post.applied_list.push(element[0]); } if(!PostModeMenu.dragging_hash.get(post_id)) { PostModeMenu.dragging_hash.set(post_id, true); PostModeMenu.dragging_list.push(post_id); } }, post_mousedown: function(event, post_id) { if(event.button != 0) return; if(PostModeMenu.mode == "reparent-quick") { PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post = post_id; PostModeMenu.post_begin_drag(); } else if(PostModeMenu.mode == "apply-tag-script") { Post.reset_tag_script_applied(); PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post = post_id; PostModeMenu.dragging_list = new Array; PostModeMenu.dragging_hash = new Hash; PostModeMenu.post_add_to_hovered_list(post_id); } else return; /* Prevent the mousedown from being processed; this keeps it from turning into * a real drag action, which will suppress our mouseover/mouseout messages. We * only do this when the tag script is enabled, so we don't mess with regular * clicks. */ event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }, post_begin_drag: function(type) { document.body.addClassName("dragging-to-post"); }, post_end_drag: function() { document.body.removeClassName("dragging-to-post"); PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post = null; }, post_mouseup: function(event, post_id) { if(event.button != 0) return; if(!PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post) return; if(PostModeMenu.mode == "reparent-quick") { if(post_id) { notice("Updating post"); Post.update_batch([{ id: PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post, parent_id: post_id}]); } PostModeMenu.post_end_drag(); return; } else if(PostModeMenu.mode == "apply-tag-script") { if(post_id) return; /* We clicked or dragged some posts to apply a tag script; process it. */ var tag_script = TagScript.TagEditArea.value;, tag_script); PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post = null; PostModeMenu.dragging_active = false; PostModeMenu.dragging_list = null; PostModeMenu.dragging_hash = null; } }, post_mouseover: function(event, post_id) { var post = $("p" + post_id); var style = PostModeMenu.get_style_for_mode(PostModeMenu.mode) post.down("span").setStyle(style) if(PostModeMenu.mode != "apply-tag-script") return; if(!PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post) return; if(post_id != PostModeMenu.dragging_from_post) PostModeMenu.dragging_active = true; PostModeMenu.post_add_to_hovered_list(post_id); }, post_mouseout: function(event, post_id) { var post = $("p" + post_id); post.down("span").setStyle({background: ""}); }, apply_tag_script_to_all_posts: function() { var tag_script = TagScript.TagEditArea.value; var post_ids = Post.posts.inject([], function(list, pair) { list.push(pair[0]); return list; });, tag_script); } } TagScript = { TagEditArea: null, load: function() { this.TagEditArea.value = Cookie.get("tag-script") }, save: function() { Cookie.put("tag-script", this.TagEditArea.value) }, init: function(element, x) { this.TagEditArea = element TagScript.load() this.TagEditArea.observe("change", function(e) { }) this.TagEditArea.observe("focus", function(e) { Post.reset_tag_script_applied() }) /* This mostly keeps the tag script field in sync between windows, but it * doesn't work in Opera, which sends focus events before blur events. */ Event.on(window, 'unload', function() { }); document.observe("focus", function(e) { TagScript.load() }) }, parse: function(script) { return script.match(/\[.+?\]|\S+/g) }, test: function(tags, predicate) { var split_pred = predicate.match(/\S+/g) var is_true = true split_pred.each(function(x) { if (x[0] == "-") { if (tags.include(x.substr(1, 100))) { is_true = false throw $break } } else { if (!tags.include(x)) { is_true = false throw $break } } }) return is_true }, process: function(tags, command) { if (command.match(/^\[if/)) { var match = command.match(/\[if\s+(.+?)\s*,\s*(.+?)\]/) if (TagScript.test(tags, match[1])) { return TagScript.process(tags, match[2]) } else { return tags } } else if (command == "[reset]") { return [] } else if (command[0] == "-" && command.indexOf("-pool:") != 0) { return tags.reject(function(x) {return x == command.substr(1, 100)}) } else { tags.push(command) return tags } }, run: function(post_ids, tag_script, finished) { if(!Object.isArray(post_ids)) post_ids = $A([post_ids]); var commands = TagScript.parse(tag_script) || [] var posts = new Array; post_ids.each(function(post_id) { var post = Post.posts.get(post_id) var old_tags = post.tags.join(" ") commands.each(function(x) { post.tags = TagScript.process(post.tags, x) }) posts.push({ id: post_id, old_tags: old_tags, tags: post.tags.join(" ") }); }); notice("Updating " + posts.length + (post_ids.length == 1? " post": " posts") ); Post.update_batch(posts, finished); } } function PostQuickEdit(container) { this.container = container; this.submit_event = this.submit_event.bindAsEventListener(this); this.container.down("form").observe("submit", this.submit_event); this.container.down(".cancel").observe("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.container.down("#post_tags").observe("keydown", function(e) { if(e.keyCode == Event.KEY_ESC) { e.stop(); this.hide(); return; } if(e.keyCode != Event.KEY_RETURN) return; this.submit_event(e); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); } = function(post_id) { Post.hover_info_pin(post_id); var post = Post.posts.get(post_id); this.post_id = post_id; this.old_tags = post.tags.join(" "); this.container.down("#post_tags").value = post.tags.join(" ") + " rating:" + post.rating.substr(0, 1) + " ";; this.container.down("#post_tags").focus(); } PostQuickEdit.prototype.hide = function() { this.container.hide(); Post.hover_info_pin(null); } PostQuickEdit.prototype.submit_event = function(e) { e.stop(); this.hide(); Post.update_batch([{id: this.post_id, tags: this.container.down("#post_tags").value, old_tags: this.old_tags}], function() { notice("Post updated"); this.hide(); }.bind(this)); }