true to display all changes. # # :show_all_tags: Show unchanged tags. public function get_default_field_options() { return [ 'suppress_fields' => [] ]; } public function get_attribute_options() { if ($this->att_options) return $this->att_options; $att_options = [ # :suppress_fields => If this attribute was changed, don't display changes to specified # fields to the same object in the same change. # # :force_show_initial => For initial changes, created when the object itself is created, # attributes that are set to an explicit :default are omitted from the display. This # prevents things like "parent:none" being shown for every new post. Set :force_show_initial # to override this behavior. # # :primary_order => Changes are sorted alphabetically by field name. :primary_order # overrides this sorting with a top-level sort (default 1). # # :never_obsolete => Changes that are no longer current or have been reverted are # given the class "obsolete". Changes in fields named by :never_obsolete are not # tested. # # Some cases: # # - When viewing a single object (eg. "post:123"), the display is always changed to # the appropriate type, so if we're viewing a single object, :specific_table will # always be true. # # - Changes to pool descriptions can be large, and are reduced to "description changed" # in the "All" view. The diff is displayed if viewing the Pool view or a specific object. # # - Adding a post to a pool usually causes the sequence number to change, too, but # this isn't very interesting and clutters the display. :suppress_fields is used # to hide these unless viewing the specific change. 'Post' => [ 'fields' => [ 'cached_tags' => [ 'primary_order' => 2 ], # show tag changes after other things 'source' => [ 'primary_order' => 3 ], ], 'never_obsolete' => ['cached_tags' => true] # tags handle obsolete themselves per-tag ], 'Pool' => [ 'primary_order' => 0, 'fields' => [ 'description' => [ 'primary_order' => 5 ] # we don't handle commas correctly if this isn't last ], 'never_obsolete' => [ 'description' => true ] # changes to description aren't obsolete just because the text has changed again ], 'PoolPost' => [ 'fields' => [ 'sequence' => [ 'max_to_display' => 5], 'active' => [ 'max_to_display' => 10, 'suppress_fields' => ['sequence'], # changing active usually changes sequence; this isn't interesting 'primary_order' => 2, # show pool post changes after other things ] ], 'cached_tags' => [ ], ], 'Tag' => [ ], 'Note' => [ ], ]; foreach (array_keys($att_options) as $classname) { $att_options[$classname] = array_merge([ 'fields' => [], 'primary_order' => 1, 'never_obsolete' => [], 'force_show_initial' => [] ], $att_options[$classname]); $c = $att_options[$classname]['fields']; foreach (array_keys($c) as $field) { $c[$field] = array_merge($this->get_default_field_options(), $c[$field]); } } } public function format_changes($history, array $options = []) { $html = ''; $changes = $history->history_changes; # Group the changes by class and field. $change_groups = []; foreach ($changes as $c) { if (!isset($change_groups[$c->table_name])) $change_groups[$c->table_name] = []; if (!isset($change_groups[$c->table_name][$c->column_name])) $change_groups[$c->table_name][$c->column_name] = []; $change_groups[$c->table_name][$c->column_name][] = $c; } $att_options = $this->get_attribute_options(); # Number of changes hidden (not including suppressions): $hidden = 0; $parts = []; foreach ($change_groups as $table_name => $fields) { # Apply supressions. $to_suppress = []; foreach ($fields as $field => $group) { $class_name = $group[0]->master_class(); $table_options = !empty($att_options[$class_name]) ? $att_options[$class_name] : []; $field_options = isset($table_options['fields']['field']) ? $table_options['fields']['field'] : $this->get_default_field_options(); $to_suppress = array_merge($to_suppress, $field_options['suppress_fields']); } foreach ($to_suppress as $suppress) unset($fields[$suppress]); foreach ($fields as $field => $group) { $class_name = $group[0]->master_class(); $field_options = isset($table_options['fields']['field']) ? $table_options['fields']['field'] : $this->get_default_field_options(); # Check for entry limits. if (empty($options['specific_history'])) { $max = isset($field_options['max_to_display']) ? $field_options['max_to_display'] : null; if ($max && count($group) > $max) { $hidden += count($group) - $max; $group = array_slice($group, $max); } } # Format the rest. foreach ($group as $c) { if (!$c->previous && $c->changes_to_default() && empty($table_options['force_show_initial']['field'])) continue; $part = $this->format_change($history, $c, $options, $table_options); if (!$part) continue; if (!empty($field_options['primary_order'])) $primary_order = $field_options['primary_order']; elseif (!empty($table_options['primary_order'])) $primary_order = $table_options['primary_order']; else $primary_order = null; $part = array_merge($part, ['primary_order' => $primary_order]); $parts[] = $part; } } } usort($parts, function($a, $b) { $comp = 0; foreach (['primary_order', 'field', 'sort_key'] as $field) { if ($a[$field] < $b[$field]) $comp = -1; elseif ($a[$field] == $b[$field]) $comp = 0; else $comp = 1; if ($comp != 0) break; } return $comp; }); foreach (array_keys($parts) as $idx) { if (!$idx || $parts[$idx]['field'] == $parts[$idx - 1]['field']) continue; $parts[$idx-1]['html'] .= ', '; } $html = ''; if (empty($options['show_name']) && $history->group_by_table == 'tags') { $tag = $history->history_changes[0]->obj(); $html .= $this->tag_link($tag->name); $html .= ': '; } if (!empty($history->aux()->note_body)) { $body = $history->aux()->note_body; if (strlen($body) > 20) $body = substr($body, 0, 20) . '...'; $html .= 'note ' . $this->h($body) . ' '; } $html .= implode(' ', array_map(function($part) { return $part['html']; }, $parts)); if ($hidden > 0) { $html .= ' (' . $this->linkTo($hidden . ' more...', ['search' => 'change:' . $history->id]) . ')'; } return $html; } public function format_change($history, $change, $options, $table_options) { $html = ''; $classes = []; if (empty($table_options['never_obsolete'][$change->column_name]) && $change->is_obsolete()) { $classes[] = 'obsolete'; } $added = '+'; $removed = '-'; $sort_key = $change->remote_id; $primary_order = 1; switch ($change->table_name) { case 'posts': switch ($change->column_name) { case 'rating': $html .= 'rating:'; $html .= $change->value; if ($change->previous) { $html .= '←'; $html .= $change->previous->value; } $html .= ''; break; case 'parent_id': $html .= 'parent:'; if ($change->value) { $new = Post::where('id = ?', $change->value)->first(); if ($new) { $html .= $this->linkTo($new->id, ['post#show', 'id' => $new->id]); } else { $html .= $change->value; } } else { $html .= 'none'; } if ($change->previous) { $html .= '←'; if ($change->previous->value) { $old = Post::where('id = ?', $change->previous->value)->first(); if ($old) { $html .= $this->linkTo($old->id, ['post#show', 'id' => $old->id]); } else { $html .= $change->previous->value; } } else { $html .= 'none'; } } break; case 'source': if ($change->previous) { $html .= sprintf("source changed from %s to %s", $this->source_link($change->previous->value, false), $this->source_link($change->value, false)); } else { $html .= sprintf("source: %s", $this->source_link($change->value, false)); } break; case 'frames_pending': $html .= 'frames changed: ' . $this->h($change->value ?: '(none)'); break; case 'is_rating_locked': # Trueish: if a value equals true or 't' $html .= $change->value || $change->value == 't' ? $added : $removed; $html .= 'rating-locked'; break; case 'is_note_locked': # Trueish $html .= $change->value || $change->value == 't' ? $added : $removed; $html .= 'note-locked'; break; case 'is_shown_in_index': # Trueish $html .= $change->value || $change->value == 't' ? $added : $removed; $html .= 'shown'; break; case 'cached_tags': $previous = $change->previous; $changes = Post::tag_changes($change, $previous, $change->latest()); $list = []; $list[] = $this->tag_list($changes['added_tags'], ['obsolete' => $changes['obsolete_added_tags'], 'prefix' => '+', 'class' => 'added']); $list[] = $this->tag_list($changes['removed_tags'], ['obsolete' => $changes['obsolete_removed_tags'], 'prefix' => '-', 'class' => 'removed']); if (!empty($options['show_all_tags'])) $list[] = $this->tag_list($changes['unchanged_tags'], ['prefix' => '', 'class' => 'unchanged']); $html .= trim(implode(' ', $list)); break; } break; case 'pools': $primary_order = 0; switch ($change->column_name) { case 'name': if ($change->previous) { $html .= sprintf("name changed from %s to %s", $this->h($change->previous->value), $this->h($change->value)); } else { $html .= sprintf("name: %s", $this->h($change->value)); } break; case 'description': if ($change->value === '') { $html .= 'description removed'; } else { if (!$change->previous) $html .= 'description: '; elseif ($change->previous->value === '') $html .= 'description added: '; else $html .= 'description changed: '; # Show a diff if there's a previous description and it's not blank. Otherwise, # just show the new text. $show_diff = $change->previous && $change->previous->value !== ''; if ($show_diff) $text = Moebooru\Diff::generate($change->previous->value, $change->value); else $text = $this->h($change->value); # If there's only one line in the output, just show it inline. Otherwise, show it # as a separate block. $multiple_lines = is_int(strpos($text, '
')) || is_int(strpos($text, '
')); $show_in_detail = !empty($options['specific_history']) || !empty($options['specific_object']); if (!$multiple_lines) $display = $text; elseif ($show_diff) $display = "
"; else $display = "
"; if ($multiple_lines && !$show_in_detail) $html .= "(show changes)
"; else $html .= $display; } break; case 'is_public': # Trueish $html .= $change->value || $change->value == 't' ? $added : $removed; $html .= 'public'; break; case 'is_active': # Trueish $html .= $change->value || $change->value == 't' ? $added : $removed; $html .= 'active'; break; } break; case 'pools_posts': # Sort the output by the post id. $sort_key = $change->obj()->post->id; switch ($change->column_name) { case 'active': # Trueish $html .= $change->value || $change->value == 't' ? $added : $removed; $html .= $this->linkTo('post #' . $change->obj()->post_id, ['post#show', 'id' => $change->obj()->post_id]); break; case 'sequence': /** * MI: For some reason the sequence is shown in the first HistoryChange created, * while in Moebooru it doesn't. We will hide it here. */ if (!$change->previous) return null; $seq = 'order:' . $change->obj()->post_id . ':' . $change->value; $seq .= '←' . $change->previous->value; $html .= $this->linkTo($seq, ['post#show', 'id' => $change->obj()->post_id]); break; } break; case 'tags': switch ($change->column_name) { case 'tag_type': $html .= 'type:'; $tag_type = Tag::type_name_from_value($change->value); $html .= '' . $tag_type . ''; if ($change->previous) { $tag_type = Tag::type_name_from_value($change->previous->value); $html .= '←' . $tag_type . ''; } break; case 'is_ambiguous': # Trueish $html .= $change->value || $change->value == 't' ? $added : $removed; $html .= 'ambiguous'; break; } break; case 'notes': switch($change->column_name) { case 'body': if ($change->previous) { $html .= sprintf("body changed from %s to %s", $this->h($change->previous->value), $this->h($change->value)); } else { $html .= sprintf("body: %s", $this->h($change->value)); } break; case 'x': case 'y': case 'width': case 'height': $html .= $change->column_name . ':' . $this->h($change->value); break; case 'is_active': # Trueish if ($change->value || $change->value == 't') { # Don't show the note initially being set to active. if (!$change->previous) { return null; } $html .= 'undeleted'; } else { $html .= 'deleted'; } } break; } $span = '' . $html . ''; return [ 'html' => $span, 'field' => $change->column_name, 'sort_key' => $sort_key ]; } public function tag_list($tags, array $options = []) { if (!$tags) return ''; $html = ''; $tags_html = []; foreach ($tags as $name) { $tags_html[] = $this->tag_link($name, $options); } if (!$tags_html) return ''; $html .= implode(' ', $tags_html); $html .= ''; return $html; } }