var PostUploadForm = function(form, progress) { var XHRLevel2 = "XMLHttpRequest" in window && (new XMLHttpRequest().upload != null); var SupportsFormData = "FormData" in window; if(!XHRLevel2 || !SupportsFormData) return; this.form_element = form; this.cancel_element = this.form_element.down(".cancel"); this.progress = progress; this.document_title = document.documentElement.down("TITLE"); this.document_title_orig = this.document_title.textContent; this.current_request = null; this.form_element.on("submit", this.form_submit_event.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.cancel_element.on("click", this.click_cancel.bindAsEventListener(this)); var keypress_event_name = window.opera || Prototype.Browser.Gecko? "keypress":"keydown"; document.on(keypress_event_name, this.document_keydown_event.bindAsEventListener(this)); } PostUploadForm.prototype.set_progress = function(f) { var percent = f * 100; this.progress.down(".upload-progress-bar-fill").style.width = percent + "%"; this.document_title.textContent = this.document_title_orig + " (" + percent.toFixed(0) + "%)"; } PostUploadForm.prototype.request_starting = function() { this.form_element.down(".submit").hide();;; document.documentElement.addClassName("progress"); } PostUploadForm.prototype.request_ending = function() { this.form_element.down(".submit").show(); this.cancel_element.hide(); this.progress.hide(); this.document_title.textContent = this.document_title_orig; document.documentElement.removeClassName("progress"); } PostUploadForm.prototype.document_keydown_event = function(e) { var key = e.charCode; if(!key) key = e.keyCode; /* Opera */ if(key != Event.KEY_ESC) return; this.cancel(); } PostUploadForm.prototype.click_cancel = function(e) { e.stop(); this.cancel(); } PostUploadForm.prototype.form_submit_event = function(e) { /* This submit may have been stopped by User.run_login_onsubmit. */ if(e.stopped) return; if(this.current_request != null) return; $("post-exists").hide(); $("post-upload-error").hide(); /* If the files attribute isn't supported, or we have no file (source upload), use regular * form submission. */ var post_file = $("post_file"); if(post_file.files == null || post_file.files.length == 0) return; e.stop(); this.set_progress(0); this.request_starting(); var form_data = new FormData(this.form_element); var onprogress = function(e) { var done = e.loaded; var total =; this.set_progress(total? (done/total):1); }.bind(this); this.current_request = new Ajax.Request("/post/create.json", { contentType: null, method: "post", postBody: form_data, onCreate: function(resp) { var xhr = resp.request.transport; xhr.upload.onprogress = onprogress; }, onComplete: function(resp) { this.current_request = null; this.request_ending(); var json = resp.responseJSON; if(!json) return; if(!json.success) { if(json.location) { var a = $("post-exists-link"); a.setTextContent("post #" + json.post_id); a.href = json.location; $("post-exists").show(); return; } $("post-upload-error").setTextContent(json.reason); $("post-upload-error").show(); return; } /* If a post/similar link was given and similar results exists, go to them. Otherwise, * go to the new post. */ var target = json.location; if(json.similar_location && json.has_similar_hits) target = json.similar_location; window.location.href = target; }.bind(this) }); } /* Cancel the running request, if any. */ PostUploadForm.prototype.cancel = function() { if(this.current_request == null) return; /* Don't clear this.current_request; it'll be done by the onComplete callback. */ this.current_request.transport.abort(); } /* * When file_field is changed to an image, run an image search and put a summary in * results. */ UploadSimilarSearch = function(file_field, results) { if(!ThumbnailUserImage) return; this.file_field = file_field; this.results = results; file_field.on("change", this.field_changed_event.bindAsEventListener(this)); } UploadSimilarSearch.prototype.field_changed_event = function(event) { this.results.hide(); if(this.file_field.files == null || this.file_field.files.length == 0) return; this.results.innerHTML = "Searching...";; var file = this.file_field.files[0]; var similar = new ThumbnailUserImage(file, this.thumbnail_complete.bind(this)); } UploadSimilarSearch.prototype.thumbnail_complete = function(result) { if(!result.success) { this.results.innerHTML = "Image load failed.";; return; } /* Grab a data URL from the canvas; this is what we'll send to the server. */ var data_url = result.canvas.toDataURL(); /* Create the FormData containing the thumbnail image we're sending. */ var form_data = new FormData(); form_data.append("url", data_url); var req = new Ajax.Request("/post/similar.json", { method: "post", postBody: form_data, /* Tell Prototype not to change XHR's contentType; it breaks FormData. */ contentType: null, onComplete: function(resp) { this.results.innerHTML = "";; var json = resp.responseJSON; if(!json.success) { this.results.innerHTML = json.reason; return; } if(json.posts.length > 0) { var posts = []; var shown_posts = 3; json.posts.slice(0, shown_posts).each(function(post) { var url; if(User.get_use_browser()) url = "/post/browse#" +; else url = "/post/show/" +; var s = "post #" + + ""; posts.push(s); }); var post_links = posts.join(", "); var see_all = "(see all)"; var html = "Similar posts " + see_all + ": " + post_links; if(json.posts.length > shown_posts) { var remaining_posts = json.posts.length - shown_posts; html += " (" + remaining_posts + " more)"; } this.results.innerHTML = html; } else { this.results.innerHTML = "No similar posts found."; } }.bind(this) }); }