Post = { posts: new Hash(), tag_types: new Hash(), votes: new Hash(), tag_type_names: [ "general", "artist", "", "copyright", "character", "circle", "faults" ], find_similar: function() { var old_source_name = $("post_source").name var old_file_name = $("post_file").name var old_target = $("edit-form").target var old_action = $("edit-form").action $("post_source").name = "url" $("post_file").name = "file" $("edit-form").target = "_blank" $("edit-form").action = "" $("edit-form").submit() $("post_source").name = old_source_name $("post_file").name = old_file_name $("edit-form").target = old_target $("edit-form").action = old_action }, make_request: function(path, params, finished) { return new Ajax.Request(path, { parameters: params, onFailure: function(req) { var resp = req.responseJSON; notice("Error: " + resp.reason); }, onSuccess: function(resp) { var resp = resp.responseJSON Post.register_resp(resp); /* Fire posts:update, to allow observers to update their display on change. */ var post_ids = new Hash(); for(var i = 0; i < resp.posts.length; ++i) post_ids.set(resp.posts[i].id, true);"posts:update", { resp: resp, post_ids: post_ids }); if(finished) finished(resp); } }); }, /* If delete_reason is a string, delete the post with the given reason. If delete_reason * is null, approve the post. (XXX: rename to Post.moderate) */ approve: function(post_id, delete_reason, finished) { notice("Approving post #" + post_id) var params = {} params["ids[" + post_id + "]"] = "1" params["commit"] = delete_reason? "Delete":"Approve" if(delete_reason) params["reason"] = delete_reason var completion = function() { notice(delete_reason? "Post deleted":"Post approved"); if(finished) finished(post_id); else { if ($("p" + post_id)) { $("p" + post_id).removeClassName("pending") } if ($("pending-notice")) { $("pending-notice").hide() } } } return Post.make_request("/post/moderate.json", params, completion); }, undelete: function(post_id, finished) { return Post.make_request("/post/undelete.json", {id: post_id}, finished); }, applied_list: [], reset_tag_script_applied: function() { for(var i=0; i < Post.applied_list.length; ++i) Post.applied_list[i].removeClassName("tag-script-applied"); Post.applied_list = [] }, /* * posts is an array of the form: * * [{ id: 123, tags: "tags", old_tags: "tags2" }, * { id: 124, tags: "tags3", old_tags: "tags4" }] * * and we pass it as a query string that results in: * * [{ :id="123", :tags = "tags", :old_tags => "tags2" }, * { :id="124", :tags = "tags3", :old_tags => "tags4" }] * * Prototype won't generate a query string to do this. We also need to hack Prototype * to keep it from messing around with the parameter order (bug). * * One significant difference between using this and update() is that this will * receive secondary updates: if you change a parent with this function, the parent * will have its styles (border color) updated. update() only receives the results * of the post that actually changed, and won't update other affected posts. */ update_batch: function(posts, finished) { var original_count = posts.length; if(TagCompletion) { /* Tell TagCompletion about recently used tags. */ posts.each(function(post) { if(post.tags == null) return; TagCompletion.add_recent_tags_from_update(post.tags, post.old_tags); }); } /* posts is a hash of id: { post }. Convert this to a Rails-format object array. */ var params_array = []; var i = 0; // Pop. posts.each(function(post) { $H(post).each(function(pair2) { var s = "post[" + i + "][" + pair2.key + "]=" + window.encodeURIComponent(pair2.value); // Pop. // var s = "post[][" + pair2.key + "]=" + window.encodeURIComponent(pair2.value); params_array.push(s); }); i++; // Pop. }); var complete = function(resp) { resp.posts.each(function(post) { Post.update_styles(post); var element = $$("#p" + + " > .directlink") if (element.length > 0) { element[0].addClassName("tag-script-applied") Post.applied_list.push(element[0]) } }); notice((original_count == 1? "Post": "Posts") + " updated"); if(finished) finished(resp.posts); } var params = params_array.join("&"); Post.make_request("/post/update_batch.json", params, complete); }, update_styles: function(post) { var e = $("p" +; if(!e) return; if(post["has_children"]) e.addClassName("has-children"); else e.removeClassName("has-children"); if(post["parent_id"]) e.addClassName("has-parent"); else e.removeClassName("has-parent"); }, /* Deprecated; use Post.update_batch instead. */ update: function(post_id, params, finished) { notice('Updating post #' + post_id) params["id"] = post_id new Ajax.Request('/post/update.json', { parameters: params, onComplete: function(resp) { var resp = resp.responseJSON if (resp.success) { notice('Post updated') // Update the stored post. Post.register( Post.register_tags(resp.tags); Post.update_styles(; var element = element = $$("#p" + post_id + " > .directlink") if (element.length > 0) { element[0].addClassName("tag-script-applied") Post.applied_list.push(element[0]) } if(finished) finished(; } else { notice('Error: ' + resp.reason) } } }) }, activate_posts: function(post_ids, finished) { notice("Activating " + post_ids.length + (post_ids.length == 1? " post":" posts")); var params = {}; params["post_ids[]"] = post_ids new Ajax.Request('/post/activate.json', { parameters: params, onComplete: function(resp) { var resp = resp.responseJSON if (resp.success) { if(finished) finished(resp); } else { notice('Error: ' + resp.reason) } } }) }, activate_all_posts: function() { var post_ids = []; Post.posts.each(function(pair) { /* Only activate posts that are actually displayed; we may have others registered. */ if($("p" + pair.key)) post_ids.push(pair.key); }); Post.activate_posts(post_ids, function(resp) { if(resp.count == 0) notice("No posts were activated."); else notice(resp.count + (resp.count == 1? " post":" posts") + " activated"); }); }, /* Activating a single post uses post/update, which returns the finished post, so we can * check if the change was made. activate_posts uses post/activate, which works in bulk * and doesn't return errors for individual posts. */ activate_post: function(post_id) { Post.update_batch([{ id: post_id, is_held: false }], function() { var post = Post.posts.get(post_id); if(post.is_held) notice("Couldn't activate post"); else $("held-notice").remove(); }); }, init_add_to_favs: function(post_id, add_to_favs, remove_from_favs) { var update_add_to_favs = function(e) { if(e != null && e.memo.post_ids.get(post_id) == null) return; var vote = Post.votes.get(post_id) || 0; < 3); >= 3); } update_add_to_favs(); document.on("posts:update", update_add_to_favs); }, vote: function(post_id, score) { if(score > 3) return; notice("Voting...") Post.make_request("/post/vote.json", { id: post_id, score: score }, function(resp) { notice("Vote saved"); }); }, flag: function(id, finished) { var reason = prompt("Why should this post be flagged for deletion?", "") if (!reason) return false; var complete = function() { notice("Post was flagged for deletion"); if(finished) finished(id); else { var e = $("p" + id); if(e) e.addClassName("flagged"); } } return Post.make_request("/post/flag.json", { "id": id, "reason": reason }, complete); }, unflag: function(id, finished) { var complete = function() { notice("Post was approved"); if(finished) finished(id); else { var e = $("p" + id); if(e) e.removeClassName("flagged"); } } return Post.make_request("/post/flag.json", { id: id, unflag: 1 }, complete); }, observe_text_area: function(field_id) { $(field_id).observe("keydown", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { e.stop(); this.up("form").simulate_submit(); } }) }, /* * Group tags by type. * * Post.get_post_tags_by_type(post) * -> {general: ["tagme"], faults: ["fixme", "crease"]} */ get_post_tags_by_type: function(post) { var results = new Hash; post.tags.each(function(tag) { var tag_type = Post.tag_types.get(tag); /* We can end up not knowing a tag's type due to tag script editing giving us * tags we weren't told the type of. */ if(!tag_type) tag_type = "general"; var list = results.get(tag_type); if(!list) { list = []; results.set(tag_type, list); } list.push(tag); }); return results; }, /* * Get post tags with their types. * * Post.get_post_tags_with_type(post) * -> [["tagme", "general"], ["fixme", "faults"], ["crease", "faults"]] * * The results will be sorted by type. */ get_post_tags_with_type: function(post) { var tag_types = Post.get_post_tags_by_type(post); var types = tag_types.keys(); var type_order = ["artist", "circle", "copyright", "character", "faults", "general"]; types = types.sort(function(a, b) { var a_idx = type_order.indexOf(a); if(a_idx == -1) a_idx = 999; var b_idx = type_order.indexOf(b); if(b_idx == -1) b_idx = 999; return a_idx - b_idx; }); var results = new Array; types.each(function(type) { var tags = tag_types.get(type); tags.each(function(tag) { results.push([tag, type]); }); }); return results; }, /* Register all data from a generic post response. */ register_resp: function(resp) { if(resp.posts) Post.register_posts(resp.posts); if(resp.tags) Post.register_tags(resp.tags); if(resp.votes) Post.register_votes(resp.votes); if(resp.pools) Pool.register_pools(resp.pools); if(resp.pool_posts) Pool.register_pool_posts(resp.pool_posts, resp.posts); }, register: function(post) { post.tags = post.tags.match(/\S+/g) || [] post.match_tags = post.tags.clone() post.match_tags.push("rating:" + post.rating.charAt(0)) post.match_tags.push("status:" + post.status) this.posts.set(, post) }, register_posts: function(posts) { posts.each(function(post) { Post.register(post); }); }, unregister_all: function() { this.posts = new Hash(); }, /* Post.register_tags({tagme: "general"}); */ register_tags: function(tags, no_send_to_completion) { this.tag_types.update(tags); /* If no_send_to_completion is true, this data is coming from completion, so there's * no need to send it back. */ if(TagCompletion && !no_send_to_completion) TagCompletion.update_tag_types(); }, /* Post.register_votes({12345: 1}) */ register_votes: function(votes) { this.votes.update(votes); }, blacklists: [], is_blacklisted: function(post_id) { var post = Post.posts.get(post_id) var has_tag = function(tag) { return post.match_tags.indexOf(tag) != -1; }; /* This is done manually, since this needs to be fast and Prototype's functions are * too slow. */ var blacklist_applies = function(b) { var require = b.require; var require_len = require.length; for(var j = 0; j < require_len; ++j) { if(!has_tag(require[j])) return false; } var exclude = b.exclude; var exclude_len = exclude.length; for(var j = 0; j < exclude_len; ++j) { if(has_tag(exclude[j])) return false; } return true; } var blacklists = Post.blacklists; var len = blacklists.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var b = blacklists[i]; if(blacklist_applies(b)) return true; } return false; }, apply_blacklists: function() { Post.blacklists.each(function(b) { b.hits = 0 }) var count = 0 Post.posts.each(function(pair) { var thumb = $("p" + pair.key) if (!thumb) return var post = pair.value var has_tag = post.match_tags.member.bind(post.match_tags) post.blacklisted = [] if( != Post.blacklist_options.exclude) { Post.blacklists.each(function(b) { if (b.require.all(has_tag) && !b.exclude.any(has_tag)) { b.hits++ if (!Post.disabled_blacklists[b.tags]) post.blacklisted.push(b) } }) } var bld = post.blacklisted.length > 0 /* The class .javascript-hide hides elements only if JavaScript is enabled, and is * applied to all posts by default; we remove the class to show posts. This prevents * posts from being shown briefly during page load before this script is executed, * but also doesn't break the page if JavaScript is disabled. */ count += bld if (Post.blacklist_options.replace) { if(bld) { thumb.src = "/images/blank.gif"; /* Trying to work around Firefox displaying the old thumb.src briefly before loading * the blacklisted thumbnail, even though they're applied at the same time: */ var f = function(event) { var img =; img.stopObserving("load"); img.stopObserving("error"); img.src = "/blacklisted-preview.png"; img.removeClassName("javascript-hide"); } thumb.observe("load", f) thumb.observe("error", f) } else { thumb.src = post.preview_url; thumb.removeClassName("javascript-hide"); } } else { if(bld) thumb.addClassName("javascript-hide").addClassName('blacklisted-post'); // Pop. else thumb.removeClassName("javascript-hide"); } }) if (Post.countText) Post.countText.update(count); var notice = $("blacklisted-notice"); if(notice) > 0); return count }, // When blacklists are added dynamically and saved, add them here so we don't have to try // to edit the cookie in-place. current_blacklists: null, hide_inactive_blacklists: true, disabled_blacklists: {}, blacklists_update_disabled: function() { Post.blacklists.each(function(b) { if(!b.a) return; if(Post.disabled_blacklists[b.tags] || b.hits == 0) b.a.addClassName("blacklisted-tags-disabled"); else b.a.removeClassName("blacklisted-tags-disabled"); }); }, // XXX: we lose exclude and replace when we're re-called init_blacklisted: function(options) { Post.blacklist_options = Object.extend({ replace: false, exclude: null }, options); var bl_entries; if(Post.current_blacklists) bl_entries = Post.current_blacklists; else { // bl_entries = jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery.cookie('blacklisted_tags')) || []; bl_entries = eval(jQuery.cookie("blacklisted_tags")); // Pop. } Post.blacklists = []; bl_entries.each(function(val) { var s = val.replace(/(rating:[qes])\w+/, "$1") var tags = s.match(/\S+/g) if (!tags) return var b = { tags: tags, original_tag_string: val, require: [], exclude: [], hits: 0 } tags.each(function(tag) { if (tag.charAt(0) == '-') b.exclude.push(tag.slice(1)) else b.require.push(tag) }) Post.blacklists.push(b) }) Post.countText = $("blacklist-count") if(Post.countText) Post.countText.update(""); Post.apply_blacklists(); var sidebar = $("blacklisted-sidebar") if (sidebar) var list = $("blacklisted-list") if(list) { while(list.firstChild) list.removeChild(list.firstChild); Post.blacklists.sort(function(a, b) { if(a.hits == 0 && b.hits > 0) return 1; if(a.hits > 0 && b.hits == 0) return -1; return a.tags.join(" ").localeCompare(b.tags.join(" ")); }); inactive_blacklists_hidden = 0 Post.blacklists.each(function(b) { if (Post.hide_inactive_blacklists && !b.hits) { ++inactive_blacklists_hidden; return; } var li = list.appendChild(document.createElement("li")) li.className = "blacklisted-tags" = "relative"; var del = li.appendChild($(document.createElement("a"))); = "absolute"; = "-0.75em"; del.href = "#"; del.update("⊘"); del.observe("click", function(event) { /* We need to call run_login_onclick ourself, since this form isn't created with the form helpers. */ if(!User.run_login_onclick(event)) return false; event.stop(); var tag = b.original_tag_string; User.modify_blacklist([], [tag], function(resp) { notice("Unblacklisted \"" + tag + "\""); Post.current_blacklists = resp.result; Post.init_blacklisted(); }); }); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode("» ")); var a = li.appendChild(document.createElement("a")) b.a = a; a.href = "#" a.className = "no-focus-outline" if(!b.hits) { a.addClassName("blacklisted-tags-disabled"); } else { $(a).observe("click", function(event) { Post.disabled_blacklists[b.tags] = !Post.disabled_blacklists[b.tags] Post.apply_blacklists() Post.blacklists_update_disabled(); event.stop() }); } var tags = a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(b.tags.join(" "))); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); var span = li.appendChild(document.createElement("span")) span.className = "post-count" if(b.hits > 0) span.appendChild(document.createTextNode("(" + b.hits + ")")); }) /* Add the "Show all blacklists" button. If Post.hide_inactive_blacklists is false, then * we've already clicked it and hidden it, so don't recreate it. */ if(Post.hide_inactive_blacklists && inactive_blacklists_hidden > 0) { var li = list.appendChild(document.createElement("li")) li.className = "no-focus-outline" = "blacklisted-tag-show-all" var a = li.appendChild(document.createElement("a")) a.href = "#" a.className = "no-focus-outline" $(a).observe("click", function(event) { event.stop(); $("blacklisted-tag-show-all").hide(); Post.hide_inactive_blacklists = false; Post.init_blacklisted(); }); var tags = a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("» Show all blacklists")); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); } } Post.blacklists_update_disabled(); }, blacklist_add_commit: function() { var tag = $("add-blacklist").value; if(tag == "") return; $("add-blacklist").value = ""; User.modify_blacklist(tag, [], function(resp) { notice("Blacklisted \"" + tag + "\""); Post.current_blacklists = resp.result; Post.init_blacklisted(); }); }, last_click_id: null, check_avatar_blacklist: function(post_id, id) { if(id && id == this.last_click_id) return true; this.last_click_id = id; if(!Post.is_blacklisted(post_id)) return true; notice("This post matches one of your blacklists. Click again to open."); return false; }, resize_image: function() { var img = $("image"); var large_width = (img.naturalWidth == img.readAttribute('large_width')) ? img.readAttribute('large_width') : img.naturalWidth; var large_height = (img.naturalHeight == img.readAttribute('large_height')) ? img.readAttribute('large_height') : img.naturalHeight; var ratio = 1; if ((img.scale_factor == 1) || (img.scale_factor == null)) { /* Use clientWidth for sizing the width, and the window height for the height. * This prevents needing to scroll horizontally to center the image. */ var client_width = $("right-col").clientWidth - 15; var client_height = window.innerHeight - 15; // if (img.width > img.height) { ratio = Math.min(ratio, client_width / large_width); ratio = Math.min(ratio, client_height / large_height); // } else { // ratio = Math.min(ratio, client_width / img.large_width); // } } img.width = large_width * ratio; img.height = large_height * ratio; img.scale_factor = ratio; if (window.Note) { for (var i=0; i client_height) ratio = client_height / img.original_height; if(ratio < 1) { img.width = img.original_width * ratio; img.height = img.original_height * ratio; } this.center_image(img); Post.adjust_notes(); }, adjust_notes: function() { if (!window.Note) return; for (var i=0; i container_bottom) { var bottom_aligned_y = container_bottom - image.getHeight() - 4; /* 4 for top 2px and bottom 2px borders */ if(bottom_aligned_y >= container_top) y = bottom_aligned_y; } = y + "px";; }, hover_thumb_mouse_out: function(image) { image.hide(); }, acknowledge_new_deleted_posts: function(post_id) { new Ajax.Request("/post/acknowledge_new_deleted_posts.json", { onComplete: function(resp) { var resp = resp.responseJSON if (resp.success) { if ($("posts-deleted-notice")) $("posts-deleted-notice").hide() } else { notice("Error: " + resp.reason) } } }) }, hover_info_pin: function(post_id) { var post = null; if(post_id != null) post = Post.posts.get(post_id); Post.hover_info_pinned_post = post; Post.hover_info_update(); }, hover_info_mouseover: function(post_id) { var post = Post.posts.get(post_id); if(Post.hover_info_hovered_post == post) return; Post.hover_info_hovered_post = post; Post.hover_info_update(); }, hover_info_mouseout: function() { if(Post.hover_info_hovered_post == null) return; Post.hover_info_hovered_post = null; Post.hover_info_update(); }, hover_info_hovered_post: null, hover_info_displayed_post: null, hover_info_shift_held: false, hover_info_pinned_post: null, /* pinned by something like the edit menu; shift state and mouseover is ignored */ hover_info_update: function() { var post = Post.hover_info_pinned_post; if(!post) { post = Post.hover_info_hovered_post; if(!Post.hover_info_shift_held) post = null; } if(Post.hover_info_displayed_post == post) return; Post.hover_info_displayed_post = post; var hover = $("index-hover-info"); var overlay = $("index-hover-overlay"); if(!post) { hover.hide(); overlay.hide(); overlay.down("IMG").src = "/images/blank.gif"; return; } hover.down("#hover-dimensions").innerHTML = post.width + "x" + post.height;"#hover-tags SPAN A").each(function(elem) { elem.innerHTML = ""; }); var tags_by_type = Post.get_post_tags_by_type(post); tags_by_type.each(function(key) { var elem = $("hover-tag-" + key[0]); var list = [] key[1].each(function(tag) { list.push(tag); }); elem.innerHTML = list.join(" "); }); if(post.rating=="s") hover.down("#hover-rating").innerHTML = "s"; else if(post.rating=="q") hover.down("#hover-rating").innerHTML = "q"; else if(post.rating=="e") hover.down("#hover-rating").innerHTML = "e"; hover.down("#hover-post-id").innerHTML =; hover.down("#hover-score").innerHTML = post.score; if(post.is_shown_in_index) hover.down("#hover-not-shown").hide(); else hover.down("#hover-not-shown").show(); hover.down("#hover-is-parent").show(post.has_children); hover.down("#hover-is-child").show(post.parent_id != null); hover.down("#hover-is-pending").show(post.status == "pending"); hover.down("#hover-is-flagged").show(post.status == "flagged"); var set_text_content = function(element, text) { (element.innerText || element).textContent = text; } if(post.status == "flagged") { hover.down("#hover-flagged-reason").setTextContent(post.flag_detail.reason); hover.down("#hover-flagged-by").setTextContent(post.flag_detail.flagged_by); } hover.down("#hover-file-size").innerHTML = number_to_human_size(post.file_size); hover.down("#hover-author").innerHTML =;; /* Reset the box to 0x0 before polling the size, so it expands to its maximum size, * and read the size. */ = "0px"; = "0px"; var hover_width = hover.scrollWidth; var hover_height = hover.scrollHeight; var hover_thumb = $("p" +"IMG"); var thumb_offset = hover_thumb.cumulativeOffset(); var thumb_center_x = thumb_offset[0] + hover_thumb.scrollWidth/2; var thumb_top_y = thumb_offset[1]; var x = thumb_center_x - hover_width/2; var y = thumb_top_y - hover_height; /* Clamp the X coordinate so the box doesn't fall off the side of the screen. Don't * clamp Y. */ var client_width = document.viewport.getDimensions()["width"]; if(x < 0) x = 0; if(x + hover_width > client_width) x = client_width - hover_width; = x + "px"; = y + "px"; overlay.down("A").href = (User.get_use_browser()? "/post/browse#":"/post/show/") +; overlay.down("IMG").src = post.preview_url; /* This doesn't always align properly in Firefox if full-page zooming is being * used. */ var x = thumb_center_x - post.actual_preview_width/2; var y = thumb_offset[1]; = x + "px"; = y + "px";; }, hover_info_shift_down: function() { if(Post.hover_info_shift_held) return; Post.hover_info_shift_held = true; Post.hover_info_update(); }, hover_info_shift_up: function() { if(!Post.hover_info_shift_held) return; Post.hover_info_shift_held = false; Post.hover_info_update(); }, hover_info_init: function() { document.observe("keydown", function(e) { if(e.keyCode != 16) /* shift */ return; Post.hover_info_shift_down(); }); document.observe("keyup", function(e) { if(e.keyCode != 16) /* shift */ return; Post.hover_info_shift_up(); }); document.observe("blur", function(e) { Post.hover_info_shift_up(); }); var overlay = $("index-hover-overlay"); Post.posts.each(function(p) { var post_id = p[0] var post = p[1] var span = $("p" +; if(span == null) return; span.down("A").observe("mouseover", function(e) { Post.hover_info_mouseover(post_id); }); span.down("A").observe("mouseout", function(e) { if(e.relatedTarget && e.relatedTarget.isParentNode(overlay)) return; Post.hover_info_mouseout(); }); }); overlay.observe("mouseout", function(e) { Post.hover_info_mouseout(); }); }, highlight_posts_with_tag: function(tag) { Post.posts.each(function(p) { var post_id = p[0] var post = p[1] var thumb = $("p" +; if(!thumb) return; // console.log(tag, post.tags); if(tag && post.tags.indexOf(tag) != -1) { thumb.addClassName("highlighted-post"); } else { thumb.removeClassName("highlighted-post"); } }); }, reparent_post: function(post_id, old_parent_id, has_grandparent, finished) { /* If the parent has a parent, this is too complicated to handle automatically. */ if(has_grandparent) { alert("The parent post has a parent, so this post can't be automatically reparented."); return; } /* * Request a list of child posts. * The parent post itself will be returned by parent:. This is expected; it'll cause us * to parent the post to itself, which unparents it from the old parent. */ var change_requests = []; new Ajax.Request("/post.json", { parameters: { tags: "parent:" + old_parent_id }, onComplete: function(resp) { var resp = resp.responseJSON for(var i = 0; i < resp.length; ++i) { var post = resp[i]; if( == old_parent_id && post.parent_id != null) { alert("The parent post has a parent, so this post can't be automatically reparented."); return; } change_requests.push({ id: resp[i].id, tags: "parent:" + post_id, old_tags: "" }); } /* We have the list of changes to make in change_requests. Send a batch * request. */ if(finished == null) finished = function() { document.location.reload() }; Post.update_batch(change_requests, finished); } }); }, get_url_for_post_in_pool: function(post_id, pool_id) { return "/post/show/" + post_id + "?pool_id=" + pool_id; }, jump_to_post_in_pool: function(post_id, pool_id) { if(post_id == null) { notice("No more posts in this pool"); return; } window.location.href = Post.get_url_for_post_in_pool(post_id, pool_id); }, /* * If the user has global browser links enabled, apply them. This changes all links * from /post/show/123 to /post/browse#123, and /pool/show/123 to /post/browse#/pool:123. * * We do this in JS, so it applies without affecting memcached pages, and applies to * things like preformatted, translated DText blocks. * * This is only done if the user's "Use post browser" (User.use_browser) setting is enabled. */ InitBrowserLinks: function() { if(!User.get_use_browser()) return; /* * Break out the controller, action, ID and anchor: * */ var parse_url = function(href) { var match = href.match(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)\/([a-z]+)\/([a-z]+)\/([0-9]+)([^#]*)(#.*)?$/); if(!match) return null; return { controller: match[2], action: match[3], id: match[4], hash: match[6] }; } /* * Parse an index search URL and return the tags. Only accept URLs with no other parameters; * this shouldn't match the paginator in post/index. * * */ var parse_index_url = function(href) { var match = href.match(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)\/post(\/index)?\?tags=([^&]*)$/); if(!match) return null; return match[3]; } /* If the current page is /pool/show, make post links include both the post ID and * the pool ID, eg. "#12345/pool:123". */ var current = parse_url(document.location.href); var current_pool_id = null; if(current && current.controller == "pool" && current.action == "show") current_pool_id =; $$("A").each(function(a) { if(a.hasClassName("no-browser-link") || a.up(".no-browser-link")) return; var tags = parse_index_url(a.href); if(tags != null) { a.href = "/post/browse#/" + tags; return; } var target = parse_url(a.href); if(!target) return; /* If the URL has a hash, then it's something like a post comment link, so leave it * alone. */ if(target.hash) return; if(target.controller == "post" && target.action == "show") { var url = "/post/browse#" +; if(current_pool_id != null) url += "/pool:" + current_pool_id; a.browse_href = url; a.orig_href = a.href; } else if(target.controller == "pool" && target.action == "show") { a.browse_href = "/post/browse#/pool:" +; a.orig_href = a.href; } if(a.browse_href) a.href = a.browse_href; }); }, /* Handle the sample URL cache. This allows pages that statically know sample URLs for * files (post/index) to communicate that to dynamic pages that normally get it from * XHR (post/browse). */ cached_sample_urls: null, /* Return an object containing cached sample URLs, eg. {"12345": ""}. * If the browser lacks support for this, return null. If the stored data is invalid or doesn't * yet exist, return {}. */ get_cached_sample_urls: function() { if(LocalStorageDisabled()) return null; /* If the data format is out of date, clear it. */ if(localStorage.sample_url_format != 2) Post.clear_sample_url_cache(); if(Post.cached_sample_urls != null) return Post.cached_sample_urls; try { var sample_urls = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.sample_urls); } catch(SyntaxError) { return {}; } if(sample_urls == null) return {}; Post.cached_sample_urls = sample_urls; return sample_urls; }, clear_sample_url_cache: function() { if("sample_urls" in localStorage) delete window.localStorage.sample_urls; if("sample_url_fifo" in localStorage) delete window.localStorage.sample_url_fifo; localStorage.sample_url_format = 2; }, /* Save all loaded posts to the sample URL cache, and expire old data. */ cache_sample_urls: function() { var sample_urls = Post.get_cached_sample_urls(); if(sample_urls == null) return; /* Track post URLs in the order we see them, and push old data out. */ var fifo = window.localStorage.sample_url_fifo || null; fifo = fifo? fifo.split(","): []; Post.posts.each(function(id_and_post) { var post = id_and_post[1]; if(post.sample_url) sample_urls[] = post.sample_url; fifo.push(; }); /* Erase all but the most recent 1000 items. */ fifo = fifo.splice(-1000); /* Make a set of the FIFO, so we can do lookups quickly. */ var fifo_set = {} fifo.each(function(post_id) { fifo_set[post_id] = true; }); /* Make a list of items no longer in the FIFO to be deleted. */ var post_ids_to_expire = []; for(post_id in sample_urls) { if(!(post_id in fifo_set)) post_ids_to_expire.push(post_id); } /* Erase items no longer in the FIFO. */ post_ids_to_expire.each(function(post_id) { delete sample_urls[post_id]; }); /* Save the cached items and FIFO back to localStorage. */ Post.cached_sample_urls = sample_urls; try { window.localStorage.sample_urls = JSON.stringify(sample_urls); window.localStorage.sample_url_fifo = fifo.join(","); } catch(e) { /* If this fails for some reason, clear the data. */ Post.clear_sample_url_cache(); throw(e); } }, prompt_to_delete: function(post_id, completed) { if(completed == null) completed = function() { window.location.reload(); }; var flag_detail = Post.posts.get(post_id).flag_detail var default_reason = flag_detail? flag_detail.reason:""; var reason = prompt('Reason:', default_reason); if(!reason) return false; Post.approve(post_id, reason, completed); return true; } }