ReferralBanner = function(ref) { /* Stop if > privileged: */ if(User.get_current_user_level() > 30) { this.container = null; return; } this.container = ref; if(!ref) return; this.container.down(".close-button").on("click", function(e) { e.stop(); this.container.removeClassName("shown"); }.bind(this)); } ReferralBanner.prototype.show_referral = function() { if(!this.container) return;; /* If we don't defer after removing display: none, the -webkit-transition won't transition * from the correct position. */ (function() { this.container.addClassName("shown"); }).bind(this).defer(); } ReferralBanner.prototype.increment_view_count = function() { var view_count = Cookie.get_int("viewed"); ++view_count; Cookie.put("viewed", view_count); return view_count; } ReferralBanner.prototype.increment_views_and_check_referral = function() { var delay_between_referral_reset = 60*60*24; var view_count_before_referral = 9999; var view_count = this.increment_view_count(); /* sref is the last time we showed the referral. As long as it's set, we won't show * it again. */ var referral_last_shown = Cookie.get_int("sref"); var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; /* If the last time the referral was shown was a long time ago, clear everything and start over. * Once we clear this, vref is set and we'll start counting views from there. * * Also clear the timer if it's in the future; this can happen if the clock was adjusted. */ if(referral_last_shown && (referral_last_shown > now || now - referral_last_shown >= delay_between_referral_reset)) { Cookie.put("sref", 0); referral_last_shown = 0; Cookie.put("vref", view_count - 1); } if(referral_last_shown) return; var view_count_start = Cookie.get_int("vref"); if(view_count >= view_count_start && view_count - view_count_start < view_count_before_referral) return; Cookie.put("sref", now); this.show_referral(); }