en: activerecord: attributes: advertisement: ad_type: Advertisement type height: Height hit_count: Hit Count image_url: Image URL referral_url: Referral URL reset_hit_count: Reset hit count status: Status width: Width user: current_password: Current password password: Password password_confirmation: Password confirmation errors: models: wiki_page: no_change: No change in page content/title models: advertisement: Advertisement admin: edit_user: level: Level save: Save user: User index: cache_statistics: Cache Statistics edit_user: Edit User reset_password: Reset Password title: Admin reset_password: name: Name reset: Reset title: Reset Password # view: /advertisements advertisements: edit: title: 'Edit Advertisement #%{id}' index: reset_hit_count: Reset hit count title: Advertisements new: title: New Advertisement show: title: 'Advertisement #%{id}' # view: /artist artist: create: alias_for: Alias for aliases: Aliases info: Separate multiple aliases and group members with commas. members: Members name: Name notes: Notes urls: URLs destroy: confirm: Are you sure you want to delete %{name}? title: Delete Artist footer: add: Add help: Help list: List index: date: Date delete: Delete artist edit: Edit artist find: Find posts for this artist is_alias: This artist is an alias is_group: This artist is a group last_modified: Last Modified name: Name search: Search title: Artists updated_by: Updated By update: preview: Preview Notes # view: /banned banned: index: expires_in: This will expire in %{t}. permanent: This ban is permanent. reason: You have been banned batch: create: files: Files load_file_index: Load file index submit: Start Upload tags: Tags title: Queue Uploads url: URL index: cancel: Cancel all uploads clear: Clear finished uploads completed_html: Post %{id} complete exists_html: Post %{id} already exists pause: Pause paused: Paused pending: Pending queue_uploads: Queue Uploads resume: Resume retry_failed: Retry failed status: Status tags: Tags title: Batch Queue uploading: Uploading url: URL username: User buttons: _no: 'No' _yes: 'Yes' add: Add approve: Approve back: Back cancel: Cancel delete: Delete edit: Edit save: Save search: Search select: all: Select All invert: Invert Selection update: Update c: pool: not_found: "Can't find pool with id %{id}" # view: /comment comment: comment: delete: Delete edit: Edit flag: Flag for deletion quote: Quote comments: bump: Post without bumping more: more post: Post reply: Reply » edit: save: Save changes title: Edit Comment footer: help: Help list: List search: Search moderate: Moderate index: date: Date empty: No comments. hidden: Hidden score: Score tags: Tags title: Comments translation_html: Comment translation provided by %{p} user: User moderate: approve: Approve author: Author body: Body delete: Delete select_all: Select All select_invert: Invert Selection title: Moderate Comments search: author: Author message: Message post: Post submit: Search time: Time show: return: Return to post title: Comment confirmations: is_sure: Are you sure? dmail: compose: form: body: Body title: Title to: To preview: Preview preview_loading: Loading preview... send: Send title: Compose Message confirm_mark_all_read: title: Mark All Read info: Are you sure you want to mark all your messages as read? footer: compose: Compose inbox: Inbox mark_all_read: Mark all read inbox: empty: You have no messages. table: from: From title: Title to: To when: When title: My Inbox message: sent_by_html: Sent by %{user} %{x_ago} # view: /forum forum: add: post: Post title: Title edit: post: Post post_title: Title preview: Preview index: created_by: Created by help: Help is_locked: (locked) last: last mark: Mark all read new: New topic post: Post post_title: Title preview: Preview responses: Responses search: Search sticky: Sticky title: Forum updated: Updated updated_by: Updated by new: help: Help list: List post: Post post_title: Title preview: Preview title: New Topic post: delete: Delete delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this post? edit: Edit lock: Lock quote: Quote stick: Stick unlock: Unlock unstick: Unstick search: author: Author last_updated: Last Updated last_updated_by: '%{t_ago} by %{u}' message: Message post_title: Title search: Search show: help: Help list: List locked: This topic is locked. new: New topic parent: Parent post: Post preview: Preview reply: Reply # view: /help help: index: about: About Moebooru accounts: Accounts api: API artists: Artists bookmarklet: Bookmarklet bugs: Bugs cheat_sheet: Cheat Sheet comments: Comments dtext: DText faq: Frequently Asked Questions firefox_ext: Firefox Extension help: Help image_sampling: Image Sampling irc: IRC mass_tag_edit: Mass Tag Edit notes: Notes pools: Pools post_relationships: Post Relationships posts: Posts ratings: Ratings source: Source Code starting: Getting Started suggestions: Suggestions tag_aliases: Tag Aliases tag_implications: Tag Implications tag_scripts: Tag Scripts tags: Tags voting: Voting wiki: Wiki helpers: submit: advertisement: create: Create update: Save # view: /history history: index: change: Change date: Date for: History for id: Id object_type: Type redo: Redo search: Search show: all: Showing all tags changed: Showing only changed tags title: History type: all: All pools: Pools posts: Posts tags: Tags undo: Undo user: User # view: /inline inline: crop: crop_avatar: Select the region to crop all images to and press enter. This operation can not be undone. edit: add_do: Add image add_image: Add an image add_image_description: Add description add_set_description_info: click to add a description for this set copy: Copy crop: Crop delete: Delete delete_confirm: Delete this group of images? description: Description file: File move: down: Move down up: Move up preview: Preview remove: Remove image remove_confirm: Remove this image? save: Save changes source: Source tag: 'Inline tag: image #%{id}' footer: help: Help list: List index: create: Create description: Description first_image: First image images: Images user: User job_task: index: table: data: Data id: Id message: Message status: Status type: Type title: Job Tasks show: nav: list: List restart: Restart table: data: Data id: Id message: Message status: Status type: Type title: 'Job #%{id}' layout_login: "Login" layout_login: "Login" layout_login_text: "Please log in. To create a new account, enter the name and password you want to use." layout_logout: "Logout" layout_mail: "My Mail" layout_mass_edit: "Mass Edit" layout_moderate: "Moderate" layout_more: "More »" layout_name: "Name" layout_new_mail: "You have Mail!" layout_new_topic: "New Topic" layout_no_email: "You have no email address in your profile, so you can't have your password reset." layout_not_exist: "This user name doesn't exist. If you want to create a new account, just verify your password and log in." layout_notes: "Notes" layout_password: "Password" layout_pools: "Pools" layout_popular: "Popular" layout_popular: "Popular" layout_posts: "Posts" layout_profile: "My Profile" layout_random: "Random" layout_requests: "Requests" layout_reset: "Reset Password" layout_reset: "Reset password" layout_reset_successful: "Password reset. Check your email in a few minutes." layout_search_artists: "Search Artists" layout_search_comments: "Search Comments" layout_search_forum: "Search Forums" layout_search_notes: "Search Notes" layout_search_pools: "Search Pools" layout_search_posts: "Search Posts" layout_search_tags: "Search Tags" layout_search_wiki: "Search Wiki" layout_settings: "Settings" layout_site_help: "Site Help" layout_tags: "Tags" layout_unknown_user: "That account does not exist." layout_upload: "Upload" layout_view_artists: "View Artists" layout_view_comments: "View Comments" layout_view_notes: "View Notes" layout_view_pools: "View Pools" layout_view_posts: "View Posts" layout_view_tags: "View Tags" layout_wiki: "Wiki" layout_wiki_index: "View Wiki Index" layout_wrong_email: "The email address specified is not registered with this account." layouts: default: old_browser: hide: (hide this message) info: Your browser is very old, and this site will not display properly. suggestion: Please consider upgrading to a more recent web browser login: email: Email email_info: If you supplied an email address when you signed up or added a email later, you can have your password reset. info: Please log in. To create a new account, enter the name and password you want to use. login: Login name: Name password: Password password_confirm: Confirm Password popup: email_reset: "Enter the current email address you have registered in your profile. You'll get an email containing your new password." exist: This user name exists. If you want to create a new account, please choose a different name. invalid_email: Delivery to this email address has failed. no_email: "You have no email address in your profile, so you can't have your password reset." not_exist: "This user name doesn't exist. If you want to create a new account, just verify your password and log in." reset_successful: Password reset. Check your email in a few minutes unknown_user: That account does not exist. wrong_email: The email address specified is not registered with this account. reset: Reset Password menu: account: _: My Account change_password: Change Password favorites: My Favorites login: Login logout: Logout mail: My Mail profile: My Profile reset: Reset Password settings: Settings artists: _: Artists create: Create search: Search Artists view: View Artists comments: _: Comments moderate: Moderate search: Search Comments view: View Comments forum: _: Forum mark_all_read: Mark All Read new: New Topic search: Search Forums view: View Topics help: _: Help artists: Artist Help comments: Comment Help forum: Forum Help notes: Note Help pools: Pool Help posts: Post Help site: Site Help tags: Tag Help wiki: Wiki Help more: More » new_mail: New Mail notes: _: Notes requests: Requests search: Search Notes view: View Notes pools: _: Pools create: Create New Pool search: Search Pools view: View Pools posts: _: Posts batch: Batch Upload history: History image_search: Image Search moderate: Moderate popular: Popular random: Random search: Search Posts upload: Upload view: View Posts tags: _: Tags aliases: Aliases edit: Edit implications: Implications mass_edit: Mass Edit popular: Popular search: Search Tags view: View Tags wiki: _: Wiki create: Create New Page index: View Wiki Index search: Search Wiki news: close: Close settings: menu: title: Settings note: footer: help: Help history: History list: List requests: Requests search: Search history: revert: Revert revert_confirm: Do you really wish to revert to this note? table: body: Body date: Date edited: Edited By note: Note options: Options post: Post title: Note History index: title: Notes note: click: Click to edit search: search: Search title: Search Notes pool: add_post: add: Add cancel: Cancel info: 'Select a pool to add this post to:' order: Order pool: Pool title: Add to Pool copy: copy: Copy Pool name: Name title: Clone Pool create: cancel: Cancel description: Description is_public: Public? name: Name save: Save title: Create Pool destroy: confirm: 'Are you sure you wish to delete pool %{name}?' title: Delete footer: help: Help list: List new: New import: import: Import info: You can perform a tag search and import all the matching posts into this pool. search: Search title: 'Pool Import: %{name}' index: search: Search table: created: Created creator: Creator name: Name posts: Posts updated: Updated title: '%{q} - Pools' title_main: Pools order: auto_order: Auto Order info: Lower numbers will appear first. interval: Enter an interval minus_one: '-1' order: Order plus_one: '+1' reverse: Reverse title_html: 'Pool Ordering: %{name}' select_form: add: Add show: delete_mode_info: 'When delete mode is enabled, clicking on a thumbnail will remove the post from this pool.' links: copy: Copy delete: Delete delete_mode: Delete mode edit: Edit history: History import: Import index_view: Index View jpeg: Download JPGs order: Order png: Download toggle_view: Toggle View transfer: Transfer Post Data title: 'Pool: %{name}' transfer_metadata: from: from: From from_number: 'Transfer from pool number:' to: To transfer: Transfer info_truncated: "These pools don't have the same number of posts." info_truncated_warning: 'Please check that tags are being transferred to the correct posts.' info_what: 'Tags and ratings will be transferred, and the old posts will be parented to the new posts.' reverse: Reverse reverse_text_html: '%{reverse} the transfer' table: from: From tags: Tags to: To transfer: Transfer title_html: 'Transferring post data from posts in pool %{from} to posts in pool %{to}' update: form: description: Description is_active: _: Active info: 'Inactive pools will no longer be selectable when adding a post.' is_public: _: 'Public?' info: 'Public pools allow anyone to add/remove posts.' name: Name title: Edit Pool post: blacklists: add: Add hidden_posts: Hidden Posts info: Posts containing all tags will be hidden. Seperate tags with spaces. browse: by: # Posted / ago / by all_html: '%{text} %{ago} %{by}' by_html: by %{user} text: Posted child: all_html: This post has %{child}. child: child posts deleted: by: By reason: Reason title: This post was deleted. undelete: undelete download: Download edit: edit flagged_info_html: Flagged by %{user}. frames: Frames held: activate: (activate it) info: This post is held from the index by the poster. hidden: Hidden image_hidden: info: This post is not displayed due to your account settings. show: Double-click here to display the image title: Image Hidden no_result: No search results. parent: all_html: This post has a %{parent}%{make_parent}. make_parent: make this post the parent parent: parent post parent_post: Parent Post pending_info: This post is pending moderator approval. post_num_html: 'Post #%{num}' reason: Reason score: Score shown_in_index: Shown in Index source: Source delete: delete: Delete noaccess_info: (parent post hidden due to access restrictions) noparent_info: This post has no parent. If this post has been replaced, reparent this post before deleting, and votes will be transferred. parent_info: Votes will be transferred to the following parent post. If this is incorrect, reparent this post before deleting it. permanent: Destroy Permanently permanent_info: This post is already deleted. Destroying it will remove it permanently. reason: Reason title: Delete Post deleted_index: by: Deleted by post: Post reason: Reason tags: Tags title: Deleted Posts user: User favorites: title: Favorited by footer: batch: Batch browse: Browse help: Help history: History image_search: Image Search list: List mod: Moderate popular: Popular random: Random subs: Subscriptions upload: Upload hover: child: Child flagged: by_html: '%{text} by %{data}' text: Flagged hidden: Hidden parent: Parent pending: Pending post_number: 'Post #' rating: Rating score: Score index: activate: Activate all held posts ambiguous: The following tags are ambiguous edit_tags: Edit Tags held_html: You have held %{count} held_view: view maybe_you_meant: Maybe you meant mode: Mode mode_form: approve: Approve posts edit: Edit posts flag: Flag post pool_remove: Remove from pool reparent: Reparent posts script: Apply tag script view: View posts pool_view_html: Viewing pool %{pool}. moderate: down: down flagged: Flagged mod: mod parent: Parent pending: Pending prompt_reason: Enter a reason rating: Rating reason: Reason score: Score size: Size tags: Tags title: Moderation Queue uploaded_by_when_html: Uploaded by %{u} %{t_ago} (%{mod}) vote_down_html: vote %{down} popular_by_day: popular: _: Popular month: Popular (by month) week: Popular (by week) title: Exploring %{year}/%{month}/%{day} popular_by_month: popular: _: Popular month: Popular (by month) week: Popular (by week) title: Exploring %{year}/%{month} popular_by_week: popular: _: Popular month: Popular (by month) week: Popular (by week) title: Exploring %{st_year}/%{st_month}/%{st_day} - %{end_year}/%{end_month}/%{end_day} popular_recent: popular: _: Popular month: Popular (by month) week: Popular (by week) title: Exploring %{period} post_atom: data: Image data dimension: Dimension source: Source posts: empty: There is nothing to show here search: search: Search title: Search show: empty: Nobody here but us chickens! show_empty: info: This post does not exist. related: _: Related Posts next: Next previous: Previous random: Random show_partials: edit: find_artists: Find artists help: help note_locked: Note locked parent: Parent Post rating: Rating rating_info_html: Explicit tags include sex, pussy, penis, masturbation, blowjob, etc. (%{more}) rating_locked: Rating locked rating_locked_info: This post is rating locked. related: artists: Related artists characters: Related characters copyrights: Related copyrights none: None tags: Related tags save: Save changes shown_in_index: Shown in index source: Source tags: Edit Tags tags_info_html: Separate tags with spaces (%{more}) history_panel: notes: Notes tags: Tags title: History image: denied: You need a privileged account to see this image text: You need an account to see this image or wait till an OPEN ACCESS day download: _: Download info: You must download this file manually. save_flash: Save this flash (right click and save) image_footer: edit: Edit respond: Respond options_panel: add_notes: Add translation add_to_pool: Add to pool approve: _: Approve confirm: Do you really want to approve this post? delete: Delete download: image: Image larger: Download Hi-Res normal: Download favorites: add: Add to favorites remove: Remove from favorites flag: Flag for deletion history: Post history resize: Resize image set_avatar: Set avatar title: Options undelete: Undelete view_larger: View larger version pool: change: change page info_html: 'This post is %{sequence} in the %{pool} pool.' next: 'Next »' previous: '« Previous' remove: _: remove confirm: Are you sure you want to remove this post from %{current_pool}? transfer: _: transfer to parent confirm: Are you sure you want to remove this post from %{current_pool} and add the parent post instead? related_posts_panel: find: duplicate: Find dupes similar: Find similar next: 'Next »' parent: 'Up' previous: '« Previous' random: Random title: Related Posts statistics_panel: approver: Approver favorited_by: Favorited by id: PID posted: Posted posted_data_html: '%{time} by %{user}' rating: Rating score: Score size: Size source: Source title: Statistics status_notices: by: By deleted_info: This post was deleted. flagged: delete: delete info: 'This post was flagged for deletion by %{user}. Reason: %{reason}.' unflag: unflag this post held: activate: activate this post info: This post has been temporarily held from the index by the poster. parent: child: a child post child_post_html: 'post #%{child}' children: child posts has_child_html: This post has %{child}. has_parent_html: This post belongs to a %{parent}. make_parent: make this post the parent parent: parent post pending: approve: _: approve confirm: Do you really want to approve this post? delete: delete info: This post is pending moderator approval. reason: Reason resized: always_view_original: Always view original hide: Hide this message info_html: This image has been resized. %{larger} for a high-quality version. view_larger: View larger version samples_disabled: Image samples have been disabled. If you find this to be too slow, you can turn samples back on in your profile settings. similar: apply_tag_script: Apply Tag Script down: down duplicate: blacklist: Hidden Posts delete: delete your post guide: duplicate post guidelines info_blacklist_html: Your tag blacklist has hidden some potential duplicates. Use %{blacklist} in the sidebar to view hidden posts. info_delete_html: Otherwise, please %{delete}. info_guide_html: Your post may be a duplicate. Please read the %{guide}. info_reparent_html: If your post is a better version of an existing one, but the old post should remain, %{reparent} the old post. info_mark_duplicate_html: If your post is a better version of an existing one, and the old post should be deleted, %{mark_duplicate}. mark_duplicate: mark the old post as a duplicate reparent: reparent edit_posts: Edit Posts edit_tags: Edit Tags file: File flag_duplicate: Flag as duplicate flag_post: Flag Post mode: Mode mode_color: "Don't ignore colors" mode_gray: Ignore colors options: Options reparent: Reparent services: Services show_more: Show More source: Source update: Update upload: Upload this image use_all_services: Use all services view_posts: View Posts tag_script: confirm: 'Apply tag script to all of these posts?' title: Tag Script tags: title: Tags upload: already_exists: This post already exists anonymous: Anonymous Upload form: file: File find_artist: Find artist find_related: artists: Related artists characters: Related characters circles: Related circles copyrights: Related copyrights none: none tags: Related tags help: help parent: Parent rating: _: Rating info: Explicit tags include sex, pussy, penis, masturbation, blowjob, etc. source: _: Source info: You can enter a URL here to download from a website. tags: _: Tags info: Separate tags with spaces. upload: Upload guidelines: do_not: compression_artifacts: compression artifacts obnoxious_watermarks: obnoxious watermarks tags_html: Do not upload %{tags} art with_html: Do not upload things with %{with} group: Group doujinshi, manga pages, and similar game CGs together info: Please keep the following guidelines in mind when uploading something. Consistently violating these rules will result in a ban. last_word_connector_or: ', or ' limit: You can only upload %{n} today. more_html: Read the %{more_link} more_link: tagging guidelines title: Upload Guidelines posts_deleted: hide: dismiss this message notice_plural_html: Some of your posts were %{recently_deleted}. notice_singular_html: One of your posts was %{recently_deleted}. recently: recently deleted title: Upload ratings: _: Rating e: Explicit q: Questionable s: Safe record_action: "Action" record_add: "Add Record for " record_add2: "Add" record_ago: " ago" record_ago2: "" record_body: "Body" record_cancel: "Cancel" record_delete: "Delete" record_list: "List for user" record_list2: "List for all" record_pos: "Positive" record_reason: "Reason" record_record: "Record" record_reporter: "Reporter" record_submit: "Submit" record_user: "User" record_when: "When" report: "Report " report_changes: "Changes" report_end: "End Date" report_level: "Level" report_limit: "Limit" report_notes: "Notes" report_percent: "Percentage" report_search: "Search" report_start: "Start Date" report_tags: "Tags" report_total: "Total" report_uploads: "Uploads" report_user: "User" report_votes: "Report: User Votes" report_votes2: "Votes" # moderator_report is admin stuff anyways # static report_votes_text: "The following report shows user votes over the past three days." report_wiki: "Wiki" settings: api: show: info: Your API Key reset: Reset title: API Key static: index: search: Search # view: /help static1: "Help" static10: "Random" static11: "Recent Deletions" static12: "History" static13: "Upload" static14: "Bookmarklet" static15: "Firefox Extension" static16: "API Documentation" static17: "Note Updates" static18: "Tag Updates" static19: "Wiki Updates" static2: "Atom Feed" static20: "Post Uploads" static21: "User Votes" static22: "Job Tasks" static23: "Help" static24: "Aliases" static25: "Implications" static26: "Edit" static27: "List (cloud view)" static28: "List (all)" static29: "Mass Edit" static3: "Listing" static30: "Help" static31: "History" static32: "Listing" static33: "Help" static34: "Listing" static35: "Help" static36: "Listing" static37: "Help" static38: "Listing" static39: "Moderate" static4: "Browse" static40: "Help" static41: "Listing" static42: "Inline Images" static43: "Help" static44: "Listing" static45: "History" static46: "Source" static47: "Original Danbooru" static48: "Login" static49: "Signup" static5: "Image Search" static50: "Reset Password" static51: "Home" static52: "Logout" static53: "My Profile" static54: "Records" static55: "Settings" static56: "Blocked Users" static57: "Change Password" static58: "Invites" static59: "Help" static6: "Popular (last 24 hours)" static60: "Listing" static61: "Terms of Service" static62: "Edit User" static63: "Reset Password" static7: "Popular (by day)" static8: "Popular (by week)" static9: "Popular (by month)" static_comments: "Comments" static_comments_text: "A paginated list of every comment" static_domain: "Domain donated by " # credits for translation put in your nickname static_more: "A site map" static_posts: "Posts" static_posts2: " posts " static_posts_text: "A paginated list of every post" static_running: "Running Moebooru " static_search: "Search" # try to fix ago problem static_serve: "Serving " static_t1: "Posts" static_t10: "Wiki" static_t11: "Miscellaneous" static_t12: "Users" static_t13: "Admin" # terms of service should be moved to wiki? static_t2: "Tools" static_t3: "Reports" static_t4: "Tags" static_t5: "Notes" static_t6: "Artist" static_t7: "Pools" static_t8: "Comments" static_t9: "Forum" static_tags: "Tags" static_tags_text: "A paginated list of every tag" static_translation: "" static_wiki: "Wiki" static_wiki_text: "Wiki" sub_add: "Add" sub_edit: "Edit Tag Subscriptions" sub_edit: "edit" # view: /user sub_name: "Name" sub_none: "None" sub_save: "Save" sub_tags: "Tags" sub_text: "You can only create up to " sub_text2: " tag subscriptions." sub_vis: "Visible" tag: cloud: title: Tags index: title: Tags mass_edit: title: Mass Edit Tags tag_action: "Action" tag_alias: index: add: Add add_new: alias_to: Alias to info: You can suggest a new alias, but it must be approved by an administrator before it is activated. name: Name submit: Submit title: Add Alias alias: Alias approve: Approve delete: Delete pending: Select Pending reason: Reason search: Search Aliases title: Tag Aliases to: To tag_aliases: "Aliases" tag_amb: "Ambiguous" tag_cancel: "Cancel" tag_cloud: "There are no tags." tag_count: "Count" tag_date: "Date" tag_edit: "Edit" tag_help: "Help" tag_history: "History" tag_imp: "Implications" tag_implication: index: add: Add add_new: title: Add Implication info: The predicate tag is the tag that is matched against, and the consequent tag is the tag that is added. For example, a tag implication with predicate=square consequent=rectangle would mean any post tagged with square would also be tagged with rectangle. info_moderation: You can suggest a new implication, but it must be approved by a moderator before it is activated. submit: Submit approve: Approve consequent: Consequent delete: Delete predicate: Predicate reason: Reason search: Search Implications select_pending: Select Pending title: Tag Implications # tag imp tag_js: "Are you sure you wish to perform this tag edit?" tag_js_preview: "Preview" tag_js_preview_txt: "Loading..." tag_js_save: "Save" tag_list: "List" tag_mass: "Mass Edit" tag_name: "Name" tag_order: "Order" tag_popular: "Popular" tag_popular_day: "Popular by Day" tag_popular_month: "Popular by Month" # tag alias tag_popular_week: "Popular by Week" tag_posts: "Posts" tag_save: "Save" tag_search: "Search" tag_type: "Type" tag_wild: "Use * as a wildcard." time: # t: "16 days", "1 hour", etc (localized) x_ago: '%{t} ago' x_ago_html: '%{t} ago' user: change_email: current_email: Current Email current_password: Current password new_email: New Email title: Change Email Address change_password: new_password: New password title: Change Password edit: email: Email no_email: none title: Edit Account update_email: Change home: action_info: From here you can access account-specific options and features. blocked_users: Blocked Users change_password: Change Password greet_user: 'Hello %{u}!' invites: Invites login: Login logout: Logout moderator_tools: Moderator Tools my_favorites: My Favorites my_mail: My Mail my_profile: My Profile no_signup: Registration is disabled not_logged_in: You are not logged in. reset_password: Reset Password settings: Settings signup: Register title: My Account index: title: Users login: title: Login logout: title: Logout reset_password: title: Reset Password show: avatar: remove: confirm: Remove avatar? link: (remove) own_title: My Profile title: "%{name}'s Profile" show_blocked_users: title: Blocked Users signup: title: Signup # user user1: "Tag Blacklist" user10: " or edit a post." user11: "Resize Images" user12: "If enabled, large images will always be resized to fit the screen." user13: "Receive Mails" user14: "Receive emails when someone sends you a message." user15: "Show Image Samples" user16: "Show reduced large-resolution images." user17: "Use post browser" user18: "Use the post browser when viewing posts and pools." user19: "Advanced Editing" user2: "Any post containing all blacklisted tags on a line will be hidden. Separate tags with spaces." user20: "Show advanced editing controls." user21: "Language" user22: "Language to show comments in." user23: "Original (no translation)" user24: "Secondary languages" user25: "Languages to not translate from." user3: "Email" user4: "An email address is required to activate your account." user5: "This field is optional. It is useful if you ever forget your password and want to reset it." user6: "Tag Subscriptions" user7: "Edit Tags" user8: "These will be accessible when you " user9: "upload" user_address: "Address" user_address_text: "IP masks may be used, such as" user_ban: "Ban" user_banned_by: "Banned by" user_blocked: "Blocked Users" user_blocked_ips: "Blocked IPs" user_cancel: "Cancel" user_comments: "Comments" user_confirm_pwd: "Confirm Password" user_current_invites: "Current Invites" user_current_invites_text: "These are the users you have invited so far." user_deleted_posts: "Deleted Posts" user_duration: "Duration (days)" user_duration: "Duration (days)" user_edit: "(edit)" user_edits: "Edits" user_expire2: " ; expires: " user_expires: "Expires" user_fav: "Favorites" user_fav2: "Favorite " user_fav3: "Favorites" user_forum_post: "Forum Posts" user_home: "You are not logged in." user_home10: "» My Mail" user_home11: "» My Favorites" user_home12: "» Settings" user_home13: "» Change Password" user_home14: "Moderator Tools" user_home15: "Invites" user_home16: "» Blocked Users" user_home2: "» Login" user_home3: "» Sign Up" user_home4: "Signups are disabled" user_home5: "» Reset Password" user_home6: "Hello " user_home7: "From here you can access account-specific options and features." user_home8: "» Logout" user_home9: "» My Profile" user_invite_link: "Invite" user_invited_by: "Invited By" user_invites: "Invites" user_invites2: "Invite User" user_invites_text: "You can vouch for existing members and invite them to contributor status." user_invites_text2: "Are you sure you want to invite " user_ip: "IP" user_join: "Join Date" user_level: "Level" user_list: "List" user_login_text1: "Login" user_login_text10: "here" user_login_text11: "Registration is current disabled." user_login_text2: "You have not yet activated your account. Click " user_login_text3: "here" user_login_text4: " to resend your confirmation email to " user_login_text5: "You need an account to access some parts of " user_login_text6: "Click " user_login_text7: "here" user_login_text8: " to reset your password." user_login_text9: "You can register for an account " user_logout_link: "« login" user_logout_text: "Logoff" user_logout_text2: "You are now logged out of the system..." user_new_pwd: "New Password" user_note_edits: "Note Edits" user_password: "Password" user_password_confirm: "Confirm password" user_password_text: "Minimum of five characters." user_posts: "Posts" user_reason: "Reason" user_reason: "Reason" user_reason2: "(reason: " user_reason3: ")" user_rec_invites: "Recent Invites" user_record: "Record" user_record_add: "add" user_record_none: "None" user_resend: "If you haven't received your confirmation email, make sure it wasn't caught by your spam filter." user_resend_email: "Email" user_resend_submit: "Submit" user_reset: "Reset Password" user_reset_email: "Email" user_reset_name: "Name" user_reset_text: "If you supplied an email address when you signed up, or added an email later, you can have your password reset. You'll get an email containing your new password." user_save: "Save" user_send_msg: "Send message" user_set_avatar: "Set avatar" user_signup: "Signup" user_signup_email: "Email" user_signup_email_text: "Optional, for email notifications and password resets." user_signup_email_text_wa: "Required for account activation, email notifications and password resets." user_signup_name: "Name" user_signup_name_text: "Please remember your name will be easy to Google on this site." user_signup_text: "Signup" user_signup_text2: "Signups are currently disabled." user_signup_text3: "By creating an account, you are agreeing to the " user_signup_text4: "terms of service" user_signup_text5: ". " user_signup_text6: "Remember that this site is open to web crawlers, so people will be able to easily search your name." user_sub2: "Tag Subscription: " user_submit: "Submit" user_submit: "Submit" user_subs: "Tag Subscriptions" user_tag_edits: "Tag Edits" user_unblock: "Unblock" user_uploaded: "Uploaded " user_uploaded_tags: "Uploaded Tags" user_uploads: "Uploads" user_user: "User" user_user: "User" user_votes: "Votes" user_when: "When" # user record user_wiki_edits: "Wiki Edits" users: "Users" users_deleted: "Deleted" users_joined: "Joined" users_level: "Level" users_level: "Level" users_name: "Name" users_neg: "% Neg" users_notes: "Notes" users_order: "Order" users_pos: "% Pos" users_posts: "Posts" users_search: "Search" wiki: diff: title: Wiki Diff footer: list: List new: New help: Help history: title: Wiki History index: title: Wiki recent_changes: title: Recent Changes # Client side (javascript) specific translations js: comment: flag_ask: Flag this comment? flag_process: Flagging comment for deletion... flag_notice: Comment flagged for deletion quote_error: Error quoting comment delete_ask: Are you sure you want to delete this comment? delete_error: 'Error deleting comment: ' denied: Access Denied dmail: fetch_prev_msg: Fetching previous messages... prev_msg_loaded: Previous messages loaded error: 'Error: ' forum: mark_as_read: Marked all topics as read quote_error: Error quoting forum post no_translation: 'No translation: ' noone: no one said: 'said:' vote: remove: Remove vote good: Good great: Great fav: Favorite saved: Vote saved voting: Voting...