// FIXME: I think the correct way would be replacing all calls to this // with jQuery.cookie. (function($) { $.cookie.defaults['path'] = PREFIX; $.cookie.defaults['expires'] = 365; Cookie = { put: function(name, value, days) { var options = null; if (days) { options = { expires: days }; }; $.cookie(name, value, options); }, get: function(name) { // FIXME: compatibility reason. Should sweep this with !! check // or something similar in relevant codes. return $.cookie(name) || ''; }, get_int: function(name) { parseInt($.cookie(name)); }, remove: function(name) { $.removeCookie(name); }, unescape: function(value) { return window.decodeURIComponent(value.replace(/\+/g, " ")) } }; }) (jQuery);