[ 'post', 'user' ] ]; } public function author() { return $this->flagged_by(); } static public function new_deleted_posts($user) { if ($user->is_anonymous()) return 0; return self::connection()->selectValue( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flagged_post_details fpd JOIN posts p ON (p.id = fpd.post_id) " . "WHERE p.status = 'deleted' AND p.user_id = ? AND fpd.user_id <> ? AND fpd.created_at > ?", $user->id, $user->id, $user->last_deleted_post_seen_at ); # iTODO: // return Rails.cache.fetch("deleted_posts:#{user.id}:#{user.last_deleted_post_seen_at.to_i}", :expires_in => 1.minute) do // select_value_sql( // "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flagged_post_details fpd JOIN posts p ON (p.id = fpd.post_id) " + // "WHERE p.status = 'deleted' AND p.user_id = ? AND fpd.user_id <> ? AND fpd.created_at > ?", // user.id, user.id, user.last_deleted_post_seen_at).to_i // end } # XXX: author and flagged_by are redundant public function flagged_by() { if (!$this->user_id) { return "system"; } else { return $this->user->name; } } public function api_attributes() { $ret = array( 'post_id' => $this->post_id, 'reason' => $this->reason, 'created_at' => $this->created_at ); if (!$this->hide_user) { $ret['user_id'] = $this->user_id; $ret['flagged_by'] = $this->flagged_by(); } return $ret; } // public function asJson() // {(*args) // return; api_attributes.asJson(*args) // } // public function to_xml() // {(options = array()) // return; api_attributes.to_xml(options.reverse_merge('root' => "flagged_post_detail")) // } }