Terms of Service

By accessing the "app_name ?>" website ("Site") you agree to the following terms of service. If you do not agree to these terms, then please do not access the Site.

Prohibited Content

In addition, you may not use the Site to upload any of the following:

  • Watermarked: Any image where a person who is not the original copyright owner has placed a watermark on the image.
  • Poorly compressed: Any image where compression artifacts are easily visible.

Copyright Infringement

If you believe a post infringes upon your copyright, please send an email to the mailTo(CONFIG()->admin_contact, "webmaster", ['encode' => "hex"]) ?> with the following pieces of information:

Keep in mind we only respect requests from original artists or copyright owners, not derivative works.

Privacy Policy

The Site will not disclose the IP address or email address of any user except to the staff.

The Site is allowed to make public everything else, including but not limited to: uploaded posts, favorited posts, comments, forum posts, wiki edits, and note edits.


By clicking on the "I Agree" link, you have read all the terms and have agreed to them.

linkTo("I Agree", $this->params()->url ?: "/", ['onclick' => "jQuery.cookie('tos', '1');"]) ?> | linkTo("Cancel", "/") ?>