versioned_attributes([ 'tag_type', 'is_ambiguous' => ['default' => false] ]) ->versioning_group_by(['action' => 'edit']); } static public function find_or_create_by_name($name) { # Reserve ` as a field separator for tag/summary. $name = str_replace(array(' ', '`'), array('_', ''), ltrim((strtolower($name)), '-~')); $ambiguous = false; $tag_type = CONFIG()->tag_types['General']; if (strpos($name, 'ambiguous:') === 0) { $name = str_replace('ambiguous:', '', $name); $ambiguous = true; } if (is_int(strpos($name, ':'))) { list($type, $tag_name) = explode(':', $name); if (isset(CONFIG()->tag_types[$type])) { $tag_type = CONFIG()->tag_types[$type]; $name = $tag_name; } } $tag = Tag::where(['name' => $name])->first(); if ($tag) { if ($tag_type) $tag->updateAttribute('tag_type', $tag_type); if ($ambiguous) $tag->updateAttribute('is_ambiguous', $ambiguous); return $tag; } else { return self::create(array('name' => $name, 'tag_type' => $tag_type, 'is_ambiguous' => $ambiguous)); } } /* } Parse methods { */ static public function scan_query($query) { return array_unique(array_filter(explode(' ', strtolower($query)))); } static public function scan_tags($tags) { return array_unique(explode(' ', str_replace(array('%', ','), '', strtolower($tags)))); } static public function select_ambiguous($tags) { if ($tags) return self::connection()->selectValues("SELECT name FROM tags WHERE name IN (?) AND is_ambiguous = TRUE ORDER BY name", $tags); } static public function find_suggestions($query) { if (substr_count($query, '_') === 1) # Contains only one underscore $search_for = implode('_', array_reverse(explode('_', $query))); else $search_for = "%" . $query . "%"; $tags = Tag::where("name LIKE ? AND name <> ?", $search_for, $query)->order("post_count DESC")->limit(6)->select("name")->pluck('name'); sort($tags); return $tags; } static public function parse_cast($x, $type) { if ($type == 'int') return (int)$x; elseif ($type == 'float') return (float)$x; elseif ($type == 'date') { return $x; } } static public function parse_helper($range, $type = 'int') { # "1", "0.5", "5.", ".5": # (-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\d*\.\d+)) // case range if (preg_match('/^(.+?)\.\.(.+)/', $range, $m)) return array('between', self::parse_cast($m[1], $type), self::parse_cast($m[2], $type)); elseif (preg_match('/^<=(.+)|^\.\.(.+)/', $range, $m)) return array('lte', self::parse_cast($m[1], $type)); elseif (preg_match('/^<(.+)/', $range, $m)) return array('lt', self::parse_cast($m[1], $type)); elseif (preg_match('/^>=(.+)|^(.+)\.\.$/', $range, $m)) return array('gte', self::parse_cast($m[1], $type)); elseif (preg_match('/^>(.+)/', $range, $m)) return array('gt', self::parse_cast($m[1], $type)); elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)|(.+)/', $range, $m)) { $items = explode(',', $range); foreach ($items as &$val) { $val = self::parse_cast($val, $type); unset($val); } return array('in', $items); } else return array('eq', self::parse_cast($range, $type)); } static public function parse_query($query, $options = array()) { $q = array('include' => array(), 'exclude' => array(), 'related' => array()); foreach (self::scan_query($query) as $token) { if (preg_match('/^([qse])$/', $token, $m)) { $q['rating'] = $m[1]; continue; } if (preg_match('/^(unlocked|deleted|ext|user|sub|vote|-vote|fav|md5|-rating|rating|width|height|mpixels|score|source|id|date|pool|-pool|parent|order|change|holds|pending|shown|limit):(.+)$/', $token, $m)) { if ($m[1] == "user") $q['user'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "vote") { list($vote, $user) = explode(':', $m[2]); if ($user = User::where(['name' => $user])->first()) $user_id = $user->id; else $user_id = null; $q['vote'] = array(self::parse_helper($vote), $user_id); } elseif ($m[1] == "-vote") { if ($user = User::where(['name' => $m[2]])->first()) $user_id = $user->id; else $user_id = null; $q['vote_negated'] = $user_id; // $q['vote_negated'] = User.find_by_name_nocase($m[2]).id rescue nil if (!$q['vote_negated']) $q['error'] = "no user named ".$m[2]; } elseif ($m[1] == "fav") $q['fav'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "sub") $q['subscriptions'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "md5") $q['md5'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "-rating") $q['rating_negated'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "rating") $q['rating'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "id") $q['post_id'] = self::parse_helper($m[2]); elseif ($m[1] == "width") $q['width'] = self::parse_helper($m[2]); elseif ($m[1] == "height") $q['height'] = self::parse_helper($m[2]); elseif ($m[1] == "mpixels") $q['mpixels'] = self::parse_helper($m[2], 'float'); elseif ($m[1] == "score") $q['score'] = self::parse_helper($m[2]); elseif ($m[1] == "source") $q['source'] = $m[2].'%'; elseif ($m[1] == "date") $q['date'] = self::parse_helper($m[2], 'date'); elseif ($m[1] == "pool") { $q['pool'] = $m[2]; if (preg_match('/^(\d+)$/', $q['pool'])) $q['pool'] = (int)$q['pool']; } elseif ($m[1] == "-pool") { $pool = $m[2]; if (preg_match('/^(\d+)$/', $pool)) $pool = (int)$pool; $q['exclude_pools'][] = $pool; } elseif ($m[1] == "parent") $q['parent_id'] = $m[2] == "none" ? false : (int)$m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "order") $q['order'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "unlocked") $m[2] == "rating" && $q['unlocked_rating'] = true; elseif ($m[1] == "deleted") { # This naming is slightly odd, to retain API compatibility with Danbooru's "deleted:true" # search flag. if ($m[2] == "true") $q['show_deleted_only'] = true; elseif ($m[2] == "all") $q['show_deleted_only'] = false; # all posts, deleted or not } elseif ($m[1] == "ext") $q['ext'] = $m[2]; elseif ($m[1] == "change") $q['change'] = self::parse_helper($m[2]); elseif ($m[1] == "shown") $q['shown_in_index'] = ($m[2] == "true"); elseif ($m[1] == "holds") { if ($m[2] == "true" or $m[2] == "only") $q['show_holds'] = 'only'; elseif ($m[2] == "all") $q['show_holds'] = 'yes'; # all posts, held or not elseif ($m[2] == "false") $q['show_holds'] = 'hide'; } elseif ($m[1] == "pending") { if ($m[2] == "true" or $m[2] == "only") $q['show_pending'] = 'only'; elseif ($m[2] == "all") $q['show_pending'] = 'yes'; # all posts, pending or not elseif ($m[2] == "false") $q['show_pending'] = 'hide'; } elseif ($m[1] == "limit") $q['limit'] = $m[2]; } elseif (substr($token, 0, 1) == '-' && strlen($token) > 1) { $q['exclude'][] = substr($token, 1); } elseif (substr($token, 0, 1) == '~' && strlen($token) > 1) { $q['include'][] = substr($token, 1); } elseif (is_int(strpos($token, '*'))) { $matches = Tag::where("name LIKE ?", str_replace('*', '%', $token))->select("name, post_count")->limit(25)->order("post_count DESC")->pluck('name'); !$matches && $matches = array('~no_matches~'); $q['include'] = array_merge($q['include'], $matches); } else $q['related'][] = $token; } if (empty($options['skip_aliasing'])) { $q['exclude'] && $q['exclude'] = TagAlias::to_aliased($q['exclude']); $q['include'] && $q['include'] = TagAlias::to_aliased($q['include']); $q['related'] && $q['related'] = TagAlias::to_aliased($q['related']); } return $q; } /* } { */ static public function compact_tags($tags, $max_len) { if (strlen($tags) < $max_len) return $tags; $split_tags = explode(' ', $tags); # Put long tags first, so we don't remove every tag because of one very long one. usort($split_tags, function($a, $b) { $a_len = strlen($a); $b_len = strlen($b); if ($a_len == $b_len) return 0; return $a_len > $b_len ? 1 : -1; }); # Tag types that we're allowed to remove: $length = strlen($tags); foreach (array_keys($split_tags) as $i) { $length -= strlen($split_tags[$i]) + 1; $split_tags[$i] = null; if ($length <= $max_len) break; } sort($split_tags); return trim(implode(' ', $split_tags)); } static public function count_by_period($start, $stop, array $options = array()) { $options['limit'] = !isset($options['limit']) || !ctype_digit((string)$options['limit']) ? 50 : (int)$options['limit']; !isset($options['exclude_types']) && $options['exclude_types'] = array(); $sql = 'SELECT (SELECT name FROM tags WHERE id = pt.tag_id) AS name, COUNT(pt.tag_id) AS post_count FROM posts p, posts_tags pt, tags t WHERE p.created_at BETWEEN ? AND ? AND = pt.post_id AND pt.tag_id = AND t.tag_type IN (?) GROUP BY pt.tag_id ORDER BY post_count DESC LIMIT '.$options['limit']; $tag_types_to_show = array_diff(Tag::tag_type_indexes(), $options['exclude_types']); $counts = self::connection()->select($sql, $start, $stop, $tag_types_to_show); return $counts; } static public function type_name_helper($tag_name) # :nodoc: { $tag = Tag::where("name = ?", $tag_name)->select("tag_type")->first(); if (!$tag) return "general"; else return self::_type_map($tag->tag_type); } # Find the tag type name of a tag. # # === Parameters # * :tag_name:: The tag name to search for # TODO static public function type_name($tag_name) { return Rails::cache()->fetch('tag_type.' . $tag_name, ['expires_in' => '1 day'], function() use ($tag_name) { return self::type_name_helper(str_replace(' ', '_', $tag_name)); }); } static public function tag_type_indexes() { $all = array_unique(array_values(CONFIG()->tag_types)); sort($all); return $all; } static public function tag_list_order($tag_type) { switch ($tag_type) { case "artist" : return 0; case "circle" : return 1; case "copyright": return 2; case "character": return 3; case "general" : return 5; case "faults" : return 6; default : return 4; } } static public function type_name_from_value($type_value) { $type = array_search($type_value, CONFIG()->tag_types); if ($type) return strtolower($type); } static public function batch_get_tag_types_for_posts($posts) { $tags = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $post->tags()); } return self::batch_get_tag_types($tags); } # Get all tag types for the given tags. static public function batch_get_tag_types($post_tags) { $types = []; foreach ($post_tags as $tag) { $types[$tag] = self::type_name($tag); } return $types; // $post_tags = // post_tags_key = post_tags.each_with_object([]) { |t, k| k << { :tag_type => t } } // # Without this, the following splat will eat the last argument because // # it'll be considered an option instead of key (being a hash). // post_tags_key << {} // results = {} // Rails.cache.read_multi(*post_tags_key).each do |cache_key, value| // # The if cache_key is required since there's small chance read_multi // # returning nil key on certain key names. // results[cache_key[:tag_type]] = value if cache_key // end // (post_tags - results.keys).each do |tag| // results[tag] = type_name(tag) // end // return results } # Returns tags (with type specified by input) related by input tag # In array of hashes. # Hash in format { 'name' => tag_name, 'post_count' => tag_post_count } static public function calculate_related_by_type($tag, $type, $limit = 25) { # iTODO: cache key. return Rails::cache()->fetch('category.reltags_by_type;type.' . $type . '.tag.' . $tag, ['expires_in' => '1 hour'], function() use ($tag, $type, $limit) { $sql = " SELECT, tags.post_count FROM tags JOIN posts_tags pt ON = pt.tag_id JOIN posts ON pt.post_id = INNER JOIN posts_tags pti ON = pti.post_id JOIN tags ti ON pti.tag_id = WHERE posts.status != 'deleted' AND IN (?) AND tags.tag_type = ? GROUP BY LIMIT " . (int)$limit; $rows = self::connection()->select($sql, $tag, $type); $reduced = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $reduced[] = ['name' => $row['name'], 'post_count' => $row['post_count']]; } return $reduced; // return Post::select('posts.*, AS tag_name, tags.post_count AS tag_post_count') // ->joins('JOIN posts_tags pt ON = pt.post_id JOIN tags ON pt.tag_id =') // ->where('posts.status <> "deleted"')->where(' IN (?)', $tag) // ->where('tags.tag_type = ?', $type)->group('')->limit($limit) // ->take()->reduce([], function($result, $hash) { // $result[] = ['name' => $hash->tag_name, 'post_count' => $hash->tag_post_count]; // return $result; // }); }); } static public function find_related($tags) { if (is_array($tags)) { if (count($tags) == 1) # Replace tags array into its first element # to be searched again later below. $tags = current($tags); else return self::calculate_related($tags); } if ($tags) { $t = self::where(['name' => $tags])->first(); if ($t) return $t->related(); } return []; } // static public function find_related($tags) // { // if (is_array($tags) && count($tags) > 1) // return self::calculate_related($tags); // elseif ($tags = current($tags)) { // $t = Tag::find_by_name($tags); // if ($t) // return $t->related(); // } // return array(); // } static public function calculate_related($tags) { if (!$tags) return array(); !is_array($tags) && $tags = array($tags); return Rails::cache()->fetch('category.reltags.tags.' . implode(',', $tags), ['expires_in' => '1 hour'], function() use ($tags) { $from = array("posts_tags pt0"); $cond = array("pt0.post_id = pt1.post_id"); $sql = "SELECT "; # Ignore deleted posts in pt0, so the count excludes them. $cond[] = "(SELECT TRUE FROM posts p0 WHERE = pt0.post_id AND p0.status <> 'deleted')"; foreach (range(1, count($tags)) as $i) $from[] = "posts_tags pt" . $i; if (count($tags) > 1) { foreach (range(2, count($tags)) as $i) $cond[] = "pt1.post_id = pt".$i.".post_id"; } foreach (range(1, count($tags)) as $i) $cond[] = "pt".$i.".tag_id = (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE name = ?)"; $sql .= "(SELECT name FROM tags WHERE id = pt0.tag_id) AS tag, COUNT(*) AS tag_count"; $sql .= " FROM " . implode(', ', $from); $sql .= " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $cond); $sql .= " GROUP BY pt0.tag_id"; $sql .= " ORDER BY tag_count DESC LIMIT 25"; array_unshift($tags, $sql); $tags = self::connection()->query($tags); if (!$tags) return array(); $calc = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) $calc[] = array($tag['tag'], $tag['tag_count']); return $calc; }); } # Return the cache version of the summary. static public function get_summary_version() { return Rails::cache()->fetch('$tag_version', function() { return 0; }); } static public function get_json_summary() { $summary_version = self::get_summary_version(); $key = 'tag_summary/' . $summary_version; $data = Rails::cache()->fetch($key, ['expires_in' => '1 hour'], function() { $data = Tag::get_json_summary_no_cache(); return json_encode($data); }); return $data; } static public function get_json_summary_no_cache() { $version = Tag::get_summary_version(); $tags = self::connection()->select("SELECT,, t.tag_type, AS alias FROM tags t LEFT JOIN tag_aliases ta ON ( = ta.alias_id AND NOT ta.is_pending) WHERE t.post_count > 0 ORDER BY,"); $tags_with_type = array(); $current_tag = ""; $last_tag_id = null; foreach($tags as $tag) { $id = $tag["id"]; if ($id != $last_tag_id) { if (!empty($last_tag_id)) $tags_with_type[] = $current_tag; $last_tag_id = $id; $current_tag = $tag['tag_type'].'`'.$tag['name'].'`'; } if (!empty($tag["alias"])) $current_tag .= $tag["alias"] . "`"; } if (!empty($last_tag_id)) $tags_with_type[] = $current_tag; $tags_string = implode(' ', $tags_with_type) . " "; return array('version' => $version, 'data' => $tags_string); } static public function purge_tags() { $sql = "DELETE FROM tags " . "WHERE post_count = 0 AND " . "id NOT IN (SELECT alias_id FROM tag_aliases UNION SELECT predicate_id FROM tag_implications UNION SELECT consequent_id FROM tag_implications)"; self::connection()->executeSql($sql); } static public function recalculate_post_count() { $sql = "UPDATE tags SET post_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts_tags pt, posts p WHERE pt.tag_id = AND pt.post_id = AND p.status <> 'deleted')"; self::connection()->executeSql($sql); } static public function mass_edit($start_tags, $result_tags, $updater_id, $updater_ip_addr) { foreach (Post::find_by_tags($start_tags) as $p) { $start = TagAlias::to_aliased(Tag::scan_tags($start_tags)); $result = TagAlias::to_aliased(Tag::scan_tags($result_tags)); $tags = array_merge(array_diff(array_keys($p->tags()), $start), $result); $tags = implode(' ', $tags); $p->updateAttributes(array('updater_user_id' => $updater_id, 'updater_ip_addr' => $updater_ip_addr, 'tags' => $tags)); } } static private function _type_map($tag_type) { foreach (CONFIG()->tag_types as $type_name => $id) { if ($id == $tag_type) return strtolower($type_name); } } public function related() { if (time() > $this->cached_related_expires_on) { $length = ceil($this->post_count / 3); $length < 12 && $length = 12; $length > 8760 && $length = 8760; self::connection()->executeSql("UPDATE tags SET cached_related = ?, cached_related_expires_on = ? WHERE id = ?", implode(",", Rails\Toolbox\ArrayTools::flatten($this->calculate_related($this->name))), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+'.$length.' hours')), $this->id); $this->reload(); } $related = explode(',', $this->cached_related); $i = 0; $groups = array(); foreach ($related as $rel) { $group[] = $rel; if ($i &1) { $groups[] = $group; $group = array(); } $i++; } return $groups; } protected function init() { $this->tag_type = (int)$this->tag_type; $this->type_name = self::type_name_from_value($this->tag_type); $this->is_ambiguous = (bool)$this->is_ambiguous; } protected function validations() { return [ 'name' => [ 'length' => ['minimum' => 1] ] ]; } protected function callbacks() { return array_merge_recursive([ 'after_save' => [ 'update_cache' ], 'after_create' => [ 'update_cache_on_create' ] ], $this->versioning_callbacks()); } }