params()->post_ids) ? array_map(function($id){return (int)$id;}, $this->params()->post_ids) : array(); $changed = Post::batch_activate(current_user()->is_mod_or_higher() ? null: current_user()->id, $ids); $this->respond_to_success("Posts activated", '#moderate', ['api' => ['count' => $changed]]); } public function uploadProblem() { } public function upload() { $this->set_title('Upload'); $this->deleted_posts = FlaggedPostDetail::new_deleted_posts(current_user()); # if $this->params()->url # $this->post = Post.find(:first, 'conditions' => ["source = ?", $this->params()->url]) # end $this->default_rating = CONFIG()->default_rating_upload ?: "q"; if (empty($this->post)) { $this->post = new Post(); } } public function create() { if (current_user()->is_member_or_lower() && Post::where("user_id = ? AND created_at > ? ", current_user()->id, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 day')))->count() >= CONFIG()->member_post_limit) { $this->respond_to_error("Daily limit exceeded", '#error', array('status' => 421)); return; } if (current_user()->is_privileged_or_higher()) { $status = "active"; } else { $status = "pending"; } if ($this->params()->anonymous == '1' and current_user()->is_contributor_or_higher()) { $user_id = null; // # FIXME: someone track down the user of Thread evilry here and nuke // # it please? // $this->session()->delete('danbooru-user'); // $this->session()->delete('danbooru-user_id'); // $this->session->danbooru-ip_addr = $this->request()->remoteIp()); } else { $user_id = current_user()->id; } // $is_upload = array_key_exists('post', $_FILES); # iTODO $post_params = array_merge($this->params()->post ?: array(), array( 'updater_user_id' => current_user()->id, 'updater_ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp(), 'user_id' => current_user()->id, 'ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp(), 'status' => $status, 'tempfile_path' => $_FILES['post']['tmp_name']['file'], 'tempfile_name' => $_FILES['post']['name']['file'], 'is_import' => false, # Make sure to keep this value false // 'tempfile_path' => $is_upload ? $_FILES['post']['tmp_name']['file'] : null, // 'tempfile_name' => $is_upload ? $_FILES['post']['name']['file'] : null, // 'is_upload' => $is_upload, )); $this->post = Post::create($post_params); if ($this->post->errors()->blank()) { if ($this->params()->md5 && $this->post->md5 != strtolower($this->params()->md5)) { $this->post->destroy(); $this->respond_to_error("MD5 mismatch", '#error', array('status' => 420)); } else { $api_data = array('post_id' => $this->post->id, 'location' => $this->urlFor(array('post#show', 'id' => $this->post->id))); if (CONFIG()->dupe_check_on_upload && $this->post->image() && !$this->post->parent_id) { if ($this->params()->format == "xml" || $this->params()->format == "json") { # iTODO // $options = array('services' => SimilarImages::get_services("local"), 'type' => 'post', 'source' => $this->post); // $res = SimilarImages::similar_images($options); // if (!empty($res['posts'])( { // $this->post->tags = $this->post->tags() . " possible_duplicate"; // $this->post->save(); // $api_data['has_similar_hits'] = true; // } } $api_data['similar_location'] = $this->urlFor(array('post#similar', 'id' => $this->post->id, 'initial' => 1)); $this->respond_to_success("Post uploaded", array('post#similar', 'id' => $this->post->id, 'initial' => 1), array('api' => $api_data)); } else { $this->respond_to_success("Post uploaded", array('post#show', 'id' => $this->post->id, 'tag_title' => $this->post->tag_title()), array('api' => $api_data)); } } } elseif ($this->post->errors()->on('md5')) { $p = Post::where(['md5' => $this->post->md5])->first(); $update = array('tags' => $p->cached_tags . " " . (isset($this->params()->post['tags']) ? $this->params()->post['tags'] : ''), 'updater_user_id' => $this->session()->user_id, 'updater_ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp()); if (!$p->source && $this->post->source) $update['source'] = $this->post->source; $p->updateAttributes($update); $api_data = array( 'location' => $this->urlFor(array('post#show', 'id' => $p->id)), 'post_id' => $p->id ); $this->respond_to_error("Post already exists", array('post#show', 'id' => $p->id, 'tag_title' => $this->post->tag_title()), array('api' => $api_data, 'status' => 423)); } else { $this->respond_to_error($this->post, '#error'); } } public function moderate() { $this->set_title('Moderation Queue'); if ($this->request()->isPost()) { $posts = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection(); if ($this->params()->ids) { foreach (array_keys($this->params()->ids) as $post_id) { $post = Post::find($post_id); if ($this->params()->commit == "Approve") $post->approve(current_user()->id); elseif ($this->params()->commit == "Delete") { $post->destroy_with_reason(($this->params()->reason ? $this->params()->reason : $this->params()->reason2), current_user()); # Include post data for the parent: deleted posts aren't counted as children, so # their has_children attribute may change. if ($post->parent_id) $posts[] = $post->get_parent(); } # Post may have been permanently deleted. if (!CONFIG()->delete_posts_permanently) { $post->reload(); } $posts[] = $post; } } $posts->unique(); if ($this->request()->format() == "json" || $this->request()->format() == "xml") $api_data = Post::batch_api_data($posts->members()); else $api_data = array(); if ($this->params()->commit == "Approve") $this->respond_to_success("Post approved", "#moderate", array('api' => $api_data)); elseif ($this->params()->commit == "Delete") $this->respond_to_success("Post deleted", "#moderate", array('api' => $api_data)); } else { if ($this->params()->query) { list($sql, $params) = Post::generate_sql($this->params()->query, array('pending' => true, 'order' => "id desc")); $this->pending_posts = Post::findBySql($sql, $params); list($sql, $params) = Post::generate_sql($this->params()->query, array('flagged' => true, 'order' => "id desc")); $this->flagged_posts = Post::findBySql($sql, $params); } else { $this->pending_posts = Post::where("status = 'pending'")->order("id desc")->take(); $this->flagged_posts = Post::where("status = 'flagged'")->order("id desc")->take(); } } } public function update() { $this->post = Post::find($this->params()->id); if ($this->post->is_deleted() and !current_user()->is_mod_or_higher()) { $this->respond_to_error('Post Locked', array('#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id), array('status' => 422)); return; } $user_id = current_user()->id; $post = $this->params()->post; Post::filter_api_changes($post); $post['updater_user_id'] = current_user()->id; $post['updater_ip_addr'] = $this->request()->remoteIp(); if ($this->post->updateAttributes($post)) { # Reload the post to send the new status back; not all changes will be reflected in # $this->post due to after_save changes. $this->post->reload(); if ($this->params()->format == "json" || $this->params()->format == "xml") $api_data = $this->post->api_data(); else $api_data = []; $this->respond_to_success("Post updated", array('#show', 'id' => $this->post->id, 'tag_title' => $this->post->tag_title()), array('api' => $api_data)); } else { $this->respond_to_error($this->post, array('#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id)); } } public function updateBatch() { $user_id = current_user()->id; $ids = array(); if (!is_array($this->params()->post)) $this->params()->post = []; foreach ($this->params()->post as $post) { if (isset($post[0])) { # We prefer { :id => 1, :rating => 's' }, but accept ["123", {:rating => 's'}], since that's # what we'll get from HTML forms. $post_id = $post[0]; $post = $post[1]; } else { $post_id = $post['id']; unset($post['id']); } $p = Post::find($post_id); $ids[] = $p->id; # If an entry has only an ID, it was just included in the list to receive changes to # a post without changing it (for example, to receive the parent's data after reparenting # a post under it). if (empty($post)) continue; $old_parent_id = $p->parent_id; Post::filter_api_changes($post); if ($p->updateAttributes(array_merge($post, array('updater_user_id' => $user_id, 'updater_ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp())))) { // post.merge(:updater_user_id => user_id, :updater_ip_addr => request.remoteIp)) # Reload the post to send the new status back; not all changes will be reflected in # @post due to after_save changes. // $p->reload(); } if ($p->parent_id != $old_parent_id) { $p->parent_id && $ids[] = $p->parent_id; $old_parent_id && $ids[] = $old_parent_id; } } # Updates to one post may affect others, so only generate the return list after we've already # updated everything. # TODO: need better SQL functions. $ids = implode(', ', $ids); $posts = Post::where("id IN ($ids)")->take(); $api_data = Post::batch_api_data($posts->members()); $url = $this->params()->url ?: '#index'; $this->respond_to_success("Posts updated", $url, array('api' => $api_data)); } public function delete() { $this->post = Post::find($this->params()->id); if ($this->post && $this->post->parent_id) $this->post_parent = Post::find($this->post->parent_id); else $this->post_parent = null; } public function destroy() { if ($this->params()->commit == "Cancel") { $this->redirectTo(array('#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id)); return; } $this->post = Post::find($this->params()->id); if ($this->post->can_user_delete(current_user())) { if ($this->post->status == "deleted") { if ($this->params()->destroy) { if (current_user()->is_mod_or_higher()) { $this->post->delete_from_database(); $this->respond_to_success("Post deleted permanently", array('#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id)); } else { $this->access_denied(); } } else { $this->respond_to_success("Post already deleted", array('#delete', 'id' => $this->params()->id)); } } else { Post::static_destroy_with_reason($this->post->id, $this->params()->reason, current_user()); $notice = "Post deleted"; if ($this->request()->format() == 'json') $options = ['api' => Post::batch_api_data([$this->post])]; else $options = []; $this->respond_to_success($notice, array('#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id), $options); } } else { $this->access_denied(); } } public function deletedIndex() { if (!current_user()->is_anonymous() && $this->params()->user_id && (int)$this->params()->user_id == current_user()->id) { current_user()->updateAttribute('last_deleted_post_seen_at', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } $page = $this->page_number(); $query = Post::order("flagged_post_details.created_at DESC") ->select('posts.*') ->group('') ->joins("JOIN flagged_post_details ON flagged_post_details.post_id =") ->page($page)->perPage(25); if ($this->params()->user_id) { $user_id = (int)$this->params()->user_id; $this->posts = $query->where("posts.status = 'deleted' AND posts.user_id = ? ", $user_id)->paginate(); } else { $this->posts = $query->where("posts.status = 'deleted'")->paginate(); } } public function acknowledgeNewDeletedPosts() { if (!current_user()->is_anonymous()) current_user()->updateAttribute('last_deleted_post_seen_at', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->respond_to_success("Success", array()); } public function index() { $tags = $this->params()->tags; $split_tags = $tags ? array_filter(explode(' ', $tags)) : array(); $page = $this->page_number(); $this->tag_suggestions = $this->searching_pool = array(); /* if $this->current_user.is_member_or_lower? && count(split_tags) > 2 # $this->respond_to_error("You can only search up to two tags at once with a basic account", 'action' => "error") # return; # elseif count(split_tags) > 6 */ if (count($split_tags) > CONFIG()->tag_query_limit) { $this->respond_to_error("You can only search up to ".CONFIG()->tag_query_limit." tags at once", "#error"); return; } $q = Tag::parse_query($tags); $limit = (int)$this->params()->limit; isset($q['limit']) && $limit = (int)$q['limit']; $limit <= 0 && $limit = CONFIG()->post_index_default_limit; $limit > 1000 && $limit = 1000; $count = 0; $this->set_title("/" . str_replace("_", " ", $tags)); // try { $count = Post::fast_count($tags); // vde($count); // } catch(Exception $x) { // $this->respond_to_error("Error: " . $x->getMessage(), "#error"); // return; // } $this->ambiguous_tags = Tag::select_ambiguous($split_tags); if (isset($q['pool']) and is_int($q['pool'])) $this->searching_pool = Pool::where(['id' => $q['pool']])->first(); $from_api = ($this->params()->format == "json" || $this->params()->format == "xml"); // $this->posts = Post::find_all(array('page' => $page, 'per_page' => $limit, $count)); // $this->posts =, limit, count); // $offset = $this->posts->offset(); // $posts_to_load = $this->posts->per_page(); $per_page = $limit; $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $posts_to_load = $per_page; if (!$from_api) { # For forward preloading: // $posts_to_load += $this->posts->per_page(); $posts_to_load += $per_page; # If we're not on the first page, load the previous page for prefetching. Prefetching # the previous page when the user is scanning forward should be free, since it'll already # be in cache, so this makes scanning the index from back to front as responsive as from # front to back. if ($page and $page > 1) { // $offset -= $this->posts->per_page(); // $posts_to_load += $this->posts->per_page(); $offset -= $per_page; $posts_to_load += $per_page; } } $this->showing_holds_only = isset($q['show_holds']) && $q['show_holds'] == 'only'; list ($sql, $params) = Post::generate_sql($q, array('original_query' => $tags, 'from_api' => $from_api, 'order' => " DESC", 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $posts_to_load)); $results = Post::findBySql($sql, $params); $this->preload = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection(); if (!$from_api) { if ($page && $page > 1) { $this->preload = $results->slice(0, $limit); $results = $results->slice($limit); } $this->preload->merge($results->slice($limit)); $results = $results->slice(0, $limit); } # Apply can_be_seen_by filtering to the results. For API calls this is optional, and # can be enabled by specifying filter=1. if (!$from_api or $this->params()->filter) { $results->deleteIf(function($post){return !$post->can_be_seen_by(current_user(), array('show_deleted' => true));}); $this->preload->deleteIf(function($post){return !$post->can_be_seen_by(current_user());}); } if ($from_api and $this->params()->api_version == "2" and $this->params()->format != "json") { $this->respond_to_error("V2 API is JSON-only", array(), array('status' => 424)); return; } $this->posts = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection($results->members(), ['page' => $page, 'perPage' => $per_page, 'totalRows' => $count]); if ($count < CONFIG()->post_index_default_limit && count($split_tags) == 1) { $this->tag_suggestions = Tag::find_suggestions($tags); } // exit; $this->respondTo(array( 'html' => function() use ($split_tags, $tags) { if ($split_tags) { $this->tags = Tag::parse_query($tags); } else { $this->tags = Rails::cache()->fetch('$poptags', ['expires_in' => '1 hour'], function() { return array('include' => Tag::count_by_period(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-'.CONFIG()->post_index_tags_limit)), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), array('limit' => 25, 'exclude_types' => CONFIG()->exclude_from_tag_sidebar))); }); } }, 'xml' => function() { $this->setLayout(false); }, 'json' => function() { if ($this->params()->api_version != "2") { $this->render(array('json' => array_map(function($p){return $p->api_attributes();}, $this->posts->members()))); return; } $api_data = Post::batch_api_data($this->posts->members(), array( 'exclude_tags' => $this->params()->include_tags != "1", 'exclude_votes' => $this->params()->include_votes != "1", 'exclude_pools' => $this->params()->include_pools != "1", 'fake_sample_url' => CONFIG()->fake_sample_url )); $this->render(array('json' => json_encode($api_data))); } // , // 'atom' )); } // private function is_mobile_browser() // { // if ($agent = $this->request()->get("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) { // return is_int(strpos($agent, "Android")) || // is_int(strpos($agent, "BlackBerry")) || // is_int(strpos($agent, "iPhone")) || // is_int(strpos($agent, "iPad")) || // is_int(strpos($agent, "iPod")) || // is_int(strpos($agent, "Opera Mini")) || // is_int(strpos($agent, "IEMobile")); // } // return false; // } // public function atom() // { // $this->posts = Post.findBySql(Post.generate_sql($this->params()->tags, 'limit' => 20, 'order' => " DESC")) // $this->respondTo(array( // format.atom { render 'index' } // )); // } // public function piclens() // { // $this->posts = WillPaginate::Collection.create(page_number, 16, Post.fast_count($this->params()->tags)) do |pager| // pager.replace(Post.findBySql(Post.generate_sql($this->params()->tags, 'order' => " DESC", 'offset' => pager.offset, 'limit' => pager.per_page))) // end // $this->respondTo(array( // format.rss // )); // } public function show() { $this->helper('Avatar'); try { if ($this->params()->cache) $this->response()->headers()->add("Cache-Control", "max-age=300"); $this->cache = $this->params()->cache; # temporary $this->body_only = (int)$this->params()->body == 1; if ($this->params()->md5) { if (!$this->post = Post::where(['md5' => strtolower($this->params())])->first()) throw Rails\ActiveRecord\Exception\RecordNotFoundException(); } else { $this->post = Post::find($this->params()->id); } $this->pools = Pool::where("pools_posts.post_id = {$this->post->id} AND")->joins("JOIN pools_posts ON pools_posts.pool_id =")->order("")->select(",")->take(); if ($this->params()->pool_id) { $this->following_pool_post = PoolPost::where("pool_id = ? AND post_id = ?", $this->params()->pool_id, $this->post->id)->first(); } else { $this->following_pool_post = PoolPost::where("post_id = ?", $this->post->id)->first(); } $this->tags = array('include' => $this->post->tags()); $this->include_tag_reverse_aliases = true; $this->set_title(str_replace('_', ' ', $this->post->title_tags())); $this->respondTo([ 'html' ]); } catch (Rails\ActiveRecord\Exception\RecordNotFoundException $e) { $this->respondTo([ 'html' => function() { $this->render(array('action' => 'show_empty', 'status' => 404)); } ]); } } public function browse() { $this->response()->headers()->add("Cache-Control", "max-age=300"); $this->setLayout("bare"); } public function view() { $this->redirectTo(["#show", 'id' => $this->params()->id]); } public function popularRecent() { switch($this->params()->period) { case "1w": $this->period_name = "last week"; $period = '1 week'; break; case "1m": $this->period_name = "last month"; $period = '1 month'; break; case "1y": $this->period_name = "last year"; $period = '1 year'; break; default: $this->params()->period = "1d"; $this->period_name = "last 24 hours"; $period = '1 day'; break; } $this->post_params = $this->params()->all(); $end = time(); $this->start = strtotime('-'.$period); $this->set_title('Exploring ' . $this->period_name); $this->posts = Post::where("status <> 'deleted' AND posts.index_timestamp >= ? AND posts.index_timestamp <= ? ", date('Y-m-d', $this->start), date('Y-m-d', $end))->order("score DESC")->limit(20)->take(); $this->respond_to_list("posts"); } public function popularByDay() { if (!$this->params()->year || !$this->params()->month || !$this->params()->day || !($this->day = @strtotime($this->params()->year . '-' . $this->params()->month . '-' . $this->params()->day))) { $this->day = strtotime('this day'); } $this->set_title('Exploring '.date('Y', $this->day).'/'.date('m', $this->day).'/'.date('d', $this->day)); $this->posts = Post::available()->where('created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?', date('Y-m-d', $this->day), date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day', $this->day)))->order("score DESC")->limit(20)->take(); $this->respond_to_list("posts"); } public function popularByWeek() { if (!$this->params()->year || !$this->params()->month || !$this->params()->day || !($this->start = strtotime('this week', @strtotime($this->params()->year . '-' . $this->params()->month . '-' . $this->params()->day)))) { $this->start = strtotime('this week'); } $this->end = strtotime('next week', $this->start); $this->set_title('Exploring '.date('Y', $this->start).'/'.date('m', $this->start).'/'.date('d', $this->start) . ' - '.date('Y', $this->end).'/'.date('m', $this->end).'/'.date('d', $this->end)); $this->posts = Post::available()->where('created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?', date('Y-m-d', $this->start), date('Y-m-d', $this->end))->order('score DESC')->limit(20)->take(); $this->respond_to_list("posts"); } public function popularByMonth() { if (!$this->params()->year || !$this->params()->month || !($this->start = @strtotime($this->params()->year . '-' . $this->params()->month . '-1'))) { $this->start = strtotime('first day of this month'); } $this->end = strtotime('+1 month', $this->start); $this->set_title('Exploring '.date('Y', $this->start).'/'.date('m', $this->start)); $this->posts = Post::available()->where('created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?', date('Y-m-d', $this->start), date('Y-m-d', $this->end))->order('score DESC')->limit(20)->take(); $this->respond_to_list("posts"); } // public function revertTags() // { // user_id = current_user()->id // $this->post = Post.find($this->params()->id) // $this->post.updateAttributes('tags' => (int)PostTagHistory.find($this->params()->history_id).tags, 'updater_user_id' => user_id, 'updater_ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp()) // $this->respond_to_success("Tags reverted", '#show', 'id' => $this->, 'tag_title' => $this->post.tag_title) // } public function vote() { if ($this->params()->score === null) { $vote = PostVote::where(['user_id' => current_user()->id, 'post_id' => $this->params()->id])->first(); $score = $vote ? $vote->score : 0; $this->respond_to_success("", array(), array('vote' => $score)); return; } $p = Post::find($this->params()->id); $score = (int)$this->params()->score; if (!current_user()->is_mod_or_higher() && ($score < 0 || $score > 3)) { $this->respond_to_error("Invalid score", array("#show", 'id' => $this->params()->id, 'tag_title' => $p->tag_title(), 'status' => 424)); return; } $vote_successful = $p->vote($score, current_user()); $api_data = Post::batch_api_data(array($p)); $api_data['voted_by'] = $p->voted_by(); if ($vote_successful) $this->respond_to_success("Vote saved", array("#show", 'id' => $this->params()->id, 'tag_title' => $p->tag_title()), array('api' => $api_data)); else $this->respond_to_error("Already voted", array("#show", 'id' => $this->params()->id, 'tag_title' => $p->tag_title()), array('api' => $api_data, 'status' => 423)); } public function flag() { $post = Post::find($this->params()->id); if ($this->params()->unflag == '1') { # Allow the user who flagged a post to unflag it. # # posts # "approve" is used both to mean "unflag post" and "approve pending post". if ($post->status != "flagged") { $this->respond_to_error("Can only unflag flagged posts", array("#show", 'id' => $this->params()->id)); return; } if (!current_user()->is_mod_or_higher() and current_user()->id != $post->flag_detail->user_id) { $this->access_denied(); return; } $post->approve(current_user()->id); $message = "Post approved"; } else { if ($post->status != "active") { $this->respond_to_error("Can only flag active posts", array("#show", 'id' => $this->params()->id)); return; } $post->flag($this->params()->reason, current_user()->id); $message = "Post flagged"; } # Reload the post to pull in post.flag_reason. $post->reload(); if ($this->request()->format() == "json" || $this->request()->format() == "xml") $api_data = Post::batch_api_data(array($post)); else $api_data = []; $this->respond_to_success($message, array("#show", 'id' => $this->params()->id), array('api' => $api_data)); } public function random() { $max_id = Post::maximum('id'); foreach(range(1, 10) as $i) { $post = Post::where("id = ? AND status <> 'deleted'", rand(1, $max_id) + 1)->first(); if ($post && $post->can_be_seen_by(current_user())) { $this->redirectTo(array('#show', 'id' => $post->id, 'tag_title' => $post->tag_title())); return; } } $this->notice("Couldn't find a post in 10 tries. Try again."); $this->redirectTo("#index"); } public function similar() { $params = array_merge([ 'file' => null, 'url' => null, 'id' => $this->params()->id, 'search_id' => null, 'services' => null, 'threshold' => null, 'forcegray' => null, 'initial' => null, 'width' => null, 'height' => null ], $this->params()->toArray()); if (!empty($params['data_search']) && !current_user()->is_mod_or_higher()) unset($params['data_search']); if (!SimilarImages::valid_saved_search($params['search_id'])) $params['search_id'] = null; if (!empty($params['width'])) $params['width'] = (int)$params['width']; if (!empty($params['height'])) $params['height'] = (int)$params['height']; $this->initial = $params['initial']; if ($this->initial && !$params['services']) { $params['services'] = "local"; } $this->services = SimilarImages::get_services($params['services']); if ($this->params()->id) { $this->compared_post = Post::find($this->params()->id); } else { $this->compared_post = new Post(); } $this->errors = null; $this->posts = Post::emptyCollection(); $this->similar = []; $similarity = []; if ($this->compared_post && $this->compared_post->is_deleted()) { $this->respond_to_error("Post deleted", ['post#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id, 'tag_title' => $this->compared_post->tag_title()]); return; } # We can do these kinds of searches: # # File: Search from a specified file. The image is saved locally with an ID, and sent # as a file to the search servers. # # URL: search from a remote URL. The URL is downloaded, and then treated as a :file # search. This way, changing options doesn't repeatedly download the remote image, # and it removes a layer of abstraction when an error happens during download # compared to having the search server download it. # # Post ID: Search from a post ID. The preview image is sent as a URL. # # Search ID: Search using an image uploaded with a previous File search, using # the search MD5 created. We're not allowed to repopulate filename fields in the # user's browser, so we can't re-submit the form as a file search when changing search # parameters. Instead, we hide the search ID in the form, and use it to recall the # file from before. These files are expired after a while; we check for expired files # when doing later searches, so we don't need a cron job. $search = function(array $params) { $options = array_merge($params, [ 'services' => $this->services, ]); # Check search_id first, so options links that include it will use it. If the # user searches with the actual form, search_id will be cleared on submission. if (!empty($params['search_id'])) { $file_path = SimilarImages::find_saved_search($params['search_id']); if (!$file_path) { # The file was probably purged. Delete :search_id before redirecting, so the # error doesn't loop. // unset($params.delete(:search_id) return [ 'errors' => [ 'error' => "Search expired" ] ]; } } elseif (!empty($params['url']) || !empty($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { # Save the file locally. try { if (!empty($params['url'])) { $file = Danbooru::http_get_streaming($params['url']); $search = SimilarImages::save_search($file); } else { # file $file = file_get_contents($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); $search = SimilarImages::save_search($file); $options['type'] = 'file'; } } catch (/*SocketError, URI::Error, SystemCallError,*/Moebooru\Exception\ResizeErrorException $e) { return [ 'errors' => [ 'error' => $e->getMessage() ] ]; } catch (Danbooru\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { return [ 'errors' => [ 'error' => $e->getMessage() ] ]; } // } rescue Timeout::Error => e // return { :errors => { :error => "Download timed out" } } // end $file_path = $search['file_path']; # Set :search_id in params for generated URLs that point back here. $params['search_id'] = $search['search_id']; # The :width and :height params specify the size of the original image, for display # in the results. The user can specify them; if not specified, fill it in. empty($params['width']) && $params['width'] = $search['original_width']; empty($params['height']) && $params['height'] = $search['original_height']; } elseif (!empty($params['id'])) { $options['source'] = $this->compared_post; $options['type'] = 'post'; } if (!empty($params['search_id'])) { $options['source'] = $file_path; $options['source_filename'] = $params['search_id']; $options['source_thumb'] = "/data/search/" . $params['search_id']; $options['type'] = 'file'; } $options['width'] = $params['width']; $options['height'] = $params['height']; if ($options['type'] == 'file') SimilarImages::cull_old_searches(); return SimilarImages::similar_images($options); }; $this->searched = false; if ($this->params()->url || $this->params()->id || (!empty($_FILES['file']) && empty($_FILES['file']['error'])) || !empty($this->params()->search_id)) { $res = $search($params); # Error when no service was selected and/or local search isn't supported if (is_string($res['errors'])) { $this->notice($res['errors']); } else { $this->errors = !empty($res['errors']) ? $res['errors'] : []; $this->searched = true; $this->search_id = $this->params()->search_id; # Never pass :file on through generated URLs. $params['file'] = null; } } else { $res = []; $this->errors = []; } if ($res && $this->searched) { !empty($res['posts']) && $this->posts = $res['posts']; $this->similar = $res; !empty($res['similarity']) && $similarity = $res['similarity']; } if ($this->request()->format() == "json" || $this->request()->format() == "xml") { if (!empty($this->errors['error'])) { $this->respond_to_error($this->errors['error'], ['#index'], ['status' => 503]); return; } if (!$this->searched) { $this->respond_to_error("no search supplied", ['#index'], ['status' => 503]); return; } } $this->respondTo([ 'html' => function() use ($similarity, $res) { if ($this->initial && !$this->posts->any()) { // flash.keep $this->redirectTo(['post#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id, 'tag_title' => $this->compared_post->tag_title()]); return; } if (!empty($this->errors['error'])) { $this->notice($this->errors['error']); } if ($this->searched) { !empty($res['posts_external']) && $this->posts->merge($res['posts_external']); $this->posts->sort(function($a, $b) use ($similarity) { $aid = spl_object_hash($a); $bid = spl_object_hash($b); if ($similarity[$aid] == $similarity[$bid]) return 0; elseif ($similarity[$aid] > $similarity[$bid]) return 1; return -1; }); # Add the original post to the start of the list. if (!empty($res['source'])) $this->posts[] = $res['source']; elseif (!empty($res['external_source'])) $this->posts[] = $res['external_source']; } }, 'json' => function() use ($res) { foreach ($this->posts as $post) $post->similarity = $res['similarity'][spl_object_hash($post)]; if (!empty($res['posts_external'])) { foreach ($res['posts_external'] as $post) $post->similarity = $res['similarity'][spl_object_hash($post)]; $this->posts->merge($res['posts_external']); } $api_data = [ 'posts' => $this->posts, 'search_id' => $this->params()->search_id ]; if (!empty($res['source'])) $api_data['source'] = $res['source']; elseif (!empty($res['external_source'])) $api_data['source'] = $res['external_source']; else $api_data['source'] = ''; if (!empty($res['errors'])) { $api_data['error'] = []; foreach ($res['errors'] as $server => $error) { $services = !empty($error['services']) ? implode(', ', $error['services']) : array(); $api_data['error'][] = [ 'server' => $server, 'message' => $error['message'], 'services' => $services ]; } } $this->respond_to_success('', [], ['api' => $api_data]); } // fmt.xml do // x ='indent' => 2) // x.instruct! // $this->render(array('xml' => x.posts() {) // unless res[:errors].empty? // res[:errors].map { |server, error| // { :server=>server, :message=>error[:message], :services=>error[:services].join(",") }.to_xml('root' => "error", 'builder' => x, 'skip_instruct' => true) // } // end // if (res[:source]) { // x.source() { // res[:source].to_xml('builder' => x, 'skip_instruct' => true) // } // } else { // x.source() { // res[:external_source].to_xml('builder' => x, 'skip_instruct' => true) // } // } // $this->posts.each { |e| // x.similar(:similarity=>res[:similarity][e]) { // e.to_xml('builder' => x, 'skip_instruct' => true) // } // } // res[:posts_external].each { |e| // x.similar(:similarity=>res[:similarity][e]) { // e.to_xml('builder' => x, 'skip_instruct' => true) // } // } // } ]); $this->params = $params; } public function undelete() { $post = Post::where(['id' => $this->params()->id])->first(); if (!$post) { $this->respond_to_error("Post not found", ['#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id]); return; } $post->undelete(); $affected_posts = [$post]; if ($post->parent_id) $affected_posts[] = $post->get_parent(); if ($this->params()->format == "json" || $this->params()->format == "xml") $api_data = Post::batch_api_data($affected_posts); else $api_data = []; $this->respond_to_success("Post was undeleted", ['#show', 'id' => $this->params()->id], ['api' => $api_data]); } public function error() { } public function exception() { throw new Exception(); } public function import() { $import_dir = Rails::publicPath() . '/data/import/'; if ($this->request()->isPost()) { if ($this->request()->format() == 'json') { foreach (explode('::', $this->params()->dupes) as $file) { $file = stripslashes(utf8_decode($file)); $file = $import_dir . $file; if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } else { $error = true; } } $resp = !empty($error) ? array('reason' => 'Some files could not be deleted') : array('success' => true); $this->render(array('json' => $resp)); return; } $this->setLayout(false); $this->errors = $this->dupe = false; $post = $this->params()->post; $post['filename'] = stripslashes(utf8_decode($post['filename'])); $filepath = $import_dir . $post['filename']; # Take folders as tags if (is_int(strpos($post['filename'], '/'))) { $folders = str_replace('#', ':', $post['filename']); $tags = array_filter(array_unique(array_merge(explode(' ', $post['tags']), explode('/', $folders)))); array_pop($tags); $post['tags'] = trim($post['tags'].' '.implode(' ', $tags)); } $post = array_merge($post, array( 'ip_addr' => $this->request()->remoteIp(), 'user_id' => current_user()->id, 'status' => 'active', 'tempfile_path' => $filepath, 'tempfile_name' => $post['filename'], 'is_import' => true, )); unset($post['filename'], $post['i']); $this->post = Post::create($post); if ($this->post->errors()->blank()) { $this->import_status = 'Posted'; } elseif ($this->post->errors()->invalid('md5')) { $this->dupe = true; $this->import_status = 'Already exists'; $this->post = Post::where(['md5' => $this->post->md5])->first(); $this->post->status = 'flagged'; } else { $this->errors = $this->post->errors()->fullMessages('
'); $this->import_status = 'Error'; } } else { $this->set_title('Import'); $this->invalid_files = $this->files = []; list($this->files, $this->invalid_files, $this->invalid_folders) = Post::get_import_files($import_dir); $pools = Pool::where('is_active')->take(); if ($pools) { $this->pool_list = ''; foreach ($pools as $pool) $this->pool_list .= ''; } else $this->pool_list = null; } } public function searchExternalData() { if (!CONFIG()->enable_find_external_data) throw new Rails\ActiveRecord\Exception\RecordNotFoundException(); if ($this->params()->ids) { $ids = $this->params()->ids; !is_array($ids) && $ids = [$ids]; $this->posts = Post::where('id IN (?)', $ids)->take(); } else { $this->posts = new Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection(); } $this->services = SimilarImages::get_services('all'); } // public function download() // { // require 'base64' // data = $this->params()->data // filename = $this->params()->filename // type = $this->params()->type // if (filename.nil?) { // filename = "file" // } // if (type.nil?) { // type = "application/octet-stream" // } // data = Base64.decode64(data) // send_data data, 'filename' => filename, 'disposition' => "attachment", 'type' => type // } protected function init() { $this->helper('Avatar', 'Wiki', 'Tag', 'Comment', 'Pool', 'Favorite', 'Advertisements'); } protected function filters() { return [ 'before' => [ 'user_can_see_posts' => ['only' => ['show', 'browse']], 'member_only' => ['only' => ['create', 'destroy', 'delete', 'flag', 'revert_tags', 'activate', 'update_batch', 'vote']], 'post_member_only' => ['only' => ['update', 'upload', 'flag']], 'janitor_only' => ['only' => ['moderate', 'undelete']], 'admin_only' => ['only' => ['import']], 'mod_only' => ['only' => ['search_external_data']] ], 'after' => [ 'save_tags_to_cookie' => ['only' => ['update', 'create']] ], # iTODO: 'around' => [ // 'cache_action' => ['only' => ['index', 'atom', 'piclens']] ] ]; } }