A little detail: the "Add image" button was moved to a new table row, so it stands out more. Known bugs/errors: - When cropping an animated GIF inline (with a secondary JPG inline), although the images are correctly cropped, an empty error is displayed.
217 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File
217 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File
class ApplicationHelper extends Rails\ActionView\Helper
private $_top_menu_items = [];
public function html_title()
$base_title = CONFIG()->app_name;
if ($this->contentFor('title'))
return $this->content('title') . " | " . $base_title;
return $base_title;
public function tag_header($tags = null)
if (!$tags)
$tags = array_filter(explode(' ', $tags));
foreach($tags as $k => $tag)
$tags[$k] = $this->linkTo(str_replace('_', ' ', $tag), array('/post', 'tags' => $tag));
return '/'.implode('+', $tags);
# Return true if the user can access the given level, or if creating an
# account would. This is only actually used for actions that require
# privileged or higher; it's assumed that starting_level is no lower
# than member.
public function can_access($level)
$needed_level = User::get_user_level($level);
$starting_level = CONFIG()->starting_level;
$user_level = current_user()->level;
if ($user_level >= $needed_level || $starting_level >= $needed_level)
return true;
return false;
# Return true if the starting level is high enough to execute
# this action. This is used by User.js.
public function need_signup($level)
$needed_level = User::get_user_level($level);
$starting_level = CONFIG()->starting_level;
return $starting_level >= $needed_level;
public function get_help_action_for_controller($controller)
$singular = array("forum", "wiki");
$help_action = $controller;
if (in_array($help_action, $singular))
return $help_action;
return $help_action . 's';
public function navigation_links($post)
$html = array();
if ($post instanceof Post) {
$html[] = $this->tag("link", array('rel' => "prev", 'title' => "Previous Post", 'href' => $this->urlFor(array('post#show', 'id' => $post->id - 1))));
$html[] = $this->tag("link", array('rel' => "next", 'title' => "Next Post", 'href' => $this->urlFor(array('post#show', 'id' => $post->id + 1))));
} elseif ($post instanceof Rails\ActiveRecord\Collection) {
$posts = $post;
$url_for = $this->request()->controller() . '#' . $this->request()->action();
if ($posts->previousPage()) {
$html[] = $this->tag("link", array('href' => $this->urlFor(array_merge(array($url_for), $this->params()->merge(['page' => 1]))), 'rel' => "first", 'title' => "First Page"));
$html[] = $this->tag("link", array('href' => $this->urlFor(array_merge(array($url_for), $this->params()->merge(['page' => $posts->previousPage()]))), 'rel' => "prev", 'title' => "Previous Page"));
if ($posts->nextPage()) {
$html[] = $this->tag("link", array('href' => $this->urlFor(array_merge(array($url_for), $this->params()->merge(['page' => $posts->nextPage()]))), 'rel' => "next", 'title' => "Next Page"));
$html[] = $this->tag("link", array('href' => $this->urlFor(array_merge(array($url_for), $this->params()->merge(['page' => $posts->totalPages()]))), 'rel' => "last", 'title' => "Last Page"));
return implode("\n", $html);
public function format_text($text, array $options = [])
return DText::parse($text);
public function format_inline($inline, $num, $id, $preview_html = null)
if (!$inline->inline_images)
return "";
if ($inline->inline_images->any()) {
$url = $inline->inline_images[0]->preview_url();
} else {
$url = '';
if (!$preview_html)
$preview_html = '<img src="'.$url.'">';
$id_text = "inline-$id-$num";
$block = '
<div class="inline-image" id="'.$id_text.'">
<div class="inline-thumb" style="display: inline;">
<div class="expanded-image" style="display: none;">
<div class="expanded-image-ui"></div>
<span class="main-inline-image"></span>
$inline_id = "inline-$id-$num";
$script = 'InlineImage.register("' . $inline_id . '", ' . $inline->toJson() . ');';
return array($block, $script, $inline_id);
public function format_inlines($text, $id)
$num = 0;
$list = [];
$text = preg_replace_callback('/image #(\d+)/i', function($m) use (&$list, &$num, $id) {
$i = Inline::where(['id' => (int)$m[1]])->first();
if ($i) {
list($block, $script) = $this->format_inline($i, $num, $id);
$list[] = $script;
return $block;
} else {
return $m[0];
}, $text);
if ($num > 0) {
$text .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . implode("\n", $list) . '</script>';
return $text;
public function id_to_color($id)
$r = $id % 255;
$g = ($id >> 8) % 255;
$b = ($id >> 16) % 255;
return "rgb(".$r.", ".$g.", ".$b.")";
public function compact_time($datetime)
$datetime = new DateTime($datetime);
if ($datetime->format('Y') == date('Y')) {
if ($datetime->format('M d, Y') == date('M d, Y'))
$format = 'H:i';
$format = 'M d';
} else {
$format = 'M d, Y';
return $datetime->format($format);
* Test:
* To change attribute ['level' => 'member'] for ['class' => "need-signup"]
public function formTag($action_url = null, $attrs = [], Closure $block = null)
/* Took from parent { */
if (func_num_args() == 1 && $action_url instanceof Closure) {
$block = $action_url;
$action_url = null;
} elseif ($attrs instanceof Closure) {
$block = $attrs;
$attrs = [];
/* } */
if (isset($attrs['level']) && $attrs['level'] == 'member') {
$class = "need-signup";
if (isset($attrs['class']))
$attrs['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
$attrs['class'] = $class;
return $this->base()->formTag($action_url, $attrs, $block);
public function tag_completion_box($box_id, array $form = [], $wrap_tags = false)
$script = '';
if (CONFIG()->enable_tag_completion) {
$script = 'new TagCompletionBox(' . $box_id . ');';
if ($form) {
$script .= "\n";
$script .= "if(TagCompletion)\n";
$script .= ' TagCompletion.observe_tag_changes_on_submit('
. ($form[0] ?: 'null') . ', '
. ($form[1] ?: 'null') . ', '
. ($form[2] ?: 'null') . ');';
if ($wrap_tags)
$script = $this->contentTag('script', "\n" . $script . "\n", ['type' => 'text/javascript']);
return $script;
} |