
added two new ad spots, bottom of post#index and post#show. spots can be selectively activated in the booru config. by default, only original spots are active.
504 lines
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Executable File
504 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
namespace MyImouto;
* Custom configuration should be set in the config.php file,
* instead of directly modifying this file.
abstract class DefaultConfig
# The name of this booru.
public $app_name = 'my.imouto';
# Host name. Must not include scheme (i.e. http(s)://) nor trailing slash.
public $server_host = '';
# This is the same as $server_host but includes scheme.
public $url_base = '';
# The version of this MyImouto
public $version = '1.0.6';
# This is a salt used to make dictionary attacks on account passwords harder.
public $user_password_salt = 'choujin-steiner';
# Set to true to allow new account signups.
public $enable_signups = true;
# Newly created users start at this level. Set this to 30 if you want everyone
# to start out as a privileged member.
public $starting_level = 30;
# What method to use to store images.
# local_flat: Store every image in one directory.
# local_hierarchy: Store every image in a hierarchical directory, based on the post's MD5 hash. On some file systems this may be faster.
# local_flat_with_amazon_s3_backup: Store every image in a flat directory, but also save to an Amazon S3 account for backup.
# amazon_s3: Save files to an Amazon S3 account.
# remote_hierarchy: Some images will be stored on separate image servers using a hierarchical directory.
public $image_store = 'local_hierarchy';
# Set to true to enable downloading whole pools as ZIPs.
public $pool_zips = true;
# Enables image samples for large images.
public $image_samples = true;
# The maximum dimensions and JPEG quality of sample images. This is applied
# before sample_max/sample_min below. If sample_width is nil, neither of these
# will be applied and only sample_min/sample_max below will determine the sample
# size.
public $sample_width = null;
public $sample_height = 1000; # Set to null if you never want to scale an image to fit on the screen vertically
public $sample_quality = 92;
# The greater dimension of sample images will be clamped to sample_min, and the smaller
# to sample_min. 2000x1400 will clamp a landscape image to 2000x1400, or a portrait
# image to 1400x2000.
public $sample_max = 1500;
public $sample_min = 1200;
# The maximum dimensions of inline images for the forums and wiki.
public $inline_sample_width = 800;
public $inline_sample_height = 600;
# Resample the image only if the image is larger than sample_ratio * sample_dimensions.
# This is ignored for PNGs, so a JPEG sample is always created.
public $sample_ratio = 1;
# A prefix to prepend to sample files
public $sample_filename_prefix = '';
# Enables creating JPEGs for PNGs.
public $jpeg_enable = true;
# Scale JPEGs to fit in these dimensions.
public $jpeg_width = 3500;
public $jpeg_height = 3500;
# Resample the image only if the image is larger than jpeg_ratio * jpeg_dimensions. If
# not, PNGs can still have a JPEG generated, but no resampling will be done.
# Moebooru is getting confusing. For now, the max value will be used as JPEG quality.
public $jpeg_ratio = 1.25;
public $jpeg_quality = array('min' => 94, 'max' => 97, 'filesize' => 4194304 /*1024*1024*4*/);
# If enabled, URLs will be of the form:
# http://host/image/00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff/12345 tag tag2 tag3.jpg
# This allows images to be saved with a useful filename, and hides the MD5 hierarchy (if
# any). This does not break old links; links to the old URLs are still valid. This
# requires URL rewriting (not redirection!) in your webserver.
public $use_pretty_image_urls = false;
# If use_pretty_image_urls is true, sets a prefix to prepend to all filenames. This
# is only present in the generated URL, and is useful to allow your downloaded files
# to be distinguished from other sites; for example, "moe 12345 tags.jpg" vs.
# "kc 54321 tags.jpg".
public $download_filename_prefix = "myimouto";
# Files over this size will always generate a sample, even if already within
# the above dimensions.
public $sample_always_generate_size = 524288; // 512*1024
# After a post receives this many posts, new comments will no longer bump the post in comment/index.
public $comment_threshold = 9999;
# Members cannot post more than X posts in a day.
public $member_post_limit = 16;
# This sets the minimum and maximum value a user can record as a vote.
public $vote_record_min = 0;
public $vote_record_max = 3;
# This allows posts to have parent-child relationships. However, this requires manually updating the post counts stored in table_data by periodically running the script/maintenance script.
public $enable_parent_posts = true;
# Show only the first page of post/index to visitors.
public $show_only_first_page = false;
# Defines the various user levels.
public $user_levels = [
"Unactivated" => 0,
"Blocked" => 10,
"Member" => 20,
"Privileged" => 30,
"Contributor" => 33,
"Janitor" => 35,
"Mod" => 40,
"Admin" => 50
# Defines the various tag types. You can also define shortcuts.
public $tag_types = [
"General" => 0,
"general" => 0,
"Artist" => 1,
"artist" => 1,
"art" => 1,
"Copyright" => 3,
"copyright" => 3,
"copy" => 3,
"Character" => 4,
"character" => 4,
"char" => 4,
"Circle" => 5,
"circle" => 5,
"cir" => 5,
"Faults" => 6,
"faults" => 6,
"fault" => 6,
"flt" => 6
# Tag type ordering in various locations.
public $tag_order = [
# Tag type IDs to not list in recent tag summaries, such as on the side of post/index:
public $exclude_from_tag_sidebar = array(0, 6);
# Determine who can see a post.
public function can_see_post(\User $user, \Post $post)
# By default, no posts are hidden.
return true;
# Some examples:
# Hide post if user isn't privileged and post is not safe:
# if($post->rating == 'e' && $user->is('>=20')) return true;
# Hide post if user isn't a mod and post has the loli tag:
# if($post->has_tag('loli') && $user->is('>=40')) return true;
# Determines who can see ads.
public function can_see_ads($user)
return $user->is_member_or_lower();
# Defines the default blacklists for new users.
public $default_blacklists = array (
# Enable the artists interface.
public $enable_artists = true;
# Users cannot search for more than X regular tags at a time.
public $tag_query_limit = 6;
# Set this to true to hand off time consuming tasks (downloading files, resizing images, any sort of heavy calculation) to a separate process.
# @see $active_job_tasks
# @see is_job_task_active()
public $enable_asynchronous_tasks = false;
public $avatar_max_width = 125;
public $avatar_max_height = 125;
# The number of posts a privileged_or_lower can have pending at one time. Any
# further posts will be rejected.
public $max_pending_images = null;
# If set, posts by privileged_or_lower accounts below this size will be set to
# pending.
public $min_mpixels = null;
# If true, pending posts act like hidden posts: they're hidden from the index unless
# pending:all is used, and posts are bumped to the front of the index when they're
# approved.
public $hide_pending_posts = true;
# The image service name of this host, if any.
public $local_image_service = "";
# List of image services available for similar image searching.
public $image_service_list = [
"danbooru.donmai.us" => "http://iqdb.yande.re/index.xml",
"yande.re" => "http://iqdb.yande.re/index.xml",
"konachan.com" => "http://iqdb.yande.re/index.xml"
public $dupe_check_on_upload = false;
# Members cannot post more than X comments in an hour.
public $member_comment_limit = 20;
# (Next 2 arrays will be filled when including config/languages.php)
public $language_names = [];
# Languages that we're aware of. This is what we show in "Secondary languages", to let users
# select which languages they understand and that shouldn't be translated.
public $known_languages = [];
# Languages that we support translating to. We'll translate each comment into all of these
# languages. Set this to array() to disable translation.
public $translate_languages = []; // array('en', 'ja', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'es'):
public $available_locales = ['de', 'en', 'es', 'ja', 'ru', 'zh_CN'];
# The default name to use for anyone who isn't logged in.
public $default_guest_name = "Anonymous";
public $admin_contact = 'admin@myimouto';
# Background color when resizing transparent PNG/GIF images.
# Using RGB values.
# Default: [126, 126, 126] (gray)
public $bgcolor = [126, 126, 126];
# Default language.
public $default_locale = 'en';
# Use this config to enable Google Analytics. Fill in the GA Tracking ID (like 'UA-XXXXX-X')
public $ga_tracking_id = '';
* *******************************
* MyImouto-specific configuration
* *******************************
# Default limit for /post
public $post_index_default_limit = 16;
# Default limit for /pool
public $pool_index_default_limit = 20;
# For /post tag left-sidebar, show tags of posts that were posted N days ago.
# This value will be passed to strtotime(). Check out http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
# for more info.
# The leading minus sign (-) will be added automatically, therefore must be omitted.
public $post_index_tags_limit = '1 day';
# Default rating for upload (e, q or s).
public $default_rating_upload = 'q';
# Default rating for import (e, q or s).
public $default_rating_import = 'q';
# Automatically add "gif" tag to GIF files.
public $add_gif_tag_to_gif = true;
# Automatically add "flash" tag to SWF files.
public $add_flash_tag_to_swf = true;
# Enables the E/R hotkeys to jump to the edit/reply forms respectevely in post#show.
public $post_show_hotkeys = true;
# Max number of dmails users can send in one hour.
public $max_dmails_per_hour = 10;
# Only Job tasks listed here will be active.
# @see $enable_asynchronous_tasks
# @see is_job_task_active()
public $active_job_tasks = [
# Javascripts assets manifest files.
public $asset_javascripts = [
# Stylesheets assets manifest files.
public $asset_stylesheets = [
# Adds delete option to Post Mode menu in post#index, only available for admins.
# Be careful with this.
public $delete_post_mode = false;
# When deleting a post, it will be deleted completely at once.
# Be careful with this.
public $delete_posts_permanently = false;
# Enables post#search_external_data, available for any user.
public $enable_find_external_data = true;
# Enables manual tag deletion.
public $enable_tag_deletion = true;
# Enables manual tax fix count.
public $enable_tag_fix_count = true;
# Show homepage or redirect to /post otherwise.
public $skip_homepage = false;
# Show moe imoutos (post count) in homepage.
public $show_homepage_imoutos = true;
# Creates a fake sample_url for posts without a sample, so they can be zoomed-in in browse mode.
# This is specifically useful if you're not creating image samples.
public $fake_sample_url = true;
# Parse moe imouto filenames upon post creation
# These only work if filename is like "moe|yande.re 123 tag_1 tag_2" by default.
# You can modify how the filenames are parsed in the
# app/models/post/filename_parsing_methods.php file, the
# _parse_filename_tags and _parse_filename_source methods.
# Take tags from filename.
public $tags_from_filename = true;
# Automatically create source for images.
public $source_from_filename = true;
# Enable resizing image in post#show by double-clicking on it.
public $dblclick_resize_image = true;
# Enable news bar on the top of the page.
public $enable_news_ticker = true;
# Menu wiki link parameters.
# By default it links to "help:home" wiki, but not all boorus will have a wiki called
# like that. Set the value to false or null if you want to link to the wiki index instead.
public $menu_wiki_link = ['title' => "help:home"];
# By default, filenames in pool zips are named after the pool order of the post.
# The following option will show an option in pool#show that will let users
# keep pretty filenames instead (with id and tags, like in post#show).
public $allow_pool_zip_pretty_filenames = true;
# Makes the results in post#similar open in a new window.
public $similar_image_results_on_new_window = true;
# When clicking "Add translation" in post#show, instead of creating a note, a notice will
# show with info on how to create a note using the new functionality.
# Setting this to false will cause the link to create a note like before, but the new
# functionality will stay.
public $disable_old_note_creation = true;
# Only users with level equal or higher than this can see posts.
# Unless they have higher level, users won't be able to view posts or access the Post Browser,
# download pool zips and also direct-links in post lists (post#index, pool#show) will be disabled for them.
# It's recommended to combine this with anti-directlink rules in the .htaccess.
public $user_min_level_can_see_posts = 0;
# Enables tag autocomplete in various input fields.
public $enable_tag_completion = true;
# Enables tag autocomplete in the home page.
# Requires $enable_tag_completion.
public $tag_completion_in_homepage = false;
# Configuration for External Data Search job task.
# Only the needed values to be changed can be copied over the
# custom config class.
public $external_data_search_config = [
# List of server names to search data in.
# The server names listed here are just a reference to the list in the
# image_service_list option; i.e., the names listed here must also be
# listed in image_service_list.
'servers' => [
# Interval between requests, in seconds.
'interval' => 3,
# True to grab post source from the first result with source.
# Otherwise, source is not touched.
'source' => true,
# True to merge found tags with current tags.
# False to replace current tags with found ones.
'merge_tags' => true,
# Max post updates per job call.
# 0 = no limit = find data non-stop for all posts till end or error.
'limit' => 100,
# Automatically sets rating from the first similar post with rating (usually
# the best match).
'set_rating' => false,
# Exclude these tags from result tags.
'exclude_tags' => [],
# Image similarity threshold. Images with lower similarity ratio
# will be ignored.
# Set to 0 for automatic threshold.
'similarity' => 90
* Active advertisements spots.
* Remove one of them from the list and the ads in that
* page/place won't show.
* The ones commented are new, extra spots.
public $active_ad_spots = [
// 'post#index-bottom',
// 'post#show-bottom'
# Timeout for Danbooru::http_get_streaming() (used by batch upload, similar images, etc.).
# If this limit is reached, the file that's being downloaded will be invalid.
# Set to 0 to wait indefinitely.
public $http_streaming_timeout = 10;
public function __get($prop)
return null;
# Just enabling tasks won't assure a certain task is active.
# This will tell us if job tasks are enabled and if a specific task is active.
public function is_job_task_active($name)
return $this->enable_asynchronous_tasks && in_array($name, $this->active_job_tasks);
* Does a couple of checks:
* - If $user can see ads.
* - If $spot is active.
* @return bool
public function can_show_ad($spot, $user)
return in_array($spot, $this->active_ad_spots) && $this->can_see_ads($user);
* Parses image filename into tags.
* Must return an array with tags or an empty value.
public function filename_to_tags($filename)
if (preg_match("/^(?:yande\.re|moe) \d+ (.*)$/", $filename, $m)) {
return array_filter(array_unique(explode(' ', $m[1])));
* Parses image filename into source.
* Must return a string or an empty value.
public function filename_to_source($filename)
if (preg_match("/^(?:moe|yande\.re) (\d+) /", $filename, $m)) {
return 'https://yande.re/post/show/'.$m[1];