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2014-06-06 01:50:26 -05:00

361 lines
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Executable File

foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/Post/*.php') as $trait) require $trait;
class Post extends Rails\ActiveRecord\Base
use PostSqlMethods, PostCommentMethods, PostImageStoreMethods,
PostVoteMethods, PostTagMethods, PostCountMethods,
Post\CacheMethods, PostParentMethods, PostFileMethods,
PostChangeSequenceMethods, PostRatingMethods, PostStatusMethods,
PostApiMethods, /*PostMirrorMethods, */PostFrameMethods;
use Moebooru\Versioning\VersioningTrait;
protected $previous_id;
protected $next_id;
public $updater_user_id;
public $updater_ip_addr;
static public function init_versioning($v)
'source' => ['default' => ''],
# MI: Allowing reverting to default.
'is_shown_in_index' => ['default' => true, 'allow_reverting_to_default' => true],
'is_rating_locked' => ['default' => false],
'is_note_locked' => ['default' => false],
'parent_id' => ['default' => null],
// iTODO: uncomment when frames are enabled
// 'frames_pending' => ['default' => '', 'allow_reverting_to_default' => true]
public function __call($method, $params)
switch(true) {
# Checking status: $paramsost->is_pending();
case (strpos($method, 'is_') === 0):
$status = str_replace('is_', '', $method);
return $this->status == $status;
return parent::__call($method, $params);
public function next_id()
if ($this->next_id === null) {
$post = Post::available()->where('id > ?', $this->id)->limit(1)->first();
$this->next_id = $post ? $post->id : false;
return $this->next_id;
public function previous_id()
if ($this->previous_id === null) {
$post = Post::available()->where('id < ?', $this->id)->order('id DESC')->limit(1)->first();
$this->previous_id = $post ? $post->id : false;
return $this->previous_id;
public function author()
return $this->user ? $this->user->name : null;
public function can_be_seen_by($user = null, array $options = array())
if (empty($options['show_deleted']) && $this->status == 'deleted') {
return false;
return CONFIG()->can_see_post($user, $this);
public function normalized_source()
if (preg_match('/pixiv\.net\/img/', $this->source)) {
if (preg_match('/(\d+)(_s|_m|(_big)?_p\d+)?\.\w+(\?\d+)?\z/', $this->source, $m))
$img_id = $m[1];
$img_id = null;
return "" . $img_id;
} elseif (strpos($this->source, 'http://') === 0 || strpos($this->source, 'https://') === 0)
return $this->source;
return 'http://' . $this->source;
public function clear_avatars()
public function approve($approver_id)
$old_status = $this->status;
if ($this->flag_detail)
$this->flag_detail->updateAttribute('is_resolved', true);
$this->updateAttributes(array('status' => 'active', 'approver_id' => $approver_id));
# Don't bump posts if the status wasn't "pending"; it might be "flagged".
if ($old_status == 'pending' and CONFIG()->hide_pending_posts) {
// $this->touch_index_timestamp();
public function voted_by($score = null)
# Cache results
if (!$this->voted_by) {
foreach (range(1, 3) as $v) {
$this->voted_by[$v] =
User::where("v.post_id = ? and v.score = ?", $this->id, $v)
->joins("JOIN post_votes v ON v.user_id =")
->order("v.updated_at DESC")
->getAttributes(['id', 'name']) ?: array();
if (func_num_args())
return $this->voted_by[$score];
return $this->voted_by;
public function can_user_delete(User $user = null)
if (!$user)
$user = current_user();
if (!$user->has_permission($this))
return false;
elseif (!$user->is_mod_or_higher() && !$this->is_held() && (strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($this->created_at)) > 60*60*24)
return false;
return true;
public function favorited_by()
return $this->voted_by(3);
public function active_notes()
return $this->notes ? $this->notes->select(function($x){return $x->is_active;}) : array();
public function set_flag_detail($reason, $creator_id)
if ($this->flag_detail) {
$this->flag_detail->updateAttributes(array('reason' => $reason, 'user_id' => $creator_id, 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
} else {
FlaggedPostDetail::create(array('post_id' => $this->id, 'reason' => $reason, 'user_id' => $creator_id, 'is_resolved' => false));
public function flag($reason, $creator_id)
$this->updateAttribute('status', 'flagged');
$this->set_flag_detail($reason, $creator_id);
public function destroy_with_reason($reason, $current_user)
// Post.transaction do
if ($this->flag_detail)
$this->flag_detail->updateAttribute('is_resolved', true);
$this->flag($reason, $current_user->id);
if (CONFIG()->delete_posts_permanently)
// end
static public function static_destroy_with_reason($id, $reason, $current_user)
$post = Post::find($id);
return $post->destroy_with_reason($reason, $current_user);
public function first_delete()
$this->runCallbacks('delete', function() {
$this->updateAttributes(array('status' => 'deleted'));
public function delete_from_database()
$this->runCallbacks('destroy', function() {
self::connection()->executeSql('UPDATE pools SET post_count = post_count - 1 WHERE id IN (SELECT pool_id FROM pools_posts WHERE post_id = ?)', $this->id);
self::connection()->executeSql('UPDATE tags SET post_count = post_count - 1 WHERE id IN (SELECT tag_id FROM posts_tags WHERE post_id = ?)', $this->id);
# MI: Destroying pool posts manually so their histories are deleted by foreign keys.
# This is done in Pool too. This could be done with a MySQL trigger.
PoolPost::destroyAll('post_id = ?', $this->id);
self::connection()->executeSql("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ?", $this->id);
public function undelete()
if ($this->status == 'active') {
$this->runCallbacks('undelete', function() {
$this->updateAttributes(['status' => 'active']);
public function service()
return CONFIG()->local_image_service;
public function service_icon()
return "/favicon.ico";
protected function callbacks()
return [
'before_create' => ['set_index_timestamp'],
'after_create' => ['after_creation'],
'before_delete' => ['clear_avatars'],
'after_delete' => ['give_favorites_to_parent', 'decrement_count'],
'after_undelete'=> ['increment_count'],
'before_save' => ['commit_tags', 'filter_parent_id'],
'after_save' => ['update_parent', 'save_post_history', 'expire_cache'],
'after_destroy' => ['expire_cache'],
'before_validation_on_create' => [
'download_source', 'ensure_tempfile_exists', 'determine_content_type',
'validate_content_type', 'generate_hash', 'set_image_dimensions',
'set_image_status', 'check_pending_count', 'generate_sample',
'generate_jpeg', 'generate_preview', 'move_file'
'after_validation_on_create' => ['before_creation']
protected function associations()
return [
'has_one' => ['flag_detail' => ['class_name' => "FlaggedPostDetail"]],
'belongs_to' => [
'approver' => ['class_name' => 'User']
'has_many' => [
'notes' => [function() { $this->order('id DESC')->where('is_active = 1'); }],
'comments' => [function() { $this->order("id"); }],
'children' => [
function() { $this->order('id')->where("status != 'deleted'"); },
'class_name' => 'Post',
'foreign_key' => 'parent_id'
'tag_history' => [function() { $this->order("id DESC"); }, 'class_name' => 'PostTagHistory'],
protected function before_creation()
$this->upload = !empty($_FILES['post']['tmp_name']['file']) ? true : false;
if (CONFIG()->tags_from_filename)
if (CONFIG()->source_from_filename)
if (!$this->rating)
$this->rating = CONFIG()->default_rating_upload;
$this->rating = strtolower(substr($this->rating, 0, 1));
if ($this->gif() && CONFIG()->add_gif_tag_to_gif)
$this->new_tags[] = 'gif';
elseif ($this->flash() && CONFIG()->add_flash_tag_to_swf)
$this->new_tags[] = 'flash';
if ($this->new_tags)
$this->old_tags = 'tagme';
$this->cached_tags = 'tagme';
!$this->parent_id && $this->parent_id = null;
!$this->source && $this->source = null;
$this->random = mt_rand();
protected function after_creation()
if ($this->new_tags) {
$update = [];
foreach (array_keys($this->changedAttributes()) as $attrName) {
$update[$attrName] = $this->getAttribute($attrName);
protected function set_index_timestamp()
$this->index_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
# Added to avoid SQL constraint errors if parent_id passed isn't a valid post.
protected function filter_parent_id()
if (($parent_id = trim($this->parent_id)) && Post::where(['id' => $parent_id])->first())
$this->parent_id = $parent_id;
$this->parent_id = null;
protected function scopes()
return [
'available' => function() {
$this->where("posts.status <> ?", "deleted");
'has_any_tags' => function($tags) {
// where('posts.tags_index @@ ?', Array(tags).map { |t| t.to_escaped_for_tsquery }.join(' | '))
'has_all_tags' => function($tags) {
->joins('INNER JOIN posts_tags pti ON = pti.post_id JOIN tags ti ON pti.tag_id =')
->where(' IN ('.implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($tags), '?')).')');
// where('posts.tags_index @@ ?', Array(tags).map { |t| t.to_escaped_for_tsquery }.join(' & '))
'flagged' => function() {
$this->where("status = ?", "flagged");