A little detail: the "Add image" button was moved to a new table row, so it stands out more. Known bugs/errors: - When cropping an animated GIF inline (with a secondary JPG inline), although the images are correctly cropped, an empty error is displayed.
192 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File
192 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File
if ($this->inline->inline_images->size() > 0) {
list($block, $script, $inline_html_id) = $this->format_inline($this->inline, 0, "inline", "");
} else {
$block = $script = $inline_html_id = null;
<?= $this->t('.tag', ['id' => $this->inline->id]) ?>
<?php if (current_user()->has_permission($this->inline)) : ?>
| <a href="#" onclick='InlineImage.expand("<?= $inline_html_id ?>"); return false;'><?= $this->t('.preview') ?></a>
<?php if ($this->inline->inline_images->size() < 9) : ?>
<span id="post-add-button">| <a href="#" onclick="show_post_add(); return false;"><?= $this->t('.add_image') ?></a></span>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div id="post-add" style="display: none;">
<?= $this->formTag(['action' => "add_image"], ['level' => 'member', 'multipart' => true], function(){ ?>
<?= $this->hiddenFieldTag("id", $this->inline->id) ?>
<div id="posts">
<table class="form">
<th width="15%"><label for="image_file"><?= $this->t('.file') ?></label></th>
<td width="85%"><?= $this->fileField("image", "file", ['size' => 50, 'tabindex' => 1]) ?></td>
<label for="image_source"><?= $this->t('.source') ?></label>
<?= $this->textField('image', 'source', ['size' => 50, 'tabindex' => 2]) ?>
<?= $this->submitTag($this->t('.add_do')) ?>
<?php }) ?>
<div style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;">
<?= $block ?>
<div id="inline-edit">
<?php foreach ($this->inline->inline_images as $image) : ?>
<?= $this->formTag(['action' => "delete_image"], ['id' => "delete-image-" . $image->id], function() use ($image) { ?>
<?= $this->hiddenFieldTag("id", $image->id) ?>
<?php }) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?= $this->formTag('#update', function() { ?>
<label for="inline_description"><?= $this->t('.description') ?>:</label>
<span id="inline-description">
<a id="inline-description-edit-button" href="#" onclick="show_edit_desc(); return false;">
<?= $this->format_text($this->inline->description) ?>
<?php if (!$this->inline->description) echo $this->t('.add_set_description_info') ?>
<div id="inline-description-edit" style="display: none;">
<?= $this->textArea('inline', 'description', ['size' => "40x5"]) ?>
<?php foreach ($this->inline->inline_images as $image) : ?>
<div id="inline-<?= $image->id ?>" class="inline-image-entry" style="margin-bottom: 1.5em;">
<div style="height: 1.6em;">
<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">
<?php if (current_user()->has_permission($this->inline)) : ?>
<?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.remove'), "#", ['onclick' => "if(confirm('" . $this->t('.remove_confirm') . "')) $('delete-image-" . $image->id . "').submit(); return false;"]) ?>
| <?= $this->linkToFunction($this->t('.move.up'), "orderShift(" . $image->id . ", -1)") ?>
| <?= $this->linkToFunction($this->t('.move.down'), "orderShift(" . $image->id . ", +1)") ?>
<a href="#" id="image-description-<?= $image->id ?>" onclick="show_edit_inline_desc(<?= $image->id ?>); return false;">
<?php if (!$image->description) : ?>
<?= $this->t('.add_image_description') ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?= $this->h($image->description) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<span id="image-description-edit-<?= $image->id ?>" style="display: none;">
<?= $this->textFieldTag("image[" . $image->id . "][description]", $image->description, ['size' => 40, 'disabled' => (!current_user()->has_permission($this->inline))]) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?= $this->h($image->description) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<img style="display: inline" src="<?= $image->preview_url() ?>" width="<?= $image->preview_dimensions()['width'] ?>" height="<?= $image->preview_dimensions()['height'] ?>"></img>
<?= $this->hiddenFieldTag("image[" . $image->id . "][sequence]", $image->sequence, ['size' => 10, 'disabled' => (!current_user()->has_permission($this->inline)), 'class' => "inline-sequence"]) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?= $this->hiddenFieldTag("id", $this->inline->id) ?>
<?= $this->submitTag($this->t('.save'), ['disabled' => (!current_user()->has_permission($this->inline))]) ?>
<?php }) ?>
<?= $script ?>
function show_post_add()
function show_edit_desc()
function show_edit_inline_desc(id)
$("image-description-" + id).hide();
$("image-description-edit-" + id).show();
$("image-description-edit-" + id).down("input").focus();
function orderShift(id, direction) {
var first_image = $("inline-" + id);
var second_image;
if(direction > 0)
var sibs = first_image.nextSiblings();
second_image = sibs[0];
second_image = first_image;
var sibs = first_image.previousSiblings();
first_image = sibs[0];
if(!first_image || !second_image)
var swap = first_image.down(".inline-sequence").value;
first_image.down(".inline-sequence").value = second_image.down(".inline-sequence").value;
second_image.down(".inline-sequence").value = swap;
var parentNode = second_image.parentNode;
parentNode.insertBefore(second_image, first_image);
<?= $this->formTag(['action' => "delete"], ['id' => "delete-group"], function(){ ?>
<?= $this->hiddenFieldTag("id", $this->inline->id) ?>
<?php }) ?>
<?= $this->formTag(['action' => "copy"], ['id' => "copy-group"], function() { ?>
<?= $this->hiddenFieldTag("id", $this->inline->id) ?>
<?php }) ?>
<?php $this->contentFor('subnavbar', function() { ?>
<?php if (current_user()->has_permission($this->inline)) : ?>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.delete'), "#", ['onclick' => "if(confirm('" . $this->t('.delete_confirm') . "')) $('delete-group').submit(); return false;"]) ?></li>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.crop'), ['action' => "crop", 'id' => $this->inline->id]) ?></li>
<?php endif ?>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.copy'), "#", ['onclick' => "$('copy-group').submit(); return false;", 'level' => 'member']) ?></li>
<?php }) ?>
<?= $this->partial("footer") ?>