A little detail: the "Add image" button was moved to a new table row, so it stands out more. Known bugs/errors: - When cropping an animated GIF inline (with a secondary JPG inline), although the images are correctly cropped, an empty error is displayed.
46 lines
1.8 KiB
Executable File
46 lines
1.8 KiB
Executable File
<div id="pool-index">
<table width="100%" class="highlightable">
<th width="40px"><?= $this->t('.first_image') ?></th>
<th width="60%"><?= $this->t('.description2') ?></th>
<th width="*"><?= $this->t('.user') ?></th>
<th width="*"><?= $this->t('.images') ?></th>
<th width="*"><?= $this->t('.created') ?></th>
<?php foreach ($this->inlines as $p) : ?>
<tr class="<?= $this->cycle('even', 'odd') ?>" id="p<?= $p->id ?>">
<a href='<?= $this->urlFor(['#edit', 'id' => $p->id]) ?>'>
<?php if ($p->inline_images->any()) : ?>
<?= $this->imageTag($p->inline_images[0]->preview_url(), ['alt' => "thumb", 'width' => $p->inline_images[0]->preview_dimensions()['width'], 'height' => $p->inline_images[0]->preview_dimensions()['height']]) ?>
<?php else: ?>
(no images)
<?php endif ?>
<td><?= $this->h($p->description) ?></td>
<td><?= $this->linkTo($this->h($p->user->pretty_name()), ["user#show", 'id' => $p->user->id]) ?></td>
<td><?= $p->inline_images->size() ?></td>
<td><?= $this->t('time.x_ago', ['t' => $this->t($this->timeAgoInWords($p->created_at))]) ?></td>
<?php endforeach ?>
<div id="paginator">
<?= $this->willPaginate($this->inlines) ?>
<?= $this->formTag(["#create"], ['id' => "create-new"], function(){ ?>
<?php }) ?>
<?php $this->contentFor('subnavbar', function() { ?>
<li><?= $this->linkTo($this->t('.create'), "#", ['level' => 'member', 'onclick' => "$('create-new').submit(); return false;"]) ?></li>
<?php }) ?>
<?= $this->partial("footer") ?>